Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 316 Zhenlong Chess Game

Chapter 316 Zhenlong Chess Game (Second update)

"What is the third leg!" Shen Shuyu whispered beside him.

After Zhang Yang heard this, he knew he couldn't continue talking.

But Baoyou was still answering his question: "No, it's just that person who likes to eat both men and women..."

"Okay, okay, I understand." Zhang Yang responded several times, nodded repeatedly, and finally asked Baoyou to stop the car, "If you keep talking, my live broadcast room will not be saved."

"Is he using this thing to pay for the medical fees he owes you, or is he giving it to you for free?"

The answer to this question is that Zhang Yang prefers that the things are used to offset the medical fees.

Because if it were given away for free, Baoyou would have just left the things at home.

Unless the patient is in great difficulty, it is not appropriate to sell the gift directly.

Sure enough, Baoyou reported a number:

"It's more than 33 yuan for medicine. Let's use this thing to pay off the debt."

"So many?" Zhang Yang couldn't help but hissed, what kind of male disease is this?

"The main reason is that he uses a lot of tonics. Things like Sanbian Pills are like jelly beans, eaten open." Baoyou explained, "I also used a thousand-year-old ginseng to make soup for him."

"I have barely replenished my vitality. I will live for at least ten more years."

[This 33 yuan should be the book price, but in fact it is only tens of thousands yuan at most]

[The anchor doesn’t really believe what he says, does he? 】

[The cost of traditional Chinese medicine is difficult to say. What if the ginseng is dug by oneself in the mountains? 】

[This person is looking for anchors to treat people online. Does he look like someone who will suffer a loss? 】

What the barrages say is generally more conspiracy theories.

Sometimes, some people speak in an insider tone, which seems quite bluffing.

However, Zhang Yang's creed is relatively simple, that is, tell the truth, and it has nothing to do with him whether he loses or makes money.

"There's nothing wrong with this screen insert."

"It is an imperial screen made by palace craftsmen during the Qianlong period. The material is high-quality rosewood. It is full of workmanship. It is most likely a furnishing in a royal manor or the emperor's palace."

"Then the words above were written by Emperor Qianlong?" Baoyou asked.

"You have to ask Qianlong himself. It is quite common for emperors of the Qing Dynasty to find gunmen. But once these two seals are stamped, no one can question whether it is an imperial pen."

"Hehe, that's good." Baoyou explained his thoughts at that time with a smile, "I think this seal is real and the things look like old things."

"That anchor doesn't know the goods, so he probably bought it in an arty way."

This screen insert is worth at least 50.

The carving, material and background are all here. The price of 50 yuan cannot be lower than a penny, and it may be doubled if it is auctioned.

Spending 50 to be arty, Zhang Yang thought about it, it was really something that an anchor could do.

Because it’s less than a fraction of what a big anchor would make doing a day’s card lottery.

Baoyou also said that it happened a few years ago, and it was considered the last carnival.

Now, Zhang Yang thought about the platform he was on. The top anchor only drew 100 yuan in the lottery, basically making money by bringing goods.

Even though they are both internet celebrity anchors, there are differences between them.


The last treasure friend of Lianmai has a very pure name, called [Sorry Ying, I like Yu].

Zhang Yang surfed on Xiaopo Station when he had nothing to do. Of course he had seen the comparison video between Yingjiang and Sister Yu.

I can only say that Baoyou’s vision and aesthetics are passable.

What he brought were two Go boxes.

The shape is a typical melon prismatic shape;
Based on the traditional vegetable "pumpkin", it is a relatively classic container shape. In ancient times, there were many melon-shaped porcelain bottles, wine bottles, etc., which were often seen during treasure appraisals in the past.

The material should be old mahogany, which is considered a relatively rare wood;
It dates back to the seventh year of Guangxu (1881) in the late Qing Dynasty, which is more than 100 years ago.

"Baoyou, did you inherit this from your ancestors or did you buy it in the market?"

Go boxes are relatively unpopular antiques. The main reason is that there are too few people who know how to play Go and they are not tested in the imperial examination.

Only those who have a hobby of collecting and have the leisure time and leisure time will consider the appearance and material of the Go box.But this also leads to the fact that older Go boxes are generally more exquisite and the price is not low.

"I bought it at the market last month for [-] yuan and planned to give it to Yingjiang."

Baoyou explained the ins and outs of everything in one breath.

The barrage has different opinions on Baoyou’s plan:
【When did you become blind】

[What’s so good about tall nuts? Are you a big-mouthed flower? 】

[Giving Go chess to Yingjiang, she won’t be able to use it]

[Send Go to Jaguar, and people will thank you; give Go to Yingjiang, and people will think you are humiliating her]

[War Lao will not accept gifts from fans]

"Yingjiang won't accept it, right?" Zhang Yang and Danmu had the same question.

"I will give it away during the fan meeting, and then everyone will coax it together, and then I will accept it."

"Even the chess pieces are ready here."

Baoyou opened the lid of one of the Go boxes, and it was full of little black pieces.

Zhang Yang asked him to pick one up and look at it in the strong light.

The whole thing is opaque, but there is a little yellow halo around the edges.

"This is obsidian, it's not bad."

"Let's see Bai Zi!"

"Okay, Bai Zi also found the owner of the antique shop to match him."

Baoyou picked up a white stone and put it under the light. You can see that there are many vertical stripes on the surface.

Considering that the black stones are already obsidian, the white stones with obvious lines are usually clam stones or clams.

Looking at the other side of Bai Zi, there are also lines...

That's the clam.

"Friend Bao, I don't want to buy this white guy!"

"Yes, it's true that I didn't buy it." Baoyou seemed to have remembered something and explained, "The boss said that this white boy was bought as a gift from the black boy."

"The boss is knowledgeable, but you'd better not bring this thing out at the meeting." Zhang Yang suggested sincerely, "The Tridacna chess pieces are the key targets."

"If the anchor is implicated, all of us will have a lot less fun in our lives."

If he was photographed collecting Tridacna's chess pieces, the host would definitely be bothered to explain on the air.

"Can't you give me this?" Baoyou's tone was a little disappointed.

You can tell that this is a die-hard fan.

Spending so much money to give gifts to the anchor made Zhang Yang a little envious.

"Then what would be a better gift? Does the teacher have any suggestions?"

"Send me the chess records." Zhang Yang thought for a while and replied, "Old chess records are more valuable for collection."

"Understood, thank you teacher."

[The anchor is no longer a human being]

[Originally I don’t recommend substituting abstraction into life, but if you are a rich guy, then it will be fine]

[It is recommended to set up a Zhenlong chess game directly at the meeting]

[When will the anchor go to Xiaopo Station to broadcast it?]

"It can't be broadcasted at all, friends. The video on Xiaopo Station was reported without incident, and the account has almost given up operation." Zhang Yang said in a helpless tone.

It seems unrealistic to want to eat the cake of every platform.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang’s videos of the anti-counterfeiting national treasure gang have been integrated into various slices, and their combined views are still in the millions.

Although the new video posted on his official account has more than 10,000 views, as long as Slice Brother is still promoting it spontaneously, the small website will also be a public opinion position.

 There is a bit of debt, so pay back what you owe slowly. Currently, I still owe three small chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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