Chapter 336 Crazy Auction ()

"This curator must be here for this Buddhist altar."

After Ma Weidu made his bid, Uncle Shen stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his arms folded and said with a depressed look.

He wanted to buy something that would maintain its value, and the things Zhang Yang recommended did indeed maintain their value. The only problem was that he couldn't beat the horse manager.

What can I do? I can only sulk.

"Okay, uncle, just sit down and watch the show."

Shen Shuyu stepped forward and pulled her uncle back to his seat.

Judging from the situation on the field, it will definitely be a fight between gods and gods later, and ordinary people should not participate.

Ma Weidu's quotation of 800 million showed that while he was determined to get this treasure, it also made those present who wanted to get involved with this Buddhist altar have to calm down and think about it: Do they want to go head-to-head with Director Ma?

After all, if you look at the auction brochure, there are still many good things at the back!

There is no need to worry about spending the money.

Many people at the scene gave up immediately after a brief thought, but at the phone booth, the quotes showed no intention of stopping.

Those buyers who participated in the auction online had no idea who No. 78 was.

Eight million is indeed a considerable amount, but it is far from the upper limit of this Buddhist altar.

"810 million..."

"825 million..."

"875 million..."

Three phone delegates, plus Ma Weidu on the scene, the square bar was up.

The price rose all the way to 950 million.

Several times, the auctioneer's hammer was about to fall and the price was about to be fixed, when suddenly one party increased the price.

Then the atmosphere became anxious again.

This is really a bit exciting.

Zhang Yang was on the second floor, looking at the numbers on the monitor attentively.

Every time the "Current Bid" column jumps, it's like someone putting money into his wallet.

The kind that can't be stopped by force.

Isn’t this faster than going to the antique market to pick up lost money?

Seeing that the quotation exceeded the 1000 million mark, Zhang Yang felt comfortable all over.

Suddenly, someone next to him gently poked him with his finger.

"Xiao Zhang." The person who interrupted Zhang Yang was the playful Uncle Shen, who covered his mouth and asked him in a low voice, "How much money can you make from an auction like this?"

"This mainly depends on the turnover. If it is more, it will only be between 10 and 10,000 yuan."

"So many?" Uncle Shen's eyes widened, rolled his eyes, and continued to ask him, "If I remember correctly, your auction has already been held for the fourth time, so wouldn't it be four thousand... Darling? Boom, boom, more living money than the average billionaire."

Seeing the other person holding out four fingers with a look of surprise, Zhang Yang smiled and shook his head.

How can you calculate it like this? Doesn’t your studio make money?

"It's not that exaggerated. In order to maintain this big stall, my own expenses are not small."

"Besides, in the antiques world, tens of millions is just a box of antiques."

"That's true."

Uncle Shen nodded when he heard this, his surprise gradually fading away.

He reached behind him and touched the auction manual again, preparing to bring it to Zhang Yang for further advice.

But this time he didn't take the pamphlet.

Turning around, Shen Shuyu was pressing the auction manual and looking at him with an unhappy expression.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Zhang Yang hurriedly came out to save the situation: "Uncle, just ask me which one you like later. I'll remember it all."

"Okay, okay, this method is good, Xiao Zhang, you are such a nice person."

Uncle Shen gave Zhang Yang a thumbs up. Maybe he thought this was not enough, so he patted him on the shoulder again.

"I've been more than twenty years older than you, and you will be my good brother from now on. No matter whether you and Shuyu succeed in the end or not, our friendship remains, and we can discuss things on our own terms."

"Hahaha, uncle, you are joking."

Zhang Yang smiled sheepishly, this Uncle Shen's painting style was really different from Shen Shuyu's other relatives.

The Buddhist altar in the late Qianlong period was finally bought by the determined Ma Weidu for 1130 million yuan.

He really came here for this treasure and planned to display it in his museum in the future.

After the deal was concluded, Director Ma stood up and bowed his hands to others present.

It seems to be saying: Everyone, I accept the concession.

That style really has a taste of the last century.

After all, he is a collector of the older generation, Zhang Yang sighed in his heart.

However, this kind of formalism is of no use, and there is no ambiguity about whether the price should be raised.

That is to say, everyone present knows him, otherwise someone will definitely ask: "Who is that conspicuous bag?"

The morning auction passed quickly, and as planned by Zhang Yang, various classic figures began to appear on the auction stage.

In an inconspicuous corner, a special buyer passed through the VIP channel, joined the venue halfway, and sat in the VIP room directly opposite Zhang Yang.

"Why does that new guy look so familiar?"

Uncle Shen was the first to notice this change. After thinking for a while, he suddenly showed an expression of surprise.

"I remember, isn't that Emperor Kangxi?"

who? Emperor Kangxi?

These words successfully attracted the attention of everyone, including Mr. Ma.

Zhang Yang took a closer look, good guy, it's true.

Sitting opposite is Chen Daoming, a famous actor from Jinmen who has played Puyi and Kangxi.

"Isn't it an old drama star that Ding Qiang paid for?" Zhang Yang couldn't help but think in his heart.

Regardless of whether it was true or not, this auction suddenly became star-studded.

By coincidence, a Buddha statue made by the palace during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty - Venerable Shariputra - was being auctioned on the stage.

"Emperor Kangxi came to the auction to buy things for his own use..." Uncle Shen said to everyone with a smile, "I instantly thought of Puyi buying tickets when he returned to the Forbidden City. It was so effective."

"Why can't he be Liu Bang?" Shen Shuyu asked curiously.

"Because cultural relics from the Han Dynasty are not allowed to be auctioned. Niece, you don't have a good knowledge of cultural relics. Zhang Yang, don't you think so?"

Zhang Yang didn't dare to answer these words randomly, so he could only smile and respond perfunctorily.

He took out his mobile phone and pretended to read the message, but he didn't expect that someone was really looking for him.

Ding Qiang sent an important message:

"Brother Yang, there is a media car from Jinmen TV station parked at the door. He said he wanted to interview the person in charge of the event. Are you free now?"

"Reply as soon as possible, very urgent."

Are all the TV stations here?

Zhang Yang felt incredible. He made an apology gesture to everyone and went out to call Ding Qiang to ask.

"Hey, Ding Qiang, I'm Zhang Yang."

"You didn't spend event funds to invite these celebrities, media, etc., right?"

"How is it possible? How could I ask them not to inform you?" Ding Qiang explained, "I just got the news."

"It's so weird. Why do you feel like all good things happen in a hurry?" Zhang Yang was puzzled.

"Whatever, it doesn't cost anything anyway. Brother Yang, would you like to be interviewed? The reporter doing this interview is a beautiful woman."

"Beauty? Forget it, I can't bear it. Just accept the interview yourself."

"Hey, hey, thank you, brother. After showing your face this time, just wait for me to squeeze into the company's management." Ding Qiang's tone was very excited, and his smile was a little perverted.

Of course Zhang Yang wishes him all his wishes come true. The higher Ding Qiang climbs in Yongxing, the easier it will be for future cooperation.

Judging from the attitude of Yongxing when organizing these activities, we can tell that Linhai still begged others to organize the publicity, but now at Jinmen Station, it has completely turned against Tiangang, and they have become begging for publicity.


The auction ended in the morning, and finally, under Zhang Yang's guidance, Uncle Shen spent 20 to buy a gilt bronze Guanyin statue from the Qing Dynasty. I think I made a small mistake.

If it were sent to Christie's for a good auction, it would probably sell for 25.

After finishing the auction addiction, Uncle Shen lost interest in the afternoon auction and was the first to say goodbye.

Before leaving, he did not forget to give Zhang Yang a business card and said that if he encountered any difficult problems in Jinmen in the future, he would give him a call.

No matter how difficult it is, he can find a way.

The tone of his words was a bit like the ancient knights who said, "When something happens, just tell me your name."

But the identity on the business card is actually the director of a certain office.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and felt that Uncle Shen's words might be really useful in the department that starts with the word "fa".

This card was his biggest gain of the morning.

It is much more useful than adding a few cold numbers to your wallet.

Shen Shuyu also sent his grandfather back to the hotel to rest first. The old man was old and could not sit in the room with everyone all the time.

Zhang Yang originally wanted to follow, but Mr. Ma stopped him and told him to ignore a bad old man and put his career first.

The old man said so. Of course he had to go back to the VIP room and continue to focus on the auction.

As a result, this concentration really made him discover the problem.

There were quite a lot of second-tier celebrities who entered the venue in the afternoon, and Zhang Yang only knew four of them.

They are all the kind of has-been celebrities with hundreds of thousands of fans.

He has a reputation and is a familiar face, but he is not popular.

There are also many people who look like they are engaged in self-media. They used a small camera to take pictures before the opening, and they were obviously recording short videos.

These people weren't invited by Ding Qiang. Could they be tap water?

Zhang Yang doesn't believe in fairy tales like this. Celebrities may really be so busy that they form a group to visit the auction, just like the celebrities who form a group to visit the shopping mall.

But for self-media, if you don’t pay, who will send you videos?

Can an auction have its own traffic?

Zhang Yang has been in Douyin for so long, and has only seen a handful of short videos related to auctions, and most of them are the marketing accounts of Shen Yangling, the number one female auctioneer.

Designated to be paid for by someone.

Who would have thought that their auction would become more famous outside the circle?

An idea flashed in Zhang Yang's mind, and he suddenly had a guess.

It can't be you, Mr. Huang?

Faced with Zhang Yang’s questions, Mr. Huang responded quickly:

"[Baring teeth] Master Zhang, don't take it to heart."

"We will bear the cost of inviting celebrities and buying marketing accounts and soft articles ourselves, and will not be included in the cost of this cooperation."

"Is this really useful?" Zhang Yang asked soul torture.

"Of course it works. If you don't believe me, just check out the local funny sounds in Jinmen."

Zhang Yang turned on his phone suspiciously, and the first video recommended by the local government was titled "Tinmen only, door-to-door massage."

After trying it several times, the result was almost the same. Zhang Yang suspected that it was a problem with his account, so he changed it to the larger one he usually uses for live broadcasts.

This time it is indeed much more normal. The first video is a video of a second-tier celebrity taking part in an auction.

Paired with the intensive drumbeats, if you hadn't watched the video, you would have thought the Mongolian cavalry was charging.

In fact, I bought a piece of "Standing Statue of Taoist Wang Lingguan in the 4th year of tomorrow", with a transaction price of 152 million.

Clicking on the comment area, in addition to some popular science "Wang Lingguan's combat power is 50-50 equal to that of Sun Wukong, he is the Taoist protector and mountain god general", there is also an anchor who looks like a shill, likes and comments, and asks: "It's from Jinhai Connection Auction?”

A bunch of trumpets at the bottom started chatting with each other.

This video has more than 20,000 likes and more than 600 comments.

Zhang Yang took the screenshot and asked Mr. Huang, who replied that such soft advertising is worth 10.

Too expensive, this was Zhang Yang's first reaction.

But after carefully watching several similar videos, he suddenly felt that his ideas might be too superficial.

It’s not worthwhile to invite self-media, but it seems okay to invite celebrities.

Because these people really spend money to shoot things.

Not to mention how strong the purchasing power is, at least everyone in the video has one.

If it weren't for the fear that the police would misunderstand him in the future, Zhang Yang would have wanted to send a message to Mr. Huang to say "thank you."

Thank you for the people he paid to invite and use real money to support him.


Maybe Zhang Yang didn't question it after asking, which gave Mr. Huang confidence.

By noon on the second day of the auction, before the Chuanghui Porcelain special sale began, these soft broadcast videos almost occupied the local recommendations in Tianjin.

Even Xu Jie, who never watches antique collections, watched the auction live video.

He happily showed it to Zhang Yang and said something else:

"Boss, the auction is about to take off."

As a result, others turned on Douyin and swiped through it, all of which were auction-related content.

It’s not about becoming popular, it’s about buying traffic.

"Will this cause backlash?" Xiao Tang asked worriedly.

"It's okay. The financial backers behind these marketing accounts and celebrities will be gone tomorrow, and they will be safe by then." Zhang Yang replied with a relaxed expression.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the Chuanghui Porcelain Special Sale officially started.

The first piece is a small green celestial ball vase (gall jar) with green glaze from Jianguo Porcelain Factory.

The serious glaze is originally very light celadon, but the glaze color of this celestial vase is directly Boiling Sheep Forgiveness Green.

It was so green that it made people panic, as if paint had been thrown on it.

Revealing an exaggerated industrial style.

This is strongly requested by Mr. Huang. He said that this can give everyone a strong psychological hint, which will facilitate price increases later:

This kind of thing can sell for hundreds of thousands, so other good-looking ones can sell for a million, right?

After the auctioneer finished his introduction and heard that the starting price was fifty thousand, the people participating in the auction immediately fell silent.

Looking at the way everyone was whispering to each other, Zhang Yang could guess that this group of people must be complaining that the price was a bit outrageous.

But it doesn't matter, Huang will always take action.

"No. 188, sixty thousand."

"No. 241, sixty-five thousand."

"Sixty-five thousand once, sixty-five thousand twice... No. 188, seventy thousand!"

"Once in seventy thousand..."

Zhang Yang knew both shills No. 188 and 241. When chatting with Mr. Huang, one of them was responsible for carrying the box and the other was responsible for showing Zhang Yang the cash in the box.

Because I'm not a professional, my acting is a bit clumsy.

But it does seem to have a bit of an effect.

The second item is also from Jianguo Porcelain Factory, an apple green glazed willow leaf vase from the 70s.

The green is a little lighter than the Green Brother glaze just now.

The starting price was still fifty thousand, but this time the first bidder was not a shill, but a local antique dealer that Zhang Yang knew.

"Number 91, fifty-five thousand."

A welcome start.

Unexpectedly, the caretaker went straight to strength.

"No. 188, ."

With this price increase, most of the people present knew about porcelain, so they coaxed and the discussion could no longer be suppressed.

Zhang Yang saw this scene on the second floor and thought to himself: It's broken!

The price increase is too blunt.

If you keep playing like this, you will definitely be severely questioned after the auction is over.

No, I have to think of a way, otherwise the reputation I have worked so hard to accumulate will be completely destroyed by these shills!

(End of this chapter)

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