Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 332 Don’t ask me if it works

Chapter 332 Don’t ask me if it works

The third day of the treasure appraisal activity.

There were actually more people queuing up than yesterday.

However, experts including Zhang Yang are not panic at all, because this time the total number of applicants at Jinmen Station is the same as that at Shenghai Station, so even if it is busy today, according to the rules, there will definitely be free time tomorrow.

The first few treasure friends who came to appraise the treasures all brought mediocre treasures. They had no gimmicks and were not the same model from any museum. Some even bluntly said that they were just here to join in the fun, which made them feel a little sleepy.

Until a middle-aged woman in plain clothes took out a brown fur ball from her urea pocket.

It's real animal hair.

The hair is very long and has spins. You can tell at a glance that it is an animal product, maybe even original.

"Hello, expert teacher, I took this out from the gallbladder of an old sow at home. The traditional Chinese medicine doctor in the village said it was a pig treasure and said it could be sold for a lot of money."

"But after I arrived in Tianjin, I went to many big hospitals, including triple-A and triple-B hospitals, but they didn't accept this thing. Can you help me find out whether this thing is worth anything, and whether it can be put here? Selling it at auction?”

Zhang Yang was about to reach out and pick it up, but when he heard that it was taken out of a pig's gallbladder, he quickly put on his gloves.

Who knows whether it was washed or not.

He seemed to have heard of pig treasure before, and its scientific name should be called pig sand.

In fact, they are pig gallstones.

It is a precious Chinese medicinal material that must be grown by an old pig.

Zhang Yang took the piece of pig grits, which was bigger than a steamed bun, in his hand and weighed it a little. It was much lighter than a stone, probably only weighing one or two.

"There's nothing wrong with the stuff, friend Bao. This is indeed natural pig sand. Sometimes it's also called pig treasure in rural areas."

"But this thing has a price but no market. No one will buy it, and it is even less likely that the hospital will buy it."

"What does it mean to have a price but no market?" the woman asked, scratching her head.

Zhang Yang explained patiently: "A piece of pig grit as big as this was previously auctioned in Singapore for more than 200 million yuan. So the price of good collectible pig grit will be very high, that's for sure. But The current situation is that there are no more people willing to collect this thing, and no one is willing to pay 200 million, or even , so it is called a price but no market.”

"Ah? Then my treasure is not wasted." The woman said with an annoyed look on her face.

[Pigs are not a treasure, there are many of them in rural areas]

[The medicinal value of this thing is very similar to that of bezoar. Normal people must use bezoar]

[There are no prescriptions for traditional Chinese medicine that use pig treasure, so of course no one buys it]

[Dog treasures, donkey treasures, horse treasures, cow treasures, and sheep treasures are collectively called the five treasures, but there are no pig treasures, so they are cheap]

"Well, you can leave your contact information and we will review it internally. If possible, we will notify you to bring the baby to the auction, or directly auction the picture, and then bring the offline transaction after the transaction is completed."

Zhang Yang didn't know if there was any strange license required for auctioning such original animal products.

If he had to apply for a certificate just like selling pork, he would be helpless.

"But this kind of pig treasure, after drying, looks like bezoar and can be stored for a long time. Even if it cannot be sold, it can be collected first."

"Okay, thank you teacher, I know." The woman nodded, put the ball of hair back into the bag, and hurriedly went to Xiao Tang to register it.

It’s like I’m afraid I won’t be able to sell it if it’s too late.

In addition to this treasurer who appraised pig treasures, there was another collector who appraised animal products in the morning.

And the thing he took out was relatively mild, a horn statue.

When Baoyou first took out the statue, Zhang Yang thought it was a jade sculpture.

Because the whole body of the statue is red, it is very warm and has an obvious jade texture.

But if you look closely at the texture of the statue, you can see that there are a lot of vertical stripes and the feel is different from that of stone, so you can confirm that the material is ox horn.

The horn eagle is now an intangible cultural heritage item, so there is definitely no legal risk to this thing, it just depends on whether it is worth the money.

"Teacher, I said I bought it for rhino horns, do you believe it?" Baoyou asked Zhang Yang with a smile.

Zhang Yang nodded: "I believe it. How much did it cost?"

"Two thousand yuan." Baoyou chuckled, "Don't worry, I bought it based on the horns. Rhino horns cannot be traded, I still know this."

Zhang Yang could see from Baoyou's face that he was very happy with this look.

He also smiled and asked the other party: "Then do you know what the theme of this carving is?"

"Theme? Isn't this sculpture just about men farming, with women holding their children watching from the side? What's the theme?"

"It seems I still don't understand." Zhang Yang waved his finger and told the other party, "This carving is one of the famous "Twenty-Four Filial Piety Pictures". Lu Xun has written related articles and criticized it before."

"This carving of yours is one of the stories - Burying Children to Serve Their Mothers. It tells the story of a man who, because he could not support his family of four, prepared to bury his children alive in order to support his old mother."

"Huh? Why are you buried alive?"

"One less mouth, one more mouthful of food."

【real or fake? It’s so outrageous]

[The teacher hasn’t finished speaking. This filial son named Guo Ju dug out the gold halfway through digging the pit, so he didn’t finish the burial]

【So filial piety, it makes my scalp numb】

[This is how foolish filial piety was in ancient times. Nowadays, if you were buried alive, you would have to go to jail.]

[Why don’t you tell me that now, the gold dug out will have to be handed over, or will it be impossible to make a living? 】

"I'm not just telling you this story to popularize science." Zhang Yang explained his intention, "I want to tell you how to identify this horn sculpture."

"First of all, make sure it's real horns and not plastic. There are many ways to identify them online."

"Secondly, on the basis that it is a real horn, we can tell from the subject matter that it should be an old thing."

“It’s really hard to sell modern handicrafts that are made to fake things like this.”

"As an old man... can you go to Qianlong?" Baoyou asked very professionally.

"From the late Qianlong period to the early Jiaqing period, the craftsmanship in between was in the same line, so it's hard to tell accurately."

"Jiaqing, can the price exceed two thousand?"

"Of course, two thousand is the price of modern handicrafts. Yours should be at least twelve thousand. It shouldn't be a big problem to make a net profit of ten thousand."

Zhang Yang vaguely remembered that he had seen a Daoguang horn sculpture, which was also a theme of the Twenty-Four Filial Piety, and took 13,000 copies.

This one from the early Jiaqing period should not be much different.

"Is the one from Qianlong Jiaqing worth so much?" Baoyou, who was at the back, couldn't help but ask.

"It was carved by private craftsmen, and the material and carving work are relatively average, and the subject matter is very outdated. What kind of bicycle does it cost at this price?" Zhang Yang explained to the treasure friends behind him, "When collecting statues, you must not put aside the subject matter and make an estimate based on thin air."

"This is a statue of Guanyin, and the starting price is at least 30,000 yuan."

"That's very reasonable. Thank you, teacher." Baoyou nodded after hearing this, and secretly made up his mind to sell the horned eagle as soon as possible.

In a few decades, no one will know about the Twenty-four Filial Piety, and this thing will be worthless.


The most abstract treasure friend in the morning was a middle-aged aunt.

Wearing a blue-gray Taoist robe and holding a whisk, at first glance I thought it was a Taoist nun coming down the mountain.

As a result, after asking, I found out that he was just a lay disciple, and he had to say that he was a "Jinmen layman."

"Then this layman, do you want to appraise your whisk?"

Zhang Yang has already figured out that the whisk in the other person's hand is a modern horse hair handicraft. It is the same style as the one used in the TV series, and the online purchase price is no more than fifty yuan. But the aunt shook her head and took out a long, flat cardboard box from her pocket.

"I would like to ask the teacher to see these charms."


Zhang Yang opened it and saw that it was really a talisman drawn on yellow paper.

The last time he saw a charm was the "Soul Spell" in a certain movie.

But the talisman in Auntie's box is much simpler than that evil spell.

And it’s very easy to identify because it has simplified Chinese characters on it.

Each square piece of yellow talisman paper has the four characters "Shangqing Patriarch" written in cinnabar. The direction of the spell is very clear.

Depending on each type of charm, the pattern and text in the center will be different.

For example, the "rising sun symbol" draws a pattern of a hot pot. The bottom of the pot is written with "rising sun", and above it are three characters for "fire". What is cooked in the pot is "Nine Transformations of Returning Pills";

In addition, many spiral upward lines are also drawn, symbolizing the rising Yang energy.

According to this layman, the effect of this Yang-rising Talisman is similar to that of Liuwei Dihuang Pills, which help people with yin deficiency replenish yang energy.

Another example is the "wealth talisman", which is to draw a gold ingot and write the four words "luck in wealth and treasure". Fill in the remaining empty spaces with some spirals, as if light is emitted.

There are even "health and disease-repelling charms" that are suspected to be self-created, and the main content is the four words "removing diseases and eliminating disasters"...

Zhang Yang looked at each spell and finally confirmed that they were all drawn just this year.

And he felt that he could draw even if he was given talisman paper and cinnabar.

Anyway, just write some keywords and just underline the rest.

The Tibetan friends who were watching also had the same feeling as Zhang Yang.

"Is this a spell?"

"I drew it when I was in the fifth grade of elementary school. The art teacher said I was a ghost in drawing talismans."

"If these things can be effective, then the threshold for drawing talismans is really low enough."

"The handwriting is pretty good, almost the same as what my daughter in the kindergarten class writes."

"I think it's useless..."

Zhang Yang suspected that these words of the melon-eating collectors had almost broken the back molars of the treasure friend in Taoist robes in front of him.

You can see her cheeks moving regularly.

Gritting his teeth fiercely.

But I still need to help her identify it. What if she was cheated?

"Friend Bao, these are the new talismans you drew this year. Do you have any questions?"

The aunt nodded: "It is true that I went to the temple to invite them this year. I mainly wanted to ask the teacher to help me see if these charms are real."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Yang was a little confused, "You are serious, don't you mean you have magic power?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Baoyou responded repeatedly, "I spent five thousand yuan on each request. When I came back, I found that it had no effect at all, so I felt very strange. The master in the temple said that it might be my talisman. It was switched, so it’s no longer valid.”

"But I've been keeping it close to you, so it shouldn't have been stolen!"

Five thousand, which is really not expensive in terms of IQ tax.

If it doesn't work, that's normal. If it works, you should report it to the police.

However, he did not intend to tell such useless truths and returned to appraisal.

"I can't tell if it's true or false." Zhang Yang told the truth, so as not to give the aunt unreliable hope, "What I can confirm is that the talisman paper and cinnabar are both newly produced products, and these talismans were just drawn not long ago. "

"Then why doesn't it work when I use it?" Baoyou is still struggling with this problem.

"It must be because your heart is not sincere." A collector interrupted.

"You are so...presumptuous!" Baoyou replied civilly.

Seeing that the argument was about to start again, Zhang Yang quickly stood up and made a pause gesture.

"Stop, layman, take these talismans away. I've finished the appraisal."

"In the future, I will only be responsible for dating collections related to religion and culture, and will not be involved in anything else."

"Don't ask me if it works."


In the afternoon, Zhang Yang saw a treasure with the highest level of cultural relics so far in this event.

An original Dunhuang mural mounted in a glass frame.

The moment Zhang Yang saw the thing, three words came to his mind: This punishment!

The content of the mural is "Pictures of Ladies in the Tang Palace".

It depicts ten concubines from the harem, sitting around a giant square table, some drinking tea and some performing wine orders.

The four people in the middle are responsible for playing music to add to the entertainment; there are two maids beside them, tapping the dental plates to beat the rhythm for them.

According to Baoyou, this painting should be a copy of a painting of a lady by the Tang Dynasty painter Zhang Xuan.

It is equivalent to transferring a famous painting that someone painted on paper to the wall.

[I feel like my coolness has suddenly become higher]

[It has to be the live broadcast room of Master Zhang, the cultural relic thief]

[Is this taking down the wall?]

Zhang Yang can answer this last barrage question.

Walls that can be painted with colorful murals are naturally not ordinary earth walls or stone walls. They are made of mud + paper, stacked layer by layer, and stuck to the original wall surface, making them flat and convenient for painting.

So when viewed from the side, the cross section of this mural looks like a plywood commonly used in decoration.

But due to age, it has turned yellow and white.

"This is a colorful mural from the Northern Song Dynasty, which was stolen from Dunhuang back then."

After Zhang Yang read it, he already rated this mural as a first-class cultural relic.

Although not as precious as the Flying Sky Picture, the Tang Dynasty maids from Dunhuang are also well-known.

"Is this a cultural relic photographed abroad?" Zhang Yang could only think of one source.

Anything else that is passed down from ancestors or just stolen is too scary.

Dunhuang has been publicized for so many years. There should be no Chinese who doesn't know that this thing is a national treasure. Treasure lovers dare to come to offline appraisal, which shows that they are still very confident.

"I bought it from Neon for 1.5 million. Teacher, let me help you see if it's worth it."

"In terms of cultural relic value, it's very profitable; in terms of economic value, it's a loss."

"It's okay, I just bought it for the cultural relic value."

Baoyou's generosity was beyond Zhang Yang's imagination. He actually expressed on the spot that he hoped to donate this Dunhuang mural through the channel of the Treasure Appraisal Conference.

Of course Zhang Yang agreed:

"At present, our event organizing committee has in-depth cooperation with Hailin Museum..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Teacher Chen from the calligraphy and painting group walking over in a hurry. As soon as he saw Zhang Yang, he said:

"Director Zhang, you know that when I worked at the Qingzhou Museum, I was always an expert on Dunhuang murals..."

(End of this chapter)

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