Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 334 The signature is ever-changing

Chapter 334 The ever-changing signature

Two minutes later, Lu Mingjian opened the door and walked into the interrogation room of the Criminal Investigation Detachment.

He was holding the notebook he had just written in his hand, and he had already outlined the interrogation ideas in his mind.

"Shen Aimin, the appraisal results of the antiques you transported have come out."

"There are two funerary objects from the Tang Dynasty inside. They are not all handicrafts as you said. Can you explain them to me?"

"From the Tang Dynasty?" The thin suspect sat on the stainless steel interrogation chair and swallowed in disbelief. "This is impossible. What I bought is indeed a handicraft."

"Then where did you buy it from?" Captain Lu smiled and said while flipping through the notebook in his hand, "According to the results of the communication with the cultural relics expert just now, the items in this car are most likely obtained from tomb robberies. .”

"With these two cultural relics from the Tang Dynasty, we can already detain you first. You can think about it slowly. Anyway, we have already started searching the ancient tombs near Jinmen City. It will be a matter of time before we find the tomb you stole."

"I really didn't steal the tomb of the Tang Dynasty." The suspect shook his head, "You are framed."

"Don't be so harsh. We have video recordings of the entire law enforcement process. The one in your box has a ferocious expression and poses like this. You should have an impression, right?"

Captain Lu made a pose, and it looked like that.

"That's the statue of Fudo Myoyo from the tantric sect of the Tang Dynasty."

"Forget it, there is physical evidence, it doesn't matter what you say. Anyway, according to the interrogation procedure, I will ask you one last time, do you have anything else to explain?"

"No, what I bought were handicrafts." The suspect continued to insist, "Unless you find out the Tang Tomb you are talking about, I will never admit it."

"Who told you it was a tomb of the Tang Dynasty?" Captain Lu smiled triumphantly.

"You're not talking about the cultural relics of the Tang Dynasty..."

"It is a cultural relic from the Tang Dynasty, but it is a modern tomb. Are modern people not allowed to bury old things with them?" Captain Lu smiled and had already switched his strategy against the enemy in his mind.

He could see that the suspect in front of him was a fool.

They probably don’t even know how serious the excavation of tombs from the Tang Dynasty was.

Also, you can't expect a person who digs new graves to have much knowledge of criminal law.

Then we can only change our thinking according to the information given by Zhang Yang.

"Those stone maid figurines are obviously modern handicrafts, and they were dug out from graves that others had just buried. The soil is all fresh."

"I wonder if you are all immoral. They dared to dig up the buried treasure just a few days after it was buried."

"When we make the announcement and the family members of the graves you dug come to your door, I tell you, even if they go to court, they will risk being detained, but they will rush over and give you a slap in the face."

"That's it, open the bow left and right, and hit..." Captain Lu stood up again and gave a demonstration from a distance, with a somewhat exaggerated expression.

"Just hit, the slap won't hurt." The suspect replied in a somewhat arrogant tone.

But when he saw the mysterious smile on Captain Lu's face, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

It’s broken, there’s a pit.

If he didn't dig his grave, why would his family beat him?

"No, I didn't dig..."

"Okay, no need to say more." Captain Lu stood up with satisfaction, knowing in his heart that Zhang Yang's judgment should be correct.

The gang that the man in front of me belongs to is really crazy, but in this case, the difficulty of solving the case will be reduced a lot.

After all, tombs that have just been built in recent years are much easier to find than ancient tombs whose locations are unknown.


After Captain Lu left, Zhang Yang stayed in the office, feeling a little uneasy.

Recalling the scene last night, it was so beautiful.

That woman named Wu Sisi is still evil and even bolder.

The exquisite curves covered by her bathrobe, and the fatal charm she exudes when posing, will definitely sell well on onlyfans.

But at the most critical moment, Wu Sisi's words made Zhang Yang calm down instantly.

She revealed what she thought was the weakness of being flamboyant:

"I thought you were a decent person, Master Zhang, but I didn't expect that you would associate with tomb robbers. Haha...then what are you worried about?"

These words made Zhang Yang calm down instantly.

Could it be that the fact that he was a Xiling warrior always exposed his head?

Or was the new member of the team recognized by this woman when he and Qiao Shan went downstairs that day?

In short, no matter what kind of situation it is, Zhang Yang cannot accept this kind of threat from the other party.

He threw back the black sling that the other party had thrown at him, intact, then pointed at the door and softly said "get out".

At about ten o'clock that night, Mr. Huang arrived after a long journey and made a special trip to apologize to Zhang Yang.

He said that he had severely criticized Ms. Wu and promised that she would not come to Zhang Yang to have a fever in the future. He hoped that this small incident would not affect the cooperation between the two parties and delay the cooperation at the auction in a few days.

To show his sincerity, Mr. Huang also brought a deposit of 500,000 yuan and enthusiastically pulled Zhang Yang to confirm the auction-related matters in a few days.

Zhang Yang could see that Mr. Huang was under a lot of pressure. He was giving money and women as gifts, and he seemed to be determined to launder money in this auction.

But the more this happened, the more panicked Zhang Yang felt.

Don't let it get to the end and make some shocking case. When the time comes, the heavens will listen and no one can protect themselves.

So before the anti-money laundering captain Zhu arrived, he was in a very complicated mood.

There is anticipation, but also awe.

About ten minutes after Captain Lu left the house, Captain Zhu, wearing a uniform, walked into the office.

Behind him was a policeman holding a computer, very formal.

"Master Zhang, please sit down."

Seeing Zhang Yang standing up to greet him, Captain Zhu made a very kind gesture of invitation.

"Let me introduce myself. My surname is Zhu. Lao Lu should have told you that I am currently in the Municipal Bureau, responsible for economic crimes and anti-money laundering criminal cases."

"He is Xiao Li, a police officer from our police force. He will help record our conversation later."

"Oh, thank you for your hard work." Zhang Yang felt that now, in a sense, these two people were here to help him.

Of course, in the future, if they capture Mr. Huang and make great achievements, then of course they will help them.

Zhang Yang briefly explained his situation, omitting the details of Wu Sisi's temptation, and updated Captain Zhu on the latest status.

He has already discussed with Mr. Huang which porcelain items to raise for earning foreign exchange.

Because the ultimate goal is to facilitate shipments from money laundering groups, the selected porcelain must have sufficient characteristics, scarcity, and hype.

If people can figure it out, this thing is really good.

The first category I chose was porcelain with the base model [Made by Jianguo Porcelain Factory].

Jianguo Porcelain Factory is an enterprise designated to produce traditional color glazed porcelain during the period of earning foreign exchange. Basically, it produces gift porcelain. It is said to be sold in more than 120 countries and regions around the world, and it has even won the Eureka International Invention Award.

But the most valuable thing about this kind of porcelain is that it was once used as a national gift and given to foreign guests.

Just because of this, it has firmly established itself in the price range of 100,000 yuan when other foreign exchange porcelain only cost a few thousand yuan. It’s really easy to raise the price of something like this, just throw money at it, and you don’t need to worry about the original quality and reputation of the thing.

Even in the eyes of many professional porcelain collectors, the price of old products from Jianguo Porcelain Factory should have increased long ago, and the increase now is a bit late.

But after all, it was an item priced at 100,000 yuan. Zhang Yang only had two items on hand, a Langyao red winter melon vase and a shadow celadon porcelain plate.

"I guess I can earn two million in the end. The rest of the Jianguo Porcelain Factory items were all transferred from abroad by Mr. Huang."

"Um... Master Zhang, there's no need to talk about how much money you earn." Captain Zhu reminded.

He also thoughtfully asked the policeman next to him not to remember this sentence.

"Thank you. I'll try not to mention it later."

Zhang Yang accepted the other party's affection and blamed him for remembering these foreign exchange-earning porcelain in order of price, so he would inevitably think of making money.

"It's okay, you continue."

"The second category is the export porcelain of the Universe Porcelain Factory."

Zhang Yang was not sure whether the two people in front of him understood the top ten porcelain factories in Jingdi Town at that time, so he briefly introduced the characteristics of the Universe Porcelain Factory - the first porcelain factory to earn foreign exchange through exports at that time.

Therefore, when the money laundering group received goods overseas, it received a large amount of items from the Universe Porcelain Factory.

The one that decided to raise the price this time is the best-selling and most famous "Twelve Golden Hairpin Plate from A Dream of Red Mansions" from the Universe Porcelain Factory.

A complete set of 12 pieces is planned to be raised to yuan for one piece and million for a set.

In order to achieve this effect, in addition to showing off the set he got from Chen Yanguang, Mr. Huang also specially bought a few items at the local antique market.

When the time comes, take pictures of single items first, and then the whole set, to create an illusion for others that "the twelve golden hairpin porcelain plates are already popular."

"The third category is underglaze blue and white porcelain. The inscription on the bottom of this type of porcelain is usually a four-character seal script inscription [Made by Scenery Town]..."

"The fourth category is..."


Zhang Yang introduced the six types of porcelain with increased prices that he and Mr. Huang had discussed to the two policemen.

Then he looked at the two of them expectantly.

As a partner, he has done everything he should do, and the next step is to see the solution given by the police.

"Okay, Xiao Li, you don't need to remember the next words."

Captain Zhu took the initiative to help the junior next to him close his computer, and seemed to want to ask something very secret.

"Master Zhang, I have a very puzzling question. The six types of porcelain that have been raised in price this time were decided unilaterally by Mr. Huang, or was it decided by you in partnership, or was it decided by you yourself, and the other party was just Cooperate?"

"What you said is of course their decision."

Zhang Yang understood the other party's words and felt that these six types were decided based on his own collection of foreign exchange-generating porcelain, and he was making ill-gotten gains in a targeted manner.

This is very unreasonable to doubt.

Can Zhang Yang be such a person?

Mr. Huang doesn't know much about porcelain, so I have to ask him for his opinion. Otherwise, can we even talk about cooperation?

"Based on my inference, there probably aren't many people in the money laundering group who know how to collect porcelain. They probably found a very ordinary collector to make a plan to receive the goods."

"So the things they collect basically have payment related to Jingdi Town written on the bottom."

At this time, Teacher Wu, who was counting porcelain at the headquarters of a Southeast Asian money laundering group, suddenly sneezed.

As he wiped his nose, he thought, could it be that after I disappeared for so long, someone finally remembered me?

"In fact, in the eyes of experts like us, things that are truly worth millions, such as the works of the Eight Friends of Zhushan, have ever-changing inscriptions. Most of my collections of foreign exchange-earning porcelain are of this kind."

"That's good." After listening to Zhang Yang's explanation, Captain Zhu nodded with relief and reminded, "It's best not to take the initiative to bring up some cooperation matters, otherwise after the arrest, the suspect's words may be very detrimental to you. will be treated as an accomplice.”

"Huh? An accomplice?" Zhang Yang couldn't accept it, "That's not okay. You can still treat me as an accomplice? Then I won't play anymore."

"Anyway, I have reported the case to you. I called the police a few days ago. If you can't even guarantee that I can stay out of the matter, then why don't my auctions have a special Hui porcelain auction?"

"Master Zhang, don't be in a hurry to flip the table." Captain Zhu explained apologetically, "I will definitely be able to testify for you. What I'm afraid of is that the amount is too high and no one will believe what I say. .”

"Then find someone who can speak well." Zhang Yang didn't want to get entangled with the other person.

If that doesn't work, he will fly back to Linhai with the money tomorrow morning. If Mr. Huang and the others dare to pursue Linhai, they will have Captain Liu deal with them.

"That's not what I meant. Actually..."

"Captain Zhu, you really can't handle this matter like this."

I don't know when, Captain Lu also entered the office, stood up at the critical moment and supported a wave of publicity.

"Master Zhang is definitely a clean and enthusiastic citizen. In this matter, you can think of him as acting bravely."

"Lao Lu, you don't know about this..."

The two captain-level police officers argued over a lot of things, as if they were deciding Zhang Yang's fate.

The person next to him was already playing with his mobile phone.

Shen Shuyu sent a message asking Zhang Yang if she had discussed it with her father before and wanted to meet in Yanjing or Jinmen.

The meaning of this is actually similar to asking Zhang Yang if he wants to meet the parents of the Ma family.

"Of course there is such a thing. If you, a junior, come here, you must visit Master Ma." Zhang Yang replied resolutely.

The biggest difference between blind date and free love is that you meet both parents earlier.

Whoever is a coward is a dog now.

"Okay! The opening of your auction will be this Saturday. Then my dad and grandpa will come over to participate."

"It just so happens that my mother's relatives are also in Jinmen."

"Such a coincidence, I must come." When Zhang Yang replied, he was already thinking about whether he had met anyone named Shen since he came to Jinmen.

Maybe you have bumped into your future relatives.

"Okay, Zhang Yang, do you think this plan works?"

Captain Zhu's words brought Zhang Yang back to reality from YY.

"Say it again, I didn't remember it." Zhang Yang replied.

In fact, I didn’t listen at all.

"Let Captain Zhu and the others send people to monitor the capital flow of your auction in advance, so that if there are particularly serious problems, they can be discovered as soon as possible."

Zhang Yang understands what the other party means and intervenes in advance, which is equivalent to sharing the responsibility.

"I don't have a problem. I'll have to see if the auction company has any objections."

"They will be fine." Captain Zhu replied confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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