Chapter 307 Chaos and Kindness
Tang Qiyun's uncle was the second employee family member to come to the studio.

The last family member who came here was Sister Gao's son. Sometimes the young man would be sent to the conference room by Sister Gao on weekends to catch up on homework like crazy.

Zhang Yang went to care once before and found that he couldn't do the Mathematical Olympiad questions that others did, so he never humiliated himself again.

This time, Xiao Tang's uncle came here, of course, not to find someone to help with his homework.

He encountered a very difficult thing:
The person who engaged in literary and entertainment fraud was screwed.

In Xiao Tang's words, among the people she knew, only Zhang Yang could help with such a matter.

Compared to the other two employees, this was the first time that Xiao Tang asked Zhang Yang for help.

Zhang Yang calculated that it would only waste half an hour of his time at most. As a boss, it would be difficult for him to refuse.

At the elevator entrance, Zhang Yang met Tang Qiyun's uncle, Tang Zixue.

Old Tang is a very ordinary middle-aged man, wearing a black coat, with an unshaven beard and a somewhat decadent look on his face.

Standing next to the youthful Xiao Tang, one looks like the rising sun and the other looks like the setting sun.

After seeing Zhang Yang, Tang Zixue's first reaction was to go up and shake hands, but when he thought of Tang Qiyun's many instructions to him to be more steady when he was downstairs, his body unconsciously shrank back, showing a somewhat restrained smile.

After the two parties exchanged pleasantries, the three of them went into Zhang Yang's office to talk in detail.

"Uncle Tang, let's take a look at the evidence that Tang Qiyun said before, shall we?"

"Mmm Good."

Tang Zixue took out a red plastic bag from the leather bag in front of him, which contained documents he had printed in advance.

Zhang Yang took it in his hand and checked it item by item. If he encountered something unclear, he asked the person involved for details.

In fact, Zhang Yang had already understood the general story of the matter before the uncle and nephew of the Tang family came.

This middle-aged man named Tang Zixue opened a "pawn shop" in the lower county of his hometown and engaged in the business of recycling gold jewelry.

Anyone who has ever worked in a pawn shop knows that this kind of shop actually accepts everything.

Because it was a small place, the business was not profitable and it was not too busy. Lao Tang was so idle that he started writing online.

Instead of writing novels, I am writing some articles about gold jewelry, literature and jade, and posting them on the Baijia account I created.

They are all articles like "Three tips to help you distinguish real and fake gold", "Analysis of Jade Face Ornaments of Hongshan Culture", "How Many Things Were Stolen from the British Museum" and so on.

The account has been running for more than two years. In Tang Zixue's words, it is "quite famous in the circle."

Zhang Yang actually took a look and found that there were a total of 3600 fans and nearly [-] likes.

But with such a small amount of popularity, Old Tang is already thinking about how to monetize it.

After passing various certifications, he started a paid consulting business.

For 19 yuan, you can consult him on any issue, including antique collection, precious metal recycling, famous cigarettes and wine, etc.

"All I wanted to do at the time was earn money for a pack of cigarettes."

When Tang Zixue talked about his original intention of launching a paid service, his tone was somewhat regretful.

He touched his pockets and then remembered that the cigarettes had been thrown into the trash can when he was downstairs.

"Oh." He sighed and said, "I really didn't expect that some people wouldn't even give up the money for a pack of cigarettes."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang almost laughed out loud.

Is that a question of reluctance?

He saw his answer when someone asked Old Tang for an appraisal, and it was outrageous.

Probably after writing the article "Analysis of the Jade Face Ornament of Hongshan Culture", someone took a video of a Jade Face Ornament and asked him how it was.

The jade figure in the photo looked like a low-end imitation at first glance, but the owner left early and said that there was only one such thing in the Jinmen Museum.

Old Tang may have believed it, and replied:
"Yes, yes, this is right. This is a typical Shang Dynasty jade carving style."

He even pretended to say:

"Although this is the first time I have seen this style and technique, really good things will speak for themselves."


Those thumbs up expressions are really funny.

The treasure owner who came to appraise it was even more outrageous. He took the screenshot of the chat as evidence and sold the imitation to a retired teacher at a high price.

By the time the buyer found someone to appraise the item and discovered there was something wrong with the item, the owner had already taken the money and left.

If you can't find the seller, you can only find the "culprit".

The buyer naturally found Tang Zixue here.

However, when Lao Tang registered, he filled in all the real information and even used his own pawn shop for account verification.

As a result, the anti-fraud police came directly to the door.

The best thing is that this case is not an isolated case. There are four victims in total, who were all deceived in this way.

They all have similar speaking skills, and they all look to Old Tang for endorsement.

Not long ago, four defrauded buyers united to sue Lao Tang.

During the pre-trial mediation, the other party asked him to choose between "paying compensation" and "going to jail."

"Uncle Tang, can I ask you, what was your mentality when you gave these identification results?"

Zhang Yang was very curious about this point.

After reading the whole article, Tang Zixue told everyone who came to him for consultation that the things were true.

It's unreasonable because some of it is outrageously fake.

If it weren't for Xiao Tang's repeated assurances, Zhang Yang would have thought he was part of the National Treasure Gang.

The thumbs up expressions are very dark humorous.

"I'm not afraid of you making fun of me, boss. I felt at the time that others might not be able to accept it if I said something was fake, and it would be easy for me to get complained."

"It's easiest to tell the truth. If anything happens, I'll just tell you that I made a mistake."

"Yes, I understand." Zhang Yang held back his smile and nodded.

What chaotic goodness…

This Old Tang knows how to exploit the weaknesses of human nature, but facts have proven that this is not feasible.

"Boss, do you think there is any room for change in this matter?" Tang Zixue asked tentatively: "I really don't have the money to pay them back. It's really not possible. I can think of a way to save me a few years in jail." OK."

"Don't panic, it's not as serious as you said."

Zhang Yang could tell that the old Tang in front of him was so decadent. He probably suffered a mental attack during the mediation before the court.

But in fact, this matter is very small and can be easily solved.

"First of all, the next time there is pre-trial mediation or a formal court hearing, you have to admit in court that you have made blind identifications before. This shouldn't be difficult, right?"

Tang Zixue said nothing, but turned to look at his niece.

When they met for the first time, he was somewhat distrustful of Zhang Yang, which was normal, so he had to look at his niece for advice.

"No problem." Tang Qiyun replied on behalf of her uncle: "When the time comes, I will take out all the consultation records. The judge will take a look and it will be 100% authentic. It is obviously nonsense."

"Just like this, will he be regarded as a fraud?"

"Of course this possibility cannot be ruled out, but if the amount of fraud is less than 3000, it is not a crime. It is just a violation of public security and is not a criminal."

"Oh, that's good. I've received more than 100 orders in total, definitely less than 3000."

Tang Zixue secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After hearing Zhang Yang's first step, he felt relieved.

"This can only guarantee that you will not be criminally responsible, but I think the four people who were deceived will definitely not accept such a result." Zhang Yang analyzed.

In fact, it is not common in the antique circle for Lao Tang to be taken to court.What is more common is that the victim brings someone to block the door.

No refund?Then stop running your business.

"Yes!" Tang Zixue nodded repeatedly: "They had already gone to my store to unfurl a banner, and they also deflated the tires of my electric car, which made it impossible for me to do business."

"The main thing is that they already have my personal information and can't escape, so I thought of hiding in prison."

"Uncle, why do you always think about going to jail?" Tang Qiyun said with some hatred for iron.

"You're still a student and you don't understand. It's not legal, so you have no responsibility." Tang Zixue explained helplessly.

"That's the truth, so there is a second step."

Zhang Yang clicked on Lao Tang’s phone and saw the video sent by the treasure appraiser:

"I probably know the source of these things."

"An ancient jade counterfeiting case was uncovered in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province. There is a high probability that the materials and craftsmanship of the jade pieces you identified are from their workshop..."

"Can you find this?"

Tang Zixue was still hesitating, but Tang Qiyun had already understood what Zhang Yang meant.

"Boss, I understand." She patted her uncle on the shoulder and said, "Whether we can find it or not, we have to give them an explanation."

"That's what I mean." Zhang Yang agreed.


After sending Tang Zixue away, Zhang Yang returned to the office. While waiting for Sister Gao and the others to go to work, he communicated with Sheng Hai about the auction.

The work has been completed over there.

Looking at the transaction amount of the auction items alone, Demon City is worthy of being a commercial capital. The transaction amount of this Shenghai auction was higher than that of Linhai and Yangcheng.

Zhang Yang easily got 2000 million.

However, there are not many international metropolises left where he can hold such an event.

Yanjing has already done this once. Although the main purpose was to sacrifice the fallen teacher, in the end Zhang Yang took over and still earned a small 800 million yuan.

The next stop, Ding Qiang’s suggestion is to go to Chang’an.

As the ancient capital of thirteen dynasties, Chang'an has unearthed so many antiques that almost every local farmer has several heirlooms in his home.

If you hold an event there, it will definitely be a grand event.

But Zhang Yang thought about it carefully and finally decided to set his next stop in Jinmen.

Laojinmen is located at the bottom of the Jiuhe River and at the mouth of the Sanhui River. In the late Qing Dynasty and modern times, it had a strong sense of existence.

Although the private collection may not be as large as Chang'an, Sheng has connections with Xiao Chu and can protect him.

The most important thing is that according to Zhang Yang's previous treasure appraisals, most of the treasure friends from the area near Chang'an have some punishment.

Soul bottles appeared several times in the live broadcast room. When asked about the address of the treasure friends, they were either in Chang'an or the Central Plains.

The legal risks of holding treasure appraisal activities and auctions in such a place are too great.

If there is any major tomb robbing case involved, the activity will be stopped.

Regarding the next stop of going to Tianjin, the auction company has no objections.

As long as Zhang Yang is happy, they will accompany him to the moon for treasure appraisal activities.

Zhang Yang briefly checked the preparations with Ding Qiang and Manager Wei, and the fourth event was initially finalized.

"Okay, let's get here first today."

"Goodbye Director Zhang (Brother Yang)!"

After hanging up the video conference, before Zhang Yang could stand up and stretch, another video call came in.

This time he was looking for a beautiful woman whom I had met before, Miyuki from Nagasaki.

During the last trip to Neon, this girl left a good impression on Zhang Yang, so he could answer the call, but to be on the safe side, he didn't show his face for the first time.

At the other end of the video, Miyuki was wearing a white sun hat, standing in the shade of a tree, smiling and saying hello to him:
"Hello, Zhang Sang."

"Good afternoon, Miyuki, your Mandarin and accent are becoming more and more standard." Zhang Yang responded with a smile.

"Really? I have indeed been practicing Chinese recently."

"It's very effective. It's very good now. Do you have anything to do with me today?"

"Is such that……"

Miyuki reached out and switched the camera to the external camera of her mobile phone.

The camera focuses on a construction site with a sunshade net set up inside and workers busy on the ground.

"I am currently in Maebashi City. This is the county office of Gunma County in the Kanto region. I wonder if you know Zhang Sang."

"Of course I know, the hot springs there are famous."

When he was in high school, Zhang Yang had a roommate who discovered while watching a movie that Neon people especially liked to soak in hot springs when he was on a business trip with his boss, so he went to check out Neon's famous hot springs, preparing to have the opportunity to experience them. .

Among them is Gunma Prefecture.

"Yes." Miyuki nodded with a smile and said, "Here now, there is an... archaeological site."

"Kao~gu, I don't know if you can understand my pronunciation. It means digging antiques out of the ground."

"I understand." Zhang Yang nodded: "But in Chinese we generally say, rob ~ tomb."

"Robbery, tomb?" Miyuki repeated the newly learned word while walking forward.

I don’t know where she came from, but no one on site stopped her and let her walk to the excavation site.

The scene in the camera made Zhang Yang's eyes widen in surprise.

I saw that the pit was filled with densely packed copper coins that were round on the outside and square on the inside.

The arrangement of copper coins is very similar to that in China. The strings of copper coins are the best coins.

"Are these coins from your side or from ours?" Zhang Yang asked.

As we all know, the currencies circulating in the Neon Middle Ages were almost all copied from the "Kaiyuan Tongbao" of the Tang Dynasty at that time.

And when the Song Dynasty's copper coins flowed in, their own currency was directly squeezed out of circulation.

Therefore, the probability that the copper coins unearthed in Neon came from China is much higher than that of their own local coins.

"I don't know either, so I want to ask you for help."

Several copper coins had been broken off and placed on the tray.

Zhang Yang took a look and found that the words on the bronze vessel could no longer be read clearly.

He then asked Miyuki to confirm the size of the copper coin, which was about 34 mm.

"These coins are Qin Banliang, a currency circulated by the Qin Dynasty in the 2nd century BC."

"Qin Banliang?"

Miyuki didn't understand the word, but she reacted quickly and called the archaeological team who were excavating at the site.

The man chattered a lot, and finally translated it using voice software, asking Zhang Yang:
Is it true that only half a tael of copper coins of this size could be found in Qin Dynasty?
Can you be sure that these copper coins are really ancient copper coins?
"Of course there are more than just Qin Banliang large copper coins, but these are all, and they are Qin Banliang minted when the Qin Dynasty was just established. Their size exceeds 33 mm."

Zhang Yang knew what the neon archaeological team member was worried about.

Over there, counterfeiting of cultural relics is not uncommon.

With so many Qin Banliang buried here, if some "pro-Chinese" Neon man wants to create evidence that "Xu Fu went to Neon", wouldn't he, the person who dug things out, be a Muggle?

(End of this chapter)

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