Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 333 Freshly unearthed, just dig around

Chapter 333 Freshly unearthed, just dig around

"But the Qingzhou Museum doesn't cooperate with us?" Zhang Yang spread his hands with a slightly helpless expression.

"We can also cooperate and negotiate." Teacher Chen said anxiously.

"Okay, how about we talk about this when we go down?"

Zhang Yang felt that it was not good to have such a rush to "divide the spoils" in front of Baoyou, so he decided to postpone the matter a little.

Teacher Chen also nodded in agreement, stepped forward and pointed to Baoyou in the direction of the backstage:

"That's where we receive distinguished guests. You can go and take a rest first."

[It’s just a mural, isn’t it? 】

[I checked, Qingzhou Museum is a national first-class museum, even better than Hailin Museum]

[Teacher Chen studies calligraphy and painting, he must understand the value of this mural]

[The calligraphy and painting team wants to cut off the miscellaneous team, can this anchor bear it? 】

From time to time, some joking and provocative barrages floated through the live broadcast room. After Zhang Yang saw it, he silently replied in his heart: This is really bearable.

The premise is that the treasure appraisal activities organized by myself can really develop in-depth cooperation with the Qingzhou Museum, so that when I go to Handong Province to hold activities in the future, I will have an official backer.

It's not too much to support at least a dozen experts, Zhang Yang thought happily.

Teacher Chen's intrusion was just an interlude, and the normal scene quickly returned to the appraisal stage.

Step by step, full of hope, everyone walked up to Master Zhang with the fakes. After he burst the bubble of their dream of getting rich, they left extremely disappointed.

There are almost no surprises in the plot, and the things brought out for identification are also very ordinary.

It got a bit boring after a long time, but fortunately, it didn't take long before a top collector came.

This treasure friend first took out a drum with Buddhist characteristics.

The shape is thick on both sides and thin in the middle. The bulging waist is connected with a gilt copper ring, and two small balls are tied to it.

Much like a big rattle without a handle.

But as soon as Zhang Yang saw the stitches on Baigu's body, which looked like suturing wounds, his scalp felt a little numb.

"Friend Bao, is this a Gabala drum?"

Zhang Yang didn't dare to pick it up and read it, it was really unlucky.

He is a staunch materialist, and of course he does not believe in ghosts and gods, but he still has to have this sense of awe.

"Yes, teacher, I should be considered a miscellaneous treasure, right?"

"Look at the turquoise on it and the carvings on the gilt copper ring. I feel it should be the craftsmanship of the old snow area..."

Baoyou pointed at the Gabala drum and talked eloquently, as if he didn't notice at all. People around him looked at him with strange eyes.

Just show off something like Gabala online, and take it offline for appraisal, and you can basically identify it as a pure eye-catcher.

"Baoyou, you are very confident, aren't you afraid of Xingabala?" Zhang Yang asked abruptly.

"It's impossible. This is really what I begged for from an eminent monk. It must have been something from 49 years ago. I even suspect that it is a treasure from the Ming and Qing Dynasties."

"Absolutely, something from the late Qing Dynasty."

Seeing other collectors taking photos, Zhang Yang reached out and closed the box containing the gabala drum.

This kind of skulls of the same kind, and there are two of them at once, it is best not to enter the live scene of the treasure appraisal activity.

Otherwise, treasure friends would not dare to come.

"I won't estimate the price. This thing is basically not circulating in the market now. I just go to the snow area to get it."

"Yeah, it doesn't matter if you don't put a price on it. This thing mainly depends on fate."

Baoyou didn't force Zhang Yang to estimate the price because he still had something to appraise.

After confiscating the Gabala drum, he took out two slender black bags from the bag.

When he opened it, he found two white bones inside.

The ends of the bone are covered with carved silver shells, which are also inlaid with turquoise and red coral.

It is obviously the craftsmanship of the snow area.

In the middle of the bone, several through holes were drilled evenly. It seems that it has become a little black due to time.

"These two are bone flutes that we asked for together. Teacher, please help me take a look at them."

"Baoyouyou, if you have anything else, take it out at once." Zhang Yang made a gesture of invitation.

Just now it was a drum made from the same kind of skull, now it's a flute made from a calf bone, and he wouldn't be surprised by anything else.

If you scrape together a little more, you can go directly to biology class.

"No more, so I asked for these three items. I donated a lot of money for incense at that time, but I was afraid it was fake, so I wanted to ask the teacher to take a look."

"These three items should be from the same period." Zhang Yang replied.

"In terms of age, it can be dated to the end of the 19th century. Regardless of the material, it is considered a treasure among the Tibetan Buddhist cultural relics of the late Qing Dynasty."

It was the first time that Zhang Yang paid attention to efficiency. He shared the item information with his friends while reading it, and as soon as he finished speaking, he signaled to his friends that it was time to call it a day.

【Too perverted】

[Seeing this, I feel that Tantra cannot be scolded too much]

[These are the bones of slaves from those days]

[It’s really ironic to use this kind of thing to cultivate Buddhism]

[It is recommended to send them for a bone age test to expose the atrocities of those demonic monks]

Not only the audience of the live broadcast reacted with disapproval, but also the Tibetan friends at the scene were talking about it.

It is true that there are curious people who ask where they got the treasure from, their voices full of envy and yearning, but such people are in the minority after all.

When most people see a collector playing with tantric Buddhist treasures, they give way and hope that he will leave quickly.


"Okay, the last spot for treasure appraisal today belongs to this eldest brother. The treasure friends who are behind in the queue can go to the assistant to get their number plates. They can take the number plates for priority appraisal tomorrow."

Under Zhang Yang's command, the team almost moved in front of Tang Qiyun.

Only the last lucky boy remained untouched.

The thing he was carrying was very simple, a birdcage.

It is a very old-fashioned square cage with a brass-colored metal hook on the top. There are four basking bars for pet birds to perch in the cage, as well as three wood-carved bird food jars.

"Teacher, this is a classic Soviet-style birdcage. Can you help me check its value?"

"The birdcage is too unpopular. To be honest, I don't know much about it." Of course, Zhang Yang would not pretend to understand so as not to mislead people. "But I can help you determine the value of this thing from several angles."

The side angle mentioned by Zhang Yang is basically the material and age.

As for the price, I believe that since Baoyou is collecting bird cages, he should be able to deduce it based on these details.

"This is a Soviet-style birdcage from the late Qing Dynasty, probably from the early Guangxu period."

"As for the material, the cage frame and cage bars are made of fine small-leaf rosewood. The cage grid is made of ordinary bamboo painted with red paint. The bird food jar should be made of mahogany."

"Is this made of ivory?" Baoyou asked Zhang Yang, pointing to a white bone carved bird hanging next to the cage door.

"Yes, but unfortunately it's too small and has cracks. It's not worth much."

"But overall, this one of yours is considered a masterpiece among Soviet-style birdcages."

"It shouldn't count." Baoyou sighed and shook his head, obviously not very satisfied with the identification results, "I spent more than 6,000 when I bought it."

"According to your appraisal results, teacher, I should have paid too much for it. Sure enough, when I buy something from an antique dealer, there are basically no leaks."

"Is the birdcage market so bad now?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

This birdcage uses more than 72 cage bars (vertical bars) made of light red sandalwood.

Now it would cost several thousand to make a new one like this. It is equivalent to saying that it has no historical attributes of the Qing Dynasty at all.

"Hey, who among the rich people these days play with birds?" Baoyou said with a self-deprecating smile, "It's just that some elderly people in Jinmen would have this hobby."

"I bought this piece from an antique dealer who specializes in the birdcage business. According to him, he completed my business within a whole month of November."

[Mainly because raising birds is not interesting]

[Rich people let others play with birds, while poor people play with birds themselves. No matter what, they don’t get to play with birdcages]

[Is there the last day tomorrow? The auction will follow? 】

[Then I have to fly to Jinmen tomorrow, there is no way I can miss this auction]

[Is there anyone really going to attend the anchor’s leek-cutting conference? 】

After Zhang Yang sent away his last treasure friend, he saw the audience in the live broadcast room talking about the auction, and he immediately enthusiastically spoiled it.

"For this auction, the venue we rented is very spacious. The venue used to be a big boss's gymnasium. So if you are interested, please come to Jinmen to participate in the auction!"

"Okay, that's it for today, see you tomorrow!"


After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang was clearing the desktop when a middle-aged man wearing a black leather jacket suddenly walked straight to the appraisal table.

Xu Jie stretched out his hand to stop him: "Friend Bao, the appraisal is over today. Get your number plate and go to the back to register."

Zhang Yang also raised his head after hearing this and found that the person who came looked a little familiar.

The other party greeted him with a smile: "Master Zhang, I, Lu Mingjian, I have communicated on the phone before..."

"It turns out to be Captain Lu. I wouldn't have recognized him without his uniform."

Zhang Yang did not expect that the captain of the Public Security Bureau in charge of cultural relics crimes would come to pick him up in person.

But this is indeed the attitude you should have when asking for help.

The reason why he looked familiar was also found. Zhang Yang had seen a group photo of Captain Lu and Captain Liu in the army before, so he was somewhat impressed by Captain Lu's appearance.

"Captain? Are you Pullman?" Xu Jie quickly took his hand back.

"Puliman?" Captain Lu asked with a black question mark on his face.

"It's the English transliteration of police, and it's the slang of these people." Zhang Yang explained with a smile.

"That's right." Captain Lu nodded and repeated with a smile, "Puliman, slang, it's interesting."

Xu Jie trembled when he heard these words. Just when he was about to explain, Captain Lu didn't give him a chance at all, and then asked Zhang Yang:

"Master Zhang should have finished his work. The car is at the door. Do you think it is?"

"Let's go, I just want to go see something."

Sitting in Captain Lu's car, the two of them arrived at the city bureau.

The city bureau in Jinmen is much more lively than Linhai. There are police officers coming and going in a hurry, as if they were filming a criminal investigation drama.

It wasn't until the Cultural Relics Crime Office of the Criminal Investigation Detachment that things finally became quieter.

Neither Zhang Yang nor Captain Lu were gossips. They had finished all the polite words they needed to say in the car. They were here to see the cultural relics involved in the case.

There are four or five large wooden boxes on the table in the office, filled with various stone carvings.

"These were discovered during highway inspection and were only handed over yesterday afternoon."

"The guy driving the truck is right next door, reviewing them, but so far, he's just killed the handicrafts he said were wholesale and shipped them back to sell."

"When I asked him where he wholesaled from, he didn't tell me, and he didn't have any invoices or transaction records, but he was really tough..."

Zhang Yang glanced at the contents of the box and nodded in agreement: "It's indeed quite hard."

Because the stone sculptures on the surface are still stained with soil.

If it wasn't just dug out, who would believe it?

With the help of Captain Lu, Zhang Yang took out one of them.

The first impression of this statue is that the carving is very rough, but this is generally the case for funerary stone sculptures.

The material is common bluestone, and the outer skin is not much worn. It looks a bit dirty because it is stained with yellow mud.

"What is this carving? Can the teacher tell me?"

Captain Lu didn't know when he took a small book in his hand.

Zhang Yang could tell by looking at his posture that this guy was taking notes.

"This is the statue of Fudo Myooh from Tantric Buddhism. You can tell by the ferocious expression on its face that this thing can subdue demons."

"If you look at the face, it looks a bit like the tantric Buddhist statues of the Tang Dynasty."

"So this is a burial object from the Tang Dynasty?" Captain Lu's tone became nervous.

"No, this is a later imitation. It should be from the past few years."

"Selling fake antiques?"

"It doesn't look like..." Zhang Yang shook his head, he couldn't make a judgment yet.

The main thing is who is this fake thing sold to?

Nowadays, most of the people who collect tantra-related products are playing with Gabala, which is an atypical statue of Fudo Myoyo. Those people cannot understand it.

Not to mention that it is the worst stone carving among the statues. Even if it is a genuine one from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it is only worth a thousand pieces.

It is completely idle for craftsmen to imitate this.

"Let's take another look and see a few more pieces for confirmation." Zhang Yang advised Captain Lu not to rush yet.

In addition to the Fudo Myooh statue, the same box also contains an eleven-faced Avalokitesvara statue.

Because the sculpture was too abstract, Zhang Yang was stunned not to realize that it was Guanyin, but he realized after reading the item information that it was also a Tantric statue.

And it was just built last year and was buried in the soil before.

Is he really a dealer who specializes in counterfeiting unpopular cultural relics?

While Zhang Yang was muttering in his heart, Captain Lu had already taken out another item from the box next to him.

He pointed to the carved stone slab and asked Zhang Yang:

"Is this the Bagua pattern on the walls of the tomb?"

"Let me take a look." Zhang Yang came up and took a closer look, and concluded, "This should be the Bagua array."

"Bagua array? Is it something from Taoism?"

"It's something from a game." Zhang Yang casually searched for a photo of the Bagua array card from the Internet and showed it to Captain Lu.

"In normal Bagua, the lines next to the Yin-Yang Fish are all short horizontal lines. Only in this game, they are three circles."

"Teacher, you are so delicate!" Captain Lu praised with a thumbs up.

"Hey, I've written too many bad reviews for Three Kingdoms, and I know a lot."

Zhang Yang waved his hand modestly and continued to look at what else was there.

After spending about half an hour, he could basically determine that the production times of these stone sculptures of different sizes and types were basically distributed in three years, 2014, 2018 and 2023.

And they are all dug out of the soil.

"I feel that these may belong to three different tombs. No, to be precise, they should be called new tombs."

"It can be clearly seen that the owners of the tombs like Tantra, Taoism and beautiful women respectively."

"And this man who liked beautiful women was relatively wealthy. The stone figurines of imitation Han maids buried with him were chemically aged."

"Thank you for your hard work, teacher." Captain Lu nodded. He had been taking notes, and the recorded results were consistent with what Zhang Yang said.

"It seems that they are a group of habitual criminals. His truck is transporting stone sculptures that were excavated and buried with them. I hope the other burial objects have not been transported out yet."

"Teacher, I'm going to interrogate that kid first. Please wait a moment. Captain Zhu, the anti-money laundering officer, will be here soon."

(End of this chapter)

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