Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 322 Bringing Ancestor Appraisal

Chapter 322 Bringing Ancestor Appraisal

Can you find me all this? Zhang Yang looked at Mr. Huang and murmured in his heart.

But then I thought about it, in order to meet him, the other party found a professional team, rented a luxury car, and even found a big hotel.

After spending so much money, it seems normal to spend some more and ask the staff at Yongxing for your personal information.

As for using antiques to launder money, Zhang Yang had already heard about it.

It has been disclosed before that some things that are obviously fake at first glance are sold for sky-high prices in the auction market, which is obviously abnormal.

For example, a few years ago, an auction house in Shenzhen put up for auction a Thousand-Character Essay by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty that appeared out of nowhere.

There is only one collection of the same type in the Shenghai Museum in the country.

The Shencheng lot is said to be an old collection of Qianlong, but there is no record of it in the official documents of the Qing Dynasty. In short, there are many doubts.

But this did not prevent it from fetching a sky-high price of 1.4 million.

The maximum amount of rewards you can receive during a live broadcast is 1.4, or [-] million. Your fingers will feel numb, and the auction is not safe.

However, this kind of money laundering through auctions has become difficult to carry out due to the strict controls imposed by banks and other financial institutions in recent years.

You have to go to the counter to withdraw 5 yuan, let alone hundreds of millions of funds.

But this doesn't bother Mr. Huang at all.

He suggested another more popular and safer method to Zhang Yang - the related money laundering method.

To be more specific, use foreign exchange porcelain to launder money.

"Master Zhang, you are an expert in the appraisal industry. You should know about Chuanghui Porcelain."

"Yeah." Zhang Yang moved his buttocks, feeling that the person sitting on the sofa was a little nervous.

Chuanghui Porcelain was designed by him as his next source of wealth growth.

Why is there suddenly a possibility of being messed up?
  "If you know, it will be easy." Mr. Huang nodded and said, "Actually, the appearance of Chuanghui porcelain is no different from today's porcelain. Scientific identification cannot tell the reason, whether it is a masterpiece by a famous artist or an ordinary daily necessities. , it’s just a matter of a word from an expert.”

"We have already stocked tens of thousands of pieces of foreign exchange earning porcelain..."

"Now it's up to you, Master Zhang, to see if you can use your auction to raise the price of Chuanghui Porcelain, and then we can slowly wash it out in the long run."

"This is a good idea." Zhang Yang gave the other party a thumbs up.

This routine is actually very similar to ordinary speculation. The only difference is that ordinary speculation is for the purpose of selling goods, while money laundering is for the purpose of closing transactions.

The cost of Mr. Wu's stockings may only be a few million, but the ultimate goal is to clear out tens of billions.

In the meantime, they will use clean money to raise prices in the market regardless of cost.

Anyway, the ultimate goal is not to make money, but to transfer.

Maybe after spending [-] billion to raise the price, they could only earn [-] billion by selling all the inventory on the market, but this is already very acceptable to them.

After Zhang Yang heard the other party's thoughts, he actually felt a little uncomfortable.

It would be great if he didn't know at all. If Mr. Wu and the others were looking for Teacher Che... Oh, Teacher Che is gone, so no wonder they looked for him.

In short, if Zhang Yang didn't know about this at all, and then Mr. Wu and the others also increased the price of Chuanghui porcelain, then with the number of pieces in Zhang Yang's current collection, he would be able to earn at least several million for free.

But now, it has changed.

Of course Zhang Yang would not cooperate with such a person. With Jie Ge Zhuyu in front of him, these overseas Chinese are unreliable.

Once caught, in order to reduce his sentence, he would self-destruct faster than anyone else.

Even if Zhang Yang leaves no evidence by then, he may still have the account book as evidence of guilt.

"I have one last question now. What is the final share between the two of us when we cooperate?"

Zhang Yang has always asked questions directly without hiding them.

But not everyone understands the way he talks.

"What?" Mr. Huang was stunned.

"Let me ask you, how much is the share?" Zhang Yang repeated it again.

"I'm sorry, Master Zhang. It's not that I didn't hear you. I was a little surprised." Mr. Huang smiled and said, "You accepted it too quickly. I can't believe it."

"What's the point of this? Don't you know the purpose of holding appraisal events and auctions? It's all to make money."

"With your method, the most I can do is get scolded for cutting leeks. There is no legal danger at all."

Zhang Yang has learned how to fish after dealing with Captain Liu a lot.

The most important thing about fishing is to gain the trust of the other party.

For this reason, Zhang Yang had to take out some photos of his collection of foreign exchange porcelain to prove that he was capable of hype.

"These are all authentic porcelains that I have identified and confirmed one by one before I met Mr. Huang."

"If you can spend money to help me raise the lowest price of Chuanghui Porcelain, then first of all, I have to earn a few hundred thousand myself."

"So that's it..." Mr. Huang's newly raised wariness immediately dropped.

Zhang Yang's words are in line with his understanding of these bullshit experts in the antiques circle.

You don't care about the hundreds of millions of turnover shares. You must focus on whether your collection can be sold for hundreds of thousands more.

Because the latter incident proved that I am a discerning expert.

"Master Zhang, do you think this will work? When we raise the price for the first time, we will use these things of yours to show off."

"You mean, at my next auction, I will auction off my foreign exchange-earning porcelain, and you will spend money to help me raise the price?" Zhang Yang was a little unbelievable.

Sounds so attractive.

"That's it." Mr. Huang nodded and introduced, "We will use clean money to buy your collection at a high price and make a real deal. The money you earn from the auction will be regarded as the first prize we gave you. It’s hard work.”


Zhang Yang nodded, agreeing first anyway.

Whether this can be done by then depends on the Jinmen police in charge of such cases and how they hope Zhang Yang will cooperate.

If people wanted him to "feed a tiger with his body," then he would have no choice but to ignore his conscience and accept the hard-earned money.

Just in case you have to take a long-term approach to catch big fish...

"Hey, you haven't said yet, what is the normal share?" Zhang Yang found that he had missed a key point.

"Our project is different from the live broadcast reward method. The kind is purely based on the flow of funds. Our project depends on how much you can raise the price of things."

"Let me put it this way, as long as you are serious, it will definitely exceed ten points."

Ten points, ten billion, that’s one billion.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." After hearing this, Zhang Yang reached out and asked, "Should we sign a contract or something?"

"No, that's too dangerous."

Mr. Huang is still very rigorous in his work, and in his words, he originally wanted to give Zhang Yang some money to add some of the foreign exchange-generating porcelain they provided to the auction.

But now Zhang Yang has it.

Then they believed that Zhang Yang would not miss this opportunity to make a fortune. After all, they had prepared tens of millions of funds to raise the price.


After coming out of Mr. Huang's office, Zhang Yang returned to his own presidential suite.

When he opened the door, there was someone waiting for him in the room.

He was still an acquaintance, the Miss Wu who picked him up at the station and took him to the hotel. The difference from before was that at this time, the other party had changed out of his business attire and was only wrapped in a white bath towel, lying on his side on the sofa.

It can't be covered. The cost is too high to cover it.

"Master Zhang, are you prepared to stand like this all the time?" Miss Wu bit her bright red lower lip shyly, and a slight gasp could be heard while speaking.

She held a corner of the towel in her hand and gestured to hand it to Zhang Yang.

A sultry attitude of "come and grab it".

After reading it, Zhang Yang admitted that the other party was indeed very capable.

But that’s about it.

This is Mr. Huang's room. I'm not that big of a publicity person, so I dare to do anything in this room.

He looked at the bath towel on the other person's body and asked:
  "Um, is the bath towel you are wrapped in my room from?"

"Yes... yes."

"Isn't there a bathrobe in the presidential suite?" Zhang Yang asked with a frown.

"Yes, yes."

"Really? I'll go and see."

Zhang Yang walked quickly to the bathroom, and when he came back, he already had a gray bathrobe in his hand.

He put it on the coffee table casually, made an invitation gesture to Miss Wu, and then went back to the bedroom without looking back, and then locked the door.

We can only try the hotel's jacuzzi until tomorrow. Let's go to bed today.

Early the next morning, after making sure that no one was in the living room, Zhang Yang opened the bedroom door.

Sleeping in bed yesterday, he felt unsafe no matter what, so he sent a message to Captain Liu overnight to ask how to best deal with the current situation.

It happened that the other party was working the night shift, so the message was sent back in seconds.

Hearing that there was a beauty trap in the living room, Captain Liu warned Zhang Yang to be careful of becoming the same as Mr. Huang.

As for this hotel, he thinks he can stay there first, but when the funds involved in the case are finally calculated, Zhang Yang may have to refund the full amount of money the other party paid for inviting him to stay in the hotel.

The presidential suite costs tens of thousands of yuan a night. The investigators cannot miss this amount of money.

Realizing that he might have to pay for it himself in the end, Zhang Yang still felt a little sad.

I just hope that the room Xu Jie and the others live in can be a little cheaper, otherwise they really can't afford to be taken advantage of.

As for Mr. Huang and the others' plans to speculate on foreign exchange porcelain at the auction organized by Zhang Yang, Captain Liu told Zhang Yang truthfully that as long as the source of the money to raise the price was okay, it was legal.

The city bureau still needs to study how to characterize this kind of gameplay.

They studied their work and Zhang Yang kept pace.

After breakfast, I met Sister Gao and the others in the hotel lobby, and then set off for the event.

On the way there, Zhang Yang called Ding Qiang in a fishing-like manner and asked if he knew Mr. Huang, who was a very kind person, and Miss Wu, who was rich and generous.

Ding Qiang had no idea what was going on. He was still wondering in the All Seasons Hotel arranged by the company last night why he didn't seem to meet Master Zhang this time. In the past, he would see Zhang Yang coming out for barbecue in the middle of the night.

Zhang Yang could only explain with a smile that when he came to Tianjin this time, a relative helped to book the hotel, so those over there could check out first.

By the time Zhang Yang and his party arrived at the scene, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

Today Xu Jie is responsible for adjusting equipment and monitoring the live broadcast room;

Sister Gao is responsible for putting on makeup and touching up makeup, and walks around when she has nothing to do;
  Xiao Tang is responsible for taking notes next to Zhang Yang, equivalent to the role of a female assistant;
  Zhang Yang is the limited-time return event of "Miscellaneous Appraisal Expert Skin".


"My treasure friends, we are now at the audition site for the Jinmen Treasure Appraisal Competition!"

"Come, let me feel the atmosphere of the scene for you."

Before starting the appraisal, Zhang Yang first greeted the viewers in the live broadcast room. Unless there was a particularly powerful treasure, he probably wouldn't care about the live broadcast room.

Because there were so many treasure friends waiting to enter the venue.

As soon as ten o'clock arrived, the activity started on time.

Zhang Yang sat at the appraisal table and watched with his own eyes an old man holding a wooden tablet, squeezing his way through the crowd like a filial son attending a funeral, and finally the first person came to him.

When he got close, Zhang Yang could clearly hear what the other party was shouting when he was squeezing:

"Give me a step, I'm holding the ancestral tablet. You can't afford to pay for it if it's damaged."

No wonder no one dared to stop her when she shouted like that.

But is the tablet considered a miscellaneous item?

Zhang Yang classified it in his mind. In fact, it should be wood carving, and then sculpture, which is the job of the teacher next door.

However, Baoyou had already placed the tablet directly in front of Zhang Yang.

I can’t tell what’s going on on the back of the tablet. I heard it’s the tablet of my ancestor. It’s hard to get started with it, so I can only ask my treasurer to flip it over:
  "Friend Bao, please turn this tablet over and let me see what is written on the front."

"Okay, teacher." The uncle was very cooperative.

Zhang Yang originally thought it would start with "Xian Kao" or "Father", but he never expected that the front of the tablet would read "Long live the current emperor, long live the emperor" in traditional Chinese characters.

Good guy, the emperor’s tablet!

Around the characters, there is a swimming dragon embossed on the left and right, and there is a big dragon with a bloody mouth directly above it.

The carving work alone is already better than ordinary Buddha statues.

The base of the tablet is also very special, a bit like the platform outside the palace, with steps and railings.

In short, both in terms of craftsmanship and specifications, this is a fine wood carving with a certain age.

"This treasure of mine, people say, was used to worship the emperor in ancient times."

"That's true." Zhang Yang nodded and explained, "The tablet you have is probably from the mid-Ming Dynasty, when Emperor Wanli was in power, and was enshrined in his honor."

"At that time, Emperor Wanli abandoned the practice of advocating Taoism during Jiajing's reign, and Buddhism flourished again, so some temples began to enshrine his tablets."

"Is this valuable?" the uncle asked. "I think the dragon on it is really well carved."

"It's valuable, very valuable." Zhang Yang conservatively estimated, "It's worth at least [-] to [-] yuan."

"But this kind of thing is unpopular among the unpopular, and it's not easy to sell."

"Don't be in a hurry about selling. Teacher, I have one more question."

"I previously joined a memorial tablet collection group on the Internet, and someone was very interested in my item. He wanted to exchange the Qing Dynasty gold sculpture tablet with this one. Do you think he can exchange it with me?"

"Doesn't his piece not have these dragon decorations or a base? It's just a bare tablet?"

"Yes, it also says long live the current emperor."

"That's worthless. Most of them are from the Qianlong period, small gilded bronze tablets with no technical content."

Zhang Yang remembered that he had seen one before when he was in Shenghai. It was appraised by a teacher from the metal statue group next door. He said that the market price was about [-] yuan, which was similar to ordinary gilded bronze Buddha statues from the Qing Dynasty.

"Okay, thank you teacher."

Baoyou picked up the tablet and went back as he came, shouting:

"Everyone give way, the spiritual throne of Emperor Wanli is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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