Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 297 Seems to be an old friend

Chapter 297 Seems to be an old friend

Lawyer's letter?Zhang Yang couldn't help but frowned when he saw the other party's reply.

Before coming to Lin'an, he specifically asked Sister Gao to check his mailbox, and he definitely did not receive the so-called lawyer's letter.

Could it be that they sent a paper lawyer's letter and the express delivery is still on the way?
But how could Jinlou know so clearly about things that he himself didn't even know.

When I clicked on the other party's store, I saw that the business was quite large, with a dazzling array of jewelry, including those 299 jade pendants hanging on the front page of the store... Are they really Hetian jade?

No matter how you look at it, it smells like Beijing white jade or Afghan jade!
Continuing to scroll through the comments, under the top comment, Zhang Yang saw an old viewer in the live broadcast room coming out to speak out.

[My evaluation is just pretentious. Who doesn’t know that the jade pendants of these anchors are supplied by your golden house?I also sent a lawyer’s letter, don’t not send it, anyway, I support Master Zhang’s justice and killing]

"That's very well said. It would be better if it didn't have so many likes."

Zhang Yang saw the more than 5000 likes behind this comment and felt something was wrong.

If everyone believed this statement, wouldn't those treasure appraisal anchors who were cheated by this Jinlou become the ones who took the blame for him?
"Isn't the group already criticizing me?"

Zhang Yang quickly opened the treasure appraisal anchor's group. Ever since he started dealing with the Hailin Museum matter, he rarely bubbled in the group. At most, after grabbing the red envelope, he would send a thank you to the boss.

[He is really not a human being]

[My evaluation is very insidious]

[This is so shameless, it seems that everyone has been deceived before]

[How many good people are there in their profession? 】

Although the previous words did not hit the point, Zhang Yang could still understand it, but in the last sentence, why did this anchor even criticize one of his own people?

[If you ask me, this kind of goods-carrying anchor itself is a cancer]

Delivery anchor?

Zhang Yang peeked at the screen for a while and found out that what everyone was scolding in the group was the anchors and the jewelry and jade suppliers behind them.

Occasionally, someone mentions Zhang Yang's name, and they just express his good luck.

Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner. The anchors in the group still have very clear ideas.

Zhang Yang was a little hesitant to send a big red envelope to show his appreciation.

At this time, someone in the group posted a screenshot of a chat. The two parties in the chat were a treasure appraisal anchor and a certain internet celebrity who was fighting against counterfeiters.

The counterfeiter asked the anchor if he could tell from the video that there was something wrong with the Hetian jade sold by the internet celebrity.

The anchor was timid and didn't answer directly, just talking about him.

【I really regret it!I should have told him clearly at that time that what Li XX was selling was fake Hetian jade]

【It's not too late】

[Yes, contact him now and tell him we have evidence]

[Does any of you have evidence? 】

[This is not simple. Can I just go to Xianyu and collect a few pieces? 】

People in the group chatted with each other, and soon, a plan for the anchor and the company behind him appeared on paper.

Zhang Yang watched the whole process in silence. He thought about it and decided not to participate for the time being.

Because the previous incident with Li Laoqi (a middle-level member of the National Treasure Gang) kept reminding him that there might be an insider in the group, so it would be safer to just watch on the sidelines for such an open conspiracy.

When everyone was having dinner together, Sister Gao, an Internet surfing expert, also mentioned this matter after the meal.

"Boss, after two hours of eating, I finally understood what was going on. I'm a little confused now. Why do you want to imitate those who set up street vendors in scenic spots when you are already such a big anchor? What about cutting people off with fake goods? Isn’t he afraid that his character will collapse?”

"Sister, I can answer all your questions."

Xu Jie put down the beer in his hand, pointed to the villa area in the distance and said:
"Did you see the lake view villa over there? Did you see the Maybach parked in front of the villa?"

"Those are all bought with your leeks' money!"

"You are the leek." Sister Gao was a little unhappy when she heard this: "Boss, have you seen the Dzi beads on Xu Jie's neck? He was secretly cut by others behind your back."

"Sister Gao, what you said is strange. I don't cut leeks."

Zhang Yang looked at his photographer, who smiled crookedly, reached out and took out a dzi bead from his neck, put it in the palm of his hand and handed it over.

"Boss, I bought this from Wang Zi's live broadcast room. Every piece of his Dzi beads has a certificate."

"Please help me see if I am a leek?" Xu Jie said with his head slightly raised.

"Your tone is a bit arrogant." Zhang Yang didn't take it. He only glanced at it and shook his head with a smile: "Modern handicrafts."

"Huh? This is impossible. I have a certificate."

"I know there is a certificate." Zhang Yang pressed his hand and signaled Xu Jie not to get excited: "I also know that the material of your thing is agate, and there is no problem with the certificate."

"Whether it is a Dzi bead or not depends entirely on how you define it."

"Collecting Dzi beads is a trend started by people like Lian Jie and Wang Zi, so to a certain extent, the final interpretation of Dzi beads is partly in their hands."

"Just like when you go to Gautama Buddha to buy scriptures, others have the final say as to whether they are authentic scriptures. With the certificate issued by his company, you should be able to sell them as real Dzi beads."

"Huh...then I'm relieved." Xu Jie patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tch! Isn't this just drumming and spreading flowers? It has nothing to do with authenticity." Sister Gao curled her lips and said a little arrogantly.

"Then you should buy a real thing!" Xu Jie provoked her: "I don't look down on this, and I don't look down on that. But as soon as I made the move, all the money was given to the liar."

"Just buy it! Isn't it just to spend more money to buy the real thing?"

Sister Gao just put down her chopsticks and started searching on the map on her mobile phone.

I quickly found a nearby cultural and entertainment market.

The market opens at five o'clock in the afternoon, and it should be doing night business. It is a busy time now.

"Brother Yang, let's go take a look together?"

Chu Ziqiang has been in Lin'an for so long and has never been to the local toy market, so he is a little moved.

"I won't go. An acquaintance will come find me later."

"Go ahead and have fun." Zhang Yang said with a smile.


Almost at the same time that the three people left the hotel in a car, a white BMW parked in front of the hotel.

A middle-aged man in a white suit got out of the car. As soon as he saw Zhang Yang, he waved hello enthusiastically:

"Brother Zhang Yang!"

"Brother Lan, long time no see!"

The visitor is Boss Lan from Languige Art Trading Co., Ltd. in Xiangjiang.

As a leader among those who are "rich and free", how could he miss this grand event in Lin'an.

It's just that unlike those antique dealers, experts and scholars, he is here purely for fun and consumption.

"Are you satisfied with the foreign exchange-earning porcelain last time?"

As soon as Boss Lan came up, he mentioned their previous friendship and brought them closer together.

"Of course I'm satisfied. I'd also like to thank Brother Lan for your love."

Zhang Yang shook hands with the other party enthusiastically and asked him to take a seat.

"Have you had dinner?"

"To be honest, I don't really have any. I just came here to have a meal with you, brother."

"That's what I said, waiter, take the menu..."

After ordering and waiting for the food to be served, Boss Lan started chatting:

"Brother Yang, you are so mysterious. I originally wanted to make a special trip to Linhai to find you, but I didn't expect you to have arrived in Lin'an a long time ago." "This is fate!"

"After you went back last time, I contacted several colleagues and found a lot of foreign exchange-earning porcelain in overseas markets, but I just don't know if it is what you want."

"Brother, you are too polite."

Zhang Yang's face was calm, but he was actually a little surprised.

In fact, at the beginning, he just mentioned it casually and asked the other party to help pay attention to the same type of porcelain. He never thought that the person named Lan would take it seriously.

Otherwise, he would not go to Hedong Group to cooperate.

I didn’t expect that people would really take it seriously.

"Hey, there's nothing to be polite about. It's also business for me."

Boss Lan turned around and took out a tablet from his bag, which contained high-definition photos of the porcelain he collected this time.

"Brother Yang, would you like to take a look first?"

"I can't ask for it."

Zhang Yang took it over with a smile. The first photo of porcelain on it belonged to a square pen holder.

The pen holder is painted with a scene of a person boating in the snow.

The inscription is: "The boat sells wine, Yu Wenxiang visited Zhushan as a guest".

Perhaps because he felt that Zhang Yang's reaction was a bit dull, Boss Lan reminded him in a low voice from the side:
"The King of Snow Scenery, Yu Wenxiang."

"I've heard a little bit." Zhang Yang nodded slightly.

In fact, he has studied Chuanghui porcelain and even the masters of modern porcelain.

He knew that Mr. Yu Wenxiang had been awarded the title of "Ceramic Artist" by Jingdi Town City. The value of such a small pen holder of his was about [-].

The price noted by Boss Lan was only [-].

At reasonable prices, you can make money.

At the same time, the price is assured, allowing Zhang Yang to continue reading with peace of mind.

The waiter had already started serving the food, but Boss Lan had no intention of moving his chopsticks.

He sat next to Zhang Yang, watching the photos on the tablet go by one after another, with a slightly nervous expression on his face. He would occasionally interrupt to explain the less popular porcelain author.

When it came to the end, he finally couldn't help but ask Zhang Yang:
"How about it, are you satisfied?"

"Brother Lan, you really spent a lot of money!" Zhang Yang said with emotion.

Everything recorded on this tablet can be used to hold a small auction on its own.

There are many good things, such as:

A brush wash with a pastel crane painting comes from Cheng Yiting, one of the Eight Friends of Zhushan. The price is [-], and Zhang Yang can give it [-];
A pastel round pen holder with chrysanthemum and flying bird patterns also comes from Bi Botao, one of the Eight Friends of Zhushan. The price is [-], and Zhang Yang can give it [-];

The most exaggerated thing is a small pastel "Baby Play Story Picture" vase by Wang Qi. Boss Lan probably doesn't understand its gold content, and the price is [-].

At this price, and within this period of time, the stupid young people abroad can sell it.

Zhang Yang conservatively estimated that if this small vase fetched 600 million in China, it would not be a big problem.

"To be honest, if I sell all these things to you at the marked price, I can still make some money, which can be used as the cost of coming to Lin'an this time." Boss Lan said very sincerely: "So what are you dissatisfied with? Even if you bargain, I will never frown."

"Since you said so." Zhang Yang directly covered the tablet: "Whenever I say a penny price, it means I don't know how to flatter."

"Let's just settle everything according to the marked price."

"It's refreshing, it's so refreshing!" Boss Lan stood up and applauded as he said, "I always thought that if you look like you and don't hang out with rich women, it would be a waste of talent."

"But today I learned that with your courage, it would be a real waste if you don't engage in business."

"Your boasting makes me a little bit carried away."

Zhang Yang smiled and cupped his hands. When he saw the food on the table, he remembered that this meal was his treat and could not be wasted:

"Hurry up and eat, the food is getting cold."

"Yes, yes, eat, eat."

The dishes were all served, and Zhang Yang also moved some chopsticks along with him.

The two exchanged cups and cups, and both felt that the other was a good partner.

In fact, it's a win-win situation for them, but some people earn hundreds of thousands, while others earn tens of millions.

Halfway through the meal, Sister Gao made a video call.

Zhang Yang had already guessed that this time would come. After all, she was an employee with a family, and it was impossible for her to spend money on things like Xu Jie.

"Boss, I asked someone in this market and they said there are four big antique dealers. If you want to buy real retail items at market prices, go to them."

"Okay, come and see me." Zhang Yang commanded.

"Wait a minute." Sister Gao took her cell phone and began to wander around the antique market. Soon she pointed at the back of a man and said, "This is one of them."

I saw a bald man, carrying a large gourd half a man's height on his back, wandering on the sidewalk of the antique market.

"Holy shit, are you cosplaying with Gaara?" Zhang Yang almost couldn't hold his breath.

"What? Gaara?"

Boss Lan, who was eating, caught the keyword and quickly came over.

At this time, Sister Gao had come closer, and she could see the big gourd, shiny with oil.

"Let me go, there are really people out there!"

"It's really against the sky." Zhang Yang commented.

He really wanted to take a screenshot and send it to his friend who owned a Boshan stove. Who said things couldn't be plated if they were too big?
This gourd is about the same size as an eight or nine-year-old naughty kid, so it's still filled with stuffed buns.

"I know who this is." Boss Lan patted his thigh and pointed, "This is Dongpan, one of Pan Jiayuan's four great wonders."

"I didn't expect that he would also come to La'an for the market."

"Four Wonderful People?" Zhang Yang said he had never heard of them.

"Dong Pan, Xi Lu, Nan Rub, and Bei Brush." ​​Boss Lan introduced with his fingers: "These are four extraordinary talents in the literary and entertainment circles. You will know when you see his face later."

Sister Gao didn't let Zhang Yang wait for too long, and soon came to the opposite side of [Dongpan].

The other party has the most cost-effective bald head in the antique circle and wears two large earrings. At first glance, he looks quite outrageous.

Wearing several rings of white bone necklaces around her neck, it is obvious that they are snake bones.

There were many skeletons and animal teeth hanging on the chest. Zhang Yang could only recognize wild boar teeth, cat skulls, and monkey skulls.

"I go!"

When Sister Gao saw these evil things, she was so frightened that she couldn't even say hello.

Or [Dongpan] took the initiative to ask her:
"Do you want to take a photo? If so, twenty at a time."

Sister Gao was stunned and did not respond. Zhang Yang quickly reminded her:

"Just think of him as the zoo's undertaker. There's nothing to be afraid of."

"Okay, let me try." Sister Gao swallowed her saliva and asked bravely: "Do you have any toys here that are not animal bones? I want to buy some."

"Of course there is."

[Dongpan] patted the gourd behind his back, as if he was about to use a ninjutsu.

"I have been looking for a suitable buyer for this gourd."

(End of this chapter)

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