Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 310 All things can be turned into inkstones

Chapter 310 All things can be turned into inkstones

“Don’t panic when you encounter antique scams.”

Zhang Yang told all treasure friends with sincerity:
"In this day and age, there are basically no particularly new deceptions. Many of them are old tricks from decades ago. They just updated the quality of the fakes and continue to deceive them."

"So after you are deceived, consult a lawyer or someone who has been deceived frequently to know if there is any hope of saving you."

"Okay, let's welcome our next treasure friend."

While reading the message, Zhang Yang glanced at the other party's message.

[Lao Pang plays with inkstones], it seems that he is a treasured friend who plays with inkstones.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang."

The person who spoke was a polite middle-aged man who came up and showed his face first to say hello.

"Hello, are you here to appraise the inkstone, or are you here to bring goods?"

Since Zhang Yang started his own auction, he has stopped looking at those who want to sell goods through live broadcasts.

The premise is: the thing is real.

Because in the current antique market, bad coins drive out good coins, genuine and fake are mixed, and there are all kinds of unscrupulous experts and merchants. It is really difficult to sell antiques at a reasonable price without going through an auction. .

"Partly for appraisal, and partly because I want to use Master Zhang's live broadcast room to find collectors who also like inkstones."

"Oh, I just want to find potential sellers."

Zhang Yang is accustomed to direct speeches.

Baoyou was a little uncomfortable and smiled awkwardly.

"Show us your collection of inkstones."

Zhang Yang made an inviting gesture to the camera.

Among the four treasures of the study - pen, ink, paper and inkstone, the most popular among collectors is probably the inkstone.

Especially scholars in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, their pursuit of good inkstones even reached the point of morbidity.

The three famous inkstones, Tao inkstone, Duan inkstone and She inkstone, were once more expensive than gold.

Baoyou first took out a wooden box covered with red paint. It looked a bit like a large ink pad box.

After opening it, there is a pie-shaped earth-yellow tile plate with a large wavy pattern in the center.

"Teacher, this is a piece of Hanwa inkstone."

Qin bricks and Han tiles. When the antiquity trend was prevalent in the Qing Dynasty, these two items were often used to make inkstones.

"This... is indeed a tile from the Han Dynasty."

"It should be the famous [Eternal Blessing] tile. The wavy protrusions on it are the four characters of Eternal Blessing written in Miao seal."

"Did you cut off the tiles yourself?" Zhang Yang asked.

A complete tile, in addition to the round cake-shaped part covering the tile head, also has arched tiles covering other tiles.

For the tiled inkstone that Baoyou took out, the tile part must be cut off before it can be installed in a wooden box.

The reason why Zhang Yang asked Baoyou if he made the Wadang Inkstone himself was because the wooden box painted with red paint was just produced three years ago.

Mixing the old with the new, this method is very much like Laojiumen's sales.

"No, that's all I bought it."

Baoyou took the tile out of the wooden box and showed Zhang Yang the cross section behind it.

What a cross section!
It's like new. Even Zhang Yang believes it if he said it was just cut off yesterday.

[Okay, okay, I’m surrendering myself]

[This surface looks new at first glance]

[You dare to take out the Han tiles when you know they are real, brave! 】

[I have a question, if this kind of inkstone is real, can it be bought and sold?]

"Friend Bao, in what era did you buy it?"

"Late, late Qing Dynasty."

"It's not too late. It's never too late to surrender."

"It's really the late Qing Dynasty." Baoyou defended: "The marks on it were made by myself with a file."

"Originally, this circle was uneven and had a lot of burrs. It couldn't fit into this wooden box at all."

"Are you sure you bought it?"

"I'm sure, the antique market has surveillance to check. I have a clear conscience, okay?"

"Understood." Zhang Yang made an OK gesture.

If what Baoyou said is true, then there is a high probability that he will meet a "first-hand antique dealer" in the antique market.

It’s not a big problem. Although it’s a long time ago, things like tiles can only be criticized and educated at most.

Qin bricks and Han tiles are only leftovers in ancient tombs and ruins, and those tomb robbers who have no pursuit will sell them.

"Teacher, if there is no problem, how much is this worth of mine?"

"The previous market price was around [-]." Zhang Yang replied, "But in your situation, it's best not to sell it in a hurry, lest the police find no evidence when they investigate you."

"Ah? You mean, there is something wrong with the origin of this thing?"

"Nonsense, even if scholars in the late Qing Dynasty had to use this kind of inkstone, wouldn't they know how to smooth the edges?"

"I understand, I understand." Baoyou nodded repeatedly and quickly put the things away without saying a word.

"Teacher, I still have an inkstone, it must be old."

"Don't say it so harshly..."

Zhang Yang waved his hand. People who like to raise flags randomly usually have no good results.

"It's really no problem this time. If you don't believe me, just look at it."

Baoyou took out a rectangular wooden box with a blue tile inside.

In the middle of the tile, a circle, a half-moon shape, and two depressions are processed.

The round one is for grinding ink, and the half-moon one is for holding ink sticks.

"Glazed tiles?"

Although this was a question, when Zhang Yang saw the mountain-like patterns on the lower half of the tiles, he was almost certain that these were glazed tiles used for decoration on ancient roofs.

The tiles have been corroded over time, and the glaze has peeled off in some places.

On both sides of the circular pit are engraved the words "Han Yue", which should have been done by the inkstone maker.

"Yes, the glazed and three-colored tiles should be from the Han Dynasty, right?" Baoyou asked.

【This guy is in love with Wagang】

[It means you have to play the Han Dynasty, and you will not be interested in the glazed tiles of the Han Dynasty]

[Speaking of which, if the tiles from the Han Dynasty were made into inkstones in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, are they considered to be from the Han Dynasty or the Ming and Qing Dynasties]

"The tile is from the Han Dynasty, and this tile inkstone looks like it is from the Ming Dynasty."

"How much did this thing cost you?"

"Ten thousand." Baoyou chuckled and told Zhang Yang, "There's something special on the back."

As the tiles are turned over, you can indeed see some traces of engraving on the back of the tiles.

But because the back was originally black and the engraved words were small and shallow, Zhang Yang couldn't tell what was engraved.

"Did you take a rubbing and take a look?"

"The seller tried it and showed me a picture. It was signed that it was made in the Xuande year of the Ming Dynasty."

"That should be no problem."

The year of Xuande and the year of this tile inkstone match, so Baoyou was not deceived.

And considering the value of this thing, it can be sold for tens of thousands, so there is no need to cheat.

Because it has been earned with blood.

"Can the teacher help me estimate the price?"

"Are you sure?" Zhang Yang was afraid that Baoyou wouldn't be able to accept the reality later.

He still remembered that the other party was looking for potential buyers.

If there is a real treasure friend in the live broadcast room who wants to buy it, it will definitely be based on Zhang Yang’s valuation.

"I'm sure." Baoyou nodded heavily and replied: "If I make a loss, I won't sell it even if it's in bad hands." "Okay, congratulations, this tile inkstone has been locked up." Zhang Yang told the other party: "It's worth ten thousand at most."

"Ten thousand is because this thing can circumvent the cultural relics protection law and sell the tiles from the Han Dynasty."

"In the past, it would have cost six or seven thousand."

"Why?" Baoyou didn't understand.

"Because the quality is so bad. Have you heard about the screen-to-body ratio? With this glazed tile, you have deglazing and polished ink pits. The glazed ratio is estimated to be 60%. How can you sell it at such a high price?"

After listening to Zhang Yang's explanation, Baoyou put the things away without saying a word.

Zhang Yang originally thought that this person was going to run away, but he didn't expect that the other party immediately took out another one.

This time the shape of the inkstone is even more unusual, like a bamboo knot.

[This is definitely not from the Han Dynasty]

[An inkstone made of bamboo joints can last for a few decades at most]

[This is the first time I have seen an inkstone made of bamboo. Will the ink not penetrate into it? 】

At first glance, Zhang Yang thought it was a bamboo joint.

After all, there are not only cracks and wormholes on the object, but also traces of bamboo fiber on the cross section.

Could it be that everything can be used as an inkstone?
But when I thought about it carefully, it was wrong. If a wormhole had really formed, this thing would have been burned on the stove long ago. There is no way it could be kept in a mahogany box until now.

"Name: Bamboo-shaped mud inkstone"

"Material: mud"

"Production time: 1889"

"Detailed information: This inkstone is made of eel-yellow mud to imitate the natural shape of bamboo joints. The insect-eaten holes, cracks, and even the cross-section fibers and traces of knife and ax are all imitations of exquisite carving. It is A rare study item"

It turned out to be a Chengni inkstone, Zhang Yang suddenly realized.

This is the No.4 inkstone that closely follows the steps of the three famous inkstones.

Sometimes when we say the "Four Famous Inkstones", we include Chengni Inkstone.

The three famous inkstones are all carved from fine stones, while only the Chengni inkstone is kneaded from clay.

This also results in this kind of inkstone being very malleable and can be made into various shapes.

"The stuff is pretty good, a Chengni inkstone from the late Qing Dynasty."

"Want me to quote?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile.

"No, no need." Baoyou was a little scared.

He picked up the inkstone and showed it rotating in front of the camera.

"I am willing to part with this inkstone for 1 yuan. Interested collectors can contact me."

[1 yuan for Chengni Inkstone is a bit high]

[If you don’t write calligraphy with calligraphy now, who needs an inkstone?]

[The stuff is good, but it’s so real that others can’t tell whether it’s genuine or not. How can I use it to pretend to be a comparison after buying it?]

[The anchors didn’t even dare to give an estimate, so they probably joined forces to cut leeks]

"Wait a minute, why didn't I make a quote and the barrage started to spread conspiracy theories?"

Zhang Yang had to stand up and explain:
"The price of this kind of strange-shaped clear mud inkstone ranges from one thousand to ten thousand. It depends on the person how much it can sell for."

"Yes, yes." Baoyou quickly agreed: "Master Zhang is telling the truth."

"Don't agree with sounds like we are talking about cross talk."

"Okay, okay, do you have any other inkstones? Take them out and show them."

It’s a big stage for treasure appraisal, come if you have the goods.

If it weren't for the fact that Baoyou has been buying out new things, Zhang Yang would have disconnected the microphone long ago if it were someone else selling goods like this.

"Yes, I also have a brick and inkstone."

"You really only play unpopular things."

Zhang Yang understood why Baoyou came to the live broadcast room to find buyers.

For the inkstones he collects, if there is a gathering of collectors, you have to sit at the children's table.

"The three famous inkstones are too expensive." Baoyou lamented: "And I actually can't tell whether those are old things or modern ones, because some inkstones have been in use all the time."

"There's nothing wrong with that." Zhang Yang nodded in agreement.

While he was talking, Baoyou had already taken out his most proud piece of brick and inkstone.

Not Qin bricks, but Han bricks.

But it's also very good, because on the sides and back of the bricks, there are inscriptions "Mabie in April of the first year of Jianning".

And next to the text on the back, there is a picture of a person riding away.

It is enough to show that this brick produced in the first year of Jianning in the Eastern Han Dynasty is not an ordinary brick used for building walls. It is likely to be used to build "cultural walls", just like the stone murals in parks and scenic spots today.

This time, Zhang Yang quoted directly:
"This thing, five years ago, when cultural relics protection policies were not tightened, could have sold for at least [-] yuan."

"I bought it for thirty thousand..."

"Listen to what I have to say first." Zhang Yang knew that Baoyou was very excited when he heard that he was making money, but he had to speak clearly: "But now, these old bricks and inkstones are basically not allowed to be traded publicly."


"Because the source is difficult to determine."

[Didn’t there be tomb robbers who came to sell tomb bricks in the live broadcast room before?]

[Don’t say [-], just [-], others can move the ancient tomb and leave nothing behind]

[The main reason is that it is still difficult to distinguish whether brick inkstones are new or old, so it is better to use one blanket]

"I understand, I can just trade secretly in private."

"Hey, you..." Zhang Yang was a little speechless.

I feel that Baoyou is a little too dazed and it is dangerous to communicate.

"Baoyou, you've almost done your advertising. Why don't you leave some time for other treasures?"

"I should just hit one more treasure friend and then go off the air."

"That's it..." Baoyou didn't bother: "That's hard work, teacher."

"Friends who like to play with inkstones in the live broadcast room can contact me and accept third-party transactions."

After Baoyou disconnected the microphone, Zhang Yang realized after seeing the barrage:

"Ah? Do you think the third party is me?"

"I can make millions every minute and act as a middleman to give you thousands of dollars?"

"That old pang who plays with inkstones, if you are still in the live broadcast room, let me tell you. The only third party recognized by this live broadcast room is the auction under the Hailin Light brand."

After Zhang Yang forced himself to make amends, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, once the treasure appraisal live broadcast room is exposed to goods, it feels like there are flaws everywhere.

"Come on, the last treasure friend today."

"What baby did you bring?"

Zhang Yang looked at the camera and saw a small wooden box, which looked like it contained some ancestral treasure.

"Teacher, I see that you helped identify Angong Niuhuang Pills before. Can you identify them as long as they are old medicines?"

"I can only determine the age of the thing, but I can't determine how effective the medicine is."

Zhang Yang said something ugly in advance.

Although most medicines in the past were sealed with wax pills, the possibility of failure was inevitable.

"That's okay. The main thing I want to ask you is to look at the age and help you estimate the price."

Baoyou said as he opened the box, there were many small boxes inside.

He selected it and took out a red square box with five large gilded characters on it: Z Bao Sanbian Wan.

"Friend Bao, what do you mean?"

"You may have brought the goods to the wrong place. Our treasure friends in the live broadcast room have taken good care of their kidneys."

(End of this chapter)

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