Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 300 Museum of the Underworld

Chapter 300 Museum of the Underworld

"Satisfied, quite satisfied. It's a pity that these three items are not worth much money." Zhang Yang said with pretense of regret.

"Ah?" Kong Xing'an's pupils were shocked.

"How much is it worth?" Boss Lan also said he didn't understand.

"Looking at your tone, do you mean to sell me for a sky-high price?" Zhang Yang looked around at the two people and thought, how can they kill me so quickly?

Kong Xing'an still knows some rules and gave data to support: "Five years ago, Christie's auctioned a similar piece in the UK. I don't know whether it is authentic or not. The transaction price at that time was 14 RMB."

After listening to this, Zhang Yang calculated in his mind: "Then these three items, add up to 30."

"Ah? Brother Yang, did I hear you correctly? These three pieces are a set." Boss Lan pointed at the three pieces of jade in the brocade box and said, "Can't the price of the set be higher?"

"Brother, you are kidding. This is a jade axe. It is the same as an axe. If there are three axes in a set and put together, what kind of ultimate weapon would it be?"

Zhang Yang smiled and shook his head, pointing at himself and the two people opposite him and said, "Just because the three of us are handsome guys, you can't say we are triplets, right?"

"What you said...makes sense." Boss Lan touched his chin and continued to ask: "Even if you sell them individually, that's three times 14, 42. How come they are worthless when added together?"

"It can't be calculated like that." Zhang Yang shook his head again: "These three items can't all be real, right? These are cultural relics of the Liangzhu culture, and they are not dogtail grass on the roadside. How can there be so many authentic items?"

"So among these three items, I count at most two genuine items. Is that reasonable?"

"Quite reasonable." Kong Xing'an nodded.

"No, what's going on, buddy?" Boss Lan stepped forward and patted Kong Xing'an on the shoulder: "Aren't I negotiating the price for you now?"

"Then thank you." Kong Xing'an rolled his eyes at the other party.

He walked straight to Zhang Yang, lifted the lid of the box, and closed it.

"Let's skip this one for now. I have a long memory. I will sell them one by one next time."

"What are you talking about, Mr. Kong..."

Zhang Yang laughed, didn't get entangled, and just made a note of it silently in his mind.

He could see that Kong Xing'an was very confident in these three jade axes. He had a feeling that he didn't have to worry about selling the good things, and he didn't even bother to tell the price.

So who gave him the confidence?

Online treasure appraisal anchors are definitely not qualified even if they are promoting themselves, most likely because the source of the goods is high enough.

I hope it won't be involved in any big case again, Zhang Yang thought to himself.

"Keep on, there are still plenty of good things to come!" Boss Lan encouraged in the narration.


After seeing the last batch of unearthed cultural relics, Zhang Yang ordered a small amount of 3000 million yuan.

Boss Kong gave me face, and the deposit was still the same 60 yuan, and he made an appointment to deliver it to Linhai and then pay the balance.

By the time Zhang Yang came downstairs, Xu Jie and the others had finished the live broadcast and were wandering around the door.

Different from when they arrived, there was a middle-aged man beside them. When this man saw Zhang Yang, he immediately nodded and bowed to greet him:
"Master Zhang, I, Lin Yupan, do you still remember me?"

"Oh~Old Lin!"

Zhang Yang thought about it, wasn't this the treasure friend who wanted to open a museum of the underworld?

It's such a coincidence that we can all meet this.

Lin Yupan explained that it was not a coincidence, but fate.

He heard that Lin'an was bustling here, so he came here specifically to look for potential investors.

While visiting the gallery, I accidentally discovered that Zhang Yang was on the air. Lin Yupan took out his mobile phone and took a look at the live broadcast, and he was actually in the same place as him.

With a star-chasing mentality, he secretly followed Sister Gao and did not explain his purpose until the live broadcast ended.

Sister Gao checked Jiucaigou's password and confirmed that he was one of her own, so she asked him to wait with her. After all, she didn't know when Zhang Yang would be done.

The result really made him wait.

"So in the end you still want to get it right in one step and run the museum directly?"

Zhang Yang originally thought that Lin Yupan had changed his mind after the last chat.But when he came to find investors, he obviously still couldn't let go of his original dream.

"That's indeed my plan, but I'm not stubborn." Lin Yupan was afraid that Zhang Yang would misunderstand, so he quickly explained: "I listened to what you said last time, teacher, so this time I sold the house and will eat it later." If you live in a museum, just give it a try."

The houses...are all sold?

Zhang Yang was a little surprised by this person's determination. Although selling the house now was considered a high point, the sale of the Stud Museum still showed irrationality in every aspect.

This is his own choice, and it's hard for outsiders to say anything. However, the investment plan that Zhang Yang agreed to at the time seems to need to be reconsidered now.

Zhang Yang was about to ask the other party how the collection of exhibits was going, when Boss Lan, who had been watching from the side, suddenly interrupted and asked:
"Are you planning to build a folk museum?"

"No, it's the Museum of the Underworld, post-nasal, the underworld of Hades." Lin Yupan explained.

" interesting!"

Boss Lan showed an interested look, nudged Kong Xing'an next to him with his elbow, and asked for his opinion.

The latter shook his head expressionlessly: "I feel like there is no way to make money."

"You only have money in your eyes, and I'm too lazy to talk to you." Boss Lan was asking for trouble, and then turned to Zhang Yang: "Brother Yang, are you the one checking this museum?"

"Barely, what's the matter, are you interested?"

Zhang Yang felt that the financial sponsor Lin Yupan was looking for might have already arrived at his door.

"One thing is, in fact, I don't care whether I lose money or not as long as I lose money slowly and don't exceed the bank's interest rate."

"Brother Lan, your thinking is very clear. You deserve great blessings."

"Hahaha, let's talk somewhere else?"

Zhang Yang looked at Lin Yupan, who was a little nervous, and then at Boss Lan, who was very interested. Both of them seemed to have acquiesced that he was the middleman.

He thought about it carefully, and if a wealthy businessman from Hong Kong spent money to listen to the noise, this museum could really make a name for itself.

Museum of the Underworld?This project...I voted for it Zhang Yang!

"Let's go to the hotel. This door is really not a place to discuss business."


A few days later, Sanchuan City.

Zhang Yang and Boss Lan went to the temporary residence rented by Lin Yupan together.

He himself said that this was a "warehouse + residence". When he arrived, he realized that it was actually a small storefront in three industrial parks. It used to be a 4S store, but he bought it at a low price to use it to store the museum's future collections.

At this time, the benefits of the Museum of the Underworld are revealed: except for the rare high-end funerary objects such as Tang Cai, the remaining collections, whether they are metalware or pottery, are relatively rough.

The requirements for the storage environment are not that high.

After entering the warehouse, Boss Lan was eager to take a look at the collection before his butt was hot:

"What are the treasures of our museum? I think other museums have the top ten treasures. Although our newly opened museum is small, it must have at least three to five pieces, right?"

"Of course, I have a list of all the collections."

Lin Yupan handed over a piece of A4 paper with brief collection information and market valuation printed on it.

The most expensive treasure of the museum is, of course, the tomb beast from the Tang Dynasty. At that time, the auction cost hundreds of thousands, not counting the shipping costs to take it home.

It's a pity that Baoyou has only been rich for a period of time in his life. Later, he got too rich and the value of the things he bought plummeted, from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands.In addition to the most expensive ones, there is also the biggest treasure of the museum - stone statues from the Southern Song Dynasty.

It took Lin Yupan three days to move these two stone statues from Weijiagou Village.

"Should such a large stone sculpture be displayed in a museum?" Boss Lan hesitated.

Zhang Yang was the one who suggested moving the stone statue alive, so he explained:
"Just tell me whether it's big or not?"

"It's really's only two pieces, so it's still not very good."

Boss Lan reluctantly approved these two collections, but for his investment of 6000 million, this was far from enough.

"The rest..." Lin Yupan looked embarrassed and looked at Zhang Yang for help.

"I'll do the rest." As the mastermind behind the scenes, Zhang Yang took over the initiative.

He knew the reason why Lin Yupan was in trouble, probably because of the suggestion he made before:

Since the museum has already deviated from its conception, it should not think about using precious cultural relics to compete with other museums, but should insist on its own characteristics.

To put it simply: don’t buy expensive ones, only buy weird ones.

"Come on, let's take a look at this first, a figurine with two human heads and a dragon body."

Zhang Yang, relying on his years of perverted experience, chose the weirdest-looking thing in terms of name.

Half a minute later, Lin Yupan presented this treasure.

Maybe it was because the light was too dim, or maybe because he wasn't mentally prepared. The first time Zhang Yang saw something, he actually shivered.

Taking a closer look, the SAN value (mental value) is even lower.

There are two busts in the shape of children, with their hands turned into fins lying on the ground; below the waist is a snake-like cylinder.The key point is that the lower bodies of the two busts are connected together.

Ancient demon clan? !
"Name: Figurine with two human heads and dragon body"

"Material: gray pottery"

"Production date: 553 (Southern and Northern Dynasties)"

"Detailed information: The double-headed dragon body figurine, also known as the tomb dragon, originated from the Northern Qi Dynasty and was a common tomb-stopping figurine from the Northern and Southern Dynasties to the Tang Dynasty."

It turned out to be a figurine of a god, Zhang Yang knew it in his heart.

He often dealt with Lao Jiumen, and he did a lot of research on these kinds of tomb artifacts.

As the weirdest era of funerary culture, the Ming objects unearthed from tombs in the Sui and Tang Dynasties are generally divided into two categories: Shensha and Xiangsheng.

The pottery figurines in the shapes of ladies, dancing girls, houses, and animals are all considered elephants. They have the same meaning as modern people burning paper money and paper figurines when offering sacrifices, hoping that the deceased can also enjoy happiness in another world. A tradition that has been handed down.

As for the gods and evil spirits, during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the development direction was very strange, and they were completely heading towards "suppressing tombs and being tired of winning".

The general thinking of craftsmen who make such bright artifacts is: they must first make living people unable to hold back after looking at them, and then bury them underground to suppress ghosts and gods.

"Hiss~" Boss Lan scratched his head. He felt like he was about to grow a brain.

However, his action was a bit ambiguous, which made Lin Yupan misunderstood and mistakenly thought that investors were dissatisfied with this thing.

He quickly went to the warehouse and found another collection of the same type.

"There is another figurine of this kind with two heads and a dragon body."

"I'll go!" This time, Boss Lan shuddered after seeing the thing.

Zhang Yang was very calm. In his eyes, this tomb-suppressing beast from the Tang Dynasty was much better.

Compared with the tomb dragons of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, although this pottery figurine also has the shape of double heads + dragon body, it has a very obvious base, and the dragon body part is not arched.

But correspondingly, the properties of things have also changed.

"Old Lin, please remember." Zhang Yang taught on the spot: "Like this one, part of the body is arched, it's called a tomb dragon."

"The body lying on the ground is called the axis of the earth."

"Although many museums can't tell the difference, we are a museum in a separate category and must be professional."

"What is the axis of the earth?" Boss Lan asked curiously.

"To put it simply, it is one of the six tomb gods in the Tang Dynasty. It evolved from the imagery of turtles and snakes. As for how it evolved, we can only check the mental state of the craftsmen at that time."

"Are they considered three treasures of the museum now?" Zhang Yang asked.

"That's right. Is there anything weirder?"

"Do the pottery figurines of the twelve zodiac signs count?" Lin Yupan thought for a while and replied.

"Is it just that the heads of human-shaped pottery figurines were replaced with animal heads... What's the point of that? It doesn't count."

"Does the Nine-Aperture Blockage count?"

"It's too common. Nowadays, jade cicadas are sold everywhere...and the taste is too strong, so it doesn't count."

"Does the soul-eating beast count?"

"Not really...wait a minute, are you talking about soul-devouring beasts?" Boss Lan was shocked again.

"The soul-eating beast that devours the stars?" Zhang Yang had a vague impression.

Now it was Lin Yupan's turn to be confused: What is Mr. Zhang talking about? Am I ignorant?

Until the man named Lan reminded him:

"Old Lin, what's wrong with you? We are all waiting for your next sentence."

"Oh, wait a minute, I'll get it right away."

Three minutes later, Lin Yupan dragged a dark brown stone sculpture to Zhang Yang and Zhang Yang on a wooden cart.

"This is the Soul-Eating Beast. It looks a bit like a lion."

"Remove the word "xiang" and this is a lion carved from limestone."

After Zhang Yang corrected Boss Lan's statement, he focused on the lion's mouth.

This male lion is biting some animal.

According to Lin Yupan, it bites the wandering spirits that infest the mausoleum.

"Is there any question? Is it really a soul-eating beast?"

"Forget it." Zhang Yang nodded reluctantly.

To be precise, this Tang Dynasty statue is a derivative of the tomb beast. The lion is the traditional image of the tomb beast, and what it bites in its mouth is a struggling lamb.

Creatures like sheep were inextricably linked to the concept of soul in ancient times.

The ancients placed such sculptures in tombs as a warning to the wandering spirits not to disturb the deceased, otherwise they would be eaten in one bite.

"Let's call it the Soul-Eating Beast. We don't have a lot of treasures in the museum."

"Huh~" Lin Yupan let out a long sigh of relief.

"Four pieces, that's about it." Boss Lan smiled, suddenly leaned towards Zhang Yang, and hugged his shoulders like a good brother: "I offered 6000 million, does Mr. Zhang also offer some antiques?" , what do you mean?"

"Is the wool harvesting all over me? It's not a big problem. But I'm afraid your 6000 million won't be able to catch what I take out."

(End of this chapter)

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