Chapter 308 Qian Mausoleum
Zhang Yang's statement could only be used as a reference in the eyes of Neon's archaeological team, so after the other party said thank you, they went back to continue the excavation work.

On the contrary, it was Miyuki who asked about Xu Fu's eastward journey.

Zhang Yang could tell at a glance that this girl had the potential to be a "conspirator" and quickly told her the secret knowledge he knew.

"First of all, I'm not sure whether these Qin coins can be used as evidence that Xu Fu has been to Japan. But if the coins in the pit are exactly the same as those in the box, then they are basically gone."

"As for why they say Xu Fudong made it through, and why he is Emperor Jimmu, in my opinion there are three reasons."

"First, the development of normal civilization must follow the laws of history, usually from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age, and then to the Iron Age. But the cultural relics unearthed by you show that the local ancient civilization jumped directly from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Iron tools, and the level of iron tools is not low when it appears, it seems like it was guided by foreign cultures."

"Alien or Xu Fu, choose one."

"Secondly, the largest imperial mausoleum in your area, the Daxian Ancient Tomb, was dug up when it was applying for World Heritage in 14. It turned out that the burials were all Chinese cultural relics, which directly led to the suspension of the application..."

"I know about this, but it is said that the things dug out there are from the Jin Dynasty." Miyuki added carefully.

"Those are just peripheral funerary objects. They were probably buried by later generations during worship. We still don't know what's inside, but even if they were in the same dynasty as the Jin Dynasty, they appeared in a country that had writing only in the sixth century AD. The place is also very strange.”

"Maybe you have a lost civilization over there, but it's been covered up." Zhang Yang said with a conspiracy theory.

"I think so too." Miyuki nodded with deep understanding: "Anyway, my friends in the archaeological team cannot accept that civilization originated from China. They always want to prove that we have a history of 7000 years."

"So it's fake, right? Hahaha."

Zhang Yang thought of an archeology enthusiast in Neon who buried and dug by himself. Suddenly, stone tools from 3 years ago were dug out from the strata of 70 years ago, approaching the Zhoukoudian site.

At that time, the whole country was in joy about neon, and TV reporters followed and reported 24 hours a day.

As a result, after following him, he was actually photographed burying things in the soil in the middle of the night. The reporter was so disgusted that he was exposed directly.

In the end, the archeology enthusiast was sent to a mental hospital.

This is what happened more than 20 years ago. The incident had a great impact. For example, last time the funeral objects of the Jin Dynasty were excavated from the Daxian Ancient Tomb in Neon, the person in charge immediately contacted Chinese scholars to jointly conduct archaeological research, for fear that it would be discovered again. A scandal.

"I can't understand why they fake it." Miyuki responded to Zhang Yang's words with some embarrassment, and continued to ask: "What about the third point?"

Zhang Yang checked the time and realized it was time to go live. He couldn't talk nonsense with this girl, so he said perfunctorily:
"The third point is these Qin Banliang."


"Goodbye, it really depends on what can be dug out of the small hole behind you." Zhang smiled and said: "Maybe you will be called Xu Meixue in the future. We also have someone named Xu here, and you were the same family 2000 years ago. "

Xu Jie walked into the office just at this time. When he heard Zhang Yang's words, he asked with a puzzled look:

"Boss, whose surname is Xu? Are they the Xu family from Linhai, my own family?"

"I said Xu Fuji candies were there, but I didn't mention the person named Xu."

After Zhang Yang answered Xu Jie, he waved to the camera and said goodbye to his international friends.

"Well, Miyuki-chan, we may meet again in the future."

"Okay, thank you, Zhang Sang."

After hanging up the video, Xu Jie had already come closer. He looked at Zhang Yang suspiciously, his expression a little funny.

When Zhang Yang saw his expression, he knew that this person was getting into trouble again.

If I don't explain it clearly, I probably won't be able to sleep at night.

"Okay, I admit, we were talking about people named Xu just now."

"Who? Is it my sister Cancan?"

"Of course not. An archeology enthusiast and I were talking about Xu Fu's eastward journey."

"Oh~" Xu Jie nodded, with a look of realization on his face. He picked up the newly arrived live broadcast equipment on Zhang Yang's desk and prepared to go back to the live broadcast room to put it on.

Before leaving the house, Xu Jie turned his head and said suddenly:
"Actually, I think Xu Fu has indeed been to Neon."

"According to unofficial records, he was deceived by the local aboriginals. They gave him a wild kiwi fruit as the elixir of life. Later, the kiwi fruit rotted. He was afraid that he would be killed by Qin Shihuang when he came back, so he could only stay there and become a local emperor. .”

"You wild historian... you're a little too wild!"

Zhang Yang waved his hand, and any further discussion would become a novel.


The afternoon live broadcast started normally.

Yesterday, Zhang Yang had almost exhausted the accumulated brothers and sisters who needed to appraise the treasure.

There are no treasure friends lining up today.

This is not a good thing for the anchor Zhang Yang. There is no work to do, and everyone can't just listen to his chatter.

It had been three minutes, and no one had requested a microphone connection. Zhang Yang, who was thirsty and tongue-tied, could only ask in the live broadcast room:

"If you have any antique knowledge you want to know, just ask in the barrage."

"The anchor can definitely answer all the questions. If you really don't know, I can search online and tell you."

[Can I ask any questions? 】

"As long as it's related to antiques."

[Why don’t you talk about the unreasonable things in tomb robbing novels]

"That's not okay. It's just ruining people's jobs. And you also said that it's a novel. Novels need to be fantasy!"

[Anchor, I have the pen held by Cao Cao, can you authenticate it privately? 】

"The pen held by Cao Cao..." Zhang Yang read the barrage and found that the audience in the live broadcast room was reveling, and he realized that someone was playing homophonic jokes.

"Nantong is so disgusting. If you go crazy in the live broadcast room again, I will post your account on the Nantong forum!"

[It’s not an antique, can I see it? 】

Zhang Yang originally wanted to answer this barrage, saying he could read everything.

But considering that there were too many people in the audience, I changed the answer to:

"As long as it's a collectible."

Soon someone connected to the microphone.

Baoyou brought out a wooden box, which was full of stones of various colors. At first glance, they all looked like seals.

"Good afternoon, teacher." The speaker was a middle-aged man with a smoky voice.

"How many do you have?" Zhang Yang asked.

"There are 23 coins in total, all of which were paid to me by one of my creditors." Baoyou introduced.

"How much does he owe you?"

"There's a friend who's worth several hundred thousand, and he's been a good friend for many years. He really has no choice but to use his collection to pay off his debt. I heard he spent millions to collect this pile of stuff."

"That's it..." Zhang Yang nodded expressionlessly.

In fact, the barrage has already revealed the truth.

If they are all real things, then why don't they sell the goods and pay back the money directly?

Taking goods to pay debts is obviously as much as possible.

In the past, there were even people who specialized in this kind of business, working together with debtors to deceive creditors, saying that a certain garbage collection was worth hundreds of thousands.

When the creditor thought it was a leak and excitedly took the goods to an appraiser to sell them, they simply disappeared.

This is probably the case for the treasure friend in front of me.

Because he had already picked up a "soapstone" seal, he asked Zhang Yang uncertainly:

"I asked a friend who knows about bloodstone to watch it remotely. He said this piece of mine is worth 13 yuan."

"Then sell it for 13 yuan!" Zhang Yang suggested.

"You can't just let people buy it for how much it's worth based on how much it's worth. As a treasure appraisal anchor, you should understand."

Baoyou's reason is correct and Zhang Yang can't refute it.

Then we can only look at the collection level of the friend who owes money.However, there was something wrong with the first thing I took out.

"This is not a bloodstone, it's a dyed chicken-blood jade."

The chicken blood in chicken blood stone is cinnabar, and the chicken blood in chicken blood jade is an iron compound.

The two things are completely different, and the materials are also very different.

"No, I heard that except for the chicken blood, the rest of the chicken blood jade is white."

"But this is my seal. It's brown on the inside."

Baoyou has obviously done his homework, so it is easy for Zhang Yang to explain.

"The white part of Chicken Blood Jade is quartzite. Remember, dear friend, quartzite is the hardest hit area for dyed jade."

"Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, any color you want can be dyed for you."

"And have you noticed that your seal doesn't have any complicated patterns, and there are no words on the bottom." Zhang Yang mentioned a small detail.

"Aren't all seals like this?"

"No, I mean, it's not carved because it's not easy to carve."

Quartz stone has a Mohs hardness of 7 and cannot be carved with ordinary knives;
The hardness of bloodstone is 3, and an ordinary carving knife can be used to carve seals.

This is also the biggest difference between stones that can be used for seals and jade that can be used for jewelry.

Otherwise, if the jadeite is so beautiful, why would no one use it to engrave it?

"Uh... okay then." Baoyou put the chicken blood jade seal aside. It seemed that he wanted to distinguish between the things in the box.

The next item is Tian Huangshi's seal.

The yellow square has no carvings to speak of, so it is not an exaggeration to say it is a rough stone.

This kind of stone is said to be produced only in a field of less than one square kilometer in Shoushan. It is one of the most expensive stones. Especially after it was used as a national stone for worshiping heaven in the Qing Dynasty, it became even more popular. The best material in the eyes of Indians.

"Take out the remaining Tianhuang stones in the box."

"Let me tell you this, if all your Tianhuang stones are real, the combined value would be over one million."

[If it can be put together as a whole, it will cost at least tens of millions]

[Tianhuang stone is very easy to sell. If it were true, the person who owed money would have sold it long ago]

[It’s not as valuable as the anchor said. I’m from Shoushan, and there are a lot of Tianhuang stones in our market]

[Is it possible that the products on your market are all fake Tianhuang?]

Baoyou did as Zhang Yang said, pointed to the yellow stones that were grouped together and asked:
"Is there any truth in this?"

"Most of them are dyed Shoushan stones, except for the smallest one."

The eight Tianhuang stone seals, which are only small square seals about the size of a thumb, are genuine.

This kind of material is most likely the leftover material from other Tianhuang stone carvings, and it is said that it is only a small amount of money.

After hearing the valuation, Baoyou felt a little depressed. He murmured to himself:
"The rest are just Qingtian stones and hibiscus stones, which are not worth much."

"Isn't that right?" Zhang Yang asked in a confused tone: "Is the hibiscus stone you are talking about the kind that can be used for seals?"

He had previously appraised a hibiscus stone seal used by Emperor Qianlong. The material seemed to be different from Baoyou's.

"Right...actually, I don't know."

Baoyou doesn't know anything. It is obvious that a person is stupid and has a lot of money.

"That's probably wrong. Although your thing is also called hibiscus stone, it is produced in Brazil and is made of quartzite. It cannot be used as a seal."

"Look, someone in the barrage has popularized the science. The Shoushan hibiscus stone that can be used to make seals is used to make bracelets and bead chains like yours."


Baoyou was silent, the shock was a bit big.

After he recovered, he asked Zhang Yang:
"Is the Qingtian Stone real?"

"These pieces are real." Zhang Yang nodded: "It's not easy. The four pieces are all genuine Qingtian stones produced in Qingtian, Zhejiang Province."

"Unfortunately, it's a bit small and not worth the money."

"Small? Not small."

Baoyou picked up one of the Qingtian stone seals.

The size is about the same as the imperial jade seal in the TV series, and can be grasped completely with one hand.

"You're talking about this piece. It's a lot of small pieces of Qingtian stone, spliced ​​together. It can't be valued as a whole."

"Can stones be spliced ​​together?"

"Of course it can. You can't tell from the outside because it's made of stone powder and resin to make a layer of fake leather. In this way, the density and the hardness of the bottom surface of the seal are both qualified."

"You can tell by scanning the X-ray." Zhang Yang suggested thoughtfully.

"No, no need. I believe in your vision, teacher."

"Last question: Can I use this video of your appraisal as evidence?" Baoyou asked.

It seems that he wants to defend his rights.

"No problem. It's best to put a mosaic on my face to make it safer."

Since it is a live broadcast of treasure appraisal, Zhang Yang knows that he will inevitably be "used as a gunman". Even if he does not agree, there is a high probability that the other party will not listen.

Anyway, if Baoyou wants to go to court, he still has to apply for a judicial appraisal, which has nothing to do with him as a treasure appraisal anchor.

At most, the group of people who conducted the appraisal of the items involved in the case made a wrong appraisal, and Baoyou invited Zhang Yang to compete in the ring.

If you really want him to take action then, just add more money.

After hanging up Baoyou's call, Zhang Yang looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

It seemed like two groups of people were quarreling.

A group of people said: "It is difficult to see real Tian HS in the market, and they have been poached long ago."

Another wave of people retorted: "As long as you have money to buy a train ticket and go to the local stone market in Shoushan, you will not be able to say that all the Tianhuang stones have been dug out."

Zhang Yang had no intention of stopping them.

In this antique business, how can you do it without quarreling?If you have nothing to do, just go to line with Danmaku.

The next treasure friend of Lianmai has already sent an application, and he quickly clicked to confirm.

Baoyou is outdoors, with a short mountain peak behind him.

The person involved was wearing a mask, so it was hard to tell his age, but judging by his voice, he must be in his 50s or [-]s.

"Hello, anchor. Behind me is Wu Zetian's Qianling Mausoleum."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. I was sentenced to three years for tomb robbing. I was just released this year. Come and visit Qianling Mausoleum."

"Stop it, even if I tell you where the entrance to the Qianling Underground Palace is, you won't be able to open it." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

Compared with the various legends surrounding Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, the Qianling Mausoleum where Li Zhi and Wu Zetian were buried together is actually not that mysterious. The entrance to the tomb was dug out last century.

However, people discovered that there were so many boulders placed at the entrance of the cave, and the stones were inlaid and connected with iron blocks, that it was impossible to open it without using large equipment.

"You will definitely not be able to enter through the entrance of the underground palace." Baoyou chuckled: "Anchor, have you ever seen that tomb robber enter the tomb through the entrance of the underground palace?"

"No, are you serious?" Zhang Yang still didn't believe it.

"Hey hey hey, then look at this." Baoyou took out a piece of paper and showed it in front of the camera, with the topographic map of Qianling Mausoleum drawn on it.

(End of this chapter)

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