Chapter 283 Gypsophila

"It seems his surname is Guan."

After thinking for a while, Baoyou nodded repeatedly and asked Zhang Yang:
"Do you know the royal family named Guan?"

As soon as Zhang Yang saw the other person's expression as he spoke, he knew that Baoyou wanted to give this saddle a resounding name.

But it's a pity...

"Royal family, I only know one person named Lu and one person named Jian."

"If the surname is Guan, it should be Guarjia. He is the most common surname among the Manchus. There should still be dozens of saddles like this in the hands of their tribe. The origin cannot be determined."

"That's it..." Baoyou continued to ask: "What if the surname is Pu?"

"Friend Bao, I'm just asking, don't be too nervous. Besides, this is a live broadcast, don't always think about direct editing on the spot."

Zhang Yang hinted at the mobile phone next to him with his eyes, and there were more than 3 viewers watching it.

Baoyou glanced at the camera, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Teacher, please help me estimate the price. Do you think this thing is worth hundreds of thousands?"

"Hundreds of thousands……"

Zhang Yang originally wanted to estimate the price at 25, but the other party's words were a bit off-putting.

"20 million!"

"Only 20 million?"

Baoyou was very dissatisfied with the quotation and seemed hesitant to speak.

After he slowly put the saddle into the bag, he couldn't help but say:
"Teacher, is the estimate of 20 a bit conservative?"

"I actually bought this saddle in Hong Kong five years ago for 20 yuan."

"It's been so long and it hasn't appreciated in value yet?"

"Appreciation? This... really doesn't happen."

Zhang Yang shook his head and advised the other party to think differently:
"These days, the only things that can maintain their value so stably are antiques like yours and the three major A-share indexes. Even if it's gold, its price fluctuates wildly."

[Gold is 2018 yuan per gram in 270, the anchor understands fluctuations]

[The antiques at the auction are for collection, not for your financial management]

[The main reason is that there is no horse-riding culture in China, otherwise the saddle would be more valuable]

[To be honest, if you don’t lose money, you have already made money]

Baoyou still wanted to make a few excuses, but the aunt in line behind him was unhappy and urged:
"Everything has been appraised, let's go quickly."

"Talk too much!" Baoyou turned around and scolded: "What does it have to do with you whether I am fast or slow?"

"Speed ​​is really none of my business."

"But I want to advise you. The saddle you just took out is a shackles to enslave the horse. The so-called lifelong equality, we should not enslave other creatures just for the sake of convenience..."

When the aunt said these words, her hands were clasped together and her tone was pious.

A middle-aged treasure friend said directly: I didn’t look at the almanac when I went out, and I forgot about the road when I met.

He quickly grabbed the bag containing the saddle and fled the scene.


Zhang Yang was a little panicked when he saw this scene on the appraisal table.

Isn't this a religious person?

"Hello, expert."

The aunt came up and greeted Zhang Yang politely.

"Hello, treasure friend, what do you want to identify?"

"It's not me who wants to identify it, but a few laymen who would like your help to see some Buddha statues."

Lay Buddhist?Is the name so professional?
The aunt stepped aside, and Zhang Yang noticed that there were four aunts behind her who were similar to her.

Everyone is holding a golden Buddha statue in their hands.

【Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong! 】

[Good guy, why are these people here? 】

[Bhikshuni brings believers to identify Buddha statues?Okay, it’s very abstract]

"Where do you masters practice?"

Before Zhang Yang started to identify the first Buddha statue, he curiously asked the leading aunt standing next to him.

Auntie replied: "Practice in the mortal world."

Zhang Yang: "...Awesome!"

When he got his hands on the first set of Buddha statues, he immediately felt something was wrong.

This is a small golden Buddha that can be held with one hand. This kind of Buddha statue, as long as it is from the late Qing Dynasty onwards, can only be gilded.

But this texture and flawless gold color is 100% electroplated.

"What Buddha statue is this for?" Zhang Yang asked the aunt who came to appraise the treasure.

If you bought it as a handicraft, what else is there to say?
The other party seemed to have some problem with his understanding, so he replied:

"This is the Amitabha statue consecrated by Master Kuchan."

"I know this is the statue of Amitabha... No, I mean, what exactly do you want me to see?"

"I would like to ask you to see if this thing has been opened."

"...Oh, I should have told you earlier."

To see the consecration, you need to see if there is Amitabha Buddha living in this Buddha statue.

Zhang Yang suddenly regretted that a special "metal sculpture" group should have been set up for the treasure appraisal activity at that time.

In this way, this kind of treasure that defies heaven can be given to other experts to deal with the headache.

"You are all here for appraisal. Have you ever opened it?"

Zhang Yang asked the other three aunts in line behind him.

All three are shaking their heads.

It's not totally against the grain, that's okay.

Zhang Yang quickly arranged to see the consecrated person and make the final appraisal.

"Expert, just help me see if this is pure gold," said the new aunt.

"It's not pure gold, it's gilt gold." The aunt next to her, who looked like a bhikshuni, corrected her.

"Okay, okay, just help me see if it's gold-plated."

"Of course not." Zhang Yang shook his head decisively.

During the gilding process, gold and highly toxic mercury are mixed together as pigment and applied to the surface of the Buddha statue, usually several times.

Such a "labor-intensive" process has long been replaced by electroplating.

But this one from Baoyou is even worse. The plating isn't even gold, it's a copper-zinc-tin alloy.

This is a routine operation for small commodities in Yiwu. It is a bit outrageous to sell a consecrated Buddha treasure of this quality.

"This is not gilt, but an electroplated copper-zinc-tin alloy."


The aunt who was appraising the treasure looked at the nun next to her in confusion.

The latter whispered to her:

"Alloy, also a kind of gold."

"What?" Zhang Yang was stunned. He suspected that he had just hallucinated something.

But the other party's next actions proved that he heard it right.

The nun-like aunt quietly handed over a business card and placed it on the table.

It says "Executive Director of a certain Buddhist Association".

Oh, she is still a nun with a background.

But this thing is useless. Even if Mendeleev comes today, here in Zhang Yang, alloy has nothing to do with real gold.

"Don't mislead people." Zhang Yang said very seriously: "Copper-zinc-tin alloy is three cheap metals combined together to pretend to be gold."

"The cost price of an alloy-plated Buddha statue like this should be 25 yuan and [-] cents."

After hearing Zhang Yang’s quotation, the aunt was dumbfounded and gritted her teeth and said:

"I paid thirty-eight thousand for this!"

[She loves Buddha so much that she still uses the word "please" now)

[Although the items are street stall products, they have been approved by a master]

[One thing to say is that it was really blessed by a master, and the price is not expensive]

[It’s not expensive, what’s the group number? Just pull it up]

"You sold me thirty-eight thousand?"

The aunt repeated the price again.

But this time, the voice was raised an octave, and it was viciously directed at the woman next to him.

Perhaps because she was used to seeing wind and waves, the nun didn't panic at all and explained calmly:

"Buddha, when you picked up the goods, we confirmed the quality of the Buddha statue. It was clearly a gilded Buddha statue."

"If this expert is right, you should go back and ask your family if they changed your Buddha statue just to disrupt today's appraisal."

"My family?"

The aunt blinked, frowned and began to think, her momentum suddenly weakened.Zhang Yang finally understood. It seemed that the aunt's family did not support her worshiping Buddha.

But it’s normal. The elders in the family spent [-] yuan to buy this thing, and anyone else would have to pay for it.

As for the nun's "transfer", he didn't believe it.

It's really unnecessary, even the gold-plated ones aren't worth thirty-eight thousand.

"There are three left, please come together."

Zhang Yang decided to take it easy and asked three aunts to arrange the Buddha statues in a row.

"Electroplating alloy, electroplating alloy, electroplating... 18K gold."

"Congratulations, this Buddha statue is really gold-plated."

Zhang Yang raised his head to see which lucky guy it was.

Unexpectedly, it was the layman who asked him to consecrate me in the first place.

The other three people around them all frowned and looked at this unsociable aunt.

The aunt felt a little vain and said submissively:
"Why don't you, experts, help me estimate the price? I paid [-] for this Buddha statue."

"Okay." Zhang Yang was happy to help and estimated: "180 three and a half cents."


Several aunts nearby breathed a sigh of relief.

One of them must be thinking, she asked Zhang Yang:

"Real gold, is it only a little more expensive?"

"This is indeed the price. Generally, the thickness of electroplated gold is 2 microns, and the thickness of hair is generally 100 microns. Imagine for yourself how thin that layer of gold is!"

Zhang Yang explained briefly.

It can only be said that these aunts were still fooled. They bought tens of thousands of Buddha statues as soon as they started, and they were directly deceived.

"That's really thin..."

"I guess it will be a golden bean after it melts..."

"But she still has a golden bean. Ours is worth 30 yuan..."

The aunts gathered together and had a heated discussion. The one who had doubted his family just now also figured it out now.

The three of them looked at the nun leading the way, glaring angrily, ready to take action at any moment.

Only the aunt who was struggling with the consecration was calm and calmly rolled up her sleeves to reveal the accessories on her wrists.

"Expert, can this kind of rosewood bracelet be authenticated?"

"Of course you can."

Zhang Yang put on his gloves. His hands were sweaty now, so he didn't want to stain the starry red sandalwood.

Miscellaneous appraisals revealed that there are actually quite a lot of these bracelets and beads.

So Zhang Yang specially prepared a caliper and measured the size of the beads.

They are two centimeters in diameter, twelve in total, and their weight is estimated to be about one tael.

"This is small-leaf red sandalwood from India. The quality is quite good. It is considered [Full Venus] level. The market price may be four to five thousand."

“Four to five thousand???”

Everyone else present was surprised by the price.

Even the nun who sold it asked Zhang Yang in disbelief:
"Expert, are you sure? We bought this bracelet from a Buddhist temple in India. The cost alone is [-]."

"Then you should have been slaughtered by the Indians."

Zhang Yang smiled politely and said that the diameter of the beads must be at least 1 centimeters for 2.5 yuan.

It makes sense for Indians to cheat people.

But no more explanation is needed, because after hearing the cost price of the bracelet, the expression of the aunt who appraised the bracelet finally changed.

"More than 100 Buddha statues cost 1 yuan, and a bracelet worth [-] yuan also costs [-] yuan."

"If you consecrate it, do you have an accurate price?"

[Holy shit, did Leek break his defense? 】

[This aunt is not short of money at first glance, what she wants is faith]

[It’s really unreasonable. Isn’t it good to sell the bracelet for [-]?]

[The magical instruments consecrated in temples seem not to be subject to market supervision and can be priced at will]

[Aren’t any of you curious about how the bracelet is consecrated? 】

"Layholder, you are in love." The nun saluted and explained, "The bracelet is a treasure that is used to form a bond, and it cannot be treated in the same way as a consecrated Buddha statue."

"Wait, I have a question."

Zhang Yang interjected and asked:

"I know that the consecration of the Buddha statue is to inject what you call the soul into the Buddha statue. When the bracelet is consecrated, what is injected into it?"

"For this one, I invited the Bodhisattva." The aunt picked up her bracelet and said.

"Twelve, is there a Bodhisattva in each one?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Of course, a Bodhisattva is compassionate to all living beings and will not be stingy."

"Then you are invincible." Zhang Yang gave a thumbs up.

Liao Cai’s own theory is closed, what else is there to say?

He quickly made a gesture of invitation, hoping that these people would leave in an orderly manner.

But Zhang Yang forgot that there were three aunts who were actually not that pious.

After seeing his "please leave" gesture, two of them stepped forward directly, each held an arm, and held the nun up.


Someone shouted something at the scene, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

However, the composition of the people present was complex, and they included everything from:

"It's long past time to send such a liar to justice..."

"I'm a monk, I can't treat my master like this!"

"You guys are really incompetent when it comes to touching in public... Oops! Who pushed me? Who pushed me just now?"

"Fight, fight..."

Of course Zhang Yang can't sit back and ignore it, this is his home court.

He winked at the staff member beside him, who immediately understood and quickly went to find the policeman on duty.

Then, Zhang Yang stood up and said loudly:
"Everyone, be quiet! I have something to announce!"


"Antiques, we have a relatively long history and a relatively rich number of employees... We carry out treasure appraisal activities because we want to improve the appreciation level of collectors during the development of the antiques industry..."

Zhang Yang just wanted to buy time, but the treasure friends at the scene listened surprisingly seriously.

【what's the situation?Don’t these uncles and aunties know Section Chief Ma?]

[Listen carefully, Master Zhang’s speech sounds like a veteran cadre]

[My uncle and aunt have been retired for so long. This is the first time I met someone to talk to. After recalling the pain and sweetness, I said yes]

[In tears, the anchor performs a condolence performance at the treasure appraisal site]

When the police came, Zhang Yang's words stopped abruptly.

When the five aunts and their belongings were taken away by the police, he did not forget to submit the evidence:

"Here is a business card. Take it. I suggest you check it out."

After the farce, the treasure appraisal continues.

The treasure friend who came up looked a little childish and looked to be in his early twenties.

He did not rush to take out the collection, but asked Zhang Yang:
"Expert, what on earth did you want to announce just now?"

"It's not important." Zhang Yang stretched out his right hand: "What treasure did you bring?"

"Wait a minute, I'll take it out and give it to you."

Baoyou pretended to fumble around in his trouser pocket for a long time, and finally took out a small box.

"Diamond ring?" Zhang Yang asked, looking at the box.

"No, no, no, it's much more valuable than a diamond ring."

Baoyou opened the box and found a gold coin on the black sponge.

It is round on the outside and square on the inside, and its shape is the same as that of traditional copper coins.

What is striking is that there are two big lumps on the left and right sides of the money.

What is this carving?

Zhang Yang picked up the magnifying glass at hand and saw clearly that the two protrusions were two Buddha statues.

The open face of the Buddha statue can no longer be seen clearly, but the lotus base below and the auspicious cloud pattern supporting the base are clearly visible.

Turning to the back of the money, it turned out to be the same as ordinary copper coins, with the four characters "Chunhua Yuanbao" written on it.

"Chunhua is the reign name of Song Taizong... Could this be Zhao Guangyi's golden Buddha coin?!"

Zhang Yang quickly thought of relevant allusions in his mind.

If I remember correctly, this should be after the death of Yang Ye, the first generation of the Yang family, Song Taizong became panicked and personally supervised the production of gold Buddha coins and sent them to Mount Wutai for worship in order to stabilize the country.

Why did this thing leak out?
"Ancestor Baoyou, which eminent monk is he?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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