Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 329 There are masters behind the scenes

Chapter 329 There are masters behind the scenes

[Seahorses can no longer be bought and sold? 】

[I still have medicinal wine brewed with seahorses at home, so don’t overdo it]

[Wild and farmed are not the same concept, be wary of some barrages fishing in troubled waters]

[I remember the anchor said that the case value of Class II protected animals should be multiplied by five times the original value. This person is finished]

[It’s not that exaggerated. I did the math, Ichijou’s sentence is almost half a month]

"Teacher, why don't you speak?"

Baoyou finally realized that something was wrong with Zhang Yang's expression.

Didn’t we have a laugh just now? Why was he suddenly silent at this time?

Normally, Zhang Yang would definitely ask the other party: Do you know that wild seahorses cannot be bought and sold?

There are nearly twenty large seahorses here. Whether they know the law or break the law, the difference is quite big.

If you ask during the live broadcast, everyone can basically guess this person's final fate.

But when it came to the occasion of on-site treasure appraisal, he had no intention of caring about it at all.

He was tired. He had another full three hours of work in the morning, and now he was in urgent need of rest.

"Friend Bao, wild seahorses cannot be bought or sold. If they are farmed, you may have to find evidence." Zhang Yang helped Bao Friend pack his box of medicinal materials, handed it to Xu Jie, and then pointed the way, "Follow me now." Let him register."

"Register? What registration?" Baoyou was obviously unwilling.

"Give me your stuff quickly, I'm leaving."

Some collectors who had finished the appraisal and were watching the show advised him:

"The teacher asked you to register, so just go. It's noon now, so maybe you still have to take care of the food!"

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with seahorses. I just bought two last week."

"Experts also work according to the rules. Although they are a bit rigid, we should understand."

"Besides, this is all being broadcast live, you can't run away..."

Everyone's words to each other successfully disturbed Baoyou's mind.

"Really?" Baoyou looked at Zhang Yang hesitantly, and the last question he asked was: "What if you delay my meal? I have to take care of the meal, right?"

"Don't worry, you'll have enough food."

Zhang Yang recalled his experience of being questioned at the police station and the city bureau. When it was time to eat, he could still get a lunch box.

No matter how bad it is, after being locked in at night, it is impossible to starve your treasure friend to death.


After sending this precious friend off, Zhang Yang completed this morning's appraisal task and it was time to have lunch.

He was sitting in the backstage. When the takeaway was almost finished, Xu Jie hurried back.

As soon as Xu Jie sat down and took a mouthful of rice, he eagerly talked to Zhang Yang about what happened just now:

"Boss, do you think we should put up a sign so that animal products like this won't be identified in the future, and we'll just let the police come and take them away."

Zhang Yang knew that Xu Jie's idea came from the piece of cardboard that was standing next to the "Miscellaneous Appraisal Expert".

It says [calligraphy, painting, ceramics, and jade, it is recommended that you find the corresponding expert for appraisal. Only professional miscellaneous appraisals are provided here]

Xu Jie asked curiously before why he wrote this thing.

After learning that the potential National Treasure Gang could be screened out and witnessing the teacher next to him being tortured by the National Treasure Gang, he secretly enjoyed himself for a long time.

Now this idea is obviously to screen out collectors who play with animal products.

"What's wrong? Are you unhappy communicating with the police officer?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile.

Judging from Xu Jie's appearance, there must have been some unpleasantness when he took Baoyou to surrender, otherwise he wouldn't have said this suddenly.

"No problem with the police, it's the one who appraised the treasure just now."

Xu Jie put down the bowl and chopsticks and drank half a glass of iced Coke. After feeling refreshed, he calmly began to explain.

What happened is a little complicated.

To put it simply, in just fifteen minutes, the treasure appraiser complimented, questioned, insulted, begged, and finally even tried to beat Xu Jie.

"Boss, who do you think I provoked? He wants to buy illegal things, but he doesn't dare to get angry at the police. He only dares to vent his anger on me..."

"This is what incompetence and rage look like." Sister Gao took the initiative to comfort her, "My mother-in-law bought fake goods because she blamed me and my husband for not taking a good look at her and never reflecting on our own problems."

"This is now called refusing internal friction and going crazy." Xiao Tang said with a smile beside him.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to treat you tonight. I'll treat Xu Jie to something good and heal your wounds with delicious food."

"Okay." Xu Jie muttered and said no more.

Seeing that his words of comfort seemed to have no effect, Zhang Yang had no choice but to walk over and pat Xu Jie on the shoulder encouragingly after finishing the meal, and enlightened:

"Think about it from another angle. The person who just scolded you is now under investigation at the police station, and there is a high probability that he will be imprisoned for half a year. What else can't you think about?"

"Really?" Xu Jie straightened up and asked.

"It's very possible that he said that what he bought was wild, and he was in such a hurry when you sent him away... I guess he bought more than that." Zhang Yang briefly analyzed it, and finally told Xu Jie in a serious voice, " Don't always find it troublesome, everyone has a responsibility to protect wild animals, at worst, I will send you a copy next time the banners are distributed."

"There's no need for the banner. Can I share some of the bonus?" Xu Jie looked at Zhang Yang with hopeful eyes.

The latter nodded.

"Okay, but let's settle the hotel bills for the past few days first. We can reimburse 300 for one day's accommodation during our business trip. You have to reimburse me for the rest."

"No, no, no, boss, I was wrong. We are all here to contribute to society. Talking about money is meaningless..."


After dealing with the mental issues of the studio's internal staff, Zhang Yang still had to face the doubts of other external experts.

Several teachers asked him why he had such close contact with the police.

It's like no one else is working.

Zhang Yang said that he was also innocent. There were always people coming to the door with contraband, so he couldn't just pretend that he couldn't see it.

So what if someone knowledgeable sees that he missed the suspect and questions his professionalism?

"As a treasure appraisal expert, once someone discovers that you are not professional, it will be a disaster for your reputation."

As soon as Zhang Yang said this, several experts felt as if Zhang Yang was targeting them and did not dare to answer the question.

However, everyone kept an eye on it and wanted to see what was going on in the miscellaneous group.

On average, one Tibetan friend with problems is sent away a day. This speed is on pace to break Jacky Cheung’s record of catching fugitives at his concerts.

Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence that the first Tibetan friend who came up in the afternoon had a problem.

He brought a large box of silver coins and wanted Zhang Yang to help take a look.

"Qing silver coins?"

Zhang Yang looked at the four big characters in the middle of the silver dollar and determined that it was the regular style of the Qing Dynasty silver dollar.

There is a curved dragon on the back with "ONE DOLLAR" written underneath.

Silver coins with dragons on the back have been collectively called Longyang since the Qing Dynasty.

It means silver coins made with the help of foreigners.

The year of casting was "the third year of Xuantong" (1911), which was the last year of the Qing Dynasty. After the money was finished, the Qing Dynasty died before the money flowed into the market, so the quantity was scarce and the value was very high.

"How many do you have?"

According to the market price that Zhang Yang learned, the starting price of this kind of Longyang made in the third year of Xuantong is around 4,000, and the best-looking ones can be sold for 15,000.

If this box were genuine, it would be worth at least a BMW 3 Series.

"A whole fifty." Baoyou smiled, probably because he felt that he was suspected of showing off his wealth, so he smiled very reservedly.

"Awesome..." Zhang Yang nodded and carefully observed the details of the silver coin.

There is nothing wrong with the size, decoration, or even the feeling of buying it. The only problem is that it is too new.

However, considering that generally after receiving silver coins, they will be cleaned up as appropriate, so it is not a big problem if they are newer.

However, the production time is 2023, what is going on?

Is counterfeiting technology so powerful now? Zhang Yang subconsciously thought that Baoyou had been deceived.

He quickly asked the other party: "Friend Bao, your silver coin is in good condition. Is it passed down from ancestors or purchased in the market?"

"Of course it is passed down from our ancestors. This is a treasure left by my ancestors. It has been passed down for many years."

"Really?" Zhang Yang looked confused.

At this moment, a middle-aged man who had been standing behind Baoyou spoke: "Teacher, don't listen to what he said about the origin. Just help to see whether the things are genuine or not."

"you are?"

"I plan to buy these silver coins." The man who spoke pointed to the box full of silver coins and said, "Teacher, to tell you the truth, I have been collecting silver coins for many years. I have these Long Yang coins from the third year of Xuantong. Not a single flaw can be found on the exterior.”

"The decoration, weight and size are all right, no issues whatsoever."

"This is real, there must be no problem." Baoyou interrupted.

"Don't be impatient, just listen to what he has to say." Zhang Yang stopped Baoyou and asked the buyer to continue.

"That's right, teacher, I think the only problem is that the amount is too much." The buyer explained, "I feel that even Emperor Xuantong himself has never received so many silver coins at one time."

"It gives me the feeling that it's like copying the code in the background of the game. I copied the code of a real product 49 times to create this box."

Zhang Yang understood what the buyer meant, and this was also how he felt when he looked at the pile of silver coins.

Exactly the same, like it was processed on an assembly line.

Normal silver coins have been preserved for more than a hundred years and have more or less their own unique wear and tear.

Even the stains are different.

But in fact, the silver coins in the box also have scratches, but they are very light. It is difficult to rely on this to say that they are fakes.

"Have you finished speaking?" Baoyou asked. After receiving a positive answer, he asked Zhang Yang anxiously, "Expert teacher, what do you think? These ancestral Long Yang should be genuine, right?"

"Are you sure it's from your ancestors?"

"Definitely, definitely, and definitely, if it is not passed down from ancestors, I am your grandson."

"That's not necessary, you are too old." Zhang Yang shook his head, looked at the buyer, and told him in very precise terms, "These silver coins are 100% new."

"It should have happened within the past three years. Speaking of ancestral inheritance... there must be something wrong."

"TNND, I knew it." The buyer couldn't help but clapped his hands. "You have to be an expert. I just said that so many silver dollars are abnormal."

"Shit expert! Why do you say these things are fake?" Baoyou asked angrily.

"I still want to ask you, why do you say these things are inherited from ancestors?" Zhang Yang asked.

Just from the silver coins themselves, there is really no point that can prove whether they are fake or not.

Breakthroughs can only be made from other angles.

"Do you still need a reason for it to be passed down from your ancestors?"

"Of course." Zhang Yang nodded and gave Baoyou some common sense about cultural relics trading, "Whether it's someone from your village or an elder in your family, you must have evidence to prove that this thing is indeed passed down from your ancestors. "

"Otherwise, if you use the name of your ancestors to sell these fake silver coins to this brother, it will be pure fraud. One piece of Longyang is 75, and the amount of fraud is ."

"Come, take a look at the barrage lawyers in our live broadcast room, they will educate you about the law."

Zhang Yang moved his phone in front of him and asked the audience in the live broadcast room to introduce the crime of fraud to Baoyou.

[75, just shoot him]

[Knowing that it is fake and still selling it is simply asking for death]

[I am a graduate of the University of Political Science and Law, and this situation started ten years ago]

【ten years? No deadline! 】

When Baoyou saw these barrages, he blinked and fell into a brief thought. Then he turned his head and said, "Take it away, I won't look at it."

"You know how to deceive others." Zhang Yang sneered and shook his head.

From his reaction, he obviously knew that the thing was fake.

Still want to ask Zhang Yang for appraisal and let him take the blame?

But I have to say that these silver coins are very fake.

"Thank you, teacher." The middle-aged man who was almost fooled and got taken advantage of said thank you repeatedly to Zhang Yang, "I don't have anything to identify, I just came to take a look, so I won't stand here anymore."

After saying that, he wanted to flee the scene quickly.

But the treasure friend who brought the silver coins refused to let him go at all. He grabbed his arm and pointed at Zhang Yang and said: "You are an expert, please tell me clearly where are the fake things of mine?"

"Okay, don't be ridiculous." Zhang Yang said impatiently, "How about this? I'll pay two million to buy these things, and you and I will send them to a professional structure for a carbon-14 identification. How about it?"

Hearing this, everyone else present, including Teacher Bai who came to watch the show quietly, was stunned.

There is also this idea of ​​​​solving the problem... Entering the game with one's own body?

"Why two million?" Baoyou asked in a daze.

"Aren't you afraid that one million won't be enough? If you turn yourself in or something, and add in the meritorious crimes, you might just sit in jail for seven or eight years and be released."

"For two million, I'll buy you a seat for ten years."

[Hahaha, anchor Niubi]

[To deal with this kind of liar, you should take strong medicine]

[The anchor is too confident, but I like it]

[I’ll reward you a little and give this guy a little more jail time]

In the live broadcast room, a large number of viewers began to reward Zhang Yang crazily, saying that they would crowdfund a life sentence for the person who wanted to forcefully sell the silver coins.


Baoyou was stunned and let go of the buyer's hand.

But the buyer didn't want to leave now, and took the initiative to tell Zhang Yang that he would include the 500,000 he had prepared.

"Now it's 2.5 million." Zhang Yang smiled.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Baoyou wanted to run away.

Not even wanting what was brought to the table.

No matter how big the loss is, it is better than going to jail.

But before he could turn around, the buyer held his shoulders.

"Don't leave, we haven't paid the money and signed the contract yet?"

"Expert teacher, this big brother, I was wrong, I was really wrong." Baoyou was still a bit discerning. When he found that he couldn't break free, he collapsed on the ground on the spot, "I really didn't know these things were fake. Ah, I just help people sell goods."

"Please spare me."

"Brother?" Baoyou looked at the buyer.

The latter shook his head and gestured in the direction of Zhang Yang.

"Expert teacher!"

The expert's cry sounded like crying.

Zhang Yang ignored him, but signaled Xu Jie with his eyes to stop being stunned and call someone quickly.

Of course Xu Jie understood immediately and left the appraisal table directly.

His departure was the straw that broke the camel's back.

"No, can't I tell the truth? These silver coins are all produced in my brother-in-law's counterfeit factory. He bought the Qing Dynasty silver coin-making machine from the UK..."

"Huh?" Zhang Yang was about to call the next treasure friend to come up, but when he heard this, he suddenly became interested.

Are there experts behind the scenes?

(End of this chapter)

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