Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 317 Almost allergic to Ya

Chapter 317 Almost allergic to Ya

After the live broadcast ended, Zhang Yang stretched slightly.

Another day of safe downloading, perfect.

"Is this the end?" Shen Shuyu tilted his head and looked at Zhang Yang, with a sense of unfinished meaning in his tone, "I see that many anchors live broadcast for more than ten hours every day."

"You're talking about game live streaming, right?" Zhang Yang explained with a smile to the girl next to him, "If I live broadcast for twelve hours a day, my colleagues will probably unite to complain against me soon."

Although there are tens of millions of people collecting in China, the market share of live treasure appraisal is not large.

There are many spectators watching the fun, but the ones who can really bring out the treasures are only one in a hundred.

Zhang Yang envisions his live broadcasting career to be about two years, and after two years he will step back into the background, so there is no need to work so hard. What is more important is to ensure that his live broadcast content is interesting.

"Then what if there are people like me who feel they haven't seen enough?" Shen Shuyu blinked and asked jokingly.

Zhang Yang answered her in an official tone during the live broadcast: "Then please pay attention to Master Zhang's treasure appraising comma, which contains the highlights of previous treasure appraisals..."

"Hahaha, the anchor is so professional." Shen Shuyu gave a thumbs up.

The two were talking and laughing, but before they noticed, Xu Jie had already slipped out quietly.

At this moment, Xu Jie had already said in front of Sister Gao and Xiao Tang, "The boss and the girl named Shen must be more than just friends. If I'm wrong, I'll tell you something on the live broadcast."

"It won't happen, it won't happen, we believe it."

Sister Gao picked up her phone and showed it. The picture above was still in Zhang Yang's live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast just now, she barely missed a minute.

"Based on my many years of experience as a matchmaker, the boss and this girl Shen should have met through someone's introduction. They are not very familiar with each other, but they must have a certain liking for each other."

"Isn't that just a blind date?" Xu Jie asked, and then his face lit up, "It turns out that young talents like the boss need a blind date just like me!"

"You are going on a blind date because no one wants you. The boss is going on a blind date for a well-matched marriage." Sister Gao said quietly, making Xu Jie completely silent. She continued to analyze the situation she just saw, "Miss Shen's background, I’m afraid he’s about the same as the boss.”

"Not only does she look a bit bookish, but when she talks about the history of the ancient city wall, she also obviously looks like a top student. I can tell that there must be some ink in her belly, but I don't know if she can suppress the boss..."

If Shen Shuyu heard Sister Gao's comments about her, she would definitely smile awkwardly.

Suppress publicity?Isn't it too difficult?

She also wanted to find out first how Zhang Yang could see the origin of those epitaph rubbings in just ten seconds.

As for catching up with his appraisal speed, there is no hope.

"You're talking about those rubbing epitaphs..."

"It's all family experience, it's not enough to explain to outsiders."

Zhang Yang answered with a relaxed expression that he had seriously considered excuses for this kind of question after meeting Master Wang.

All due to his mysterious background.

But he forgot that the person asking him this question was his blind date.

No matter how mysterious the background is, there must be an explanation, at least some hints, and you can't let Shen Shuyu guess on his own, right?

"Then who taught you?"

After hearing Zhang Yang's answer, Shen Shuyu became even more curious.

Her grandfather was a researcher, her father was a teacher in the history department, and she studied history. With the triple buffs stacked up, she was instantly defeated by Zhang Yang.

Who can resist not being curious about this?

"Who taught me...I have many masters."

"Guo Jing knows, his master is one of the Seven Jiangnan Monsters. I have more masters than him."

"But if you have to give a reason, you can look at this."

Zhang Yang pulled out a business card from the table.

"Extraordinary Nightclub VIP Gold Card?" Shen Shuyu read out the words on the business card.

"Huh? That's wrong, that's what I plan to learn in the future."

Zhang Yang broke into cold sweat behind his back and almost died.

It's all Wei Fuguang's fault. He likes to hand out small cards when he has nothing to do, saying that he can go to his bar for a permanent [-]% discount.

As a result, there was no time to waste at all.

"Look at this, this is my other identity."

"Hedong Group, Director of Marketing and Purchasing Department, Zhang Wuji?" After Shen Shuyu read the information on the business card, he was stunned for a while.

She vaguely remembered that she had heard the name of this group somewhere.

Looking at Zhang Yang's face, she remembered with difficulty.

"I heard from grandpa that this Hedong Group was not the National Treasure Gang that you killed during the live broadcast?"

"Well, that's what we claim to the outside world." Zhang Yang pretended to be secretive, "The water here is very deep. I can only say that I understand everything."

"If you have a chance in the future, I'll ask the boss of Hedong Group to explain it to you. It's getting late now, let's go find my master and the others."

"Okay." Shen Shuyu nodded hesitantly.

Since Zhang Yang said he would tell her later, she didn't worry about it.

Before leaving, she deliberately came back and took away the notes she had written on the table.

She still wanted to check whether Zhang Yang had made a wrong judgment.


Hearing that Zhang Yang's live broadcast work was over, Master Wang simply sent a positioning.

The location is in a sea-view villa area near the sea. There are large villas with an average price starting at [-] yuan per square meter.

On the way to the villa area, Shen Shuyu sat in the passenger seat and casually asked Zhang Yang:

"Teacher Wang and my dad, who is that old friend they are visiting?"

"An old leader who retired a few years ago." Zhang Yang had already met Master Wang and knew the situation relatively well: "I used to attend the same training class as Master Wang and your grandfather."

"He was the monitor at the time."

In fact, in the so-called "upper class" circles, in addition to blood relations, the friendship between elders is often the most important bond.

Especially when everyone is successful and famous, living in a mansion, driving a luxury car, and walking around comfortably.

Master Wang obviously respected the old squad leader named Weng, and specially reminded Zhang Yang to bring a meeting gift.

Zhang Yang followed his master's wishes and reluctantly selected a pair of couplets from the collection of "Emperors and teachers from two dynasties in harmony" as a meeting gift.

The market price is estimated to be over [-].

Shen Shuyu also noticed the long box containing couplets on the back seat.

Zhang Yang saw the curiosity in her eyes and took the initiative to explain:
"The old Mr. Weng we are going to meet later is not only knowledgeable, but also very particular. This couplet is just right as a greeting gift."

"But, I didn't bring a gift!" Shen Shuyu said awkwardly.

She remembered that when her father came to the sea, he brought a purple clay pot and gave it to Master Wang when they first met. There must be no treasure in his hand.

"That's it..." Zhang Yang didn't expect this. He stopped the car by the side of the road, got out of the car and took several brocade boxes from the trunk. "Fortunately, I am an antique dealer. Let's see which one." You can understand the things and give them to Mr. Weng when the time comes."

"Thank you!" Shen Shuyu was not pretentious, he took the box and picked it out.

In her eyes, it is not difficult to repay the favor owed to Zhang Yang, but it is not good to embarrass her grandfather.

There are all kinds of treasures in the box, including jade carvings, pen holders, copper stoves, enamel colors, etc.

Shen Shuyu finally chose a Ming Dynasty bamboo incense stick with carved dragon patterns, worth about [-] yuan.

"Is this one okay?"

"Of course, you like it." Waiting for Zhang Yang to put the other boxes back into the trunk and get back on the road.

Miss Shen was sitting in the passenger seat, looking at the brocade box on her lap, feeling a faint sense of happiness in her heart.

After the car drove into the villa area, Miss Shen's father, Teacher Ma, was already waiting by the roadside with others.

After seeing the gifts selected by Shen Shuyu, Teacher Ma unconsciously cast an appreciative look at Zhang Yang.

Boy, you are very smart.

He didn't say that he had already prepared the meeting ceremony.

Walking into the courtyard of Mr. Weng's house, the atmosphere was obviously much livelier than that of Master Wang's house. Two children were chasing each other back and forth in the yard. The two old men, Weng and Wang, were sitting on the balcony on the second floor, holding small teacups. While drinking, there was a female violinist playing the guzheng beside them to add to the fun.

The last time Zhang Yang saw someone playing the guzheng, it was Zhuge Liang's empty city plan.

And when he stepped onto the stairs leading to the second floor, he was immediately hit by the scent of agarwood, which meant that tea making, piano playing, and incense burning were all going on upstairs.

Ya, so elegant.

It makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Mr. Weng, the owner, although he has a boyish face and white hair, is still dressed very normally, a sports suit, not a full robe, otherwise Zhang Yang would be really afraid that he would be allergic.

After the greetings, Mr. Weng's words set the atmosphere in motion.

He looked at Zhang Yang and Shen Shuyu and said, "What a beautiful couple!"

Teacher Wang picked up the group when there was one, and immediately continued: "That's right, and you don't even look at me..."

The elders boasted to each other, and Zhang Yang and Shen Shuyu could only laugh with them.

However, because we are two people, there are occasional awkward emotions, which immediately dissipate when they look at each other and smile.

Finally, we talked about the meeting gift Zhang Yang brought.

You can't read calligraphy in a place with tea. Of course you have to go to the study room.

Mr. Weng's study is even more exaggerated than Master Wang's home.

In addition to its extraordinary size, three authentic works of Xu Beihong's "Galloping Horses" are hung on the white wall opposite the entrance.

The three paintings add up to nearly 1000 million, and they are hung on the wall in such a grand manner.

On the tabletop of his desk, in addition to the common four treasures of the study, there is also a jade-carved "vase with ears and rings of flowers, fruits, insects, animals".

It was only after the appraisal that Zhang Yang found out that the jade stone sculpture, which was about the size of a tablet, was made of something between ice and glutinous rice. It was also a rare coexistence of white, green and purple.

The last time I was at Christie's, I saw someone offering something like this for auction, and the starting price was 500 million.

The piece on the table is a Man-Gong jade carving from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, and the price will only be higher.

But except for Zhang Yang, everyone else present seemed to be focusing on the couplet he sent.

A seven-character couplet in running script reads:

[The ancestors described the family business first with respect and concession, and Tan thought about the old system and reconciled it]

The signature is "The third brother of Jin is the master, the uncle is Ping and Weng is in harmony".

"Weng Shuping, this is the No. 1 calligraphy of Tongguang (Tongzhi Guangxu) period. His works have become increasingly rare in recent years."

Mr. Weng touched the beard on his chin and nodded while looking.

Still very satisfied.

Master Wang on the side chimed in and said, "Ji Zhonghe should be from the "Stele of Ritual Vessels". I didn't expect that Weng Tonghe wrote family instructions for his family and had to drop his book bag."

"Hahaha, otherwise how can we say that promoting vernacular literature is important..."

The two old men chatted about the author, the dictionary, calligraphy, and seal seals. In the end, they chatted for half an hour about a couplet that they could read in half a minute.

But everyone else present listened very seriously, including Zhang Yang himself.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: No wonder the literati's pursuit of calligraphy and painting has never decreased for thousands of years, because there are so many ways to do it.

The two old men were able to analyze it as if they were doing reading comprehension. When Weng Tonghe wrote this couplet, he was deeply involved in the political vortex of the Guangxu Reform and was full of helplessness and emotion.

The key analysis is well-founded and convincing.

In contrast, the bamboo-carved incense tube sent by Shen Shuyu did not have so many explanations.

However, Mr. Weng solemnly placed the incense stick on his desk, which was a sign of respect.

After watching the meeting ceremony between the two, now that we have arrived at Mr. Weng's study, of course we have to show everyone his collection.

In addition to Xu Beihong's horse, there is also a lotus and kingfisher painting by Bada Shanren (Zhu Da) hanging on the four walls.

Mr. Weng bought it from Neon for 1300 W.

In comparison, Zheng Banqiao's bamboo and stone paintings pale in comparison.

"No wonder you have three paintings of Xu Beihong's horses." Master Wang looked at Bada Shanren's paintings and said with a smile, "I originally thought you wanted to show that you are rich, but now it seems that a painting of galloping horses, I’m afraid I can’t suppress this lotus kingfisher.”

"Okay, you actually programmed me in your mind to punish you by drinking half a cup tonight."

"Hahaha, am I still unable to drink from you?"

When chatting among the elders, apart from being suddenly mentioned and asked one or two questions, Zhang Yang and Shen Shuyu spent most of the time walking together.

It wasn't until the sunset that the two grandsons of the Weng family clamored to play games and pulled several elders away. Only then did Zhang Yang have time alone with Shen Shuyu.

The two walked out of the yard and followed the stone path until they reached the seaside plank road.

There are only a few tourists and a fishing guy on the beach not far away, and the environment is very good.

Leaning on the railing, Shen Shuyu took the initiative to chat about unfinished topics:

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked you yet, who do you study more in calligraphy and painting?"

"Me?" Zhang Yang turned around with his back to Hai Feng and replied, "I actually can't study calligraphy and painting."

"It only determines authenticity."

"Huh?" Miss Shen was surprised by this answer, "Don't you have many masters?"

“I have only learned to identify whether calligraphy and painting are ancient or modern imitations from the perspective of ink, paper, and signature.”

"More specific knowledge of calligraphy and painting is too difficult to learn. I don't have the patience to learn it and I can't remember it."

"Oh, actually I am the same." Shen Shuyu stretched out under the slanting light of the setting sun, showing a somewhat lazy expression, "They are all memorized by rote. If I had to choose, I would definitely not learn calligraphy and painting."

"But my grandfather and my father both said that girls who are full of poetry and know how to calligraphy and painting are more beautiful and more elegant than others. When I was a child, I heard that I could be more beautiful than others, so I was deceived by them and entered the industry. .”

"Hahaha, this doesn't sound like something Teacher Ma can do."

"Who says it's not the case? It's outrageous for them to deceive a three and a half year old girl." Shen Shuyu arched her nose slightly, her expression a bit coquettish.

The two of them chatted about each other, and Shen Shuyu unconsciously told most of his experiences from childhood to the present.

The topic finally came to this blind date.

Miss Shen's "What do you think of me?" just rang in Zhang Yang's ears. Almost at the same time, on the rocks on the seaside in the distance, a black figure jumped into the sea.

"Someone jumped into the sea!"

"Whoever knows how to swim, come and save me!"

The fisherman on the beach was so frightened by the man jumping into the sea that he didn't even take his fishing rod, so he shouted and looked for rescuers around him.

When something like this happened, of course Zhang Yang couldn't continue the conversation with Shen Shuyu.

"Do you want to call the police?" Miss Shen asked.

"I'm here to fight Yao Yao Ling." Zhang Yang took out his phone and pressed the buttons and said, "Let's go over and see what's going on."

 Thank you to the readers for the 1500-coin reward for asking me to change my name!Thank you all for your monthly votes!
(End of this chapter)

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