Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 284 Buddha Statues in the Western Han Dynasty

Chapter 284 Buddha Statues in the Western Han Dynasty

"Lingjiu Palace, Xu Zhu!"

Baoyou's answer was something Zhang Yang never expected.

Xu Zhu is not only a monk who has returned to secular life, but also his father.

The Lingjiu Palace he presided over was built on Lingjiu Peak, that is, in Mount Wutai.

This happens to be opposite the place where Zhao Guangyi worships Buddha.

It seems that Baoyou is here well prepared!
"I believe this story, but I have to remind you."

"Lingjiu Peak is now a 5A-level scenic spot. Every plant, tree, and even a piece of money on it is the property of the scenic spot."

"Do you understand what I mean?" Zhang Yang said meaningfully.

"I just might have to hand it in!" Baoyou waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I have this."

He took out a piece of white paper from his other trouser pocket, unfolded it and placed it in front of Zhang Yang.

This was a certificate issued to him by the village committee, proving that the money was passed down from his family. Elders in the village could testify, and the witnesses even took their fingerprints.

And this kind of operation?

Zhang Yang couldn't help but give Baoyou a like.

After covering the key information on the certificate with his hand, he showed it to the brothers in the live broadcast room.

You can learn anything.

"What is an ancestral treasure? This is it."

"Don't worry about whether the cultural relics department recognizes this certificate or not. With this piece of paper, at least you have an explanation. Isn't it more convincing than the empty talk about ancestry?"

"Is this money real? It must be."

Zhang Yang returned the certificate to Baoyou and explained to the barrage with a smile:
"There's nothing wrong with the stuff. During the Chunhua period of the Northern Song Dynasty, the emperor used money to worship Buddha."

"Market value... I saw one was sold in Xiangjiang a few years ago. The quality is similar to yours. The transaction price included commission, and the final price was [-]."

"Sixty-eight thousand...thank you teacher!"

The price obviously exceeded Baoyou's expectations. He quickly put the money into the box, fearing that others would take another look.

After giving away the money, Zhang Yang ushered in the darkest three hours of his treasure appraisal in Shenghai.

For three whole hours, there was not a single real thing.

But other experts say it's just their daily lives.

The audition for treasure appraisal is nothing more than a choice between "fighting the national treasure gang" and "submitting to the national treasure gang".

Zhang Yang chooses to "fight" a lot, so it's normal to feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, it’s time to get off work.

After cleaning up briefly, Zhang Yang called Xu Jie.

There will be a large number of cultural relics later, and I will have to find a coolie to help take pictures and register them.

Xu Jie was quite cooperative.

In fact, he had been sleeping since he returned from the flower and bird market. He had just woken up when he received the call, and he agreed in a daze.

After arriving at the scene, he saw Zhang Yang chatting with two young women in the store from a distance.

The way those two girls dressed and dressed made his DNA move.

"Isn't the boss looking for these sisters to buy antiques?" Xu Jie muttered in his heart: "The oldest of the two is probably about the same as me, can he understand antiques?"

"That's bad, the boss won't be like me and be fooled by beauty, right?"

The more Xu Jie thought about it, the more likely it seemed that it was possible. After all, Fatty Fu's antique store looked like it was engaged in wholesale of handicrafts.

It doesn't matter if an employee is cheated, he or she will lose at most one month's salary, but if the boss is cheated, he may lose all future wages of all employees.

The situation was urgent, Xu Jie quickly called Sister Gao.

As the only tea appraiser in the studio, he believed that Sister Gao would definitely be able to find the problem and then instruct him to expose the opponent severely.

In the antique shop, Zhang Yang smiled on the surface and chatted with the two girls opposite, but he was very irritable in his heart:

"Where is this Xu Jie???"

It's really tiring to chat awkwardly with two ladies.

Zhang Yang almost wanted to help Fatty Fu move his things.

His eyes were darting around, and finally he saw an obscene figure outside the store on the glass display window of the counter.

"Brother Jie, what are you doing?"

"Wow, you are video chatting with Sister Gao and Xiao Tang while you are away from home. You are really excited."

Zhang Yang brought Xu Jie to the store and introduced that this was Xugong from the purchasing department of Hedong Group, who was responsible for registration and cashiering.

The two had communicated their identities before coming, and he believed that Xu Jie could take the role.

The latter did not disappoint him, nodded and said:
"Yes, I am Xu Jie, the golden bachelor. I have been his secretary since Mr. Zhang's wife started taking maternity leave."

Zhang Yang: ? ? ?
There were too many elements in the words, and he couldn't understand what Xu Jie wanted to express for a while.

But overall, Jack performed very well.

He had been rushing to chat with the two ladies, so that Zhang Yang could take a look at the few boxes of things that Fatty Fu had moved out.

"Boss Fu, why haven't you seen this box last time?"

There are six boxes in total. I checked one last time and now there are six left.

Zhang Yang asked doubtfully, and the other person just came out of the warehouse with a box in his arms.

There are seven.

The more he watched, the more he saw. Who could bear this? Zhang Yang wanted to stop work early and go to bed.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Mr. Zhang, I understand!"

Fatty Fu put the cardboard box in his arms onto the counter, took a deep breath and said:
"It doesn't matter if the 60 yuan is not reimbursed, but I have to get the capital back."

"So I took out all the treasures I collected, two whole boxes, and you can pick them later."

"I will definitely give you the full cost price."

"Really?" Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing.

For the goods purchased for Hedong Group, the cost price is written in black and white on the account book, which is well-founded.

For his two boxes of treasures, the "cost price" was not what he said.

But it doesn’t matter to Zhang Yang. If you can pick up the leaks, you can spend your own money. If you can’t pick up the leaks and it is a third-level cultural relic or above, you can spend the money on the museum’s account. It is cost-effective in any case.

"Since you are so sincere, let's take a look at your collection first."

“Our group’s purchasing funds are extremely sufficient.”

"Okay!" Fatty Fu nodded excitedly.

This was the way he came up with to make money during the day.

After so many years of squandering cultural relics, who hasn’t got something that can be seen in the light of day?

This Mr. Zhang has a vision, but so what?

What I plan to sell are all real things. I collect 500 yuan from the tomb robber, tell Mr. Zhang the market price is 20 yuan, and then sell it to him for 5 yuan...

"I am simply a business genius." Fatty Fu was pleased with his intelligence.

He called to another helper he had hired today, Miss Zhao, who wanted to attract Mr. Zhang’s attention with her white snow:
"Come on, come on, Xiao Zhao, come here and help me."

"Come on, come on, Brother Fu, Mr. Zhang~"

A woman's delicate voice came. Zhang Yang looked at the woman with heavy makeup, swaying her waist and walking towards him, and subconsciously refused:
"Brother Jie, come and help me too!"

"I am obliged!"

Xu Jie remembered Sister Gao's instructions and nodded heavily.

A treasure appraisal assembly line was immediately set up.

Fatty Fu took out the collection from the box. Miss Zhao took the treasure and wanted to show it off. Xu Jie grabbed it and took a photo, asking her to show her palms and eyes at the same time.

"Where did Boss Fu come from for this bronze Buddha statue?"

Zhang Yang looked at the Buddha statue in front of him, which was already extremely rusty.

I can barely see clearly that this is Sakyamuni Buddha.

There are stripes of flame patterns on the backlight of the Buddha statue. The decoration is simple, but it gives people a strange feeling.

At the top of the backlight, there is also a small seated Buddha, suspended directly above Sakyamuni.

"This was sold to me by a professional Buddha statue collector, saying it was a Buddha statue from the Western Han Dynasty."

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I will keep this Buddha statue true." "Then you are really brave enough to keep it." Zhang Yang couldn't help but applaud: "You are trying to push forward the history of making Buddha statues in China. 300 years!"

Buddhism was introduced to China in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and it was not until the Sixteen Kingdoms period that the first bronze statue with clear records was created.

If it is really from the Western Han Dynasty, it may be the earliest Buddha statue in the world.

"Isn't this a bronze from the Western Han Dynasty?" Fatty Fu frowned and muttered, "Impossible."

It was clearly said that it was taken from a Western Han Dynasty tomb!

Moreover, the seller also said that there were two Buddha statues in the tomb, and according to the rules of the gold-touching captain, they only took out one.

If you really want another one, you can go get it again.

"Of course not. It should be a later imitation of a Buddha statue. The green rust on it may be typical horse urine rust."

"Eh~" The two ladies present made disgusted sounds.

"A bastard tomb robber."

Fatty Fu cursed secretly, and then immediately returned to normal.

Since the Buddhist statues of the Western Han Dynasty were contrary to historical facts, he took it for granted that they were fake.

This is the self-cultivation of a businessman selling antiques.

"It seems that I have been cheated. Fortunately, I spent very little money on this thing."

"That's good." Zhang Yang followed his words and said, "This way the pressure on me to buy it will be much less."

"Mr. Zhang, do you want to buy it? Didn't you say that this thing is a counterfeit?"

"Yes, but I didn't say that Hedong Group must buy genuine products."

"Boss Fu, have you forgotten what our group does after being away from the organization for a long time?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile.

When he said this, he carefully observed the reaction on the other person's face.

This determines Zhang Yang's next move.

This is not an imitation Buddha statue, it is a serious bronze Buddha statue from the Ming Dynasty. The reason why it is so strange may have something to do with the White Lotus Sect.

The shape and materials are rare, and the only drawback is too much rust.

But this just shows that this thing has been unearthed for a very short time, even in the past few years.

Zhang Yang quickly thought that the other party took over this treasure from a tomb robber.

It is normal for this kind of cultural relics to appear in the hands of antique dealers. Not every tomb robber can contact a transnational cultural relics selling group.

Otherwise, Captain Liu wouldn’t have caught fish on Douyin!

But in this case, there is no need to waste money.

At most, part of the capital will be contributed for future cooperation.

"Of course I remember that our group's main purpose is to spread antique culture, promote the development of the antique industry, and build a modern antique market..."

Boss Fu knows the previous corporate culture of Hedong Group by heart.

"It's just that, isn't Miss Cheng doing overseas business?"

"What's wrong? Do you want to teach the lady how to do business?" Zhang Yang asked.

"No, no." Fatty Fu shook his head repeatedly: "I bought this thing for four hundred. If Mr. Zhang accepts it, you can take the two hundred and five."

"Two hundred and six, otherwise it won't sound good."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, I'm not thinking right. Just two hundred and four."

At this price, Zhang Yang is equivalent to shouldering [-]% of the cost of "rescuing cultural relics."

He thought it was very reasonable. After all, the things would eventually be put into the Hailin Museum to earn traffic.

"Mr. Zhang, please take a look at this again."

Fatty Fu took out a bronze three-legged incense burner with a handle from the box.

The stove is very small, and if it wasn't full, it wouldn't be too much to call it a pan.

At the connection between the handle and the stove, a tiger head is carved, and the craftsmanship looks pretty good.

"It seems that, Boss Fu, you are very knowledgeable about bronzes!"

Zhang Yangruo sighed pointedly.

The rust color of this bronze vessel is very natural, and it is most likely an unearthed cultural relic.

"No, no, it's all luck." Fatty Fu smiled hypocritically: "I took over this from a boss who used to set up a stall here."

"At that time, he was in a hurry to close the stall and couldn't take the items with him, so he sold them to me at a cheap price."

Fatty Fu really wasn't talking nonsense.

The police sirens were blaring at that time, and we couldn't tolerate the guy not closing the stall.

Later, the person jumped out of the toilet window on the third floor and lay motionless on the ground.

Fatty Fu suspected that even if the person was not dead, he would still be in a vegetative state. Otherwise, this bronze vessel would not have been kept so safely in his hands until now.

"How cheap?"

"This... let's look at things first."

"There's nothing wrong with the thing, bronze."

"If I look at it, it should be a modern antique bronze. The shape is not bad, but the craftsmanship is a bit rough." Zhang Yang said with a look of regret.

"Name: Bronze Forest Walking Lantern"

"Material: Bronze"

"Production time: 109 BC"

"Detailed information: A walking lantern is a lamp specially used to illuminate when walking at night. This object is a walking lantern built by Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, for inspection by the Yulin Army in Shanglin Garden."

There was a reason why the item information was given so clearly. Zhang Yang saw a circle of inscriptions at the bottom of the plate.

Historical information such as "the second year of Yuanfeng, Shuiheng, Shaofu, Chefu" is written intermittently.

"Mr. Zhang, you are wrong. This is from the Han Dynasty."

Fatty Fu didn't believe Zhang Yang's words this time. He explained:
"There is an inscription underneath, which reads the second year of Yuanfeng. This is the reign name of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty."

"Really? Then I may have read it wrong. Anyway, you said it was quite cheap, so I can reimburse it for you."

Since the other party came prepared, Zhang Yang would not be harsh.

Lest the other party doubt your sincerity.

In this way, we can continue to fish in troubled waters when something really good comes out.

"Old... Mr. Zhang, aren't the bronzes from the Han Dynasty not allowed to be traded?" Xu Jie asked from the side.

This question made everyone present laugh.

"Why are you laughing? What's the problem?"

"No problem, of course no problem." Fatty Fu replied, "But we are not trading."

"We're writing off the bill."

"Yes, the people who buy and sell cultural relics are senior executives of the Hedong Group. We just follow the company's instructions." Miss Zhao echoed: "How can people like us tell whether a bronze is genuine or fake?"

"Really?" Xu Jie scratched his head, always feeling that something was wrong.

"That's it. The group boss wants us to help him make money. How can we do it without paying some price?"

That being said, it would be strange if the legal person of Hedong Group did not go to jail.

Zhang Yang silently mourned for two seconds in his heart for the Cheng family and his son in prison. It was really timely!

Then he urged Fatty to pay the price.

The other party hesitated and replied that it was bought for [-] yuan.

This price is obviously worth more than his kidneys. Of course Zhang Yang will not agree:

"Then I'll pay thirty thousand."

"Mr. Zhang, your bargaining will cost my life!"

"Just tell me whether you want to sell it or not?" Zhang Yang asked, crossing his arms.

"Sell it, of course you have to sell it. This face is only for Mr. Zhang."

Fatty Fu waved his hand, indicating that Xu Jie could move the object to the table next to him.

Below is the third piece, still a bronze.

"Master Zhang, this is my treasure at the bottom of the box, a bronze gong from the Shang Dynasty."

"If it's less than 50, I won't sell it!"

(End of this chapter)

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