Chapter 272 Breakthrough

The situation on Shenghai's side was unexpectedly smooth.

Maybe it’s because the headquarters of the cooperative photography agency is over there, so I’m familiar with the roads.

Ding Qiang asked directly when Zhang Yang would arrive in Shenghai so that he could pick him up at the airport.

"Director Zhang, you have never been to Shenghai before, right? After you come, you must let me be your host and show you the customs and customs of Shenghai."

"No, you need to get down to business first. I haven't decided on my schedule yet!" Zhang Yang replied with a smile: "When the auction is over, I'll ask you to take me out to experience Shenghai's nightlife."

"Oh~ I understand, I understand."

The "corrupted" auctioneer Ding Qiang showed a lewd smile on the other end of the phone.

What does he know?

Zhang Yang is a little confused, but now he understands me more and more.

The nightlife he was talking about didn't mean champagne in the left hand and beautiful women in the right. Although it sounded good, the relationship between him and Ding Qiang was actually not very close, and they had not reached the level of having fun together.

What Zhang Yang wants to go to is the "ghost market" in Shenghai.

Ding Qiang was the tour guide he had thought of in advance.

Such a big first-tier city cannot be without ghost markets, right?

Zhang Yang has already thought about it, and when the time comes, he will bring a little seaside shock to the antique stall owners in the Magic City.

Soon it will be the day of departure.

This time, Xu Jie was the only one who accompanied Zhang Yang on the plane to Shenghai.

And he wasn't going to help with the live broadcast, he was going to Shenghai Online Love Show.

Xu Jie did not treat Zhang Yang as an outsider and showed him photos of his online dating partner.

The girl claimed to be a college student from Shenghai, but you couldn't tell from the photo.

At first glance, Zhang Yang thought the other party was the fugitive princess of a certain girl group.

The facial features and body are all made of technology and ruthless work, which makes people wonder that her purpose of having Xu Jie as her boyfriend is to lure Kaizi and pay the balance of the plastic surgery.

After all, Xu Jie is an outstanding male employee of the company. Before leaving, Zhang Yang, the boss, showed some symbolic concern:
"Ajie, how much did you have left from last month's salary?"

"There are still eight thousand. What's wrong, does the boss want to distribute the travel fund?"

Zhang Yang ignored Xu Jie's eager eyes and thought:

Scammed out of [-] yuan in online dating?This number is auspicious.

He was a little worried and asked one more question:
"Have you installed the anti-fraud APP? I heard that telecom fraud is rampant recently."

"Boss, I've been more than nine years old. You don't have to tell me like my dad, right?"

"Okay, okay, please be safe."

Zhang Yang waved his hands out of sight and out of mind, thinking:

If you are a minor, that's okay, you can apply for a minor refund.

Zhang Yang really wishes that he could be younger so that he could pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

He touched the sparse beard on his chin. He was already 21 years old.

21 years old, he is an expert in miscellaneous appraisals.


During the event the next day, Zhang Yang specially put on a pair of large black-rimmed glasses in order to look older.

There is an enamel cup with a quotation written on it at hand. Although it is a bit pretentious, the momentum is already in place.

Just wait for the event to begin.

As soon as ten o'clock arrives, the gate begins to check the code, and the treasure appraisal activity officially begins.

As soon as they came up, Zhang Yang could feel the difference between Shenghai's treasure friends and the Linhai and Yangcheng treasure friends.

They really speak well.

"Expert teacher, this thing I have is a jade pot spring vase with black glaze from the Jin Dynasty. The decoration on it is the famous rust flower." "Why do I say Jin instead of Song? Teacher, do you know?"

"That's because this jade pot and spring bottle was produced in the Central Plains Province at that time. At that time, the southern region was the Southern Song Dynasty. It was very shameful. It was nestled in a small corner..."

The uncle was a bit nagging. If it were an impatient expert, he would have interrupted the uncle twice by now.

But Zhang Yang didn't know how to do it. He was very polite and waited for the uncle to finish speaking before telling him:
"Thank you for your story, but I'm here to appraise miscellaneous antiques and ceramics, over there."

"You give way...the next one!"

While waiting for the next treasure friend to take out something, Zhang Yang glanced at the barrage:
[I’m laughing so hard. Is it so effective when I first come here?]

[As soon as I came here, I saw the anchor fishing reasonably]

[Brothers, Teacher Bai is already quarreling with the National Treasure Gang! 】

[Tell me the name of the room, I’m going to watch]

It’s only been 5 minutes since the activity started. Did Teacher Bai move so quickly?
Zhang Yang also wanted to go and have a look.

However, because the venue rented this time was relatively large, and there were staff from the auction house taking notes next to each treasure appraisal expert, he could not just run to the side to watch the excitement like he did in Yangcheng.

Unfortunately, I can only concentrate on identifying treasures.

"Teacher, are seals considered miscellaneous?"

"Of course." Zhang Yang nodded and picked up the copper seal that Baoyou placed on the table.

Bright yellow overall with some slight black rust on the surface.

The shape of this seal's button is simpler than that of the Wa button. It is just a stick, classic and practical.

When using it, just hold the handle of the seal and press down hard.

There is a line of small characters engraved on the side of the seal that reads "March of the 30th year of Qianlong".

In addition to the year information, its purpose is written in two languages ​​on the back of the seal.

Zhang Yang didn't recognize the Manchu part, but the Chinese part said:

[Manage Weiyuan Fort and other six border crossings, Ministry of Rites].

"This Weiyuan Fort, I checked, is in Kaiyuan, northern Liaoning."

Baoyou had done his homework before coming here, and his words greatly improved the efficiency of treasure appraisal.

Then, he expressed his doubts:
"But that place is far away from the sea. Where is the customs defense?"

"You really don't know?"

Zhang Yang looked at the smiling Baoyou in front of him and thought to himself, are you here to test me again?

"I really don't know." Baoyou shook his head: "If I knew, I wouldn't need to authenticate it. It says the 30th year of Qianlong's reign on it. It must be true."

There is some truth in what he said, so Zhang Yang didn't show off and simply explained:
"Actually, dear friend, if you search [wicker edge] online, you will know what kind of border defense this Weiyuan Fort is."

Weiyuan Fort is quite famous in the history of the Qing Dynasty in Northeast China.

In the early days of Kangxi, the rulers of the Qing Dynasty built a 690-mile border defense in the northeastern region, starting from Weiyuan Fort, using mounds of earth and willow trees.

It was used to strictly prevent the Han people from breaking into Guandong and protect the dragon vein of the Qing Dynasty.

Later, the scale of Willow Edge became larger and larger, and Weiyuan Fort, which was originally the starting point, finally became the center point.

"Then this seal should be very valuable, right?" Baoyou looked at Zhang Yang expectantly.

"If it is genuine, based on the condition of this seal, it should be worth about one hundred thousand." Zhang Yang nodded and said.

Audiences who understand Zhang Yang’s words in the barrage have already revealed the spoilers:

[As long as you hear the anchor say "if", it means that the thing must be fake]

"Unfortunately, yours is an obvious modern imitation."

In fact, even without item information, Zhang Yang could draw such a conclusion.

When he saw this seal for the first time just now, it looked familiar, and now he finally remembered:
Isn't this the one in my museum?
It was when he saw this seal that he went out of his way to understand the historical knowledge related to [Wicker Edge].

Is the counterfeiting of cultural relics so rampant now?
(End of this chapter)

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