Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 298 Culture comes from the east

Chapter 298 Culture comes from the east

"Then how much do you want to sell your gourd?"

Sister Gao was not only asking Dong Pan on the opposite side, but also Zhang Yang on the other side of the video.

Dongpan: "Last year, there was an Australian buyer who offered 500 million. I was reluctant to sell at the time..."

Zhang Yang: "It's not easy for people to live in such a stable situation. It's not appropriate to spend less than 500 yuan..."

Sister Gao was stunned again when she listened to the words in the earphones.

However, she is no longer the stupid young girl she was before. She knows that Zhang Yang's words can only be kept in her heart and cannot be spoken out.

"Boss, the money in my wallet is not even worthy of touching your gourd. Why don't you help me find two affordable antiques?"

"Oh, no money. It's okay, there are ways to play without money."

Dongpan pointed to the snake bone on his neck: "Are you interested in the rattlesnake bone? I've been looking at it for a long time, and it's considered one of my collections."

Rattlesnake?Sister Gao trembled and shook her head, saying that she was not worthy of animal products.

"What about this string of beeswax?"

"Beeswax..." Sister Gao prolonged her voice, as if she was thinking.

In fact, she was waiting for the foreign aid in the earphones.

"This beeswax is pretty good." Zhang Yang said matter-of-factly: "As expected of Dongpan, it's all shiny and shiny, but I think, Sister Gao, you might not be able to afford it."

"Boss, don't look down on people." Sister Gao said.

"Ah? Don't you think I'm sorry?" Dongpan looked confused.

"That's not what I meant... Just tell me a price."

"Don't worry, I definitely don't mean to look down on you with my price. The fixed price is 55 W."

How many?

Sister Gao took a breath of cold air. She hesitated for a while and asked in a low voice:
"How many beeswax beads do you have in this string?"


"How about I... buy one for 3000 yuan?"

Sister Gao is very quick in mental arithmetic, averaging [-] per dollar, so she was very sincere in offering [-].

"Hahaha, you really know how to joke."

"I'm serious."

The smile on Dongpan's face suddenly disappeared.

After taking a deep look at Sister Gao, he turned around and left without saying a word.

Sister Gao knew that she was being unreasonable, so she didn't chase her and force her to buy.

She comforted herself and Zhang Yang and said, "It's okay, boss, there are still three antique dealers!"

Zhang Yang nodded: "Well, you look for it slowly, I'm not in a hurry."


About 3 minutes later, when Boss Lan was serving the second bowl of rice, Sister Gao finally found the second antique dealer.

"Isn't this Xilu?"

"It's just a figure from behind. Brother Lan, how did you recognize it?"

"Look at the hair on his head. Dongpan is bald, and Xilu is a golden-haired lion. They say he has gathered all Dongpan's hair."

"I see, maybe this is a battle of luck." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

The shape of the west plate is simpler than that of the east plate. To put it simply, it is a "human body shelf". All the available places on the body are used and hung with various strings.

At this moment, Zhang Yang suddenly understood the meaning of wearing all the goods on their bodies:
In this way, you don’t have to pay booth fees, you can go back and forth to the most popular places, and you can even collect money for taking photos.

The exposure rate is high.

The only problem is that Xi Lu has a short neck, and if it is covered with beads, his body will look like a melon.

After Sister Gao explained her intention, the other party introduced her enthusiastically:

"I have Xingyue, Diamond, Tianzhu, Phoenix Eyes, Five Eyes and Six Links, Qilin Eye, Sky Eye, Tiantai Bean..."

"Which do you want?"

"Ah?" Sister Gao was a little dizzy and muttered to herself: "I...which one do I want?"

"Bodhi, but he seems to have missed two kinds." Zhang Yang added to Sister Gao: "There are also synthetic beeswax and plastic."

"Which one do you want?" Xilu asked again.

"I want to synthesize beeswax." Sister Gao blurted out subconsciously.

Xilu frowned.

Zhang Yang noticed that he moved his cheeks several times, obviously biting his back molars.

But there were customers around, so he probably couldn't say much, so he just grunted and left.

"I seem to have said the wrong thing." Sister Gao sounded a little unsure.

"It's no problem. If you buy those things from him, it's a total loss."

"Then I'll look for it again?"

"Let's look for it, there should be Nanruan and Beishu." Boss Lan chimed in from the side: "These four brothers probably came to Lin'an together."

When Sister Gao set off again, Boss Lan put down his chopsticks, took out the photos on his phone and asked Zhang Yang:

"Brother Yang, when I met Xilu in Panjiayuan a few years ago, he was wearing a pair of horns around his neck. Please help me find out what they are."

"I see..."

"This is the horn of a saiga antelope, a national first-level protected animal. The domestic wild ones have long been extinct."

Zhang Yang looked Boss Lan up and down, what a punishment!
Saying "something I encountered before" has almost the same meaning as "I have a friend". In fact, it means that I have already acquired it, but it is not easy to admit it openly.

"They say this stuff is Chinese medicine, right?"

"Can it still be false? Among the antelope horns, the saiga horn has the most medicinal value and has a sedative effect. This is what poachers are after."

"Although you are in Xiangjiang, I still have to remind you, brother, that many saiga horns on the market are dug out of graves."

"Tomb?" Boss Lan was a little confused: "Someone takes this thing as a burial object?"

"No, no, no, it's the tomb of an antelope, and it's a joint tomb of saiga antelopes that died of infectious diseases."

"I go……"

Boss Lan's expression was a little dull.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Yang knew that there was no need to continue chatting, and he had to give him some time to digest.

When buying animal products, you can't avoid encountering diseased things. At first glance, Boss Lan looks like a newbie.

At the other end of the video, Sister Gao also found two other antique dealers.

Fortunately, Nan Rou and Bei Shu happened to be together, and someone was queuing up to take a photo with them.

Sister Gao successfully blended into the group of people taking pictures and took the opportunity to show Zhang Yang what they had on them.

"This Nanru, if I read it correctly, he should be wearing a pine nut vest; around his neck is Qiuzi, a kind of Wenwan walnut; there are also soapberries, iron walnuts, peach stones..."

"Sister Gao, look at the other one. This person is an agricultural and sideline products dealer."

"Pfft~ Agricultural and sideline products?"

Sister Gao smiled and pointed the camera at Bei Shu.

"This Beibei brush... should be brushed with fruit cores, right?" Zhang Yang smiled: "This man is a wholesaler of dried fruits. You can buy some nuts from him to supplement your nutrition."

I never expected that I would reach my peak at the beginning.

It is reasonable for the bald Dongpan to be ranked first among the four, because he at least has a gourd, and the remaining three are just here to make up the numbers.

"Sister, why don't you go to the antique store nearby and have a look, and I can help you find an authentic piece."

Zhang Yang still remembers that he promised to help Sister Gao choose a bracelet, but it never happened.

Now that the suspense of "Pan Jiayuan's Four Wonderful People" was gone, he quickly returned to business.

Of course, Sister Gao was extremely happy. She walked to the antique store next to her with her cell phone in hand. As soon as she arrived at the door of the store, she bumped into Xiao Chu and Xu Jie who were coming out of the store.

The two of them were holding gift boxes in their hands, and they had obviously just spent money.

"Sister Gao, where did you go just now?"

"Sister, why are you taking pictures with your mobile phone? Are you asking your boss to appraise treasures for you?"

"how is this possible……"

Before Sister Gao finished speaking, Zhang Yang's video cut off. "Is this gone?"

Boss Lan was stunned as he held the third bowl of rice that had just been served.

He didn't lie. He really didn't eat before he came.

After looking at Zhang Yang, Boss Lan put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands and said with some embarrassment:
"Brother, you're so busy appreciating treasures that I can't hold it back. In fact, I've already eaten enough."

"I understand, I usually watch my treasure appraisal videos when I eat." Zhang Yang said in cooperation.

The two chatted for a while and made an appointment to go look at the goods of some Xiangjiang antique dealers tomorrow afternoon.

According to Boss Lan, they were all collected in foreign markets. Some were real and some were fake. It was too troublesome to sell them individually, so he rented a gallery in Lin'an to display them while looking for potential buyers.

This method of selling is obviously the way Western modern art is traded, and is very friendly to the vote-free party.


The next morning, Zhang Yang and Chu Ziqiang were invited by Professor Dong to participate in an open seminar.

The title of the conference is "The True Origin of Western Culture", and the name alone is full of gimmicks.

A few people arrived early and grabbed seats in the front row of the audience.

While waiting for other participants to enter, Zhang Yang directed Xu Jie to set up tripods and camera equipment.

Today's meeting can be broadcast live, which is one of the reasons why Zhang Yang agreed to come to this meeting.

"Boss, it's done!"

"Okay, I'll start pushing the flow right away."

Zhang Yang opened the live broadcast room and put the subtitles on the screen:
"This morning is the academic live broadcast room, and in the afternoon I will take you to buy some treasures."

[Academic?Is this going to transform into a technical anchor?]

[The broadcast reminder woke me up from my dream, just show me this? 】

[It’s okay to engage in academic work. Can you discuss it with your brothers in advance? Who can read Western culture?]

[If you want to see it, just look at Chinese culture]

"It's okay, I won't force it on everyone." Zhang Yang whispered to the audience in the live broadcast room: "The main thing is to mix up the live broadcast time."

Soon, the seminar begins.

Today's meeting seems to be more formal than yesterday. The first teacher Jin came up with a PPT.

Before speaking, Teacher Jin first stated his point of view.

"Western scholars say that ancient Greek culture and Chinese pre-Qin culture are the two beginnings of Eastern and Western culture, just like the two sides of a coin."

"But in recent years, some domestic experts and scholars, in order to prove the advanced nature of Chinese culture, said that ancient Greek civilization was forged."

"I think that's a little too extreme."

[I also think it’s a bit extreme]

[It’s not extreme, it’s anti-intellectual]

[The anchor forum does seem very academic]

On the stage, Teacher Jin took a sip of strong tea, opened the next page of the PPT, and said word by word:

"I am more inclined to believe that Greek culture was spread from the East."

ah?What is he saying?
Zhang Yang glanced at his live broadcast room.

He was hesitating whether to change the word "academic" in the subtitles to "civilian science".

"Come, let's look at the first piece of evidence first."

A photo of an amphora was shown on the big screen.

Zhang Yang recognized it as the most famous Panathenaic amphora in ancient Greece.

It depicts men playing sports, and it is said to be the prizes of the ancient Olympic Games.

What does this mean?
Teacher Jin on the stage quickly gave the answer and flipped to the next photo.

It is also a red clay pot with two ears, but the decoration on it has changed into a network of black lines.

This is a painted pottery jar from the Yangshao culture of China.

"If I say that the first pottery pot is the product of the second pottery pot with improved technology, no one will have any doubts, right?" Teacher Jin asked everyone present with a smile.

"The ancient Greek culture is about 2500 years ago, and the Yangshao culture is about 5000 years ago."

"What a coincidence. The techniques and colors of ancient Greek paintings and Yangshao culture paintings are almost the same. Is there really no relationship between the two?"

[Welcome to Minke Live Room]

[This expert’s statement is similar to the geocentric theory]

Zhang Yang glanced at the live broadcast room, which was full of criticism or weird barrages.

He quickly added on the subtitles:
"Expert views do not represent the views of this live broadcast room."

In this way, at least the entire platform will not be embarrassed due to slicing.

"It does make sense!" Sister Gao nodded while listening. She was also interested in asking Zhang Yang: "Boss, what do you think?"

Zhang Yang waved his hand: "I'm playing with my phone and I don't dare to look at it."

On the stage, Teacher Jin threw out a second piece of evidence:
An ancient Greek pottery plate with three sea fish painted in black paint;

The painted pottery basin with human face and fish pattern corresponding to the Yangshao culture.

In the words of the teacher: Good guy, even the totem is correct.

Our ancestors traveled through mountains and ridges to the Mediterranean coast, and never forgot their belief in fish. He warmed me and made me cry.

[Okay, okay, it’s time to take back Greece]

[I suspect that I am watching a lecture on unofficial history]

[Thank you to the anchor for giving me an opportunity to understand the diversity of species]

Zhang Yang was surprised to find that the barrage was much more interesting than Teacher Jin's lecture.

When the people on the stage began to analyze the relationship between ancient Greek writing and oracle bone inscriptions, Zhang Yang simply watched the barrage and made fun of it.

It wasn't until 10 minutes later that Teacher Jin finally finished speaking.

Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief and could only say that the teacher's idea was good and not that extreme.

There is just a little less evidence, and there are more imaginary parts but not exciting enough.

It would be great if we could follow what the barrage said and connect the gods in Fengshen with the ancient Greek gods.


The next speaker, Expert Hu, is Mr. Bi Jin who talks about evidence. He is a thorough evidence-based expert.

In order to prove that "Egyptian civilization originated in the Wanchuan River Basin in Yuzhong County, Long Province", he gave a lot of evidence.

For example, the photo of the ancient Egyptian cultural relic "roasted sheep head".

"Is this a sheep?"

Xiao Chu scratched his head, really afraid to admit it:
"Even if it's a sheep, how did he analyze the information about roasted sheep?"

"Is it possible that the sheep head is the first god of the Eighteenth Dynasty of ancient Egypt, Amon..."

Zhang Yang covered his mouth and tried not to laugh out loud.

In addition to the sheep's head, experts also showed an Egyptian mural.

He said this was the scene of the ancient Egyptians sitting around the fire to celebrate the New Year.

"Isn't this just a table? What does it have to do with the stove?" Xu Jie questioned.

"He said it was a stove, so you just obey him, or are you going to tell everyone a joke?"

Finally, amidst everyone's expectations, Expert Hu came up with his most compelling evidence:

World famous painting: "Horus hand-stretching noodles to the gods".


Zhang Yang was not the only one in the audience who didn't hold back, and laughed out loud in unison.

Professor Dong, who was sitting in the first row, stood up with a gloomy expression and waved his hand.

Soon, security guards came on stage and carried Expert Hu down with his chair.

"Remind the teachers and scholars who want to take the stage later that we are an open forum, not a disease exchange meeting."

(End of this chapter)

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