Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 311 Miss Shen wants to see Feng Shui

Chapter 311 Miss Shen wants to see Feng Shui

[Anchors don’t need it, we need it]

[Only married men know that whether the kidneys can be maintained does not depend on themselves at all]

[If a man wants good kidneys, he should drink Shenbao]

[A friend of mine asked me to ask, is this medicine useful? 】

Zhang Yang looked at these barrages and was speechless for a while.

Sanbian Wan, as soon as you hear the name, you will know that it is a traditional Chinese medicine that uses form to complement form.

There is definitely some use.

"Teacher, I am not here to sell medicine. I have a friend who wants to use this medicine, but is afraid that it is a valuable treasure. After all, if he wants to supplement, he can also choose to take Liuwei Dihuang Pills."

"I understand what you mean."

Zhang Yang understands Baoyou's mentality very well. It's like having a thousand-year-old ginseng at home. If you sell it, you can buy many hundred-year-old ginseng. The medicinal effects of the two are actually about the same for ordinary people.

At this time, if you are not particularly rich, you will definitely get a good deal.

"How many pills are there in your box?"

"It's not pellets, it's tubes of concentrated pellets."

Baoyou took out a small tube and showed it to everyone. It contained black particles about the same size as sesame seeds.

"There are 50 tubes in this box."

"Okay, it looks like it should be a hard-packed medicine produced in 1980 for export. Let me check the market price for you."

Zhang Yang skillfully checked the historical auction prices. There is still a market for drugs like this from the 80s.

"Friend Bao, they sell them by the box."

"There are 48 boxes in one box, and each box is the same as this one, with 50 small tubes."

"How much does a box cost on average?" Baoyou asked hurriedly.

"On average, it's about five thousand."

After Zhang Yang settled the account, he was shocked.

It’s just a box of tonics. Is it so expensive?

No wonder some people choose to buy raw materials and make their own medicinal wine. It is indeed more cost-effective than concentrated pills.

"I understand, then I'd better take Liuwei Dihuang Pills." Baoyou thought for a while and replied.

"Um...didn't you say that your friend wanted to eat?"

"Huh? That's wrong, that's right. I went back and advised my friend not to take this medicine."

In order to cover up his slip of the tongue, Baoyou hurriedly took out another box of medicine from the box and changed the subject.

There is a red heart painted on the small white box, with five big words written on it:

Toad Deer Jiuxin Pill.

Zhang Yang knew when he saw the name of the medicine that it must be expensive.

A heart-saving pill, something that can make Minotaur Horse Face go back empty-handed.

Look at the ingredients written on the box: musk, toad venom (white pulp of toad), bezoar, pearls, and red ginseng.

Except for pearls, nothing is cheap.

Combined with the year of production, 1993, it is obvious that most of these medicinal materials are purely natural.

Zhang Yang couldn't tell the difference between this kind of old Chinese patent medicine and the new medicines made from artificially cultivated medicinal materials.

What he knew was that, just like the old Angong Niuhuang Pills, this box of Chanshe Jiuxin Pills from 1993 was definitely much more expensive than the Suxiao Jiuxin Pills in pharmacies now.

"This should be the medicine my father bought for my grandfather back then."

"It's a pity that it was not used in the end, alas."

Baoyou sighed and kept looking at the box, motionless, as if he was lost in memories.

This is the first time Zhang Yang has encountered this situation.

I've seen Lian Maishi and his wife quarreling, fighting, and relatives settling old scores before. Those were all easy to deal with.

Now this...

Take a look at the barrage, and hang up if Baoyou still doesn’t respond.

[I’m curious now, who bought that kidney-tonifying medicine]

[Didn’t they say that my father bought it?]

[If I die, I must get rid of this kind of thing before I die]

[If my son looks through my inheritance, he will probably only find 2 TB cloud disks]

Baoyou was delayed for less than ten seconds before he recovered.

"Teacher? Can this medicine still be used now?"

"Let me take a look at the packaging...wait, has this box not been opened yet?"

Zhang Yang found that there was a seal on the small box and quickly called Baoyou.

"Then don't tear it down. Go directly to your local, old Chinese medicine shop and ask them if they will accept it."

"Usually, a box of this kind of medicine costs several thousand."

"Okay, okay, thank you teacher." Baoyou thanked him repeatedly.

He then took out many old Chinese patent medicines, such as Niuhuang Qingxin Pills, Haima Pills, Xiaoshuan Zaozhao Pills, Shenrong Baifeng Pills, etc.

Most of them are Chinese patent medicines produced by some old pharmaceutical factories in Northeast China in the last century.

The main feature is that all pure natural Chinese medicinal materials are used.

In that era, there was indeed no such thing as artificial breeding. Nature was the best medicinal field.

Zhang Yang searched the price of these medicines on the Internet for Baoyou. They were much higher than the market price of new medicines. Even if they were twice as expensive, they would be considered cheap.

However, some elderly viewers in the barrage said that in those days, when wages were so low, they had to grit their teeth to buy these medicines.

Therefore, it is still not cost-effective to spend money to collect medicines.

The treasure at the bottom of Baoyou's medicine box is a large piece of yellow dry goods.

Packed in a plastic bag, it looks a bit like sun-dried fish at first glance, and a bit like large pieces of dried sweet potato.

"Teacher, what is this?"

"Don't move, let me see."

"Name: Fish maw (three sounds of min)"

"Material: Protein"

"Production time: 2001"

"Detailed information: Use the swim bladder of wild squid, wash it with water to remove mucus and blood stains, peel off the inner and outer membranes, and dry it separately into flakes. It is one of the traditional sea treasures and is a precious food commonly used by residents in coastal areas to supplement nutrition. Ingredients."

Oh, it turns out to be a rare fish maw!

Zhang Yang had eaten this when he was in Yangcheng. It was a bit like beef tendon, but more moist.

At that time, Teacher Huang introduced that there was a tradition of collecting this stuff in the Guangdong and Guangxi areas. It was usually kept by the mother-in-law and left for the new daughter-in-law to supplement her nutrition during the confinement period.

Due to overfishing and ocean pollution, the price of these marine treasures has continued to rise over the years.

Teacher Huang said that a large piece of fish maw that is more than 30 years old is worth at least 50 yuan.

"Friend Bao, this is fish maw, a relatively precious fish maw. It is estimated to be about 20 years old."

"My father bought this from Yangcheng when he was doing business." Baoyou introduced.

"That's right, it should be a supplement for your mother-in-law or your wife." Zhang Yang saw the essence of the problem at a glance.

Now, it is obvious who the Three Whip Pills are for - it is for Baoyou.

People can't help but sigh, father's love is like a mountain!

"Really? Is this thing cooked and eaten?"

"Yes, this piece can cook a large bowl. The amount of 40 yuan is enough for you to eat for two days."

"How much? 40?"

[Only people from Guangdong Province know how good this fish maw is] [I saw it when I was traveling in Xiangjiang, and it was very expensive]

[My girlfriend’s family is in Xiangjiang, and she has hundreds of thousands of fish maws stored in her home. I don’t know what she wants to do with it]

[This thing can supplement some protein and amino acids, isn’t it a pure IQ tax?]

Baoyou himself was also watching the barrage. He was originally very happy to hear that it could be sold for 40, but when he saw the IQ tax, his heart skipped a beat.

"Teacher, is this an IQ tax?"

"If so, I won't sell it."

"Brother is so conscientious." Zhang Yang gave Baoyou a thumbs up.

"But there's no need to think so. This thing should be considered a pleasure for the rich."

"You can definitely make up for it by eating it, but the price-performance ratio is very low. But for those who are willing to spend hundreds of thousands to buy your piece of fish maw, don't worry, they have never thought about whether it is worth it."

"If you have money, just buy and eat to make yourself happy." Zhang Yang explained.

If you feel guilty about making money from rich people these days, that's just pure bullshit.

"Thank you, teacher, thank you."

Baoyou said thank you twice and seemed to have listened to what Zhang Yang said. Before leaving, he didn't forget to pay for dozens of yuan in gifts.

"Okay, today's live broadcast ends here."

Zhang Yang looked at the backstage and saw that no one had applied for continuous wheat.

Old viewers all know that Master Zhang gets off work on time and cannot keep anyone who comes.

After closing the live broadcast room, Zhang Yang hurriedly walked out of the live broadcast room without even saying hello to Xu Jie.

He almost forgot something important.

Today, Master Wang returned to Linhai.


Since the successful conclusion of the Hailin Light Auction Linhai Station, Master Wang has been completely relieved of Zhang Yang's methods of running the museum and has spent most of his time in Yanjing.

It was early autumn at that time, and whether it was the scenery or the temperature, Yanjing was more suitable for the elderly to stay and recuperate.

However, the temperature in the north has dropped sharply in the past few days, and Linhai has also made a big leap from late summer to late autumn, and Master Wang is back again.

I also had two guests with me.

A father and daughter.

The father's name is Ma Junqing, a lecturer in the History Department of Yenching University; the daughter's name is Shen Shuyu, a graduate of the World History Department of the History Department of Yenching University.

They are here for a blind date.

As soon as Zhang Yang entered the door and felt the eyes of two strangers looking at him, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

The man looked at him with an ambiguous look, and the girl looked at him with a... shy look?
This age group, this group, etc., they couldn't be Teacher Ma's son and granddaughter, right?
"Master, good evening. Who are these two?"

"Zhang Yang, you're here, come on, let me introduce you." Master Wang's face burst into laughter.

His nephew's love life is in a mess, and Zhang Yang is the first junior to have a blind date in recent years.

The old man is very concerned when encountering this kind of thing.

"This is my junior brother, Teacher Ma Junqing. Ma Guoyu is his father. He is now a history teacher at Yanda."

"Hello, Uncle Ma." Zhang Yang shook hands politely.

This young teacher Ma looks quite handsome, giving people the impression of an old-school scholar.

"Zhang Yang, I have long admired your great name."

Ma Junqing looked at Zhang Yang, nodded with a smile, then turned to his daughter beside him and said:
"Shuyu, please introduce yourself."

"Okay." Shen Shuyu replied with a smile.

Zhang Yang took the opportunity to secretly look at today's heroine, who had an oval face, willow eyebrows, a pair of round glasses hanging on the bridge of her nose, and a shy smile like a newly graduated high school student.

I heard that Shen Shuyu's mother died when she was still in her infancy, so she took her mother's surname of Shen.

The word "Book Language" in her name is just like what she said when introducing herself to Zhang Yang, "Books are books for reading, and language is words for not speaking", implying that she is a quiet girl.

"Hello, senior sister." Zhang Yang smiled and nodded.

They are both majoring in history, and even though they are from Yanda University, there is no problem in calling them senior.

Zhang Yang chose his own name, so there is nothing to introduce.

In other respects, he is a college student who has studied for two and a half years. His usual hobbies are live streaming treasure appraisals, treasure hunting in antique markets, live streaming to catch tomb robbers, going to the Public Security Bureau to get banners, etc.

"Very good." After listening to Zhang Yang's introduction, Shen Shuyu nodded seriously and said, "I usually pay attention to your treasure appraisal live broadcast. Not only is it rich in knowledge, but it is also very positive."

After Zhang Yang heard this, a thought immediately came to his mind:
If it breaks down, it won’t kill the society.

He just broadcast live in the afternoon and talked about Sanbian Pills with his treasure friends;

In the past, I even brought the audience in the live broadcast room to the female anchor Mai Juyu;
The key word for the barrage in the live broadcast room is "Nantong"...

Zhang Yang began to think about how to quickly skip this topic and stop talking about the live broadcast.

Otherwise, don't talk about a blind date, just give the other party some hush money first.

When Wang Guosheng saw that Zhang Yang was silent, he thought he was thin-skinned, so he quickly spoke to save himself:
"Junqing, did Master Ma mention Zhang Yang's live broadcasting career to you before?"

"That's a great job. He opened his own studio, and his live broadcast account is now among the top three treasure appraiser hosts."

"And he also cooperated with the police in various places and caught several criminals who illegally excavated cultural relics. The entire wall was covered with banners..."

According to Master Wang, Zhang Yang is not only a rising star in the circle, but also one of the most promising young people in Linhai.

The client's heart was pounding loudly.

Such boasting, in case people ask: Why are you studying in Linhai University?

Zhang Yang didn't even know how to explain it.

I guess I can only answer: I don’t want to go to Yanda or Qinghua University.

If there is a two-way rush, there will be a two-way rejection.

Fortunately, Ma Junqing came with a mission and kept echoing what Master Wang said.

Probably something like "Ah, yes, yes, I've heard that before."

The scene once became like two matchmakers bragging in front of Shen Shuyu.

At the end of the conversation, Master Wang found an excuse and asked Zhang Yang to take Miss Shen to visit the Hailin Museum.

The purpose was to get them alone together for a while.

Young men and women walk side by side in an empty museum.

This is Zhang Yang’s home court, so there still needs to be a sense of ownership.

He took the initiative to ask Shen Shuyu: "What cultural relics are you interested in? Can I take you to see them in a targeted manner?"

"I major in world history. Do you have any foreign cultural relics here?"


Zhang Yang immediately thought of the batch of Egyptian cultural relics, and was so angry that they were cut off by people from the province.

"Are you interested in Goryeo or Neon?"

The Hailin Museum has a pan-Chinese cultural relics exhibition hall, which contains cultural relics produced by neighboring countries that were influenced by China.

"I have systematically studied East Asian cultural relics in Yanjing."

Shen Shuyu answered honestly. She felt that this might embarrass Zhang Yang, so she added:
"How about you teach me Feng Shui knowledge."

"I've seen slices of you showing people Feng Shui, and I think it's pretty cool."

"No, have you really watched my live broadcast?" Zhang Yang blurted out.

"I've seen it." Shen Shuyu smiled and nodded: "I always read it while eating."

"It's not impossible to look at Feng Shui. Just wait, I'll make a call."

Zhang Yang remembered that half a month ago, an unlucky man invited him to cut the ribbon at the cemetery, but he didn't go.

"Hey, Brother Ping'an, where are you looking for the cemetery now?"

(End of this chapter)

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