Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 330 The scam is aimed at collectors like you

Chapter 330 The scam is aimed at collectors like you

On Xu Jie's way to find the police, Zhang Yang was listening to Baoyou telling the legendary story of his brother-in-law, how he went from an ordinary counterfeit antique dealer to a rising star in Longyang Circle.

At the same time, in the studio of an Internet celebrity in Lin'an, someone was watching the live broadcast.

"This guy is really arrogant." Li Wanghong looked at Zhang Yang and couldn't help but comment, "I won't say that I am just like Bao Gong in judging cases. This guy who sells fake silver coins is just like a criminal."

"Actually, this is not the most exaggerated thing." The assistant next to him echoed, "This Master Zhang also has a hugely exaggerated team of lawyers, just like in a movie. The lawyer's letter from Jinlou was sent to their law firm directly. Bring the person in charge’s business card and ask them to read it accurately so as not to make the wrong complaint.”

"I've also heard about this. Those cowards from Jinlou actually gave in immediately." Thinking of this, Li Wanghong showed an angry expression on his face, "They have made enough, they can just change their vests." If you continue to sell goods, I can’t replace my vest. If I do, I’ll have to pay tens of billions of dollars.”

"Now I have a bad reputation for selling fake jade on live broadcast, but they ran faster than anyone else."

After Li Wanghong complained, he saw that the camera in Zhang Yang's live broadcast room was flipped and no live footage was shown. He knew that the police were most likely coming to take away the person selling fake goods.

This made him feel an empathetic anger.

He immediately asked the assistant next to him: "Have you done everything I asked you to do?"

"It's done. I spent 50,000 to hire Master He, the most famous master in Tianjin. He has dominated the Tianjin collecting industry for thirty years and can speak both black and white. With his help, not only will this appraisal be done by Huang , Master Zhang will also be ruined."

"That's good, shall we do it today?" Li Wanghong couldn't wait.

"Wait a minute, I'll call and ask."

After the assistant completed the operation, he came back and told Li Wanghong with certainty that today, he set off at 3:00 noon and should have arrived at the scene by now.

"Anyway, we have today off, so let's go watch a show."

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."


The main venue of the Jinmen Treasure Appraisal Conference.

A young man named Cui Laowu struggled to squeeze through the turnstile.

He came to this venue to cause trouble on the orders of his master He Tianbiao.

Originally, their small underworld group was about to be disbanded, but suddenly they received a huge sum of money from Lin'an, a total of 10,000 yuan, so that the group could continue for a few more days.

What is more important than the survival of the society is that Cui Laowu finally has something to do.

According to the customer's request, as long as the treasure appraisal site is made pornographic and the miscellaneous appraisal expert Master Zhang is disgraced, the task will be completed.

And he can take 500 yuan as a bonus from the 10,000 yuan commission.

Excluding the four yuan round trip bus ride and the 80 yuan appraisal fee, it is equivalent to earning 416 yuan in half a day. Where can I find such a good job?

Cui Laowu was somewhat relieved to take out the treasure he had prepared in advance and walked to the front of the team happily.

"Miscellaneous area..."

Cui Laowu looked at the endless team and suddenly felt a little panicked.

When will this be scheduled?

It's not like today was in vain.

Suddenly, Cui Laowu felt someone tapping his shoulder from behind.

When he looked back, he saw a middle-aged woman with exquisite makeup, who was asking him:

"Young man, what treasure are you here to identify?"

"Who are you?" Cui Laowu said impatiently, "What are you asking about?"

"I am in charge of this team." The woman patiently explained at first, "My main task is to keep miscellaneous collections and guide other categories of collections to the appropriate team."

Hearing this, Cui Laowu looked at the woman in front of him up and down and found that she was not wearing the same uniform as the door staff at all.

He had reasonable suspicion that the man was simply trying to persuade him to move up the line.

"I'm here to get Master Zhang's appraisal, and I'm not asking for help. What do you care about my appraisal?"

"Are you the boss's illegitimate wife?" When she heard Zhang Yang being called by name, the woman looked surprised and pointed at herself, "I, Sister Gao, do you recognize me?"

"Who are you? Gungungun, don't bother me." Cui Laowu waved his hand impatiently.

Sister Gao's face darkened.

Originally, she was already bored when Zhang Yang sent her to do this job at the back of the team.

Now he is being ignored by a young man.

Sister Gao regained her original temperament and said sternly:

"Now, in the name of the organizer of this treasure appraisal conference, I am asking you what kind of treasure you need to identify. Please answer truthfully."

"Otherwise, if I reasonably suspect that you are here to cause trouble, I will call security."

"You..." Cui Laowu wanted to curse, but he felt that everyone around him was looking over, and he still had a mission on him, so he could only grit his teeth and hold back.

He reluctantly opened his box and showed it to Sister Gao:

"I am wearing an old jade bracelet, and I would like to ask Teacher Zhang to help me identify it."

"is that OK?"

"Oh." Sister Gao glanced condescendingly and pointed to a relatively short queue next to her, "For ancient jade appraisal, please ask Teacher Bai from the jade team."

"Why?" Cui Laowu was puzzled.

"It's the rule."

"What's the rule? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Cui Laowu still wanted to argue, but the middle-aged collector standing in the queue next to Mr. Bai persuaded him:

"Don't be stubborn, what she said is true. The jade is just for Teacher Bai to appraise."

"Even if you get to the front of the queue later, Master Zhang won't appraise your things if he sees them."

"Yes, yes." Other people in line also said, "There are rules in the treasure appraisal conference, otherwise everything would be stuffed into miscellaneous items, and Master Zhang would be exhausted."

"Fuck!" Cui Laowu secretly spat, frowning, and reluctantly moved to the back of Teacher Bai's team under the gaze of Sister Gao.

He was also feeling miserable because the club had no miscellaneous treasures at all.

He had never seen any ivory or rhino horn.

In the past, all the good things from the club were sold out secretly by Master He. This jade bracelet was kept because it was a family heirloom of Master He's wife.

But if you think about it carefully, the customer's highest request is to make the entire treasure appraisal conference chaotic and unsustainable. It should be the same whether they ask Master Zhang or Teacher Bai to cause trouble.

Moreover, Teacher Bai Hebo’s team seems to be quite short, which is a good thing.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Cui Laowu's face again.

He even smiled at Sister Gao.

He waited patiently behind the team for more than half an hour, and soon it was his turn to go up for appraisal.

"Teacher Bai, please help me take a look at this jade bracelet from the late Qing Dynasty."

"You put it on the table, I can just take it myself."

Bai Hebo is an old expert and strictly follows the rule of "no jade is too good to pass on".

He was afraid that if someone gave him something that had been smashed and put back together, it would break as soon as he touched it, and he would be blackmailed.

But Cui Laowu didn't use this trick.

What he brought was a treasure carefully prepared by the master.


On the other side of the appraisal table, Zhang Yang was chatting with Baoyou when his ears suddenly became noisy.

I looked up at the treasure friends lining up in front of me, and most of them were looking to the other side with their feet up.

"Is there anything exciting to watch?" Zhang Yang also turned his head.

The scene in front of him stunned him for a moment.

I don't know what happened, but a young man sat down on Teacher Bai's appraisal table.

At this time, he was stretching his arms outstretched and leaning back to communicate with Teacher Bai.

The posture is very unique, and it looks like a strange behavior.

Zhang Yang suspected that if it were a normal person, his neck would be broken within three minutes.

But the effect of this is also very good. Almost everyone onlookers has a mobile phone and is taking photos and recording videos.

Seeing that not only Teacher Bai looked helpless, but also the security guards who came after hearing the news were a little at a loss. Zhang Yang knew something was going on and hurried over to support the situation.

"Give way, everyone, give way, the treasure appraisal judge is here."

Zhang Yang pushed aside the crowd of onlookers and squeezed into the scene of the incident. Seeing him coming, Teacher Bai immediately said silently: "This person is here to cause trouble."

"Who do you think is causing trouble?" Cui Laowu read his lips and retorted unhappily.

He noticed that Bai Hebo ignored him, his eyes drifted to other places, and he sat up in confusion.

Are the police here? no.

Who is this handsome middle-aged man?

Master Zhang!

The bounty target appeared. He was so lucky. Cui Laowu was a little overjoyed.

But before he could speak, Zhang Yang had already struck first:

"My Tibetan friend, if you have something to say, please tell me carefully. What does it mean to suddenly do yoga on the appraisal table?"

"You damn yoga, I'm defending my rights!" Cui Laowu said confidently.

"To protect your rights, you should go to the roof of the car. This mahogany table may not be able to bear your weight. If the seat breaks, we will have to pay us 20,000 yuan."

"Mahogany? Twenty thousand more? What a joke!"

Cui Laowu sneered and quickly slipped off the table.

Isn’t it okay if you don’t sit down?

He looked directly at Zhang Yang, pretending to have just remembered and said:

"Oh, I know you. You are the person in charge of this treasure appraisal conference, Master Zhang."

"That's great." Zhang Yang nodded, "Since we are all acquaintances, if there is any problem, we can come down and chat slowly. Now, please don't disturb the order of our venue."

"No, I don't agree with you." Cui Laowu took out his bracelet, held it high in the air, pointed at Bai Hebo and said, "Your experts here have no talent and no ethics. They talk nonsense and steal my bracelet from the late Qing Dynasty. It’s said to be B goods.” (Referring to jadeite made from natural, relatively poor quality jadeite that has been pickled and filled with glue)

"No way, Teacher Bai is very good at reading people." Zhang Yang looked at the bracelet in the other person's hand doubtfully.

Judging from the color, it seems to be natural jade... No, the item information shows that this is a restored product produced in 2023.

It had been broken before and was stuck together with special glue.

And there must be some fragments that cannot be found, and several sections of dyed quartzite were used to piece together a complete bracelet.

Let’s just say that Teacher Bai, the former national treasure gang nemesis, couldn’t possibly make such a stupid mistake.

However, Zhang Yang was not in a hurry to expose Cui Laowu, but asked Bai Hebo:

"Teacher Bai, is there anything wrong with this bracelet?"

"This bracelet has obvious signs of repair." Bai Hebo replied seriously, "I shined a flashlight on it and I can still see obvious cracks inside."

"As for him saying that the bracelet is from the late Qing Dynasty, no strong evidence has been found yet."

Zhang Yang nodded after listening. Teacher Bai thought this kind of thing was trustworthy.

Although no problem with the spliced ​​dyed quartzite was found, it is possible that the troublemaker was not given a chance to continue looking.

"My dear friend, Teacher Bai is right. This bracelet of yours is a B-grade product."

"You are the B guy, and you experts are all the B guys." Cui Laowu scolded him like a bully.

"Bitch is not a curse word..."

Zhang Yang was speechless, but he didn't bother to explain.

"Anyway, your bracelet was broken before, and then it was stuck together with a glue-like adhesive, and some dyed quartzite was stuffed in the middle...

"Nothing matches the old bracelet from the late Qing Dynasty you mentioned."

"This is the result of our appraisal. If you don't agree with it, you can go to other experts for appraisal."

Zhang Yang finished speaking in one breath and was about to urge the security guard to drive this person away.

It's a waste of time to talk anymore. I thought there was some big job, but this is the result?

At this moment, Cui Laowu suddenly laughed.

"Listen, everyone, this is the conclusion given by their two experts."

"It's too watery. Do you dare to believe this?"

"You guys, hurry up and refund me the appraisal fee. This activity of yours is completely stealing our private collectors' hard-earned money!"

"Appraisal fee? We don't charge for appraisal!" Zhang Yang shook his head and explained to Cui Laowu, "The appraisal is free. The money you pay when making a reservation is the service fee of this venue. Coffee and fruit are provided with the ticket. There are also signed photos of several of our teachers.”

"If you don't want these peripheral services, just click "No" when making an appointment, and you can get a free treasure appraisal."

"Really?" Cui Laowu was a little confused.

Negating the appraisal results and then asking for a refund was the best way he could think of to attack Master Zhang.

He even imagined leading everyone to shout "RNM, refund the money!"

But now, seeing other Tibetan friends around him nodding to him, Cui Laowu instantly regretted it.

If I had known better, I would have seen it clearly before buying the ticket, and I would have lost 80 in vain!

But he still has a way.

He immediately changed his mind: "It's fine if I don't refund the money, but this is definitely not a B product. This is a complete bracelet. You must admit this, otherwise how can I sell it in the future?"

"I really can't admit this." Teacher Bai shook his head, "There are cracks inside. It's obviously filled with glue."

"If you don't believe me, you can turn on the light and see for yourself."

"Why should I ask you if I can read it myself?"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense with him. You two, please ask him to leave first." Zhang Yang immediately directed the security guards to take action.

Seeing that two tall and thick men in uniforms were about to attack him, Cui Laowu knew that he didn't have much time left.

Behind him was a valuable mahogany table. He didn't dare touch it for fear of having to pay for it if it was damaged.

It will definitely be towed away later.

He quickly revealed his final trump card:

"Let me reveal the final answer. This bracelet of mine uses the latest nano-traceable silicon crystal healing and repair technology. There cannot be any cracks inside. These two so-called experts don't know anything, so they came to inspect it. Bao, this is so funny! A clown! A rubbish!"

"Don't be fooled by them..."

"Wait, what technology did you just talk about?" Zhang Yang suddenly became curious and stopped the two security guards to see what Cui Laowu wanted to say.

"Nano traceless silicon crystal healing and repair technology, haven't you heard of it, you idiot?"

Zhang Yang looked at Bai Hebo, who looked as confused as him.

Neither of them had heard of it.

"You understand so well, then explain the principle." Zhang Yang asked Cui Laowu.

"As expected, he is just a rubbish." Cui Laowu smiled and said with his head held high, "Listen up, this technology is to add nano-scale silicon crystals to the jadeite, and then put it in the culture medium to allow the silicon crystals to grow naturally."

"There can be no gaps in jadeite treated in this way, do you understand?"

"It means that the silicon-containing compounds inside the jade can grow like cells, doesn't that mean?" Zhang Yang felt that he understood, but he didn't fully understand.

"I didn't expect you to be such a country bumpkin, so I can understand it that way."

"Don't brag about me yet, I have another question, how long does it take to culture in the culture medium?"

"Twelve hours, I'll keep track of time." Cui Laowu chuckled, feeling like he had already won.

After proving that these two experts are parallel imports, he can go back and collect the money.

But he didn't expect Zhang Yang to ask another question:

"Then according to what you said, wouldn't I be able to use an ice-type imperial green jade that is as big as a grain of rice to cultivate an ice-type jade of the same material that is larger than a basketball?"

"Theoretically..." Cui Laowu was a little hesitant, but thinking that he had seen the scene of repairing the bracelet, he nodded, "It's possible."

"But the cost should be high."

"How high is it? I think it shouldn't be a problem to sell an ice jadeite the size of a basketball for several hundred million." Zhang Yang asked, casually making up a price.

"Huh? What should I ask you?"

Zhang Yang asked again and again, but Cui Laowu didn't dare to answer the last question.

Because he also found that there was a bit of a contradiction in it.

If jade can grow like this, why is it still valuable? Are they all scams like diamonds?

Cui Laowu couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it.

"Anyway, this is science, you don't understand." Cui Laowu shook his head, stretched out his hands and put them together as if preparing to put on handcuffs, "Okay, I have exposed your true nature, now you can throw dirt on me It’s water.”

But he didn't expect that the security guard didn't come up. Instead, Zhang Yang walked up to him, patted his shoulder lightly and said:

"Friend Bao, it seems that you have been deceived. Go and rest for a while. I will ask the police for you later. This nano-scale repair solution should be a scam targeting collectors like you. "

"Alas." Bai Hebo understood what Zhang Yang meant, and suppressed a smile. He patted Cui Laowu on the shoulder in a comforting manner, "I've seen this kind of deception before, don't worry too much."

"Really?" Cui Laowu suddenly felt that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit warm.

(End of this chapter)

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