Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 328 How many years do you want that friend to be sentenced?

Chapter 328 How many years do you want that friend to be sentenced?

After listening to Zhang Yang's words, Baoyou commanded his son to pack things without saying a word.

No more chatting, because there is nothing to talk about.

The only thing to blame is that poverty limited his imagination. If he directly quoted 100 million, maybe he could continue what he just said.

This treasure friend is also lucky.

If they met during the company's live broadcast, Zhang Yang would have to ask the other person, "You're leaving now, don't you want to talk anymore?"

But at the scene, you still have to act like an expert.

He took the initiative to stand up and help the other party clean up the agarwood: "Here, let me help you."

[The anchor is so wicked, hahaha]

[Look at this old man’s face turning blue]

[I guess this person has suffered too many losses before, so he wants to make a fortune from a piece of wood]

[This man is a typical spice gambling dog]

"Okay, next one!"

Zhang Yang reached out and took the collection handed over by the next treasure friend:

A palace lantern.

Palace lanterns are known as the first lanterns in China, and some clues can be seen from Baoyou's collection.

Originally it was just a luxury version of a lantern, placed under the eaves or in a pavilion for overhead lighting, but every detail is packed with details.

"Friend Bao, this piece of yours must be for the royal family or the prince, right?"

Zhang Yang saw the Kui dragon pattern and the double dragon bead pattern on the wooden shelf of the palace lantern, and instantly realized that things were not simple.

"No, but my ancestor was a first-class official in the Qing Dynasty."

"So this thing was given by the emperor..." Zhang Yang nodded and agreed, "It makes sense."

"In the Qing Dynasty, there were indeed examples of palace lanterns being given to courtiers as luxury goods."

Zhang Yang took a closer look and realized that Baoyou's item was not only a luxury item, it could even be considered a top luxury item.

Because the lamp frame material is actually authentic Hainan Huanghuali.

No wonder the palace lanterns of the Qing Dynasty cost as much as ten thousand gold.

Just the material of this light stand is worth hundreds of thousands now.

"Teacher, I have no doubt about the authenticity of this thing. My dad has been keeping it for decades. I mainly want your help to find out which emperor gave it to me."

"Could it be that your ancestors produced several high-ranking officials in the imperial court?"

Zhang Yang thought to himself, didn't they all say that their ancestors were rewarded by the emperor? There should be written records for such a good thing.

How come you can't tell the difference?

Unexpectedly, Baoyou’s answer was:

"From Kangxi to Qianlong, two were of second grade and one was of first grade. They were all given palace lanterns, but this one remains."

[Good guy, the Manchu version of "Manchu Zhonglie"]

[A second-grade official in the Kangxi period, this guy’s ancestors are not Han, right]

[My ancestor has been rich for three generations, now he deserves to be poor.]

[It seems that the ancestors have no sense of worry, otherwise they would bury some treasures in the ancestral house and they would be lost]

"Your piece was made in the late Kangxi period, but which emperor gave it to me, I really can't say."

"Then how much is it worth now? Teacher, can you help estimate the price?" Baoyou asked.

"A single one is around half a million."

"A broken lamp is so expensive?" some onlookers exclaimed.

"This piece of mine is not broken, don't talk nonsense." Baoyou quickly retorted, "Teacher, can I participate in your auction?"

"Of course, just leave your contact information here." Zhang Yang pointed in the direction of Xiao Tang, his tone was relaxed and he felt very comfortable.

Don't underestimate this 10 yuan palace lantern. As long as the sale is completed, the auction will receive at least + commissions.

If one piece earns a net profit of 100,000, what about one hundred or one thousand pieces?

This is how wealth snowballs.


"Teacher, look at how this ancestral treasure of mine compares to the one just now?"

Zhang Yang was originally surprised by what the next treasure friend said.

You are so confident that you have to compete with the previous baby worth 500,000 yuan?

But when he saw what the other party put in the wooden box, he immediately understood that what he was fighting for was not a treasure, but an ancestor.

To put it in a more civilized way, what he is fighting for is his family's heritage.

"This court bead is pretty good. What rank is your ancestor?"

Zhang Yang actually knew the answer, but he asked it deliberately because he wanted to see if Baoyou was really his ancestry.

"It must be the second grade, otherwise I wouldn't dare touch that brother just now, right?"

"It does seem to make sense." Zhang Yang nodded, knowing that agarwood beads can only be worn by officials of the second rank or above. Even if Baoyou is not an ancestral hand, he has at least studied it.

"Have you counted the beads?"

"I counted it, it's exactly 108."

When Baoyou answered, Zhang Yang also picked up the Chaozhu and went up to smell it.

The brown beads exude a faint fragrance, which is much more fragrant than the agarwood logs that the uncle brought before.

This is the charm of turning beads, which can show the characteristics of the wood itself to the greatest extent.

Every twenty-seven agarwood beads are separated by slightly larger jade beads and used on the morning beads, probably just for the sake of beauty.

The same design also includes jadeite Buddha heads, clouds on the back, and tourmaline twists, making the whole string of beads look colorful and of great decorative value.

"Teacher, is this agarwood okay? I dug it out of my grandfather's belongings when I moved a few years ago, and I don't know how to take care of it."

"No problem. This kind of beads is not easy to buy anyway. You can find someone who specializes in maintaining beads to help you."

Zhang Yang handed the Chaozhu back to Baoyou and gave a slight tut.

"What a pity. They are both second-grade, but there is a gap in the inherited treasures."

"This imperial pearl of yours is from the late Qing Dynasty. The current auction price is probably around 60,000 yuan."

"So low?" Baoyou couldn't believe it, "Is this a second-grade official?"

"That's almost it. Even the court attire of a second-grade official only costs tens of thousands of yuan now. The clothes are only worth this price, let alone this 'clothing chain' of yours?"

"Then if it is an official's official seal, is it expensive?" Baoyou continued to ask.

The tone of his words made it obvious that there was something at home, but it was not under his control.

"It depends on the material, but I guess it's made of copper, right?"

"Yes, the copper ones are not gilded."

"That's probably half the price of your court pearl."

"Half..." Baoyou murmured a few words and nodded to himself, "That's fine. It seems that my share is the most valuable."

"By the way, teacher, I heard that you can read everything. Please help me read this."

Baoyou wanted to add an item at the last minute. Although it aroused the dissatisfaction of the aunt behind him in line, the green dragon tattoo on his neck was still a bit of a deterrent.

The aunt muttered something, urging him to hurry up.

Baoyou didn't waste any time and took out a small paper box from his bag.

"This was also found among my grandfather's belongings, a box of Pien Tze Huang."

"Oh?" Zhang Yang became interested when he saw what Baoyou took out.

Pien Tze Huang, isn’t this the magic medicine of the southern Fujian people?

Zhang Yang remembers that in May this year, Pien Tze Huang increased its price and immediately became a hot search item.

It is said that the price has increased to 760 yuan per pill.

This one from Baoyou has the brand name "Zhangzhou Pien Tze Huang" written on the yellow and white outer packaging. The specification is ten pills in a box, but Baoyou’s grandfather has used two pills and has eight pills left.

"No problem. The production date of 1993 is clearly written on it. Do you have any questions?" Zhang Yang looked at Baoyou.

"I really don't understand. No one here in Jinmen seems to be using this kind of medicine. It's been 30 years, can it still be used?"

"As long as the inner packaging is not broken, it can be used. And the ones made thirty years ago are more expensive than the new ones now."

Seeing that Baoyou really didn’t understand, Zhang Yang could only tell him what he had heard from hearsay:

Like many Chinese patent medicines, such as Angong Niuhuang Pills and Sanbian Pills, Pien Tze Huang becomes more valuable with age.

For this thirty-year-old medicine, Zhang Yang had heard that someone was willing to exchange three new pills for one old pill.

After all, this one is worth two thousand yuan.

"So valuable?" Baoyou said overjoyed.

His next reaction was even more interesting - he directly pushed back the one that Zhang Yang handed back.

"Teacher, I'll give you this one."

"Friend Bao, I don't want to give you medicine. It's a bad omen." Zhang Yang waved his hand. He was not in need of these three melons and two dates, so of course he couldn't accept them.

"But this medicine clears away heat and detoxifies, and it can also protect the liver..."

Baoyou still wants to have a fight with Zhang Yang.

Unexpectedly, the aunt who was waiting impatiently behind her couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder: "Are you afraid that the teacher will lie to you, so you gave him a pill and asked him to test the poison on you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Then what's the point of forcing it on others?"

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yang immediately borrowed the donkey from the slope and intervened in the conversation between the two:

"Friend Bao, I believe you, but our appraisal experts cannot accept gifts. This is a rule."

"Okay then..." Baoyou nodded, "Thank you for your hard work, teacher."

"Hey, you're welcome." Zhang Yang waved his hand politely and sent this generous friend away.

The aunt at the back quickly stepped forward.

In her hand she held a wooden plaque wrapped in cloth.

After opening it, you can see a simple vertical plaque with the following words in the middle:

[(Same purpose) Appreciation of blue feathers]

Meaning: wearing blue feathers by order.

Lan Ling is a reward given to officials below the sixth rank in the Qing Dynasty, including guards working in the palace or royal palace, or low-level officers with military merit.

In addition to the main text, there are also small characters "September, the third year of Tongzhi (1864), a lucky day" and "Wu Fengji respectfully" written next to it, indicating the time and person.

When Zhang Yang saw the word "" at the beginning, he already felt that it was an old thing.

Then match the year given in the item information with the time on the plaque. Then this plaque is an old object and has not disappeared.

The question is: "Friend Bao, where did you get this thing? Is it passed down from ancestors or bought?"

Zhang Yang was very curious about this.

"Of course it's ancestral."

"It's passed down from ancestors... Then my next question is, isn't this kind of plaque hung above the door of the ancestral hall?"

While Zhang Yang was speaking, he turned over the plaque and showed the details on the back.

"The two holes on it should be used to hang nails. Look, when I touch it, there is still rust on my hands."

"Oops!" The aunt exclaimed when she saw this situation, "Teacher, your hands are dirty."

"Come on, come on, let me wipe it for you, hurry up..."

As he said that, he took out the paper from his pocket and wanted to help wipe the dirty finger clean.

"No, no need." Zhang Yang waved his hands carefully and stepped back half a position to avoid the aunt's clutches.

"Don't change the subject. This thing should be from the ancestral temple, right?"

"Why?" the aunt asked, "can't it be hung at home?"

"Who cares about this at home..." Zhang Yang smiled helplessly, "This is the man named Wu Fengji. He may be your ancestor, or the ancestor of some unlucky guy. He felt that he was honored to be rewarded by the emperor, so he carved it out specially. Hang it on the door and show it to others.”

"I'm not unlucky." The aunt retorted, focusing on the key points in a conversational manner, "Can't you just have an expert appraisal? Why bother with so much? Besides, this is indeed passed down from my ancestors, and my surname is Wu."

Of course, a treasure appraisal expert can only authenticate, but Zhang Yang has more than just this identity.

He is also an expert in cultural relic protection.

This kind of questionable origin is still the brand of someone's ancestral temple. Can it be regarded as an ordinary collection?

"Auntie, tell the truth, did you steal the sign of the ancestral temple at home?"

"Can we call it stealing if we take something belonging to our ancestors?" The aunt stopped pretending and said plausibly, "They won't let me enter the ancestral hall. I suspect that all the treasures in the ancestral hall have been secretly divided by them. Now I take Is a plaque too much?”

[To be honest, it’s not too much]

[Support Auntie, it’s really outrageous not to allow entry into the ancestral hall of our ancestors]

[Have so many people in the barrage never seen the ancestral hall? Women and children are not allowed in]

[These people are just black for the sake of being black. I think we should respect local customs]

The barrage started quarreling, and the attitudes of the audience were divided into two distinct groups. Some supported Auntie, while others felt that Auntie was unreasonable.

With the support from other people, the aunt confidently asked Zhang Yang to quickly estimate the price.

Zhang Yang shook his head decisively and told her:

"The plaque of your ancestral hall has no problem with its date. It is the third year of Tongzhi written on it.

"But there's no way to put a price on it."

"I am organizing an auction. Things like yours are legally risky and cannot enter the market."

"I would also like to advise you to hang up as soon as possible before no one notices. You have already shown your face in the live broadcast room. When the time comes, the village will call the police and they will catch you."

"But..." Auntie still wanted to quibble.

Zhang Yang pointed to the police patrolling in the distance, successfully making her give up the idea of ​​​​arguing.

No matter how you say it, it's all theft, and there's no reason to explain it.

But I have to say that Auntie has a very keen sense of smell for things. An old plaque from the Qing Dynasty with a signature and date like this has been sold at some auctions for more than 8,000 yuan.

Considering that her ancestor was a minor official who was given a blue feather, this plaque might be the most valuable thing in the entire ancestral hall.


Perhaps because of Zhang Yang's ability to identify medicinal materials, at the end of the treasure appraisal activity in the morning, a treasure friend suddenly took out a box of seahorses from his trouser pocket after identifying the Tianhuang stone in his hand.

He said he just called and asked his family to deliver it.

"Teacher, I am preparing this as a gift for a friend. I plan to sell it half and give it away half. Please help me see if there is anything wrong with it."

"Okay, are you selling it by the big seahorse?" Zhang Yang asked while looking at it.

There are six species of seahorses in China, among which only three-spotted seahorses and large seahorses are generally considered to have medicinal value.

As for the specific value, of course it warms the kidneys and strengthens yang, dissipates stagnation and reduces swelling, etc.

A simple sentence can cure "the disease of few people".

"Yes, it is a big sea horse, still wild."

"You know this is wild?" Zhang Yang looked at Baoyou in surprise, "Then your gift is a bit expensive?"

"Hey, it's mainly because the wild medicine is more effective." Baoyou thought Zhang Yang was talking to him about aphrodisiacs, with an understanding expression.

In fact, Zhang Yang calculated it in his mind. How could he be judged for selling wild seahorses, a second-level protected animal?

(End of this chapter)

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