Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 338: Born in the same quilt, died in the same hole

Chapter 338: Born in the same quilt, died in the same hole

Back in Linhai, before Zhang Yang could feel his butt warm from sitting in the office, a call came from the staff at Douyin.

"Teacher Zhang, when will you start broadcasting? Our traffic is ready and can be released at any time."

Zhang Yang checked the time and saw that it was not yet 12 o'clock, but it was not far away. Sister Gao should have clocked in at work by now.

Then he can start after putting on makeup.

"It will be in half an hour at the earliest."

"Okay, it will be broadcast at 12:30 in the afternoon. Are you ready for the lucky bag prizes that I communicated with you before?"

"Of course I'm ready. When I was in Tianjin, I contacted a century-old twist shop. I will smoke the twists from this shop and have them delivered directly to your home with free shipping nationwide."

"Mahua?" The staff member suspected that he heard it wrong and confirmed again, "Is it fried food?"

"Yes, do you have other ways to eat it?"

The staff member was silent, and after about four seconds, he spoke with difficulty: "Teacher Zhang, I would like to take the liberty to ask, are you planning to transform and be the boss of Zhang's selection in the future?"

"how you said that?"

"Food like mahua, except for live broadcast rooms, are generally not used for lottery draws. For normal entertainment anchors, they will either draw coins or draw mobile phones."

"By the way, why don't you get some antiques like copper coins? Or, like Teacher Haidong and the others, get some jadeite, Hetian jade, etc. How great!"

"Because I don't have one." Zhang Yang answered confidently.

The money in the tube I opened before was of such poor quality that I couldn't give it away.

Besides, the idea of ​​smoking Mahua happened to come across when I was shopping with Shen Shuyu.

He doesn't make money from live broadcasts now. He mainly does it for publicity. One-cent treasure appraisal is already very public welfare.

However, since he had promised to participate in today's official event to increase fans, Zhang Yang still had to express his stance, otherwise he would be defrauding Douyin's official traffic.

"Then let's draw funny coins today instead. I'll pay for it. After drawing the fans, you can then give them to me. This is equivalent to me paying tribute directly to you."

"Also, next time we have an event, there are so many twists and turns, so remember to tell us earlier."

"Okay, I remember."

The attitude of the staff is very good. After all, the effect of traffic conversion will be related to his KPI.

If Zhang Yang can't retain a few viewers and can't climb to the top of the Douyin Top 10 list... the event ends at 10 o'clock in the evening, and at 1:, the leader's call to hold him accountable should be made.

Although the process was bumpy, at 12:30, Zhang Yang successfully started broadcasting on time.

Compared to the live broadcast more than a week ago, the layout of the room has changed slightly.

Above the original plaque of "Upright and Bright", another plaque of "Hailin Museum" was added.

This is an old plaque that was replaced when the museum was being renovated. It has been gathering dust in the warehouse. It was found during the warehouse inventory at the end of the year, and Zhang Yang happened to use it as waste.

[The anchor finally returned to the company. During this time, the ancient tombs outside were suffering from old sins]

[Is there a Laojiumen brand missing?]

[The museum’s signboard has been put up. Will Master Zhang still dare to have fun in the future?]

"I'm not even high in the first place, am I?"

Zhang Yang felt that this barrage was somewhat unreasonable. He always sought truth from facts and gave reasonable sentences.

He originally wanted to chat with the barrage, but he happened to see the staff using the account of Douyin Inspector to appeal to the audience in the live broadcast room to participate in the lucky bag lottery.

Or should we stop talking? Look how hard they work.

He clicked on the backend, clicked on the treasure friend who was first in line, and said in a feigned surprise:

"Wow, did you get a treasure appraiser so soon today?"

"Come on, let's welcome our first treasure friend today."

"Hello, teacher!" Baoyou is a very pure-looking girl, very generous, smiling and greeting Zhang Yang at the camera.

"Hello." Zhang Yang nodded very restrainedly.

Shen Shuyu should be reading it, so he needs to be more serious.

"What treasure do you want to identify?"

"A phoenix crown was the dowry given to my mother when she got married. It should be a treasure passed down from our ancestors."

"It had been kept in a box before, but I found it recently when we moved."

On the other side of the camera, there is a colorful metal headdress on the plain bed sheet.

The so-called phoenix crown is actually an ornament worn by noble women in ancient times. It is named after the phoenix pattern on it.

But even the ancients rarely wore this thing unless it was a major festival, because it was too delicate.

Take Baoyou's piece as an example. There are nine phoenixes in a circle around the edge of the crown.

They are all thin metal sheets that look very fragile. Each one is inlaid with pink tourmaline. It feels like it may deform with a slight bump.

Up the edge of the crown, there is an engraved heavenly palace, floating in mid-air under the support of a lotus platform. On the left and right sides are two figures blessing the heavenly officials, and there is an exquisite dragon head above.

On the left and right sides of the top of the phoenix crown, there are two phoenixes, standing high above the auspicious clouds, holding tourmaline pendants in their mouths...

"It's not bad. You push the camera closer and let me see those blue auspicious clouds on the top."

"Xiangyun?" The girl appraising treasures was stunned.

There are dragons, phoenixes, and people on this phoenix crown, but you just want to look at the clouds?

But if the teacher wants to see it, she has no choice but to obey.

The camera zoomed in, and Zhang Yang saw that there were feather-like stripes on the surface of the blue clouds, some slight stains on the surface, and damage on the edges.

He nodded assuredly.

The blue areas on the phoenix crown are all decorated with jade craftsmanship. In fact, they use glue to attach the feathers of a very small kingfisher.

No matter how well the feathers are stored, their color will become dull.

Even the best museums cannot avoid this.

The condition of Baoyou's phoenix crown indicates that it should be an old phoenix crown.

Having said that, xindiancui is not necessarily illegal. This traditional oriental technique that began during the Warring States Period did not become a truly prohibited animal product until 2021 when the kingfisher was upgraded to a second-level protected animal.

Previously, jewelry made from kingfisher feathers was the darling of the jewelry industry.

Nowadays, dyed goose feathers are used instead.

"Okay, I can see it clearly. This is Laodiancui, it must be a few years old."

"Friend Bao, you should know what Dian Cui means, right?"

"I know, I still have some common sense."

[To make such a large phoenix crown, it is estimated that hundreds of kingfishers would be killed]

[The hornbill seems to be only a second-level protected animal, so this thing made of kingfisher feathers is too punishing]

[The anchor has said that he is an old guy, so the barrage judge should not be too enthusiastic]

[Yes, if you have the ability to judge the dead]

[Then isn’t the nature of this thing the same as that of an old ivory sculpture? 】

[In fact, it can be traded]

"Now that you know Dian Cui, let's go straight to the second key point."

"Did you see those words above?"

In the upper part of the center of the phoenix crown, there are eight small round copper pieces with flame patterns. In the center, the words "Serve the sky again and serve as imperial officials" are written with green dots in the center.

"I know, and I also searched online." Baoyou rushed to explain, "It is said that this is the phoenix crown given by the emperor's conferred wife. In the Qing Dynasty, the canonization of the female family members of first- to fifth-grade officials was called imperial orders..."

She talked a lot and was more professional than the online encyclopedia.

Zhang Yang could tell that this girl came to him for appraisal because she was eager to prove that this was the phoenix crown worn by Mrs. Gaoming.

To be honest, the thing itself is indeed a bit bluffing.

The complexity of light decoration is not like that produced by small workshops. Unless you are a knowledgeable person, it would be easy to be fooled by the name "Gaoming".

Coupled with traces of natural wear and aging, it can easily be dated to the late Qing Dynasty.

But unfortunately, it was produced in 1922, when the Qing Dynasty had already died.

"Thank you for your popular science, dear friend. The problem with your phoenix crown is that there are too many words on it."

"More?" The girl didn't understand.

"Let me give you an example and you will know. During the Yongzheng Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, there was a high-ranking official named Li Wei. When he was the most powerful, he was the first-rank official. And when he was a first-rank official, his wife received an imperial edict. There are only four words on the imperial edict to give you the phoenix crown."

"Two on each side, written Fengtian and Gaoming."

"This thing of yours should be a modern handicraft. It is most likely a prop used by the theater troupe at that time."

"Theatrical troupe?" the girl asked in a questioning tone, "Isn't this impossible?"

"Can an opera singer afford something green?"

[Good guy, you actually look down on modern actors? 】

[Ask the girl if she chases stars, and then asks her if she is worthy of being an idol]

[The teacher only said it was a drama troupe, what if it was used by a drama master]

[Dian Cui things are really not expensive, at least not in modern times]

"Of course it's affordable. At that time, a second- and third-tier team member would get 10 to 20 yuan in cash for singing a play, and a walk-on actor would get a huge reward for just one leak."

Zhang Yang was deeply impressed by this because he checked Yuan Datou's purchasing power once.

During that time when modern society was relatively stable, one silver dollar was basically equivalent to 380 yuan now. Working in a theater at that time was a decent job.

However, this is not a phenomenon that only occurs in modern times. As early as the late Qing Dynasty, when Cixi was in power, the salary level of a top actor was already twice as high as the salary of a first-grade official in the dynasty.

In modern times, the craftsmen of Diancui basically relied on the business of the theater troupe to support themselves.

" this of mine still valuable?" Baoyou was a little panicked.

Mrs. Gaoming's phoenix crown is a museum-level treasure, but the gap is a bit big now.

Audi becomes Alto.

"According to the current market price, it should be worth about 30."

"But you'd better take action quickly. I feel like your emerald phoenix crown is in average condition and is about to reach its end. When the wind blows and the feathers fall off, it won't be worth anything!"

"Thank you teacher, thank you very much."

Before disconnecting the microphone, Zhang Yang watched the girl close the box, which was more cautious than raising a baby. She must have really listened to his words.


"Hello, treasure friend, what do you want to identify?"

"Teacher, let me ask you a question first."

Baoyou is a somewhat older middle-aged man, and he seems to have some concerns before showing off his treasure.

When faced with such treasure friends, Zhang Yang usually encourages them first and then decides whether to report them based on the situation.

After all, what is there to worry about when something is passed down from ancestors or purchased?

"It's like this. I'm from Wuzhou. Old people living in Wuzhou should know that there used to be a jingle that said, 'If you want to be rich, dig graves.' In the 1970s and 1980s, we no longer robbed graves here. It’s just like forming a group to help others move their ancestral graves.”

"Is that right?"

Zhang Yang understood the implication of Baoyou's words. He was trying to find an excuse for the origin of his things.

However, as a post-00s generation, he was really curious, so he asked the audience in the live broadcast room.

Unexpectedly, there was a large number of people from Wuzhou.

[I remember that Wuzhou Cultural Relics Store used to have a lot of hard goods, and I bought a lot]

[At that time, many nanmu coffins were turned into furniture]

[My grandpa worked in a cultural relics store at the time and was responsible for washing the jade articles dug out from the ground. He washed them every day and couldn't finish them all]

[It seems that someone robbed 14 ancient tombs here last year]

[During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Wuzhou had too many rich people]

[There are many treasures in the mud of the ancient canal]

"Since everyone says yes, then I believe it." Zhang Yang nodded and came back to ask Baoyou, "Did your things be dug out at that time?"


Although Baoyou's tone was hesitant, it sounded like he was pretending.

He gave the camera to the treasure to be appraised, a white jade box.

The size is just right in an adult's hand.

There are embossed patterns on the surface of the box, and there seems to be text on one side.

The things had obviously been in contact with the soil for a long time, and there was already yellow soil in some places.

"Don't look around blindly, just focus on the side with the writing on it and let me take a look."

"Yes, just this side, let me take a look."

Zhang Yang looked carefully and saw clearly that the relief patterns on the box were the Kui dragon and Kui phoenix patterns that were only found on bronze vessels.

Those two characters are "tong" and "心" in seal script.

"This is a concentric box from the Qianlong period. It's a good thing!"

Zhang Yang quickly realized what kind of treasure this was.

The jade carvings of the Qianlong period were most fond of carving the decorations of these Shang and Zhou bronzes.

As for the concentric box, it was a container used by ancient newlyweds to hold their hair when they got married.

The so-called hair-tied couples really want to cut off their hair and wear it together.

"Teacher, what box did you just say?" Baoyou didn't seem to hear clearly.

"The Box of Hearts, treasure friend, we will always be united in the heart of the same heart."

"Oh, that's how it is."

"I thought it was a makeup box, look at it, teacher."

Baoyou easily opened the box in his hand. Inside the white box, there were two bunches of black hair, which were bent and placed in the box.

Zhang Yang suddenly shuddered.

"Why do you still have something in here?"

"I don't know either. I dug it out and left it at home untouched." Baoyou didn't realize who the hair belonged to at all.

Of course the concentric boxes buried with the deceased belong to the deceased and his wife!

Baoyou took out the hair and gently placed it on the table. He placed things very carefully and was quite aware of the protection of cultural relics.

Then he showed Zhang Yang the inside of the box.

"There are some small characters here. Teacher, do you recognize them?"

"I know, this should also be a seal script... it says [deep kindness, the same acupoint, the same quilt, eternity, and the same heart in life and death]."

"Teacher, can you help me translate into adult language?"

"No problem." Zhang Yang has always been concerned about other people's concerns. "The idea is that when a couple gets married, they put their hair into this concentric box. They will cover it with a quilt when they are alive, and they will be buried together when they die. Forever and ever. You can’t change your mind.”

"Hair? Teacher, you mean, this hair is..."

"Yes, you guessed it right!"

(End of this chapter)

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