Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 327 The Legendary Agarwood Dragon

Chapter 327 The Legendary Agarwood Dragon

"You're not going to the grave, are you?"

It's no wonder that Zhang Yang thought in this direction, it was actually Qiao Shan's description, just like practicing writing descriptions of ancient tombs.

"Brother Zhang Yang, don't spread rumors. I'm a good citizen and I won't touch things like ancient tombs."

"Yes, Brother Yang, Brother Qiao has already cleared his name, otherwise we wouldn't be able to recruit him into the team." Chu Ziqiang also explained.

"Okay, okay, I understand."

Zhang Yang understood immediately when he saw how nervous the other two were about this topic.

I guess Qiao Shan had some problems before.

Maybe he not only inherited the skills of tomb robbing, but also inherited the criminal record.

But this has nothing to do with him. Chu Zhenmin dares to accept this person into the team, which means that he is most likely to be like Mao Shiqi, and the previous matters have been explained.

After explaining to Zhang Yang, Chu Ziqiang was also curious about which place Qiao Shan was talking about:

"Where is that gloomy place you mentioned?"

"Actually, there are two." Qiao Shan chuckled, "You know, ancient tombs in the current legal sense refer to cultural relics before 1911. Those after 1911 are not called ancient tombs. But some modern tombs And the ruins, actually, ahem, you understand."

"Do I understand?" Chu Ziqiang glanced at Zhang Yang subconsciously.

He was thinking: Do I understand?

When he noticed that Zhang Yang's eyes were narrowed, Xiao Chu's anus suddenly tightened.

Damn it, I forgot to tell Brother Qiao that Master Zhang has multiple identities.

He hastened to explain.

"I really don't understand this." Chu Ziqiang shook his head very firmly, "Brother Qiao, our identities are different now. Don't do this kind of borderline thing."

"Can't we talk about those warlords?" Qiao Shan looked confused.

Those domineering separatist forces in modern times really have as much treasure in their hands as the emperor.

Especially people like Sun Dianying, who directly dug up the emperor's tomb.

It is said that he bribed some of the stolen Dongling treasures to his boss Xu Yuanquan, who buried the treasures in an underground secret room in his mansion, and has not yet been able to find them all.

"In the past two years, we have been stricter about unearthed cultural relics. A nationwide census of cultural relics will begin in November. It may be difficult for those unearthed things to escape." Chu Ziqiang explained patiently.

From his few words, Zhang Yang understood the reason why Qiao Shan had such strange ideas.

It turns out that the other party has spent most of his time abroad since 15, especially in the last three or four years, and has never returned to China.

He had no idea how strict the management had been in the past two years.

"Xiao Chu, you have to educate him about science." Zhang Yang reminded.

"Don't worry, Brother Yang." Xiao Chu agreed, then turned to Qiao Shan, "What about the second place you mentioned?"

"The second place may take a little time and energy, but the benefits will be greater than the previous one." Qiao Shan deliberately let it go.

"It's okay. The most important thing I lack now is time. Brother Yang knows that I just want to make some news now, otherwise life will be too boring."

"I can testify to this." Zhang Yang nodded, "In fact, our archaeological team was created by Xiao Chu. It's just that it developed too fast, so his second uncle came out to take the helm."

"Okay, then I'll show you a clear path."

Qiao Shan took out a key from the desk drawer and handed it to Chu Ziqiang.

"This is the key to the abandoned warehouse of the former Jinmen No. [-] Post Office. This post office did not close down until the early [-]s."

"You may not know that there were a lot of bad debts at that time, and this post office was one of them. So the warehouse of the post office has been sealed there and no one has touched it."

"A few years ago, thieves did get in, but according to the thief's recollection, apart from years of accumulated letters, there was nothing valuable inside. At most, they only sold some scrap paper, and it was better to go to the street to beg for rice."

"After I heard about this incident, I took the initiative to contact the local person in charge and prepared to take it over for storage."

"The procedures were just completed half a month ago, and the warehouse was sold to me intact. This is the key to that warehouse."

After hearing this, Chu Ziqiang looked at the key in his hand with a confused look on his face.

"What do you mean? Why can't I understand it?"

"Brother Yang, can you understand?"

"Yes!" Zhang Yang nodded, "He just wants to tell you that there are good things in that warehouse, but the thief doesn't know the goods. You have to find them yourself."

"For example?" Chu Ziqiang looked at Zhang Yang expectantly.

"For example, stamps on envelopes. You wouldn't tell me that you don't even know that stamps are needed on envelopes, right?"

Zhang Yang showed doubts in his eyes.

To be honest, for a post-[-]s Jingye like Xiao Chu, anything is possible.

You can't imagine what life is like for these second generations. What if there is someone responsible for sending letters at home?

"Damn, of course I know about stamps. I'm born after [-], and I'm not from Yuanmou. And I also know that stamps can be sold. Isn't that what stamp collecting is about?"

"But aren't the stamps on the envelope stamped? To prevent others from using it twice."

"Hey, you really hit the mark on this matter." Zhang Yang gave a thumbs up in approval, Xiao Chu still had some things to think about.

But it can also be seen that he really doesn't understand stamp collecting.

Take the most famous 80 Monkey (also known as Gengshen Monkey, the first zodiac stamp issued by China) stamps as an example. A single stamp has a black stamp. If it is kept intact, the price is around one thousand;

Without stamps, the price often exceeds [-].

This kind of stamp with a good rarity is about one-eighth of the price without a stamp.

Some stamp dealers now even have the technology to remove the stamps on them, but Zhang Yang didn't understand this, so he didn't explain it to Xiao Chu.

In short, stamps with stamps are also very popular.

"Damn, you can sell a thousand used stamps?"

"It's not just that." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I used to have a habit when sending letters, especially when the recipient was in financial difficulty. The sender would include a few brand-new stamps for the recipient to use..."

After hearing this, Xiao Chu clenched the key with joy and said to himself:

"The post office closed down in 90, so wouldn't there be a good chance of finding such stamps in the warehouse?"


"Don't be too happy too early." Qiao Shan reminded, "No one has been to this place for a long time. When I went to get the key last time, I went in out of curiosity once. It was full of dust and smelled of rotten paper... …”

"It's okay, I can wear a gas mask." Xiao Chu replied confidently.

He was obviously obsessed with it, otherwise he shouldn't have paid attention to the stamps worth thousands or tens of thousands of dollars.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yang also became interested.

Although Qiao Shan was suspected of looking for free cleaners, this matter was actually comparable to a treasure hunt in a container.

Quite interesting.

He thought for a while and decided to cheer Chu Ziqiang:

"Xiao Chu, I forgot to tell you that there is a stamp called [All the Mountains and Rivers Are Red]. It was stopped from being issued because the map on the stamp was not drawn well. The quantity is extremely rare."

"The stool you were sitting on just now has a black stamp and a red stamp. You can replace it with one."

"Niubi." Chu Ziqiang accepted Zhang Yang's painting cake calmly, and asked: "What if there is a brand new, unused one in the envelope that is red?"

"Without a black stamp? Then you are invincible. It was the one that sold for a whopping 1200 million yuan back then, and there were only a few of them in the world."


Early the next morning, Zhang Yang went to the treasure appraisal site, and Chu Ziqiang went to the warehouse to hunt for treasures.

Both have bright futures.

As soon as Zhang Yang arrived at the scene, he was shocked by the huge crowd of people queuing up. There were actually more people than yesterday. After asking other teachers backstage, I found out that it had been a long time since a treasure appraisal event had been held in Jinmen.

Many people in the collecting circle agree that collectors in Jinmen and collectors in Yanjing are actually the same group of people. If an event is held in Yanjing, people from Jinmen will also ride there to participate.

Now it turns out that most local collectors are not interested in going to the next city to appraise treasures.

But for events held at home, even if the only collection at home is the urns of ancestors, they should be brought to the event to join in the fun.

"Then let's start 15 minutes earlier today." Zhang Yang discussed with the teachers backstage.

Someone immediately raised an objection: "If it's 15 minutes in advance, those people can't digest it. It's meaningless."

"Of course it makes sense."

"The meaning is to let the Tibetan friends who are queuing up at the scene feel that we are willing to work overtime for them. Otherwise, a group of people will still be queuing up and you want to get off work on time. Who will let you?"

Zhang Yang's words were unanimously recognized by Mr. Bai and his old partners. Anyway, I am idle now, as long as I can get off work on time.

So, amid the cheers of collectors in the audience, the expert team went online in advance.

Zhang Yang was naturally in place in advance.

The first treasure friend who came to receive the treasure was what the teacher behind the scenes said, the kind of collector who is not willing to travel across the city to appraise treasures, but is willing to come to the doorstep activities to join in the fun.

And as soon as you open your mouth, the taste is right.

"Teacher, this treasure of mine may be the most expensive piece of wood in the whole of Tianjin."

While Baoyou was talking, he and his son lifted a piece of wood about one meter long and wrapped in white wood onto the appraisal table.

"Is this the golden nan of the gloomy wood?"

Hearing Baoyou say that the price is the most expensive, Zhang Yang naturally thought so.

The other party shook his head and said contemptuously: "The dark wood only costs a few dollars. This thing I have is older than the dark wood, and the unit price is higher than the dark wood."

"Is there such a baby?"

Zhang Yang took a look at how Baoyou and his son were dressed. They should be working-class people, so what they said always gave people a sense of confidence like a huanghuali uncle, which was weird.

With the help of Baoyou's son, he opened the white cloth wrapped in the wood, revealing the brown wood inside.

At first glance, it is just a piece of dead wood.

But if you look closely, you can see that the texture of the wood is very dense.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, then went up to smell it and found a faint fragrance.

That is most likely Agarwood or Qinan.

"Is this agarwood?"

"No." Baoyou shook his head, "This is the agarwood dragon."

"Agarwood dragon? Does that mean it is the most expensive and powerful variety among agarwood?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile, "Why haven't I heard of it?"

"You've probably never heard of it." Baoyou grinned, "My agarwood dragon is an orphan."

Solitary item...

At this point, Zhang Yang already understood why Baoyou said that his agarwood was more expensive than the dark wood and golden nan.

People have named it like this, so why would they be willing to sell it as ordinary agarwood?

Anyway, he judged from a normal perspective that this agarwood log was Hainan incense with a price of about 2000 yuan per gram.

But he was quite curious as to how Baoyou added a "dragon" to it.

"Aside from being an orphan, is there any other explanation?"

"Yes, teacher, look at these places on this piece of agarwood." Baoyou pointed at some bumps of different shapes on the surface of the wood and said, "Does it look like a dragon?"

"Purely natural dragon, what is it if it's not dragon fragrance?"

"Dragon? Where is the dragon's head, where is the dragon's body, and where are the dragon's claws and dragon's tail?"

Zhang Yang almost looked right and didn't find any trace of the dragon.

"The dragon's head has been chopped off." Baoyou pointed at the stubble of the wood and said, "Otherwise, this piece of agarwood dragon will become a spirit."

"Um...what about other parts?"

"This is the body of the dragon." Baoyou pointed to the bumps again. This time, he used his hands to connect the uneven places with a line.

Not to mention, according to his connection method, it is really wrapped around the cylindrical body of agarwood.

The question is, why do we have to connect the wire around the wood? Can't we just connect it directly?

Baoyou's explanation for this is: "Most of the dragon's body is embedded in this piece of wood. Teacher, you can't see it. It's normal. But I asked the eminent monk in the temple to open his eyes and he said he could see the agarwood dragon." My body is imprisoned by this piece of wood."

"This is too ridiculous..." Zhang Yang shook his head firmly, "Unless you show me the head of the Agarwood Dragon."

"There are some."

Baoyou started to take out his mobile phone, and the people in line behind him all came over. Everyone was curious about what the natural agarwood faucet looked like.

Soon the photo was also displayed in front of Zhang Yang. It was really a wooden dragon head.

It's just that the carving marks are a bit too heavy.

And it looks like the craftsmanship is pretty good. I don’t know where Baoyou found the picture.

"Are you sure this is the original faucet of this piece of agarwood?"

Zhang Yang asked as he took out his mobile phone, ready to make a move.

"Of course." Baoyou nodded affirmatively.

"it is good……"

Zhang Yang drawled, and at the same time, the phone began to recognize pictures.

Then the results were put on the table.

"Then why is this faucet exactly the same as the work of Huang Cansheng (the root carving master)?"

Baoyou lowered his head and took a look, comparing it several times with the photo he took out.

While watching, I kept clicking my tongue, and my mind was very active.

He finally concluded: "Teacher, you are lying."

"Are you in the same group with this man surnamed Huang, who carved the agarwood statue? You want to describe this orphan of mine as a hand-carved handicraft."

"Degrading it to nothing to raise the price of your own statue?"

Zhang Yang smiled.

This treasure friend obviously has delusions of being persecuted.

But luckily, he happens to be able to treat this disease.

"Friend Bao, don't worry. Let me ask you something first. How much do you think your piece of Agarwood is worth?"

"You have to think big. How much is it worth at most?" Zhang Yang encouraged.

"It's worth... twenty million!"

"Okay, then I'll give you 3800 million." Zhang Yang smiled mysteriously, pointed to the picture on his phone and said, "Teacher Huang's agarwood dragon statue, the last auction price was [-] million .”

"If you're smart, tell me, does he need to belittle this thing about you?"

(End of this chapter)

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