Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 325 Joining the team with money ability

Chapter 325 Joining the team with money ability

"The auction price was 480 million, and it was in the news at the time."

"There are four bidders present, three foreigners, and my friend is the only one from China."

"My friend thinks that the relics of domestic eminent monks cannot be allowed to flow abroad. This is a blasphemy against Buddhism. How do those foreign devils know anything about Buddhism?"

"So he was under a lot of pressure and bought the relic at a price that exceeded the market price."

"But the good news is that the current market price of this relic is already higher than the original auction price."

Baoyou knew everything about his friend, and he even knew who he was bidding against at the time.

However, from Zhang Yang's perspective, it felt like not even a single punctuation mark in the other person's words could be trusted.

The plot of bidding with three foreign businesses to prevent the loss of a national treasure is obviously a result of watching too many TV series.

As for saying that the current market price of this relic has exceeded the auction price of 480 million, it is even more nonsense.

Zhang Yang had just seen it before at Christie's in Hong Kong. It was a relic from the Qing Dynasty. It was about the same size as this one, and it only cost 45.

As an appraiser, he felt that he needed to explain, otherwise it would be bad if others misunderstood that Master Zhang acquiesced to Baoyou's statement.

"Friend Bao, how can you be sure that this relic must have been obtained after the cremation of an eminent monk in China?"

"Can't it be from abroad?"

"It was stated during the auction that it came from the XX Temple in China." Baoyou explained.

"That's it. Has the temple issued a certificate to you?"

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand and signaled Baoyou to take out the certificate if he had it.

This is a relic. Which monk dared to risk his life to steal it and sell it? There must be some evidence.

Otherwise, if the words are unfounded and other temples do not recognize it, the relic will be thrown into your hands as soon as a notice is issued.

"Certificate...there is no way to issue a certificate for this." Baoyou shook his head and asked Zhang Yang, "Teacher, can't you see that this is a relic?"

Zhang Yang shook his head: "These white bone relics are almost the same. I really can't tell."

"That's not right. This is the relic of an eminent monk, and it contains Buddha's light."

Baoyou had a very pious expression on his face and clasped his hands together, as if he had entered the time of the sages.

"Teacher, if your heart is not pure, you cannot see the light of Buddha?"

"You are just spreading rumors. I am very pure." Zhang Yang retorted.

"Did you see the Buddha's light?" Baoyou asked.

This question is a bit like the emperor’s new clothes.

If you don’t have a pure heart, you can’t see it. Why don’t you say that you can’t see it without spending 480 million?

Zhang Yang said a little speechlessly:

"There really is no Buddha's light. You can lie to yourself, dear friend, but don't fool so many people around you into thinking they are fools."

"Yes, yes, where is the Buddha's light?" A collector on the side agreed.

"Don't lie to me, brother, I'm not blind."

"Fortunately, the expert told me in advance, otherwise I would have suspected that there was something wrong with my eyes."

"Brother, your story is not good at making up..."


"You people are so ignorant!" Baoyou sneered, reached out to close the box containing the relics, looked at Zhang Yang and said, "I originally wanted to give you people a lot of experience, but I didn't expect you are not worthy of this."

"Finally, I have a word for you, experts. People cannot live without a sense of awe."

"Wait, don't leave in a hurry, I'll give you a message too." Zhang Yang stopped Baoyou and told him, "Leave your contact information."

"Ah? Why?"

"Just because your relic was newly burned in the past twenty years, we will contact the temple you mentioned afterwards to confirm. If not, then there is something wrong with your relic."

"what is the problem?"

"It may be suspected of insulting the corpse, and it may also be related to the forgery of cultural relics."

Zhang Yang also suddenly remembered that there was actually a time when someone actually burned relics.

Some use chicken bones or pork bones to bake, but more often they use the same kind of bones.

The latter is more realistic. Except that it has no reliable origin, its shape and color are almost exactly the same as Buddhist relics.

Baoyou's current situation is a bit similar.

"Then what if I don't leave a phone number?" Baoyou said harshly.

"It's okay if you don't stay. There is surveillance. If something happens, the police will look for you." Zhang Yang smiled.

"Come on, come on, smile at that place. When I come to see you, I will print this scene into a photo for comparison."

Baoyou was just about to raise his head and glance at the direction of the camera. When he heard Zhang Yang's words, he immediately lowered his head.

At this time, he didn't care about Buddhist etiquette. He put the box containing the relics into his coat pocket, lowered his head and hurried out.

Zhang Yang didn't stop him, there was no need.

Looking at the crowd watching, he gave a brief reminder:

"My treasure friends, relics are essentially bone products. When collecting them, please be careful to avoid legal risks."

"Also, although the anchor is an atheist, I fully respect everyone's beliefs, so when everyone comes to make an appraisal, please don't force me to believe some of the weird things you say."

Zhang Yang is really not used to those religious believers who always say that people's hearts are dirty.


"Teacher, let me make it clear first that, like you, I also respect other people's beliefs. This collection is just a collection and has no blasphemous meaning."

The new treasure friend was holding a long wooden box that he had brought, and was stacking buffs like crazy, as if there was something very unnatural in it.

"It's okay, I believe everyone can understand you." Zhang Yang comforted with a smile.

People around also said: "Yeah, stop being so pretentious and open it and take a look."

"Okay, teacher, please take a look."

Baoyou slowly opened the box, and Zhang Yang caught a glimpse of the gold in the box.

Look closely, man.

It turned out to be a complete arm of a Buddha statue.

And it should have been torn from a huge gilt bronze Buddha statue.

The length of this arm alone is more than 80 centimeters.

If the Buddha's hand is close to one meter long, the original Buddha statue itself, plus the lotus stand on which it sits, should be [-] or [-] meters tall.

A life-size gilt-bronze Buddha statue?

Zhang Yang quickly looked at the more detailed information about this Buddha's hand.

The casting time can be traced back to the Yongle period of the early Ming Dynasty, and the Buddha statue it belongs to should be a seated Buddha of Sakyamuni.

It is very likely that it was originally enshrined in the temple and was forcibly broken.

"Where did you get this severed arm? Isn't there a corresponding Buddha body?"

"No, no." Baoyou explained, "I collected this Buddha's hand from a retired teacher's home. It is said that more than sixty years ago, during the big event, he took it off from the Buddha statue and secretly hid it. Woke up."

"Awesome." Zhang Yang admired sincerely, "If you had the guts to do this at that time, you deserve to be rich later."

"How much did you spend on it?"

"It's not convenient to disclose this. Anyway, it's not cheaper than a complete Buddha statue from the Qing Dynasty." Baoyou pursed his lips and didn't intend to say his purchase price.

But Zhang Yang knew he had missed it as soon as he heard it.

Small gilt Buddha statues in the Qing Dynasty only cost tens of thousands of yuan.

Baoyou's behavior is obviously because he is afraid that the price gap will be too big and cause unnecessary trouble afterwards, which is understandable.

"Then let me give you the appraisal results. This is a typical Tibetan Buddhist cultural relic from the early Ming Dynasty. It was originally supposed to be a gilt bronze statue of Sakyamuni Buddha."

"The current market price of this Buddha's hand is at least [-] yuan." "Ouch!" The collectors around him exclaimed.

One arm can be sold for [-] yuan. If it is complete, why not sell it for millions?

"Thank you, teacher." Baoyou smiled, obviously in a good mood.

Zhang Yang reminded him a little, and the other party took the initiative to leave his contact information on the "Auction Information Pre-registration" form, indicating that he was also willing to sell things at the auction.


Just when everyone thought that this gilt copper Buddha's hand was the winner of the miscellaneous group in the morning, the last treasure friend to appraise had an even more powerful treasure.

He took out a piece of pitch-black metal, about the same size as an ordinary tile.

The shape is also a bit like a tile, with a slight curvature overall.

On the front of the metal piece, there were six lines of text engraved on it. Zhang Yang glanced at it briefly and realized that it should be seal script.

In addition, there are four small holes in the four corners of the metal sheet. Baoyou said that these are used to fix it on the wood.

As for why it should be fixed on wood, it is because this is the edict issued by Qin Shihuang when he unified weights and measures, and it needs to be announced to the world.

After listening to Baoyou's explanation, Zhang Yang asked him to put the things on the table quickly and don't drop them later.

If this is true, it is definitely a first-class cultural relic.

"Name: Qin Shihuang Bronze Edict Edition"

"Material: Copper"

"Production date: 221 BC (the [-]th year of Qin Shihuang)"

"Detailed information: This is the edict that Qin Shihuang announced to the world after he unified the six kingdoms. It is written in Qin Xiaozhuan. The content is: [In the twenty-sixth year, the emperor conquered the world. The princes of Guizhou were in peace, and he was named emperor. It was the edict of the prime minister. "Zhuang, Wan, Dharma and Measurement are not the same. Anyone who has any doubts will understand it."

Sure enough, it is true.

The first time Zhang Yang saw this thing, he felt that it was a treasure handed down from generation to generation.

Because it is made from raw materials, although it is made of copper, a black oxide film is formed on the surface, which protects the text on the copper edict very well.

If it had been buried underground, it would have been so corroded by green rust that it would have been hard to see clearly.

"Friend Bao, this is the real thing!"

Zhang Yang sighed in his heart, what a good thing, he was moved.

"Look at the small seals engraved on it. Just the rubbings of these characters are a favorite among calligraphy enthusiasts. Those who made seals in the Han Dynasty learned the carving method of the characters on this."

"Did you buy this, or was it passed down from your family?"

"Of course I bought it."

Baoyou took out his cell phone, showed Zhang Yang a photo, and made a "shh" gesture at the same time.

Such a mystery immediately aroused Zhang Yang's curiosity.

He quickly looked at the photo displayed by the other party, which was a photocopy of the contract for the auction transaction.

Zhang Yang enlarged the column of transaction amount, this is...

Twenty-three million? !


Brother, you just took out more than [-] million yuan?

Zhang Yang suddenly regretted that he should have opened a "super VIP appraisal channel".

It is specially set up for such big guys. A one-time appraisal fee of [-] yuan and a certificate are included. I think the other party will be willing.

But if you think about it carefully, you can actually bring it out to show off.

Not to mention that there were so many policemen at the scene, the boss probably had some strength himself, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to spend [-] million to buy such a thing.

"Thank you, brother, for opening my eyes." Zhang Yang said very sincerely.

"Master Zhang, you are serious. In fact, I just want to get to know you today."

"this is my name card."

"Okay, we already know each other. But it's not convenient to talk about this now. Let's talk about it later."

Zhang Yang took the business card and handed it directly to Xiao Tang without even looking at it.

This is quite common at treasure appraisal sites. There are often art companies or confident treasure friends handing business cards to appraisal experts.

After all, this is a private event led by Zhang Yang and is not that formal.

Having said all that needed to be said, Zhang Yang signaled to Baoyou that he could put this copper edict away, otherwise he would be a little worried about its safety.

"Then let's talk later." A mysterious smile appeared on Baoyou's face.


During lunch, Zhang Yang looked at the business card of the big boss just now.

The boss of a mining group, surnamed Qiao.

Zhang Yang searched and found that the other party's group started out by mining lithium mines.

Now that new energy is taking off so much, no wonder he is so rich.

After a whole day of appraisal work, Zhang Yang hesitated whether to contact Mr. Qiao, but the other party took the initiative to call him.

"I saw your phone number, Master Zhang, on the official website of the event. I apologize for taking the liberty of contacting you."

Mr. Qiao's tone was very polite, and he explained clearly, and he didn't forget to make a splash at the end.

"I didn't know until I met Master Zhang during the day that Douyin's reputation as the number one treasure appraisal expert is well-deserved. He can tell the authenticity of cultural relics from various dynasties at a glance."

"Mr. Qiao, you're welcome. A treasure appraisal anchor like me is not worth mentioning. But with the support of a big client like you, the level of our activities has suddenly gone up."

Zhang Yang politely exchanged business boasts with the other party.

No one will take these words seriously anyway, they are purely for the occasion.


A strange laughter suddenly came from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Qiao, who are you?" Zhang Yang asked doubtfully.

What responded to him was a very familiar young man's voice:

"I didn't expect that, Brother Yang, you are really not ashamed at all when you brag!"

"Chu Ziqiang?"

"Hehehe, yes, it's me, little brother." Chu Ziqiang replied humbly.

"Now go to the window near the street and look down."

"Look at what?"

Zhang Yang complied with confusion and looked down to see two men greeting him.

Among them, the young man holding a mobile phone and smiling cheekily, who else could it be if he wasn't Chu Ziqiang?

As for the other one, of course it is Mr. Qiao.

"Damn, you're still talking on the phone downstairs, wasting my phone bill." Zhang Yang closed the curtains tightly, "Come up yourselves, room number is 9304."

Five minutes later, Zhang Yang finally knew who Qiao always was.

He is the person who succeeded Mr. Cheng after Cheng Zongwen left.

It’s just that the other person is wearing a famous brand suit and looks like a human being. It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with archeology.

Zhang Yang asked tentatively: "Mr. Qiao, is it because of your abilities that you can join our archaeological team?"

"Of course not, the money was all inherited by Lao Qiao." Chu Ziqiang helped explain very familiarly, "You will know his ability if I tell him the name of his master."

"Who is Mr. Qiao's master?"

"I have two masters, one named Ren and one named Yao." Mr. Qiao looked at Zhang Yang with a smile and said, "I think Master Zhang should know both of these two people."

(End of this chapter)

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