Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 326 I will catch your weakness

Chapter 326 I will catch your weakness

While Zhang Yang was chatting with the newcomers who had joined the team, no one realized that someone was eavesdropping in 9204 downstairs.

The best eavesdropping equipment from abroad is still used.

"Mr. Huang, he is just a bad anchor. Do we need to use such high-end monitoring equipment?"

While listening to the conversation in Zhang Yang's room through the headphones, Minion A nervously asked Mr. Huang who was smoking a cigar next to him.

His posture was as if he was eavesdropping. He was under great pressure.

"What do you know?" Mr. Huang gently blew out a ring of smoke and smiled proudly, "What's wrong with me spying on a business worth tens of billions?"

"Normal people would only check if there are any secret cameras when entering a hotel. Who would have thought that we were eavesdropping?"

"Anyway, I am idle now. Listen, if any big secret is exposed, then he will be in our hands from now on, Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

Mr. Huang was getting up while talking when he suddenly saw his subordinates with a confused expression on their faces. He quickly asked:

"What's wrong? Did they say any key information over there?"

"It seems that there is..." Private A blinked his eyes and said, "They are talking about a person named Ren Quansheng, but they also seem to be talking about some tomb robbery novel."

"Chu silk books record celestial phenomena, disasters, the movement of the four seasons, and taboos of the moon..."

The minions simultaneously repeated what they heard.

Mr. Huang was confused.

"What are you TND talking about?"

Mr. Huang grabbed the headphones impatiently, thinking that he had to do it himself.

I just have all the news in my own hands.

The clear male voice still coming from the earphones was Zhang Yang speaking:

"...So when we were excavating Xin Zhui's tomb, our two masters worked together. This is fate."

"Speaking of which, your skills in reading, hearing, asking, and searching were all learned from Mr. Ren. Is there any difference between that and the methods taught by Yao Yuzhong?"


Zhang Yang was actually shocked at this moment.

This Mr. Qiao is simply a pervert like Batman.

They all spent their money on inappropriate things.

The difference is that Batman spends money to research equipment and upgrade himself to make it easier to fight the Joker;

And this Qiao Shan, Mr. Qiao, used his family's money and connections to become his disciples, Ren Quansheng and Yao Yuzhong.

These two people are respectively the northern and southern factions of tomb robbers, and figures similar to their ancestors.

The tomb robber named Ren was the most famous local master in Hunan Province before 49. After Jinpen washed his hands, he also served as a consultant to the archaeological team when Mawangdui was excavated in [-];

Because Ren Quansheng had cooperated with Master Wang, who was still very young at the time, Zhang Yang knew about this man.

And Yao Yuzhong is even more famous.

He was the ruthless man who claimed that his only regret after being sentenced to death (with a two-year suspended sentence) was not being able to open the tomb of Qin Shihuang with his own hands.

After he was sentenced, publicity stated that the execution had been carried out, but there were also rumors circulating that "he changed his name and joined the archaeological team", but no one has come out to refute the rumors.

In short, there is no conclusion.

Of course, Zhang Yang would not miss such a good opportunity and tried to ask Qiao Shan where his master Yao Yuzhong was employed now.

Is it in the world of heaven or in the underworld?

But all he got in response was a polite smile.

Qiao Shan didn't want to say it, or couldn't say it.

But regardless of whether he explained it or not, after Chu Ziqiang proved the authenticity of the other party's origin, all Zhang Yang had left was respect.

A rookie like him, who had become a monk halfway, saw Qiao Shan, who was equivalent to the third level of thieves' power, and met a strong thieves sect level.

The latter is so terrifying!

Fortunately, this person is now his teammate, and Zhang Yang will still have opportunities to learn and improve in the future.


What are they talking about? Mr. Huang couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

I couldn't help but cover the headphones a little tighter with my hands.

At this time, another strange man's voice came from the earphones.

"Of course there are differences."

"When I learned art from Master Ren, I was still a half-year-old child. Every time he told me about his experience at that time, he would lament that the methods at that time were too primitive and destroyed many cultural relics."

"Especially his method of looking, hearing and asking questions is very rough when you think about it."

"Like [smell], no matter where the soil is or what is buried in the soil, you have to smell it while digging, and rely on the smell to judge the type of tomb and the depth from the surface."

"Master Ren told me that he has been studying earth sealing for most of his life."

Damn it, is the person speaking really not a tomb robber?

Mr. Huang was shocked.

No wonder Zhang Yang suddenly appeared and held such a huge event.

It turns out that the tomb robbers and treasure appraisal experts are cooperating.

Black and white take it all in the true sense!

Now the fun is getting bigger. He can get a maximum sentence of ten years for money laundering, but he can get a life sentence for tomb robbing.

Minion A saw Mr. Huang's expression of fascination and wanted to come over quietly to listen, but was kicked away by the latter.

Mr. Huang lowered his voice and said:

"Hurry up and call Xiao Wu and tell him that I have found Zhang Yang's weakness."

"Must win tonight."

The conversation in the headset continues.

Zhang Yang: "What about the tomb robbers from the Northern Sect? I heard that they mainly rely on recklessness, is it true?"

Qiao Shan: "This is a typical stereotype. I judge it as: reading novels."

"When Master Yao and the others robbed tombs, except for using thorns to look at the color of the soil and determine whether there was a tomb underground, most of the time they used very modern tools."

"Such as compasses, metal detectors, three-dimensional imagers, etc..."

Zhang Yang: "I think people who study surveying and mapping should be able to use these tools."

Qiao Shan: "How did you know that I graduated with a major in surveying and mapping?"

Chu Ziqiang: "Okay, okay, we understand almost everything. Let's talk about the recently discovered tomb of the Han Dynasty..."

The words in the earphones made Mr. Huang's breath hitch.

The big one is coming.

But at this critical moment, there was a sudden "dong dong dong" knock on the door, and the discussion in 9304 naturally came to an abrupt end.


"Mr. Zhang, I, Ding Qiang. Didn't we agree to have supper together tonight?"

"Oh, I forgot about this..."

Mr. Huang put down his headphones depressedly, his fingers making a clicking sound.

He looked at the attendant beside him: "Do you know who Ding Qiang is?"

"Who is it?" Seeing the way his boss was gnashing his teeth, I subconsciously thought that Ding Qiang had a grudge against his boss, "Boss, tell me, I will bring someone to find trouble for Ding Qiang."

"You..." Mr. Huang really wanted to slap him.

But after thinking about it, I realized that this was the follower I chose, and I should have already expected his IQ.

I can only forgive.

Mr. Huang sighed helplessly and said, "Go and guard the door. When Xiao Wu arrives, let her in immediately."


Ding Qiang invited him to dinner, and Xiao Chu and the others happened to be a little hungry. The four of them immediately decided to go for a midnight snack first.

When getting out of the elevator, Zhang Yang happened to bump into Xiao Wu who was waiting for the elevator.

It's so late, this woman lives here too?

Zhang Yang couldn't believe such a coincidence.

It’s not like he didn’t succeed last time, and he’s going to score twice today, can he do it again?

When Zhang Yang was confused, Xiao Wu also saw him. After the two of them looked at each other, a charming smile appeared on the woman's face and she shouted in a clipped tone: "Master Zhang!"


Zhang Yang trembled when he heard it, and he wanted to shout, "Dead trap, look at the sword!"

But the other three brothers obviously didn't think so. After sizing up this strange woman, they all focused on Zhang Yang.

"Brother Yang, who is this?" Chu Ziqiang was very curious.

"She..." Zhang Yang suddenly remembered that now was not the time to break up, so he could only explain, "She is Wu Sisi, who is responsible for receiving us."

Then he wanted to persuade this woman to leave:

"Miss Sisi, I may come back late today, how about you go back first?"

"It's okay, I'll wait for you."

"It's not necessary, I won't agree." Zhang Yang replied firmly.

"Really? But this time, I will catch your weak spot." Wu Sisi gently bit her lower lip like she did that night.

She still has a fever.

"Huh?" Zhang Yang didn't understand what the other party meant.

But the other party didn't intend to explain at all. He stepped into the elevator and closed the elevator door with a wave of his hand.

Feeling the scrutiny of three eyes, Zhang Yang innocently spread his hands:

"I am innocent."

"Really? But this time, the Lun family will catch your weakness~"

Chu Ziqiang imitated the woman's voice and said this sentence like a fever.

Zhang Yang's scalp went numb instantly.

"Okay, okay, Xiao Chu, stop making trouble." Qiao Shan stood up to ease the atmosphere and patted Zhang Yang on the shoulder, "We are all men. We understand that it is really difficult to endure this kind of beaker. "

"No, you don't understand either." Zhang Yang shook his head repeatedly.

"Brothers, let's go eat first. During the break, I'll explain to you how outrageous this is."



Half past nine in the evening.

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, Zhang Yang finally cleared himself.

"Damn, why can't I get involved in such a thing as self-recommendation?" Chu Ziqiang looked at Zhang Yang with envy and said.

"Come on, come on, you can go tonight." Zhang Yang took out the room card directly.

"Forget it, forget it." Chu Ziqiang panicked, "I can't bear it, what if she is a biochemical person taking blocking drugs!"

"Cyroid, hahahaha..."

"You post-[-]s generation still have a lot of jokes."

The other two were amused by this statement.

But after laughing, they still gave Zhang Yang an idea.

Qiao Shan took the initiative to invite Zhang Yang: "Why don't you come to my house at night? Xiao Chu happens to be staying at my house as well."

"Indeed, if you ask me tomorrow, just tell me that we will ask you to take a bath until you fall asleep." Chu Ziqiang agreed, "You have to stay in Jinmen for several days anyway, and they won't be in a hurry. "

"That's so embarrassing..." Zhang Yang smiled, "Mr. Qiao should have an empty room at home."

"I don't want to share a bed with Xiaochu."

"There are some." Qiao Shan assured, patting his chest, "Even if you want special services, I can arrange it."

"No, no, no, no, I have to go to the site to appraise the treasure tomorrow morning."

Zhang Yang accepted Qiao Shan's kindness.

Anyway, we will be colleagues in the same archaeological team from now on, and there will be plenty of time for us to collaborate.

Moreover, the other person has a net worth of billions and some real skills. It is not a shame to be friends with such a person.

After sending Ding Qiang back to the hotel, the three of them quickly arrived at Qiao Shan's house.

No surprise, Mr. Qiao also lives in a single-family villa.

It was still early, so Qiao Shan, as the owner, offered to take Zhang Yang for a tour.

Zhang Yang, of course, does whatever he wants.

He originally thought that the other party would show him various collections at home.

After all, every time Zhang Yang goes to such a wealthy family's villa, it ends up being a treasure hunt.

But Qiao Shan is a little different. He is too rich, so the antiques he collects, including the copper edict plate that he asked Zhang Yang to identify during the day, are placed in a private gallery.

The security level of the gallery is very high, and a large amount of insurance is purchased, which is obviously safer than leaving it at home.

And this villa where he usually lives has valuable antiques and only some furniture for daily use.

"These chairs of yours are so comfortable!" Chu Ziqiang sat on an old-fashioned wooden chair and said with emotion, patting the armrest.

"Yes, yes, shoot harder." Zhang Yang stood nearby and laughed, "Huanghuali armchair from Wanli of Ming Dynasty, two million a piece."

"What the hell?" Chu Zi stood up suddenly and quickly moved to Zhang Yang's side.

"Tell me first, is there anything I can touch here?"

"That depends on your budget." Zhang Yang patted Xiao Chu on the shoulder, "Don't worry, just in your courtyard, you can buy almost all the things in his house."

"Is there anything else I can't afford?" Chu Ziqiang turned around and made sure he wouldn't touch anything before he felt relieved.

"Just that row of cabinets."

"According to northerners, it should be called a big four-piece cabinet."

"Let me take a look." Chu Ziqiang stepped forward with interest and observed the patterns on the cabinet. "There are two phoenixes carved on each cabinet door. Do you have any explanation?"

"When you see a bird with many feathers, do you think it is a phoenix?" Zhang Yang asked Xiao Chu.

"How else could it be a peacock? I've never seen a peacock carved before."

"Is it possible that these are Luan and Feng?"

"The one who turned the other side upside down?" Chu Ziqiang looked at Zhang Yang with a puzzled look on his face.

"That's right, the one flying with five feathers on its tail is called a phoenix; the one standing on the stone with only one feather on its tail is a luan."

"The other decorations next to it are Taihu stones and peonies. This is a typical [phoenix wearing peony] decoration."

Zhang Yang explained briefly to prevent Chu Ziqiang from embarrassing the archaeological team when he went out later.

"Brother Qiao, your purchase price for such a large four-piece Huanghuali cabinet made by Emperor Kangxi should not be less than [-] million, right?"

"More than that." Qiao Shan smiled and said, "This one cost 3600 million, but I think it was too expensive."

"The main reason is that this is the old collection of Hong Kong director Li Hanxiang. It is something that has been circulated in an orderly manner, so I spent a little more."

"It turns out it belongs to him. The price will indeed be no less than 2000 million."

When Zhang Yang heard the name Li Hanxiang, he knew where the premium was.

Master Ma, who is now the number one furniture collector in China and has a private museum, used to follow Li Hanxiang and collect old furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The huanghuali table that someone bought for [-] yuan at that time can now easily be sold for [-] million yuan.

This large four-piece cabinet was estimated to cost no more than five thousand yuan at the time.

After all, it was still the [-]s, and households worth [-] yuan were rare.

After listening to Zhang Yang's explanation, Chu Ziqiang sighed: "It would be great if there were still such opportunities to make a fortune now."

"Don't tell me, it's true." Qiao Shan raised his eyebrows at Xiao Chu, "You don't even have to spend money to find out."

"That's the place. It's a bit spooky. I don't know if you have the courage."

(End of this chapter)

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