Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 339 I have finished my sentence and here comes the chapter

Chapter 339 I’m back after my sentence

"Oh my god!" Baoyou yelled and retreated a few meters away from the bundle of hair on the table. His hands were shaking as he asked Zhang Yang, "Teacher, what should I do?"

"What should I do?" Zhang Yang felt that Baoyou was a little strange.

"You said this white jade box is just a funerary object for dignitaries from the Qing Dynasty. It is a general cultural relic. Just hand it over and no one will hold you accountable."

For things like this that were excavated in the early years, no matter how bizarre the process of obtaining them was, even if they were stolen from the tomb of King Xian, you can tell the museum that you picked them up on the ground and now you want to donate them.

They can issue you a certificate right away.

As the deputy director of the museum, Zhang Yang has great experience.

"You don't have to panic." Zhang Yang comforted.

"It's not the box, I'm talking about this hair."

"Hair? You don't need to pay for your hair."

"Things like hair and bones in ancient tombs are usually mixed in the soil. They are not high-level tombs, such as large tombs or the tombs of princes and kings. Others have no research value. , just bury it on the spot."

"Have you buried it?" Baoyou was visibly relieved when he heard this, "Have you buried it so you won't look for me?"

[Hahaha, this person is so cowardly]

[I have one thing to say, I think I should be scared]

[If you touch it with your hands like this, it’s considered to be connected with cause and effect]

[If he were to be buried back where he was, wouldn't he know where the ancient tomb is? 】

Zhang Yang originally wanted to refute Baoyou's feudal superstition, but when he saw the barrage prompt, he suddenly remembered:

Yes, there is a tomb from the mid-Qing Dynasty behind it.

I recall just now that Baoyou had to keep himself clean before the appraisal. Maybe there are other unearthed cultural relics in the tomb.

You should know that the last tomb in which a gold concentric box was unearthed was that of Lang Biyuan, the number one scholar during the Qianlong period. The items are still collected in the Nanjing Museum.

That one is gold, and this one is Hetian white jade. At that time, it was hard to say which one was more expensive.

Zhang Yang changed his mind.

He sighed softly.

"Oh, it turns out you are talking about the resentment in this hair!"

"Is there anything like what you said, teacher?" Baoyou's tone was a little panicked.

Zhang Yang didn't answer his question directly, but asked him instead: "This shouldn't be the first time you've touched this hair, right? Did you feel anything after touching it before?"

"For example, if you don't sleep well, eat poorly, or emo in the middle of the night, etc..."

"That's not true. It's just that I always feel cold at night. I don't feel warm even under the quilt. I woke up in the middle of the night from the cold for two days in a row."

"That's right." Zhang Yang suppressed his laughter and slapped his thigh fiercely, "It seems that the owner of the tomb is quite kind-hearted. It's just a way to remind you."

"Isn't that right? Isn't it cold because of the cooling down?"

"Really? Has the temperature dropped?" Zhang Yang tilted his head and looked at the barrage on the screen, "Other brothers in the live broadcast room, please answer, has the temperature dropped recently?"

【It's not cold at all】

[No, I still wore short sleeves in Harbin]

[This person is already hallucinating]

[I feel like he is hopeless, teacher, don’t waste your time]

Baoyou must have also seen the barrage and said hurriedly: "Teacher, don't give up on me. It's not a waste of time. I can still be saved."

"What do you say, I'll do it... How about I give you a gift?"

"No, no, no, I don't dare to ask for this kind of money that will cost me my life."

Zhang Yang waved his hand and touched his chin to pretend to be thinking.

"Listen to me, the best way now is to find someone at the local museum, hand the hair and the box to them, and then ask them to follow the archaeological team's procedures and bury the hair back in the original cemetery."

"The process of the archaeological team? Teacher, can you explain it in detail?"

"Hehe, of course we can't go into details, it's a secret."

Zhang Yang knew what Baoyou was planning, he was trying to steal his teacher.

In fact, the process of the archaeological team is quite simple. The person in charge of the National Expo has popularized the science before. It is nothing more than setting off a roll of firecrackers before starting work.

This has nothing to do with superstition, it is entirely the respect for the deceased that is engraved in the bones of the Chinese people.

Zhang Yang's purpose is still to get Baoyou to take the initiative to reveal the place where the tomb was originally found.

Maybe there are cultural relics left.

Seeing that Zhang Yang refused to say anything, Baoyou certainly didn't dare to force him to say it, so he could only accept it helplessly and said, "Then I'll think about it."

"Thank you, teacher."

"You're welcome." Zhang Yang nodded and added a harsh word at the end, "I hope you still have time."

【Ha ha ha ha】

[The ending is sublimated, family members]

[If I were a treasure friend, I would be sweating profusely]

[In fact, when I was a child, I touched the hair of dead people in the Qing Dynasty, and it was no different from the hair of living people]

[There are so many people bragging in the barrage, not one of them dares to even mic]


"It's a young lady again, welcome."

"Hello, teacher." The girl from Lianmai, wearing a blue Hanfu, greeted Zhang Yang.

"I have a few hairpins that I would like to ask the teacher to help me take a look at."

"First of all, these two gold [Qi Tong], I would like to ask your help to check whether they are genuine or not."

As soon as the word Qitong was spoken, Zhang Yang knew that Baoyou had studied it.

When normal people see this kind of decoration inserted on the head, they only know it as a hairpin. At most, they know that there is a kind of hairpin called Buyao.

Qi Tong? You probably haven't heard of it.

In fact, it is based on ordinary hairpins, with most parts made hollow.

Firstly, it is because ancient aristocratic women wore many headdresses, and the hollow ones can reduce the burden; secondly, the ancients rarely had haircuts, and the hollow ones are said to have the effect of ventilation and perspiration.

"The two pieces you have are imitations of Qitong made of golden silk."

Zhang Yang had previously appraised a golden silk treasure-embedded box. Compared with that treasure, Baoyou's golden silk dragon head hairpin was more delicate.

Especially the faucet part, the weaving is as detailed as if it were carved.

"Is it an imitation?" The girl caught the key word and felt cold, "Is this a modern imitation?"

"Yes, it's really in the Forbidden City. You should know that, right?"

"I know." The girl smiled bitterly, "I thought these two pieces of mine were the same as those in the Forbidden City. They are hairpins after all, and they are not porcelain or anything like that. There should be more than one."

"Hey, the National Treasure Gang uncle thinks so too." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Okay, are these two hairpins worth anything?"

"Fifty yuan a piece, handicraft, very beautiful."

"Well...thank you, teacher." The girl didn't struggle, pushed the two Qi Tong aside, and took out the hairpin from the box in front of her.

Only then did Zhang Yang notice that Baoyou had quite a collection.

The hairpin box, which looks like a pencil case, is packed to the brim.

"No need to go to such trouble. Just put all the hairpins out. I can look at many at once."


Baoyou made an OK gesture to the camera and started operating immediately.

In a short time, the desk was already full.

Baoyou took the initiative to introduce: "Most of these are gifts from friends, and some are bought outside when traveling."

"Friend? It's not from Feiyangyang, is it?"

"Hahaha, thank you teacher for complimenting me on my beauty. But it's not from a licking dog. I don't like men."

"Well, I don't like men either." Zhang Yang nodded and directed the other party, "There should be no problem with that blue robe."

"Is this one?" The girl picked up an oversized hairpin. The top was carved like a pavilion, and there were many silver-gray chains hanging down.

Compared with ordinary hairpins, this hairpin has two thin rods for inserting hair, and the hanging chain will keep shaking when walking.

"Yes, come on, come closer and let me see the blue area above."

Now that Zhang Yang saw the blue color on the headdress, he suspected it was Dian Cui.

But Baoyou's one is obviously not that high-end.

"Oh, yours is made of blue technology, which is the enamel color of the silver body."

"It looks like it should be worth a thousand dollars."

Baoyou knew what Zhongqian meant, and it was a bit different from her psychological price, so she asked specifically: "Can you sell it for 7,500?"

"If you bite the bullet, you should be able to sell it, but it will be difficult to sell it above eight thousand."

"Okay, thank you teacher."

"Are there any old things in here?"

"Yes, the hairpin you picked up is the China Unicom logo."

"Is this one?" The hairpin that Baoyou picked up had patterns on the top that looked like golden hemp ropes going through it and stacked on top of each other.

"Shouldn't it be called Huaxia Knot?"

"Absolutely, if you insist on saying so, its scientific name is Panchang Hairpin." Zhang Yang introduced from an academic point of view, "Do you think it looks like a coiled intestine? That's how the name Panchang comes from. .”

[The anchor is so disgusting, I like it so much]

[Okay, this girl will never wear this hairpin again]

[The scientific name is really called Panchang Hairpin, the teacher didn’t do it right]

[When I say this, I suddenly want to eat fat sausage]

"Then how much is this China Unicom hairpin worth?" Baoyou finally chose to use Zhang Yang's original name.

"Still won a thousand, this time I won't even get more than six thousand." Zhang Yang walked away in advance and cut off Baoyou's words.

"Okay, is that still true?"

"No more." Zhang Yang shook his head.

"Ah? No more?" Baoyou's tone was full of surprise, "There are more than twenty hairpins in total, are they just two old ones?"

"Don't tell me, with a 10% authenticity rate, your collection level has already surpassed 99% of the treasure friends in our live broadcast room." Zhang Yang comforted.

"Those are the people in the live broadcast room. I am different from them." Baoyou retorted without thinking.

"I like your words very much. Remember to close your private messages."

A smirk appeared on Zhang Yang's face.

Only then did the girl react.

"Oh, teacher, I'm boiling soup in the pot, so I won't talk anymore."

After saying that, he hung up Lian Mai in a hurry.

Zhang Yang smiled, not forgetting to ignore the audience in the live broadcast room: "Look at how you scare the girl."

[Weren’t you scared? 】

[What else are you talking about? Just report a bunch of anchors]

[You invite that girl friend into the group, and you guys will lick her clearly]

[Wow, there are still no rice noodles in the barrage]

"How can there be so many female treasure friends..." Zhang Yang turned his head and looked at the next treasure friend who was even pregnant, and immediately changed his mind, "Except for today."

"There are indeed a lot of girls today."

"Come on, the next one is a girl, the barrage dog licking team can be in place."

At the beginning of the chat, Zhang Yang said hello first as usual.


When I saw the face of the woman at the other end of the video, the word "I" was left, and it was stuck in my throat and couldn't come out.

Zhang Yang was very familiar with the face of the other party.

Cao Jiayun disappeared immediately after joining the game and bringing great wealth to Zhang Yang.

Now he appears in the live broadcast room!

Cheating, cheating, cheating... cheating?

No, even though she was caught, she didn't deserve the death penalty.

Out of jail?

"Master Zhang, long time no see." A smile appeared on Cao Jiayun's face, but she could not hide the fatigue underneath the smile.

Friends who have been arrested often know that even if they are not sentenced, sitting in jail is very tiring.

And the (apparent) culprit of her exhaustion, Zhang Yang, had already adjusted his mentality within a few seconds:

Sorry, I'm just an informant.

If you have any grievances, go to Pullman!

Zhang Yang responded calmly:

"It's been a long time indeed. Are you judging?"

"It's rare that Master Zhang still remembers me. I was sentenced last month and I just got home today."

This sentence contained enough information, and Zhang Yang immediately realized that Cao Jiayun was on probation.

It seems that she is not too involved in the internal affairs of the group.

Now she is still on probation and should not dare to mess around.

"That's pretty quick. How many years was the sentence?"

"Is one and a half years enough?" Cao Jiayun asked, squinting her eyes.

[The love-hate relationship between the gangster lady and the undercover agent? Damn it, I love watching it]

[Who knows this woman? Can you give her some knowledge?]

[Sure enough, Master Zhang sold out his former teammates to clear his name]

[Don’t say selling is so unpleasant, it’s obviously betrayal]

[Master Zhang can kill such a beautiful woman]

is it beautiful? Zhang Yang caught a glimpse of the barrage and groaned in his heart.

You've never seen her look more beautiful with makeup on.

However, in front of the jade worth tens of millions, Zhang Yang could only say one thing to the beautiful woman: I'm sorry, I'm face blind.

And even though Cao Jiayun is acting like a law-abiding citizen now, Zhang Yang remembers clearly that this woman originally wanted to trick him into mining rough stones.

Although the law does not consider opening jadeite rough to be a scam, in Zhang Yang's eyes, it is no different from a scam.

"I don't have to say whether it's enough or not." Zhang Yang heard the resentment in Cao Jiayun's words and had no intention of answering, "You are still young, I hope you can reform well."

"Okay, thank you Master Zhang for your teaching. But I came here today because I really want to ask you, teacher, to help identify a treasure."

"As you know, most of the money I earned before was confiscated or fined. Now I only have a few things left in my hometown."

"It's okay, I believe you can make it..."

After seeing what Cao Jiayun wanted to identify, Zhang Yang had two more words stuck in his throat.

Make a comeback?

Is it possible that they originally lived in Dongshan?

"Is this [Wanshou Zun]?" Zhang Yang swallowed.

The blue and white porcelain displayed by Cao Jiayun is so special. If it were genuine, there should be 10,000 blue and white Chinese characters for "longevity" written on it.

(Actually, I wrote it ten times in a thousand fonts)

This was made by Kang Mazi at the imperial kiln during the Wanshou Festival. There were nine statues in total. Currently, only six complete vessels and three fragments are available.

"Yes, teacher, please help me see if there is any problem. I am tight on money and want to take action as soon as possible."

This was outrageous. It was the first time Zhang Yang heard that someone wanted to sell something worth 6600 million yuan because of tight money.

You have money to pretend to be, right?

Where is the note in the live broadcast room? Why don’t you check it carefully?

Wanshou Zun, is it possible that the 9,000 longevity characters on it were all bought with stolen money?

(End of this chapter)

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