Chapter 337 Crazy Auction ()

Before the auction started, Zhang Yang had a good idea and even thought it was a done deal.

He thought that as long as there was a shill responsible for raising the price, the auction site would be calm. When the price slowly increased, it would be logical to sell millions.

But after taking pictures of these two things, he was already sweating on the second floor.

Too embarrassing.

Anyone who knows the inside story of the auction can see that there is something wrong with the bids of those two shills.

Even if you can finally get what you want and the price of Chuanghui Porcelain is increased, after the auction is over, everyone will come down and think about it carefully, and you will be able to taste the tricks in it.

By then, the reputation that the auction has finally built will be ruined.

This is a big event that can earn hundreds or even tens of millions. Compared with the unsafe millions that Mr. Huang may earn when he raises the price of foreign exchange porcelain, which one is more important, Zhang Yang I can still think clearly.

I used to think I could make a lot of money, but Mr. Huang is almost out of people, so why do I need a bicycle?

He picked up the auction manual and prepared to use some unconventional means.

According to the original arrangement, a pastel porcelain plate with the theme of twelve golden hairpins will be auctioned later.

Let’s give buyers a preview first.

Then two porcelain paintings by the Eight Friends of Zhushan were added to the middle. Both were recognized as high-quality products, raising the transaction price to the threshold of hundreds of thousands.

Finally, Wang Zha, the first stage of Chuanghui Porcelain, was invited - a complete set of twelve golden hairpin porcelain plates, which pushed the price of Chuanghui Porcelain to a million-level peak in one fell swoop.

From the beginning to the development to the final climax, the whole process has been repeatedly demonstrated by Mr. Huang and his staff, which is very convincing.

When we were talking about this, Mr. Huang almost knelt down and begged Zhang Yang, asking him to shoot in this order.

But after only two photos, Zhang Yang was ready to break his promise.

He glanced at the result of the communication he had just communicated with Captain Zhu and the others on his mobile phone.

Mr. Huang and his group have been arrested.

Captain Zhu was not just talking about arrests, but arrests, which showed that after the police accessed the auction company's data, they had found tangible evidence of Mr. Huang's crimes.

Everyone is gone, so what we said before when we were talking to each other still count?

Zhang Yang thought to himself, I am just teasing you.

Let's have fun, let's make trouble, don't come to the auction and mess around.

In fact, normally, those involved in the auction would also be arrested.

However, according to Captain Zhu's previous agreement with Zhang Yang, the police would not come in directly to interrupt the auction process. At this time, they just sent some plainclothes people waiting outside the door, waiting to arrest people as soon as it was over.

This is also the reason why Captain Zhu communicated with Zhang Yang.

If anything happened to these minions, he hoped that Zhang Yang would notify the police in time.


But now, Zhang Yang can't control so much, he has to preserve the reputation of the auction first.

He took out his walkie-talkie and told the person in charge to change the lot temporarily.

Get the set of twelve golden hairpins first.

The auctioneer on the stage was stunned for a moment when he heard the live director's words through his earphones.

But she was a well-trained professional after all. She quickly recovered from her surprise, cleared her throat and told the buyers at the scene:

"Everyone, due to some force majeure factors, the original lot 23, [Dream of Red Mansions Twelve Golden Hairpin Art Color Plate], a set of twelve pieces, will be presented to you in advance."

"Please wait a moment."

Now, it was the turn of the child care workers at the scene to be embarrassed.

What happened? The script was changed?

They received the task just the day before yesterday and had never participated in the auction before.

Under the leadership of Mr. Huang, after two days of temporary rehearsal, I learned how to skillfully hold up signs, call out prices, and complete post-closing procedures.

As for how to raise the price and the extent of the price increase, it is too difficult. You can only operate according to the small note written in your hand.

They are like bionic people who have been inputted with codes. They have to strictly follow Mr. Huang's program and raise the price step by step.


You guys can't do it.

No. 188 and No. 241, the two caretakers usually have a tacit understanding. Across the vast sea of ​​people, they found each other accurately and looked at each other.

Both of them saw confusion in each other's eyes.

But the on-site auction process will not stop because of their confusion. The auctioneer has already started to quote:

"The starting price is 80."

Why is this starting price different from Lot 3?

Oh, this is lot 23, that’s okay, it’s the same.

Despite this, No. 188 still feels very brain-burning.

Can someone come and make a bid to trigger the program?

But no one could hear his voice, and the place was completely silent.

[Dream of Red Mansions Twelve Golden Hairpin Art Color Plate] is so famous that it has been sold at many auctions.

Many people present watched this type of collection slowly increase from a few thousand yuan to tens of thousands per set, and finally reached a peak of 120,000 yuan at an overseas auction the year before last.

There are no auction records after that, which can be found online.

Why did it suddenly rise to 80?

In the eyes of everyone, this price is too high.

Unless there is an inside story, no one will film it.

Everyone even thought it was a bit weird, because the three consecutive auctions seemed to imply that the porcelain in the special auction of Chuanghui Porcelain was not bought for everyone, but for everyone to watch.

On the stage, the auctioneer had already asked twice, "Does anyone want to bid?"

Still no reply.

If you ask one last time and there is still no answer, the auction will be rejected.

This situation finally triggered the hidden "program" of No. 241.

He clearly remembered that Mr. Huang and Master Zhang had said before that no piece of Chuanghui porcelain could be unsold.

The illusion of market prosperity must be created.

After chatting that day, Mr. Huang gave him this arduous task and asked him to "keep an eye on it and be smart".

Isn't this the time when he becomes smarter?

No. 241 felt that Mr. Huang and Master Zhang were too prescient.

He resolutely raised the sign in his hand.

"No. 241, bid, 80."

"Does anyone want to increase the price..."

"Good brother, you finally took action." No. 188 let out a sigh of relief.

He's familiar with the plot, so it's time for him to raise the price.

"No. 188, 81."

Um? Why did you start raising the price?

The boss said that it would be fine if there were no unsuccessful bids.

No. 241 looked in a familiar direction, and happened to see good brother No. 188 turn his head and smile evilly at him.

I understand, brother, this is about using your subjective initiative to complete the task perfectly.

Then you can’t be left behind!

"No. 241, 85."

"No. 188, 87."

"No. 56, 90."

"No. 337, 95..."

Just when all the shills on the field were activated and started to join the bidding, Zhang Yang, the youngest and most promising person in the whole field, had quietly come to the backstage.

He is discussing with the director team how to operate it later.

…    Soon, the price of the twelve golden hairpins reached a peak of five million.

In the middle of the process, some smart people thought that this might be an opportunity to make a fortune. They quoted prices several times and wanted to get involved.

But the purpose of such people is often to make money, while the purpose of child care is to wash rice. There is no comparison between the two.

The final winner was No. 188, who bid million.

The brothers were so excited that the transaction price exceeded the originally planned price.

However, the brothers felt that the problem was not a big one, and they would say that there was someone maliciously raising prices at the scene, which should be able to explain clearly.

With a sound of "Boom!", the auctioneer dropped the hammer, and it was considered a deal.

At the same time, a young man wearing a mask also walked to the side of the stage.

Seeing that the time was right, Zhang Yang gently snapped his fingers into the microphone on his chest.

Tell the lighting engineer: Spotlight, hit it here!

The protagonist of this auction has officially appeared.

"Who is this? What a slut!"

"Maybe he's the auctioneer who came to take over, doing stage effects."

"It's kind of interesting, but he's wearing a mask...ahem...what's going on?"

"Wow, you have a cold, stay away from me..."

While the audience and buyers below were talking about it, the auctioneer who received the order quietly stepped aside.

When Zhang Yang reached the center of the stage, the lights in other places in the venue were also turned off.

There was only him on stage, standing in the spotlight.

"Quiet for a moment, let me say a few words."

"This is not a talk show or a performance. As the person in charge of this event, I am here to apologize to everyone."

“Our original intention of holding this special exhibition for foreign exchange-generating porcelain is to let everyone realize that the fine porcelain in 567 Porcelain has great market prospects and has great potential for appreciation in the future.”

"This is a very responsible prediction made by myself and the teachers who participated in the event after careful consideration."

"But, it backfired."

"Everyone must have seen the auction process of the previous three lots. Among the many buyers, there were some bad people and people with ulterior motives, such as No. 188."

Zhang Yang made a gesture of invitation, and the spotlight directly and accurately found the position of No. 188.

The way the man stretched out his hand to block the light gave him the impression of a thief in a movie being illuminated by the lights of a police car.

"Also, No. 56, No. 337..."

Every time Zhang Yang reported a seat number, the spotlight would shift and shine on the person.

When the lights were removed, the plainclothes police officers who had already entered the venue took advantage of the situation and arrested the people.

"The last one, No. 241."

When the light came to No. 241, he was about to get under the seat, but was pulled out by the big brother next to him.

Humph, want to escape?

"Okay, these are the people."

The light returned to Zhang Yang again.

"These are the suspects we just cooperated with the police and used big data to catch, trying to use the auction items to launder money at this auction."

"Money laundering?" Many viewers present questioned.

"You can't figure it out, right?" Zhang Yang smiled, "I can't figure it out either."

"I once saw on the Internet that money was laundered at auctions, and I thought it was a conspiracy theory. I didn't expect that I would actually encounter it when I held an event of my own."

"Of course we can't keep people like this."

"So I had to come out and take a few minutes of everyone's time to clear them out."

Zhang Yang gently snapped his fingers again, and the lights in the audience turned back on.

Many viewers were surprised to find that the people who were named just now were gone and their seats were empty.

After the exclamation, the audience burst into warm applause.

"it is good!"

"Boss Niubi!"

"Great pleasure!"

"Handsome guy, can you look at his face..."

When the applause at the scene naturally subsided, the auctioneer had already stepped forward and stood behind Zhang Yang.

"Okay, the auction will continue."

Zhang Yang made an inviting gesture to the auctioneer, indicating that she could come forward to work.

“I hope you all have fun and have a great time!”


Two days later, Binhai Park.

Zhang Yang finally got some time off and spent time with Shen Shuyu around.

The two of them were sitting on the beach. The sea breeze was a bit cold, making Shen Shuyu's face turn red.

Zhang Yang reached out to help her lift the scarf, covering it more tightly.

Shen Shuyu looked at Zhang Yang's face and said in a strange way: "Zhang Yang, you are so handsome."

"I know." Zhang Yang nodded.

"Wow, you're so pretty." Shen Shuyu raised his chin slightly, deliberately not looking at Zhang Yang's proud expression, "I'm not talking about your appearance, I'm talking about your auction."

"Oh? What happened to the auction?" Zhang Yang asked knowingly.

"do not you know?"

Shen Shuyu turned his head and looked a little confused when he saw the expression on Zhang Yang's face. He thought he really didn't know, so he took the initiative to explain:

"You are now called [the toughest auctioneer] on Douyin. They say that you are a criminal who laundered money and exposed the inside story of the auction. You are a breath of fresh air in society."

"It's too much. I don't deserve such great praise from everyone." Zhang Yang waved his hands and smiled.

"Okay, did you already know that? Your crooked mouth is just like the Crooked Dragon King!"

Zhang Yang saw Shen Shuyu's angry expression and knew that she was not really angry, but he had to explain quickly: "Hahaha, I was wrong."

"Actually, this nickname was given by the operation manager at Douyin who was responsible for connecting with me. That person was a layman, otherwise how could he associate me with the auctioneer."


Shen Shuyu nodded in agreement, as if Zhang Yang had successfully deflected the fire.

"That staff member is so unprofessional. You should be called the most shameless treasure appraisal expert."

"No, no, no, then call me [The Hardest Auctioneer]. I am a host after all, so I have to save some face."

"Do you still know that you are a treasure appraisal anchor? I see that you haven't broadcast live for a long time."

"I've been busy lately. My viewers all understand me. If you don't believe me, I'm back in Linhai. Just watch my live broadcast. I guarantee that the audience will be much larger than before."

"Those are the new fans you gained in the past few days..." Shen Shuyu curled his lips and said.

Thinking that Zhang Yang was going back to Linhai soon, and she herself was going back to Yanjing, her expression darkened.

"When will you hold an event next? I'll go find you."

"Next time, I should go to Quancheng. I have to wait for the New Year." Zhang Yang knew that Shen Shuyu was a little unhappy and explained very seriously, "Now everyone has the Gregorian New Year and the Lunar New Year. I have to wait for two The festivals are over, and only the activities organized are attended by people.”

"Okay, then will you come to Yanjing after the New Year?" Shen Shuyu asked the question that concerned her most.

"Of course I will go, and I also want to pay New Year's greetings to grandpa!"

"You changed your mind so quickly, so I'll wait for you."

Shen Shuyu was a little naive and wanted to make a deal with Zhang Yang.

The north wind in December blew through the gap between their fingertips, and 2024 seemed not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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