Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 301 Why is there a female tomb robber?

Chapter 301 Why is there a female tomb robber?

Can’t even handle 6000 million?
Are any of the cultural relics of funeral culture worth 6000 million?

Lin and Lan looked at Zhang Yang in surprise. In terms of their knowledge of antiques, together they were no match for Zhang Yang, so they were very humble and believed everything he said.

Lin Yupan rubbed his hands in anticipation, with a happy face, and guessed:
"Mr. Zhang, is it a relic or a Buddha bone?"

"If you ask me, it has to be the dragon robe taken off Kangxi's body." Boss Lan thought: "I heard that Kang Mazi's shroud was made by asking the Buddha to perform Dharma. If you can get it, you probably won't be able to sell it for [-] million." question."

"You two really dare to think!"

Zhang Yang gave each of the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chicks in front of him a thumbs up.

It's a good idea, but don't think about it next time.

"The person I invited is a special expert. With him, the tomb culture of our Museum of the Underworld will explode."

"Does it run a paper shop? Or is it a professional paper maker?"

"Mr. Lan, these two professions you mentioned did not exist in ancient times." Lin Yupan reminded weakly from the side.

"Stop guessing, I'll take you to meet them later."

The "experts" mentioned by Zhang Yang are actually old friends Cheng Zongwen and Cheng Erye.

At the moment, he and Mao 17 were inspecting Sanchuan City.

Hearing that Zhang Yang was going to open a museum of the underworld with others, Cheng Erye, who didn't use mobile phones very much, took the initiative to express interest in the group and said he wanted to come and see it.

But after Zhang Yang found out what he was doing now, he immediately said that we should come to find fault.

After all, tracking down tomb robbers doesn't happen all the time.


The terrain of Sanjiang City is relatively complex, with hilly and mountainous areas like Weijiagou Village and small impact plains bordering the sea.

The place where Cheng and Mao worked was on a plain beside a river on the outskirts of the city. There used to be several brick factories there, but now there are only patches of abandoned factories left.

When Zhang Yang and his group drove here, they felt a little incredible when they saw the scenery along the way.

"Shouldn't the tomb robbers be found in the deep mountains and old forests? This area is full of factories."

Lin Yupan habitually asked Zhang Yang. Unlike Boss Lan, he often watched Zhang Yang's live broadcasts, so he knew that Mr. Zhang in front of him not only knew how to identify, but also knew a lot about tomb robbing.

"To be honest, I'm quite surprised. This place is surrounded by a vast plain. Although it's very close to the river, it doesn't look like good Feng Shui."

Zhang Yang was telling the truth. On the way here, he had been trying to match the surrounding terrain with the Feng Shui knowledge Cheng Zongwen had imparted to him, but none of it matched.

It can only be said that there is still a distance between him and the experts in tomb robbing.

How Cheng Zongwen discovered it remains to be seen.

But how did the tomb robbers discover it? Zhang Yang has his own speculation:

"The most likely possibility is that some factory workers had discovered peripheral burial objects in the field before, and then they were investigated by interested parties, and then the ancient tomb was discovered. But these are all guesses. For the real situation, you have to interview the tomb robbers. Only thieves know."

"Hey, what the hell!"

"Anyway, I made the right decision to follow you to Sanchuan this time. Xiangjiang was developed late and there are no ancient tombs at all. I have only seen them on TV."

Boss Lan waved his hand. He didn't care at all about the reason behind it. He was just excited anyway.

Soon, they arrived at the place agreed with Cheng Laoer.

Cheng and Mao were already waiting.

The two of them directed Zhang Yang and hid the car in a pit covered with weeds. After promising not to be exposed, they talked about the current situation.

“After two days of squatting, we have only found five backfilled caves,” Cheng Zongwen said.

Cave theft is generally divided into two types:
One is to drill vertically around and directly above the tomb to determine the size, orientation, etc. of the tomb;
The other is to dig a hole that can directly enter the tomb after deciding on the tomb robbery plan.

What has been discovered so far is the first type.

According to Cheng Zongwen, caving techniques are very sophisticated and cannot be performed without more than five years of experience.

And it can be seen that he must have found something, otherwise the master would have packed up his things and gone home for dinner at most after going down the second hole.

We haven't started yet, but we will most likely call for help and make preparations.

"What did the police say?" Zhang Yang asked.

Although Chu Ziqiang told Cheng Laoer not to call the police, when Zhang Yang learned about the incident yesterday, he immediately ordered Cheng Zongwen to beat Yao Yao Ling.

This kind of behavior is equivalent to being registered with the official side. If they really don't care, it is also their responsibility.

Whatever Cheng Lao Er and the others did later on, it must be considered a "brave act of justice". With Lao Chu on his side, they could do whatever they wanted.

"We called the police that day as you said, Master Zhang, and two local policemen came."

Mao Shiqi introduced what happened at that time, with an uncontrollable smile on his face:

"They walked around the robbery cave for a long time, and finally asked us how we knew it was a robbery cave."

"Brother Zong Wen is more forceful. He directly told the policeman that he used to be a tomb robber. You can tell at a glance."

"What did the two sirs say?" Boss Lan asked dumbfounded.

"What else can you say? Just take us away. They say we are sneaky and are suspected of robbing graves."

"Huh?" The other three people present all cried out in surprise.

"Sorry, this is something I didn't consider." Zhang Yang made an apologetic gesture. Maybe he had been in contact with Captain Liu for too long, which gave him some illusion.

"It's okay, it's actually my problem." Cheng Zongwen said aloud: "I was mainly thinking about how to convince those two people, and I accidentally let the truth out."

Cheng Laoer has done this kind of thing before.

He was a ruthless man who wrote his autobiography after being released from prison, blew himself up in the book, and sent himself back into prison.

Once again, things get familiar again. This time, his mentality was quite stable when he went in. He took his time and made a call to the legal team behind Chen Yanguang, and he was released in the last two hours.

"Do you know what's the funniest thing?" Mao Shiqi's story wasn't finished yet: "When they sent us out, the man who cuffed me told me that they thought we were tomb robbers who were fighting among themselves."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

While Zhang Yang was laughing with others, he suddenly remembered that he forgot to tell Mao Shiqi that Xiao Shiyi had already entered.

And the reason why he went in was probably because of internal strife, so he was locked in the cellar.

But now is not the time to talk about this matter, as it will affect everyone's happiness in catching tomb robbers.

After a short period of happiness, Lin Yupan remembered the purpose of coming today and asked hesitantly:

"Speaking of which, we may not be able to catch the tomb robber today, right?"

"After all, the hole they used for exploration has been dug for a long time. If there is really a big treasure, they should have dug it long ago."

"The probability is very high tonight." Cheng Laoer replied very sincerely: "Read the almanac before going out, it is time to start the work."

"I think their methods are those of traditional southern tomb robbers."

"People in this group are a bit deliberately imitating the feeling of touching Colonel Jin. They are very metaphysical. If you don't do it today, the next good time will have to wait until next month."

"Okay, okay, that's good, I'm a letter expert."

Boss Lan looked excitedly at the abandoned factory building outside the pit and said.

Of course, Zhang Yang also believed in Cheng Zongwen's judgment. He was already here anyway, so the one-hour drive couldn't be in vain. He had to wait until midnight at least.


It is already early November, which is considered late autumn.

The outdoor temperature was actually not low, but the sky got really dark relatively early. It was just 06:30, and the paper map in Cheng Zongwen's hand could no longer be seen clearly.The process of sharing gold and fixed acupoints can only be temporarily interrupted.

But the good news is that almost at the same time, a white car drove into the abandoned factory.

At this point, if you drive to this deserted place, even if you are not robbing a tomb, you may be engaging in some illegal activity.

Cheng Zongwen made a gesture to signal everyone to follow his pace.

He had already planned the route and knew where to dig the hole to break into the tomb.

"It's so exciting!" Boss Lan leaned down and followed Zhang Yang, whispering.

"Aren't you panicking?" Zhang Yang asked in a low voice without looking back: "A big boss with a net worth of hundreds of millions, come with us to catch thieves in this wilderness?"

"Don't panic, there are five of us strong men, and there are not enough people in a car to fight."

"In that case..." Zhang Yang looked at the wrench in his hand for repairing the car, nodded and replied, "There's really no need to panic."

Tomb robbers are, to some extent, worse than thieves.

Lao Jiumen, a former thief who changed his career, said that if you are caught stealing from a living person, your hands and feet may be broken, but stealing from a dead person is much safer.

As for the difficulty of practicing, if you study hard, you will eventually become a master.

Zhang Yang was thinking about a few things and followed Mr. Cheng all the way to the corner of the abandoned factory.

Separated by a wall, there is a marked place where you can dig a robbery hole.

"Shh!" Mao Shiqi made a silencing gesture.

He then lay prone on the ground with his ears pressed against the ground.

"Fuck, listen!"

Boss Lan muttered something in a low voice, but everyone rolled their eyes.

After a while, Mao Shiqi stood up and told everyone the result of his inquiry:
"There was just one sound of footsteps, and it seemed like they were digging."

"What should we do now?"

"Alone? What are you thinking about? Come rush after me!"

When Boss Lan spoke, he strode from the last position to the front of the team.

He disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye.

Others did not dare to neglect and quickly followed.

Zhang Yang is the slowest because he has the smallest weapon.

When he entered the abandoned factory next to the wall, he saw the familiar white car at first sight, and it drove directly into the factory.

Next to the car, a young woman with short hair was holding a shovel covered with soil. She stood behind the newly dug hole and said tremblingly: "Don't, don't come over. If you come over again, I'll scream."

Directly opposite the woman, Boss Lan, who was originally "murderous", has wilted. According to his many years of experience in playing Huacong, the woman opposite should be less than 30 years old.

He turned around and asked Cheng Laoer: "Why is it a woman?"

"What's wrong with the woman?" Cheng Zongwen asked.

"Yes, why is she a woman?" Mao Shiqi also had the same question: "Back then, in our team of 108 people, although there were some gays, at least the names on the ID cards were all male."

"And you see it took her a long time to dig so much. It will probably be a few days before she digs the tomb." Boss Lan added.

"Good guy, how about we come back in a few days?" Cheng Zongwen said angrily.

"No, just today."

Behind the crowd, Zhang Yang had already taken out his mobile phone and was about to call the police.

He noticed that the trunk of the car behind the woman opposite was open.

There were two clay pots inside. Without exception, they were all khaki in color with a thick layer of soil.

This kind of thing must have been dug out of the soil, and judging from the shape of the vessel, it probably came from tombs dating back to the Tang Dynasty.

"There are ancient cultural relics unearthed in her car. There is a high probability that she is the tomb robber we are looking for."

Seeing Zhang Yang calling the police, everyone present relaxed, except for the woman who didn't know what was going on.

"Damn, I didn't expect this to be so simple." Boss Lan was still a little unfinished, and he let out a sigh of relief and said, "I was ready to show off my free fighting skills just now."

"To be honest, I didn't expect it either."

"Me too, but..." Lin Yupan looked at the woman opposite, seeming to be thinking about something.

Perhaps because she noticed that Zhang Yang and his group didn't make any further moves after they rushed in, and that a handsome guy among them was still on the phone, the female tomb robber's mood gradually stabilized.

Still holding up the shovel in her hand, she asked in a low voice: "What are you here for?"

No one pays attention to her.

"Let me ask you a question, where are you from and what are you doing here?"

This time Lin Yupan replied:

"Fellow, I am also from Sanjiang. Have you dug up any funerary objects? The more bizarre the better, I need them here very much."

"I dig..."

The woman was about to answer when something suddenly occurred to her and she hurriedly defended:
"I didn't dig it! Don't talk nonsense."

"You're boring now. You were clearly digging when we came in, but you haven't put down the thing in your hand yet."

"I'm digging the earth, how can there be any burial objects?" the woman argued stiffly.

"Then explain the clay pot in the trunk."

"Clay pot?" The woman looked back and quickly made up a lie: "I use it to hold soil."

"Yes, it is used to hold soil. I just want to dig some soil and take it back..."

"Hey, hey, you, what are you going to do?"

"It's okay, I'll just take a look at the jar you put the soil in."

Zhang Yang walked far around the woman and came to the front of the trunk.

This time he saw clearly that there were not only clay pots but also bronzes inside.

"Name: Bronze Zong (three sounds of yan)"

"Material: Copper, Tin, Zinc"

"Production time: 1130 (Song Dynasty)"

"Detailed information: The upper part is a steamer (zeng four sounds) for holding food, and the lower part is a steamer for boiling water and heating. The middle part is connected with small holes to facilitate the passage of hot steam to heat food. There are imitations of this kind of bronze utensils in the Song Dynasty Habits used for decoration and use"

"Is this bronze vessel also used to hold soil?"

"Yes, I bought a handicraft flower pot."

"Why, can't it be done?" the woman asked in a bad tone.

"You are said to be fat and you are still out of breath?" Zhang Yang smiled in disgust.

"If you can travel back to the Southern Song Dynasty and buy such a flowerpot, of course you can. But I don't know if the owner of the tomb, Izumi Izumi, knows that you use the things he used for eating to plant flowers, will he talk to you in your dreams at night? "

 I was ill and owed three chapters, so I put it in my account.

(End of this chapter)

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