Chapter 324 I am valuable
  "This is a tiger bone. Such a thick bone has pores for capillaries. It is most likely a leg bone."

Baoyou who was watching the scene heard the tiger bones, and several young people wanted to join in and watch the excitement.

In fact, for older people, tiger bones and skins are not rare items, and some people even use tiger penis to make wine.

This group of young people born after 80 have only seen big cats in zoos.

"Leg bones are just leg bones."

"Teacher, I'm just playing, not buying or selling, should it be okay?"

When Baoyou heard the whispers of the people around him, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise. What he said was so authentic.

"There is really no problem. This handball can also be played in the late Qing Dynasty. It should be something played by the Manchu princes." Zhang Yang analyzed.

Unexpectedly, Baoyou said: "Actually, my ancestor is Zhenghuang Banner."

"Real or fake?" Zhang Yang looked at Baoyou and couldn't see any Manchu characteristics.

But think about the aunt who calls herself Zhenghuangqi on the bus. She is indeed no different from ordinary people except for her mouth.

Maybe besides net worth?

Because after Zhang Yang saw Baoyou take back the pair of handballs made of tiger bones, he took out a bunch of bracelets from the cloth bag.

"Are these yours?"

Zhang Yangxin said that the number of these bracelets has almost caught up with the four kings of Panjiawan Wenwan.

Don't think it's just a merchant from Pan Jiayuan who comes here to advertise, right?

"Not all of them." Baoyou shook his head and said, "Most of them were asked by my parents and relatives to find someone to identify them."

"Teacher, please help me take a look. When I paid the appraisal fee, I didn't say I could only look at one piece."

There is nothing wrong with this statement, and Zhang Yang has no objection either.

But the young man in line behind Baoyou couldn't hold himself any longer.

It's not that he dislikes the fact that he has so many things, but the thought of having to listen to Zhenghuang Qi's "talking about things" all the time makes him feel very uncomfortable.

So he said angrily:
  "Hey, Zhenghuangqi can't even afford the appraisal fee? Or can't you buy a ticket to Jinmen?"

Of course, Baoyou couldn't stand such provocation, so he put the bag and bracelet on the table, turned around and began to scold the young man.

Seeing this, Zhang Yang patted Xu Jie on the shoulder and told him to stop being stunned and go find the security guard.

After a while, there might be a fight.

While waiting for the security guard, Zhang Yang picked up the bracelets on the table.

The white hollow Shibazi bracelet is also tied with an jade pendant. The material is elephant bone. It is from the late Qing Dynasty and should have been passed down from Zhenghuang Banner. There is no problem;
  Gabala's bracelet is strung with some gemstones such as southern red. Although it is a bit unlucky, it is also a hundred years old, so it is not a big problem;
  The ghost eyes of Huanghuali bracelets are dyed, which is the more ordinary yellow. It seems that it should be regarded as sea yellow, otherwise it is not worthy to be put together with other bracelets;
  The bracelet is made of yellow bone. The material looks a bit like jade, but it is actually helmeted hornbill bone. The beads turned out to be from the late Qing Dynasty, which is a bit amazing;
  The beads are mixed with half red and yellow. The color looks like hornbill bone. Look at the age...

I go!

After Zhang Yang saw the age clearly, he stood up directly.

2018? !

He looked up and found that Zhenghuangqi Baoyou and the young man behind him had started to reach out and pinch each other, so he quickly said:
  "Catch this person with the yellow flag, and don't let go."


In front of the appraisal table, those who were fighting and those who were trying to stop the fight were stunned.

Everyone is trying to persuade me, but why are there still people taking the opposite approach?
  However, Zhang Yang had no time to care about them, so he quickly informed the police stationed behind the scenes through the intercom on the table:
  "Hey hey, can you hear me?"

"The miscellaneous identification station in Area B found a brand new helmeted hornbill bone bracelet, a total of eighteen pieces. It is conservatively estimated to involve more than three helmeted hornbill heads."

"Copy that! Hold the suspect steady, we'll be there soon!"

The male voice coming from the intercom immediately froze everyone else present.

The treasure friend of Zhenghuang Banner swallowed his saliva and turned his head to look at Zhang Yang with great difficulty:

"Teacher, the new Helmeted Hornbill bracelet you are talking about is not the one with my small beads, is it?"

"What if?" Zhang Yang crossed his arms and looked at the two treasure friends who were still in a stalemate, "Why don't you let go?"

"What else is there to fight for? You won't be from the same world after a while."


The young man's face showed joy, he let go of his hand and stepped aside.

The other person on both sides of the conflict couldn't be happy. Baoyou walked to the stage with difficulty and asked Zhang Yang:

"If this bracelet was bartered between me and someone else, then there would be no need to shoot him."

"That's for sure. Even if you did it intentionally, you won't be shot."

Zhang Yangxin said, how come it involves being shot? Three helmeted hornbill heads, that is, twenty years.

This is under the premise of knowing the law and breaking the law.

If he was deceived, the sentence would be even lower, possibly three to five years.

"Okay, okay, then I can rest assured."

Baoyou patted his chest in relief.

Knowing that the police were coming soon, he still had the thought to ask Zhang Yang:

"Then it's okay to have a few more strings left. I remember there seems to be a string of helmeted hornbills."

"That's from the Qing Dynasty. It's okay. Your ancestors have already paid off your debt."

"That's good."

Baoyou nodded and started putting things into the bag.

When he put all the bracelets back on, the police arrived.

Zhang Yang nodded in admiration. He was indeed a true yellow flag. He was a good person and had put away all the animal products involved in the case. There was no need for Zhang Yang to clean it up.

In this way, after Baoyou leaves the scene with the police, Zhang Yang can immediately continue to receive the next Baoyou.

It was the young man who was pinching each other just now. Now his neck is red. Those who didn't know better thought he was an American.

"Brother, what treasure did you bring?"

"A few snuff bottles," the young man replied.

He took out a long box from the bag behind his back. When he opened it, he found a white sponge inside. Several holes were dug in the middle of the sponge, and three snuff bottles, large and small, were placed there.

"You collected these all?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

At the end of the last century, snuff bottle collection was the most popular. After entering the 21st century, the popularity of this type of collection has been decreasing.

Most of those who are still collecting them are from the past.

He has never seen such a young snuff bottle collector until now during the live broadcast.

Sure enough, the young man also said that this is not his collection:
  "These belong to my dad. He has a cabinet of snuff bottles. I picked the three most representative ones."

"A cabinet?" Zhang Yang asked in surprise, "Is it a bedside table or a wardrobe?"

"It's a little bigger than the bedside table, about this big." The young man gestured the size of the cabinet up and down, and it should be no problem to hide a person in it.

"Friend Bao, I can't tell you are still a rich second generation."

"Come on, come on, take out your things and let me take a look at your father's collection."

"It's the second generation of negatives, but it's just the negative of negatives." The young man smiled bitterly and put the three snuff bottles on the table. "I asked someone to estimate the price, and a cabinet of items cost [-] yuan. My dad refused to sell. I have to find an expert to identify it.”

"Thirty thousand in total? Not that much." Zhang Yang shook his head. He felt that the other party was pretending.

The cheapest snuff bottles cost several thousand. Are all the snuff bottles in the cabinet fake?

He casually picked up the most beautiful of the three snuff bottles.

The material is translucent agate, and the body of the pot has a picture of a black horse tied under a Ganoderma tree.

This is a common process for agate snuff bottles in the Qing Dynasty. The black leather shell on the surface of natural agate is carved into artistic patterns.

There's nothing wrong with the thing, it's in good condition, and it should be worth about three thousand.

Zhang Yang put down the snuff bottle and gave Baoyou an estimate of the price. "This thing is pretty good. It was carved from agate in the late Qing Dynasty and cost at least three thousand."

"That's probably the most expensive of these things."

The young man smiled and pushed a blue and white porcelain snuff bottle in front of Zhang Yang.

This kind of porcelain can be obtained by treating it as an ordinary blue and white porcelain general jar and scaling it down to equal proportions.

The decoration is from the Qing Dynasty, so there is nothing wrong with it.

The problem is the payment.

The Rhinitis Pot in Palm is about the same size as Dabao SOD Honey. On the bottom of the pot, there are six characters "Made in the Yongzheng Year of the Qing Dynasty" written superfluously.

If this is true, this item alone will cost more than [-].

But the font on the bottom is obviously printed, and the font is ridiculously fake.

"This is wrong. This kind of blue and white snuff bottle was basically taken by all the major auction houses in the early years. If you want to buy it in the future, first take a photo and search it on the official website of the auction house to see if it is inherited. Ordered."

"Thank you teacher, I took note of it for my dad."

"Take another look at this."

The young man handed the last glass snuff bottle to Zhang Yang.

It is the most common snuff bottle with interior painting.

"Inner painting" is one of the intangible cultural heritages. First, fine lines are polished in a transparent glass pot, and then a bamboo pen with a hook is inserted into the pot and painted in reverse.

The level of detail is similar to that of nuclear carving, but the difficulty is two levels higher.

In addition to considering the issue of mirror images, the interior paintings are all Chinese paintings, including landscapes and figures. No matter what they are, they must be no worse than those painted on paper.

In this young man's piece, the inside of the pot is painted with a potted chrysanthemum.

The petals and leaves of the chrysanthemum, and even the ridges of soil in the pot, are all drawn very clearly.

In addition, there is a signature next to the painting, which reads "Made by Yan Yutian" in small words.

Zhang Yang took Baoyou to look up the author on the spot and found out that he was a famous snuff bottle painter in the capital.

Last year, his works sold for RMB [-] in Hong Kong.

"You can give this one a try. It may not fetch [-] yuan."

"Teacher, do you mean that this snuff bottle is real?"

"Yeah, didn't you expect that?" Zhang Yang asked Baoyou with a smile.

Surprise, not unexpected?
  Judging from the surprise that could not be concealed on the young man's face, it was obvious that he did not expect such a hidden plot.

"Damn it, didn't the other person want to trick me by offering me [-] yuan?"

"Not necessarily. If it's true what you said, your father has many pieces in his collection, and others may not have seen every one of them."

This is how Zhang Yang watched other antique dealers collect copper coins in the countryside.

I casually took out a few coins and found that they were ordinary Qianlong Tongbao coins, so I priced them all at five yuan each.

If there are really valuable things that are not found, it is because the seller is not responsible for his own things, and the buyer can feel at ease even if he finds something missing.

"Okay, thank you teacher."

"You're welcome."

Zhang Yang was taking the initiative to help the other party stuff the snuff bottle into the box, but unexpectedly Baoyou suddenly stretched out his mobile phone.

"Teacher, actually I am the third person on the list in your live broadcast room."

"What?" Zhang Yang looked at the picture on the other party's phone.

He turned out to be the beauty queen of his live broadcast room.

This is a little strange.

"Why are you still here? Why don't you just broadcast live and connect to the microphone?"

"Don't you want to catch a glimpse of the teacher?" Baoyou chuckled, put away his phone, and made a "yeah" gesture to the camera of Zhang Yang's live broadcast.

He also interacted with the brothers in the live broadcast room.

[Not even the third one on the list, is this the only thing? 】

[Didn’t you hear what the teacher said, I am the second generation of rich people?]

[Is this list a reward list? When will the third brother come in?]

"Okay, okay, stop being such a coward and make room for others."

"Okay." Baoyou hugged the box and walked away.


The next few treasure friends failed to pull out anything real and eye-catching.

So much so that Tang Qiyun, who was sitting next to Zhang Yang, couldn't help but yawn.

They were all fake and she didn't even know what to remember.

"It's a good thing."

Zhang Yang's long-lost compliment made Xiao Tang cheer up quickly, pick up the gel pen in his hand, and prepare to record the boss's quotations.

"If I read it correctly, it should be the Xixi incense box, which is also called Yundiao in the north."

"It's actually a special kind of red paint, which is painted layer by layer with two colors of paint. The pattern carved out in this way will have textures like rhinoceros horns."

"Your piece has four wishful flowers. It is very symmetrical and elegant. It is a rare rhinoceros incense box from the Ming Dynasty."

"It's worth about twenty thousand."

"Do you have any questions?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile.

"Um...Teacher, what I want to identify is not the box, but the contents in the box."

"Hahaha." Tang Qiyun couldn't help laughing.

"Ahem." Zhang Yang cleared his throat and signaled the employees to pay attention to the impact.

What can the Ming Dynasty rhinoceros box be used to store?
  It's so small, and in ancient times it was just for rouge and gouache, so I don't blame Zhang Yang for subconsciously identifying this box.

He placed the box on the table and opened it carefully.

Inside is a small, white, opaque bead about one centimeter in diameter.

Just when Zhang Yang was about to reach out and pick it up to take a look, the middle-aged treasure friend suddenly stretched out his hand and stopped him.

"Teacher, this is the relic of an eminent monk. Just look at it. If you don't fast and bathe, it's best not to get started."

"Relic?" Zhang Yang repeated.

Hearing this, there was a coaxing sound, and the collectors who were still lining up gathered around.

However, everyone was careful to keep a certain distance from the appraisal platform to avoid damaging this Buddhist treasure.

As an appraiser, Zhang Yang was able to observe the relic from close to the water.

There is a boney white color, with scattered yellow impurities in the middle.

To put it bluntly, it is a complex of various minerals such as phosphates, aluminum silicates, and silicates.

This relic was produced in 2004. If you are right, it should have been cremated by a modern eminent monk after his death.

But from the perspective of identification, Zhang Yang really dare not say that this is the relic.

Because even the remains of ordinary people can form this white "bone relic" after being burned at temperatures above 1400 degrees Celsius.

"Friend Bao, how did you get this relic from?"

"A friend gave it to me. He bought it at an auction and said it cost 480 million."

"How much?" When Zhang Yang heard the price, he suddenly felt that he was worth something.

 Thank you to the most annoying typist for the 3000-coin reward. The boss is mighty and domineering, wuwuwu, thank you, boss!
  (End of this chapter)

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