Chapter 321 Get the money in

"Am I right?" Zhang Yang blinked at the camera.

"Ah, is there really such a thing as [half-length Zhang]?"

Shen Shuyu deliberately pretended to be surprised and hurriedly unfolded the painting.

The signature is [Jiashen March, Daqian layman, Zhang Yuan].

It is said that people who know Zhang Daqian's paintings can infer when Zhang Daqian's works were created just by the word "爰" in Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yang must not have understood it, but the year of Jiashen was written very clearly. This is a painting from 1944.

At that time, Zhang Daqian had returned from Dunhuang and began to incorporate the characteristics of the murals of maids in the prosperous Tang Dynasty into his own paintings.

So the beauty’s face in this picture of a lady is a bit like the Xiaolongbao version of the Little Dragon Girl, round and round.

"It's really Zhang Daqian, teacher, you are so awesome!"

Shen Shuyu stretched out his little hand and gave a thumbs up in front of the camera in a somewhat exaggerated way.

"Thank you for your support. Are there any other paintings and calligraphy you want to read?"

"What else..."

Shen Shuyu turned around and the camera showed the bookcase in the study.

There are small glass-enclosed compartments on the bookcase, which contain various antiques.

The most eye-catching thing is the white jade rabbit sculpture.

Wow, is this what wealthy people are like?
  Zhang Yang marveled in his heart, but he had no intention of letting Shen Shuyu show them one by one.

He still understands the principle of keeping wealth private.

"There are so many things that I can't see through. If you have a chance, I suggest you ask an expert to take care of them offline."

"Hahaha okay."

Shen Shuyu understood the implication of Zhang Yang's words, smiled and said hello, then disconnected.

[The dog anchor is so lazy, he doesn’t even watch so many treasures]

[This is the Master Zhang I know, talented but not virtuous]

[This live broadcast room does not require a girl friend]

[Why do I feel that the anchor wants to go off the air?]

"Downloading? No, I just came here, how can I downplay it?"

"Come, let's welcome the third treasure friend with a round of applause."


"Hello teacher!"

"Hey, good evening, sir."

Zhang Yang felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy when he saw the old man wearing a felt hat and a green military coat on the other side of the camera.

But it soon became clear that something was wrong with his senses.

"Teacher, when you look at treasures, can you see as long as they are old things?"

"Yes, as long as it's not illegal... No, I can watch even if it's illegal." Zhang Yang replied very confidently.

"Then help me see my ancestral medal."

"No problem, take it out."

Medals, or medals, are a very special type of collection, and they were basically registered items back then.

The origin of the medal can often be seen using online image recognition software.

But looking at the way the uncle looks like, he probably didn’t learn how to write funny sounds for a long time, so it’s normal that he doesn’t know how to read pictures.

The old man shakily took out an octagonal maple leaf-shaped medal from the inner pocket of his military coat.

Each corner of the maple leaf is painted with five-color stripes of "black, blue, red, yellow and white".

To be honest, one look at this color scheme and you can tell that this is a medal issued by a modern warlord.

In the circular area in the middle of the medal is a golden tiger with three stars above its head.

Now, it must be around the zoo.

"The ones with writing on the back."

The uncle cooperated and showed the back of the medal.

It is very smooth, without any decoration, only a number "038" and the four-character signature "Yongzeng Self-made".

"Uncle, did you inherit this from your ancestors, or did you buy it in the market?" Zhang Yang asked casually.

"It's passed down from ancestors," the uncle said, holding up four fingers. "My grandfather and his family had four brothers, and they all went to the army. Now I am the only male in the four families, and all their things have been passed down to me."

"This one was passed down from my third grandfather."

[Turns out this is a military family, so disrespectful]

[No wonder the uncle is dressed like this, there is something to say]

[What kind of medal is this? I’ve never seen it before]

"Oh, that's right." Zhang Yang nodded, thinking that the barrage was still too young.

At that special time in modern times, soldiers with medals were not necessarily good soldiers.

For example, this medal...

"If I read it correctly, this is Shan Xiyan's three-star general medal."

"This thing is a bit like the Wenhu Medal issued by the Beiyang Warlords. It was the Jin Province Warlord's own version at that time."

"Teacher, are you talking about Yan Laoxi?" the uncle asked, looking at the medal in his hand.

"Yes, that's him."

"So it turns out that my third grandfather went to Jin Province?"

The uncle's tone seemed a bit unacceptable.

Zhang Yang guessed that the uncle might have thought that this medal had some sacred meaning before.

Now he has suddenly become the henchman of the separatist warlord... It is normal to be a little suspicious.

But history has passed, and even the former "Tu Emperor" Yan Laoxi died in a foreign country, so there is no need for me to care too much.

Now look to the money.

"Uncle, this thing of yours is worth at least [-] yuan, but please don't throw it away as garbage!"

"Twenty thousand? That much?" the uncle muttered, "Are Yan Laoxi's things so valuable?"

"I also have fans. For the medal, the price is really not expensive."

Zhang Yangxin said that these modern medals, which are not easy to sell in the mainland, are very popular in the island province.

When an auction was held in Yangcheng before, there were treasure friends from the island province holding a box of modern medals, hoping to put them up for auction.

There are not only the Wenhu Medal, but also the Chiang Kai-shek Medal, and even the Puppet Manchurian Medal.

After Zhang Yang saw it in person, he decisively refused.

If that box of things was put up for auction, he, the organizer, would definitely be sprayed with human flesh.

"Uncle, is there anything else you want to see? Where are our other three grandpas?" Zhang Yang asked expectantly.

He had a vague feeling that the uncle's four grandfathers might belong to different camps.

This was normal in modern times, because there were too many factions at that time.

"There is another one left by my grandfather. Teacher, please take a look."

Seeing the red light on the edge of the medal that the uncle took out, Zhang Yang couldn't help but hold his breath.

Shouldn't it be...

He was relieved when he saw the portrait on the front of the medal.

It turns out to be you, mentor!

[Holy shit, the Order of Lenin? 】

[This seems to be the highest level medal]

[Somewhat similar to our medal]

[What is the origin of my uncle’s grandfather?]

"Uncle, you are wrong with this one." Zhang Yang took a closer look at the color of the medal surface. It seemed to be copper. "Do you know what kind of material this medal is made of?"

"What? Isn't it gold?"

"It's almost genuine. This thing should be made of pure platinum and gold."

"Let me think about it, the last person to be awarded this medal should be the tough guy Lao Ka."

After hearing Zhang Yang's last explanation, the uncle quickly waved his hand towards the camera and said very consciously: "It can't be compared with others. This should be a souvenir bought by my grandfather."

"Hmm, there was a time when this kind of medal craft was quite popular."

Except for two very impactful medals, the rest of the uncle's collection is very average.

Several pieces of 567 porcelain were wrapped tightly in newspapers. It seemed that the uncle valued these pieces of porcelain.

But the combined value is less than half of the Yan Laoxi medal.

Hearing the uncle mutter something like "This is not enough", Zhang Yang guessed that the other party must have had some big expenses recently. Otherwise, at this age, even Mai Jianbao would suddenly take out treasures that were ready to be put into the coffin board.

Zhang Yang originally thought about giving the other party an idea - such as going to the village to collect copper coins. If he received a rare edition, he would get rich.

But then I thought about it, even a remote mountain village like Weijiagou has been infiltrated by fake antique dealers. There are cement roads connecting every village behind the uncle. I'm afraid there are a lot of fakes. It's better not to waste money.

"Uncle, if someone comes to collect this medal from you, and the price is less than [-], you will tell me my name."

"If it doesn't work, just call me again and I will testify for you."

"Ah?" The uncle was stunned, and then said, "Okay, okay, thank you, teacher."

"You're welcome!" Zhang Yang waved his hand.

[The anchor is pretty good]

[I feel like the red scarf on my chest is more vivid]

[Isn’t this what a positive anchor should do? What are you surprised about]

[Indeed, this is an officially certified treasure appraisal anchor]

[Just for what the anchor did today, you earn our money to buy Daben, and I won’t criticize you either]

"Brother, I took a look and you don't even have a fan card." Zhang Yang replied to the last barrage, "Let's just say, I really can't earn a penny from you."

"Okay, okay, just kidding, let's continue to connect."

Next, Master Zhang’s live broadcast room welcomed the most energetic treasure friend.

The other party was an uncle, and he took out a golden sign in the shape of a waistband.

On the front it says "Huizhou Safari Certificate, Gun House".

Literally understood, the function of this sign is the "gun-holding license" issued to hunters by the government in feudal society.

"This is a gun-wielding certificate from the mid-Qing Dynasty. Is Baoyou's ancestor a hunter registered with the government?"

"Hehe, I don't know." The uncle smiled and asked Zhang Yang, "Teacher, is this made of gold?"

"Definitely not. The silver on the back is exposed. It's obviously silver plated with gold."

"Then is this worth something?" Baoyou weighed the brand and said, "It weighs about half a pound."

"How much silver is worth depends on its weight. This kind of thing mainly depends on the value of cultural relics."

"The text above is so clear, it should be helpful for studying the history of Huizhou in the Qing Dynasty."

This is the first time Zhang Yang has seen this kind of gun-wielding certificate, and it is made of gilded silver, costing at least several thousand dollars.

[Submit it quickly, get a certificate for 500 yuan]

[It’s hard to prove it’s ancestral, right? Unless Baoyou demonstrates the technique of masturbation]

[It feels like the anchor is suggesting that people from the local museum come to visit]

[The condition is really good, the auction price should not be low]

"Teacher, why do they ask me to hand it in?" Baoyou didn't seem to understand, so he asked Zhang Yang based on the barrage.

"Don't worry about what the barrage says, just keep it well." Zhang Yang reassured.

But Baoyou didn't seem to hear Zhang Yang's words, and became anxious when he saw the barrage.

"500 yuan?"

"The outer layer is made of gold. If you can scrape off just one gram, you can sell it for five hundred."

"Damn it, you're going to report me if you don't turn it in?"

"Don't be nervous, they are joking."

Zhang Yang wants to stop the communication between Baoyou and Danmu.

There are tens of thousands of people commenting on the barrage, how can one person make such a noise?

But he said it a little late.

Baoyou turned around angrily and came back three seconds later with a big hammer.

"You want me to hand you in, don't you? That's great."

"Keep an eye on me."

As he said that, Baoyou dropped the sign on the cement floor, picked up the hammer and smashed it down hard.

One hammer is not enough, we have to keep smashing.

Things must have been ruined.

Zhang Yang was stunned.

It was common to argue with Danmu, but Baoyou was the first to be so decisive.

The barrage directly celebrated the New Year in advance, and the screen was full of "good, good, good, good, comfortable".

Others took the opportunity to directly attack the policies of the cultural relics department.

Seeing that the public opinion could not be controlled, Zhang Yang quickly hung up the microphone.

"Brothers, the internet is stuck. I'll log off first. We'll see you tomorrow."

"See you all tomorrow afternoon."

After saying that, Zhang Yang directly turned off the live streaming.

But that's it, the barrage of key policies in the live broadcast room is still one after another, with no intention of stopping.

Fortunately, this is no longer under Zhang Yang's control. Super management is here to clean the floor!



A few days later, Jinmen.

All members of Yangming Studio arrived at Binhai International Airport on time.

As soon as he came out of the passage, Zhang Yang saw someone in the distance holding a "Master Zhang" sign to greet him.

"Sure enough, after becoming a strategic partner, the treatment is different!"

When preparing for this Tianjin event, Zhang Yang signed a more favorable cooperation terms with the auction company.

The relationship between Yangming Studio, Linhai Museum, and Yongxing Auction Company has been upgraded to a "strategic cooperation".

Judging from the current scene of airport pick-ups, the treatment of strategic cooperation is indeed different.

First, the person who greeted Zhang Yang was changed from Ding Qiang to a professional woman wearing a black OL outfit. Behind her was a handsome man in sunglasses and a suit.

In fact, it is a car, a stretched Lincoln. It doesn't matter whether it is expensive or not, what matters is the momentum.

Finally, there is the hotel where we stayed, the Scarlton, which is really different from the previous stay in Shenghai.

Sister Gao, who was originally reluctant to go on a business trip, changed her expression as soon as she arrived at the hotel.

Xu Jie even took the initiative to ask Zhang Yang: "Boss, is it too luxurious for each of us to have a room?"

"I...I don't know either?" Zhang Yang was actually confused, thinking to himself, he wouldn't have to pay for the expenses along the way, right?
  He quickly asked Ms. Wu who was leading the way.

The other party replied that Mr. Huang had already paid.

Mr. Huang, which Mr. Huang?
  Huang Bin?
  While Zhang Yang was still thinking about who Mr. Huang was, a middle-aged man in a suit with bodyguards beside him had already reached his face.

"Mr. Huang, Master Zhang is here. Master Zhang, this is Mr. Huang."

"you are?"

Zhang Yang looked at the unfamiliar face of the other party and couldn't even figure out who this was.

"Master Zhang, I have admired you for a long time." Mr. Huang extended his hand very enthusiastically.

While shaking hands, he whispered in Zhang Yang's ear: "This is not the place to talk. Let's talk somewhere else?"

"Okay." Zhang Yang wanted to find out what was going on and agreed.

Following the other party to the living room of the presidential suite, Mr. Huang enthusiastically handed over a glass of red wine.

Of course Zhang Yang would not drink such obscure things, so he asked directly:

"Mr. Huang, do we know each other? You are not from the auction company, right?"

"I have admired Master Zhang for a long time. Don't we know each other now?" Mr. Huang smiled and introduced himself, "You can call me Lao Huang. That's what Boss Ming usually calls me."

"Boss Ming?" Zhang Yang instantly became alert.

Isn’t that the underworld in Southeast Asia?

Why is the ghost still lingering?
  "Don't panic, Lao Ming and I are not the same person."

"That's what I do."

In order to better introduce himself, Mr. Huang took out a hundred-dollar bill from his pocket as a prop, put it between his two palms and rubbed it.

"Wash money?"

"By the way, you understand."

Mr. Huang snapped his fingers, and the person under his hand took out a suitcase. After opening it, there were stacks of U.S. dollars inside, just like in a movie.

"In the past, I used to work through live broadcasts in China. But recently, my cooperating boss Chen came in, and we urgently need to open up a new path."

"I heard that the auction organized by you, Master Zhang, is very powerful. Between us... hehe."

Mr. Huang pinched his cigar and grinned, and Zhang Yang instantly got goosebumps.

(End of this chapter)

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