Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 273 Dare to disturb Tai Sui?

Chapter 273 Dare to disturb Tai Sui?

"Impossible, I got this from the auction!" Baoyou said confidently.

When Zhang Yang first entered the industry, he would murmur in his heart when he heard the word "auction".

But now, Baoyou's words couldn't even make a ripple in his heart.

Anyone who doesn't say which auction house "auctioned" it at will be treated as an excuse or Pheasant Auction Company.

As for the domestic pheasant auction companies, to put it bluntly, they are basically antique dealers with some connections, wearing the guise of auction houses.

"Auctions don't guarantee authenticity. Your piece is imitated from the collection of a well-known domestic museum."

"I've seen the real thing offline."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he quietly waited for Baoyou's feedback.

Normally at this time, a normal treasure friend would quietly put away his things and leave dejectedly;

Unreasonable treasure friends will scold Zhang Yang for being ignorant and say he has no level;

The treasure friends of the National Treasure Gang will tell everyone that the ones in the museum are fake, but his ones are real;

The treasure friend in front of me had a very special reaction. He said suddenly:

"Ah, yes, that's right, this one is the real one in the museum. It was clearly stated when it was auctioned."

Then, he took out a neatly folded piece of white paper, and after unfolding it, there was a description of the auction item.

It says that this copper seal is a cultural relic in the Hailin Museum. It had to be sold off due to poor management of the museum.

There is even a photo of the seal when it was still placed in the glass display case.

"Poor management?" Zhang Yang felt dazzling when he saw these four words.

Because he is running the Hailin Museum now, isn't this equivalent to saying that he has no ability?

Zhang Yang had to take out a business card:
"I am the deputy director of this museum. I am very sure that the authenticity of this thing is still in the exhibition hall."

Baoyou took the business card and was immediately stunned.

He raised his head, his mouth trembling, as if he wanted to speak but didn't know how.

"It's okay, don't be nervous. You must have been cheated. How much did you spend on the auction?"

"With commission, the total is eighty-five thousand." Baoyou replied.

"How dare you lie..."

Zhang Yang made an inviting gesture and pointed to the staff next to him:
"Follow him and go directly to the police to register. There is still a chance to get the money back."

If this happened during a live broadcast, Zhang Yang would definitely add Baoyou as his friend and have a good chat.

Dare to disturb Tai Sui?Give the liar a face.

But now we are at an event, with so many people waiting eagerly, so calling the police directly is the best option.

After sending away the deceived treasure friend, the next person to appraise the treasure was a gorgeously dressed elder sister.

She took out a brown-red wooden sculpture from the leather bag she carried with her.

"This is a fine agarwood pen holder." The eldest sister told Zhang Yang.

"Although it has been hundreds of years ago, you can still smell the faint fragrance from it."

Zhang Yang was originally looking at the patterns on the pen holder.

The plum blossoms on it are very well carved, and they look like they were carved out of a whole piece of wood.

When he heard the eldest sister say that this was agarwood and it had a fragrant smell, he subconsciously went up and smelled it.

I go!

The pungent smell of cheap perfume hit my face.

Zhang Yang took a closer look and saw that the bottom of the pen holder seemed to be slightly wet with some liquid.

It didn't take much thinking to figure out that the perfume was leaking.

He raised his head and glanced at the eldest sister. Who are these people, who are ruining things like this?

"This shouldn't be agarwood. The fragrance on it is definitely not that of agarwood."

"Really? That's Huanghuali." The eldest sister replied nonchalantly, as if she was trying to figure out the answer.

"That's even more impossible."

Zhang Yang waved his hand and put down the pen holder:
"Huanghuali doesn't have this kind of texture, and no one would hollow out the middle of such a thick huanghuali."

"It doesn't matter what material it is made of. Expert, just help me find out how much this thing is worth."

The eldest sister's tone gave people the feeling of being pawned in a pawn shop.

Zhang Yang has been appraising treasures for so long, and this is the first time he sees someone who is more impatient than him.

But this is still a good thing. "Boxwood carvings from the Guangxu period." Zhang Yang answered briefly.

"What's the price? How much can it be sold for?" the eldest sister urged.

"Without the smell of this perfume, if it were restored to its original appearance, it would sell for at least [-] yuan..."

Before Zhang Yang finished speaking, he suddenly saw a middle-aged man wearing a sports vest pushing his way to the front of the line.

Without saying a word, he took hold of Sister Jianbao's arm and turned her body 180 degrees.

Then he rounded his arms and said hello with a loud "pop".

The eldest sister received a slap and lost her balance. She staggered and sat directly on the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone present had an idea:
Stimulate!It’s exciting now!

Not only did the people in line make room for the couple, Zhang Yang even stood up and retreated to the poster wall.

But the expected scene did not appear. The man straightened his clothes, took out his gold-rimmed glasses from his trouser pocket, put them on, and walked up to Zhang Yang:

"Expert, I'm sorry, this is my father's collection."

"There should be no problem?"

"There's nothing wrong with the stuff, boxwood carvings from the Guangxu period. But this is a public place, what are you doing?"

Zhang Yang glanced at the eldest sister sitting on the ground, crying bitterly.

How does it end now?

"It's okay, I'll go find the police and explain the situation."

The man held up the wooden pen holder with very professional hands. Without even looking at the elder sister on the ground, he walked straight towards the policeman who was coming this way.


"Teacher, the man and woman just now looked like outsiders. We Shenghai locals are not so rude."

The next old lady who came up explained to Zhang Yang while hiding the items outside.

Of course Zhang Yang would not respond to such words, he just smiled and nodded.

The old lady slowly took out the contents of the box. It was a pig.

To be precise, it was a clay boar statue squatting on the ground.

The pig was very fat and squatted on a square platform with its belly hanging to the ground.

There were bristles on its back, and its nose was small and pointed. It was obviously different from modern domestic pigs.

The first time Zhang Yang saw something, a thought immediately came to his mind:
What's going on? Come again?

This thing was so vivid in his memory that it must be in the Hailin Museum.

The styling is almost identical.

This kind of pottery pig squatting on a square pottery slab is a typical funerary object from the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties.

The piece in the museum was identified by Zhang Yang as being from the Northern Wei Dynasty.

The old lady’s piece is from this year.

It was produced at the same time as the fake seal just now.

"Auntie, where did this collection of yours come from?"

"These types of artifacts are burial objects. The soil on the surface looks like they were dug out not long ago."

"Heirloom." The old lady happily told Zhang Yang, "This treasure has been kept at home since I can remember."

"Your age this year?"

"I'm 65."

"Then this thing should be no more than 65 years old."

Zhang Yang also happily told the other party:

"If the thing is real, it is a cultural relic in a museum. It must be from the Northern Wei Dynasty. It is more than 1000 years old."

"Is that so..."

The old lady was silent, then suddenly slapped her forehead and said:
"Oops, I remembered it wrong. This one is not an ancestral one."

"The ancestral inheritance is at home."

“This one was given to me by a museum friend of mine.”

"Really? Where's the certificate from the museum?"

Zhang Yang directly predicted the old lady's next move and reached out his hand in advance.

 Thanks to Ragnarsohl for the 100 coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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