Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 342 What about the 2 bracelet?

Chapter 342 What about the two hundred thousand bracelet?

"Can this also be regarded as a cultural relic? Shouldn't it be regarded as feudal superstition?"

Baoyou put Jin Dai's demon mirror back on the table.

Some things looked pretty solid, but if they broke in his hands, he would be in trouble.

"You can't dwell on feudal superstition." Zhang Yang chuckled and kindly informed Baoyou, "The emperor calls himself the emperor, and when he has something to do, he still offers sacrifices to heaven. Isn't that considered feudal superstition?"

"But now if you can find a ritual vessel used by the emperor to worship heaven, from the Ming and Qing dynasties, you won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life; from before the Yuan Dynasty, you can have enough to eat for the rest of your life."

"Teacher, are there any of these mirrors that don't have the properties of cultural relics? I'm a country idiot, and I'm not worthy of collecting cultural relics. Just help me pick out some ordinary bronze mirrors."

[Kneel down now? 】

[You have no backbone, I will fight Pullman]

[Are you afraid of the criminal law while playing with a bronze mirror? I advise you to stop playing immediately]

[Cultural relics are valuable only, dear friend, do you understand?]

[That’s right, real bronze mirrors are basically cultural relics, so don’t play with them if you’re afraid]

Of course Zhang Yang wouldn't take it to heart if he said something nice in the barrage.

Similarly, if Baoyou pretends to beg for mercy, he won't care too much.

Just the two items just now and the level of these bronze mirrors on the table are already here. They are definitely not something that ordinary collectors can collect.

Any expert in the circle would believe Zhang Yang.

"Pick up the one with a circle of words on the outside and look at it?"

"this one?"

Baoyou picked up a silver-gray bronze mirror with a round button in the middle.

There is a circle of square wavy patterns around the Niu, symbolizing the "Four Rivers", namely the Yangtze River, Yellow River, Huaihe River and Jishui, the four major rivers in ancient times.

Outside Sidu, there is a circle of twelve zodiac patterns and Bagua patterns embossed in relief.

The outermost circle of the bronze mirror is a circle of text.

"Here, turn it around and I'll help you decipher the words on it."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, teacher."

"It's not hard." Zhang Yang didn't expect Baoyou to be so polite, so he quickly replied, and then his attention immediately returned to the inscription on the bronze mirror:

"What is written here is: the heaven and the earth are complete, the sun and the moon are bright, the five mountains are spiritual, the four mountains are clear..."

"Friend Bao, this is a Eight Diagrams Mirror of the Chinese Zodiac from the Song Dynasty."

"Is it another cultural relic?" Baoyou had already made a move to put the things back.

"That's for sure. One piece of this from the Forbidden City and one for you will make you rich."

"Huh? Isn't it?"

From Baoyou's words, Zhang Yang could hear a feeling that he would run away at any time.

It depends on the conclusion given by Zhang Yang.

"Okay, okay, I won't scare you anymore. Although this thing has an inscription, it was still a relatively common thing among the people during the Song, Liao and Jin Dynasties. There is no use for it as a third-level cultural relic."

"But let me remind you, cultural relics from the Song Dynasty are not allowed to be bought or sold."

"Huh~" Baoyou breathed a long sigh of relief and took the twelve zodiac bronze mirror in his hand again, "Thank you, teacher, I'm about to have a heart attack."

After saying this, he shouted into the distance: "Lao Deng, I want this bronze mirror with the twelve zodiac signs. Is it okay?"

"No problem!" A man's voice answered from the other end of the room. He should be the real owner of these mirrors.

Zhang Yang knew that the Internet police in the live broadcast room should have taken action, but he was still curious about who was so domineering and put so many bronze mirrors on the table for sale.

"Baoyou, Baoyou, the one who spoke just now is the boss, right? Come here and we know each other. Our live broadcast room also has a great demand for bronze mirrors."

"If you don't believe me, just watch the barrage."

"I'm just looking at it." Baoyou chuckled, "I watch your slices every day, Master Zhang. There are definitely not as many collectors in your live broadcast studio who want to collect bronze mirrors as there are police officers who want to catch cultural relic dealers and get third-class meritorious services. "

"There's nothing wrong with what you said." Zhang Yang admitted this frankly. There was no other way, facts spoke louder than words.

"By the way, I just want to talk to the police officers in Master Zhang's live broadcast room." Baoyou suddenly cleared his throat and changed the conversation partner, "These bronze mirrors were collected through legitimate channels, and they didn't cost a day. For money, there is no buying or selling of cultural relics.”

"Bartering is also considered cultural relics trading." Zhang Yang reminded in a low voice.

Baoyou was silent.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became awkward.

Zhang Yang could only speak out to save himself: "It's okay, he who is clean will clean himself up, let's continue to look at the bronze mirror."

"Come on, come on, the copper-green mirror with the inscriptions around the center."

"This? There's nothing special about this, right? There are no words at all."

"Yes, it's just a deformed seal script."

Zhang Yang told Baoyou not to move. He used the mouse to circle the inscription on the other party's video, right around the mirror button with the bear's head in the middle.

"It is written: The autumn wind rises, making the heart sad. The road is long, and I am waiting for hope."

"Friend Bao, this is a mirror for young ladies."

"What young woman?" When Baoyou heard this, he took the mirror in his hand and turned it over twice, as if looking for evidence.

"What are you looking for? I'm talking about these four lines of the poem. What they say is: The autumn wind is blowing, and I am so sad. After we are separated, we are far apart, and the opportunities to serve you will become less."

[Love brain, disgusting heart]

[Bold, can’t this be a man serving a woman?]

[If it is unearthed in Sichuan and Chongqing, it is really possible that men are using it]

[This sounds like a poem written by a grudge woman]

[Three-character poem? It’s a bit old]

"This, used by women, shouldn't be a cultural relic, right?"

"But this was used by women in the Western Han Dynasty. It should be considered a third-level cultural relic... Hello, treasure friend?"

"Wow, you're just running away?" Zhang Yang felt a little pity, as there were still a few things he didn't talk about.

There are at least three other items with inscriptions on that table.

This does not mean that those with inscriptions must be graded cultural relics, but this thing is like a lottery, and those with inscriptions have a higher probability of winning.

Zhang Yang remembered clearly that the bronze mirror "Zhaojun went out of the fortress" that he had identified before seemed ordinary at first glance, but when he read the inscription on it carefully, he knew it was something special.

I really want to know if any of the remaining bronze mirrors with inscriptions have won the prize.

However, Zhang Yang guessed that he would know the result soon, because the person who collected so many bronze mirrors was caught, and someone from several expert groups would definitely come out to inform everyone.

If there is a top-notch treasure, maybe it will be posted in the group so that everyone can give advice.

This can be regarded as a benefit of experts who are registered in the expert database of the Cultural Relics Bureau. They can be the first to grasp major events in the national cultural relics circle.


After sending away the bronze mirror expert, the next few pieces are basically imitations.

Zhang Yang didn't know if it was because he was so popular that he hadn't met the boss of the National Treasure Gang for a long time.

Baoyou's harsh words will indeed cause headaches for knowledgeable people, but if he is not harsh at all, the live broadcast will feel less interesting.

Zhang Yang was even thinking about opening a small account to get some live broadcast material.

As a result, someone immediately stood up and told him, don't worry, there are still national treasures to help take care of your live broadcast room.

The victim of this scandal is the famous Ming Dynasty Chenghua year-made Doucai Chicken Cup.

"Uncle, if you really make the Ming Dynasty Chenghua chicken cup, the head of the rooster is all red, not just the cockscomb red like yours."

"No, no." The uncle waved his hand, put the chicken cup on the table, and lectured Zhang Yang, "Are you a teacher who has never even seen a rooster, or are you deliberately making trouble? Can the rooster's whole head be red?"

"What we are discussing now is the chicken on the chicken cup, not the chicken in reality." Zhang Yang explained patiently.

"Do people draw roosters based on reality? As an expert, why don't you allow people to draw more realistic images?" "Okay, okay, I surrender." Zhang Yang gradually lost patience and asked the uncle, "Then how did you get this piece? Coming?"

"I bought it from a big overseas collector."

After hearing the qualification "foreign", Zhang Yang thought there was no need to ask further.

There is nothing you can do if you are deceived by a gringo with fake cultural relics from your own country and easily believe in the identity of a foreign collector.

I've heard of people hiring foreign sitters to carry goods before. It was bad luck for me to run into that.

But what the uncle said next made Zhang Yang stunned.

"A big foreign collector bought it from a museum in Bay Province."

Is there such a story?

When it comes to chicken bowl cups, it’s impossible to miss the Wanbei Museum.

There are a total of 17 documented and basically complete chicken bowl cups in the world, 10 of which are in the Wanbei Museum.

Is there someone starting to make counterfeit goods on that small island?

Zhang Yang became curious.

I've heard before that they engage in telecom fraud. Is this seeing the network being closed down in northern Myanmar and the country starting to transform?

As the director of Hedong Group, he still had a sense of crisis and secretly wrote down this information.

Go back and let Chen Yanguang check.

As for the old man in front of him... Zhang Yang sighed.

"Uncle, there are a total of 10 chicken pot cups in Bay Province. The official documents clearly record it. If you insist on saying that they came from that island, then you must first find someone on the island to testify for you, otherwise no one will believe it. of."

"Why do I need someone to testify? Are my things lying here? Can't your expert help me identify them?"

"If I authenticate it... you are a modern imitation, and it is a very low-level one."

"That's because you're blind."

"You can think so." Zhang Yang chuckled, never expecting to convince the other party.

He said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "We, the audience in the live broadcast room, remember that except for large auctions and museums, things like chicken bowl cups, Ru porcelain, and Yuan blue and white flowers are the only places where they can appear. It's in someone's underground warehouse."

"If you see it elsewhere, don't even think about it. It must be fake."

"Hey, you are an expert..."

Before the uncle finished speaking, Zhang Yang pinched him directly.

Sure enough, some people still remain in their memories. It is better to amuse yourself when there is nothing wrong, but it is better not to disgust people in reality.


The last genuine antique I saw during the live broadcast that day was of pretty good quality.

It is a Qing Dynasty pen holder.

Although the whole thing is made of bamboo, there are many small rectangular white squares made of bones inlaid on the bamboo body. Various forms of characters are engraved in the middle of the small squares.

If you look carefully, it should be the word "Shou" in various fonts.

"We have just met Wanshou Zun, and today another Baishou pen holder has arrived. Dear friend, what is the origin of this thing?"

"This is handed down from our ancestors. Teacher, look at this pulp..."

Baoyou showed that the rim and bottom of the pen holder are inlaid with white bones. They should be the same kind of bones as those squares with the character "Shou", but they have turned a little yellow due to frequent use.

"No problem. This thing is definitely not a burial object. It can be seen that it is dated."

"It should be a bone-embedded longevity pen holder from the Jiaqing period. The current price is more than 50,000 yuan."

"Fifty thousand..." Baoyou murmured to himself, and then asked Zhang Yang, "Teacher, isn't this bone ivory?"

"Who would inlay ivory on bamboo?" Zhang Yang smiled.

"The craft of bone inlay is very difficult. You have to inlay it first and then carve the text. If the carving is damaged, you have to dig it out and re-inlay it."

"What you have is probably a cow bone used in traditional bone inlays."

"It turns out they are cow bones. No wonder they are not that valuable." Baoyou nodded and quickly accepted Zhang Yang's explanation.

After he finished speaking some polite words, Zhang Yang's live broadcast for the day was over.

"Brothers, it's nothing, let's call it a day!"


After taking off his makeup and returning to the office, Zhang Yang stretched slightly.

Many people in the fan group in the live broadcast room were trolling him, asking him to explain his relationship with Cao Jiayun.

Is there any explanation for this? They were passers-by before, but now they should be enemies.

There is no way, as a cultural relics expert, there will be enemies.

In addition to group messages, two people also chatted with him privately.

One is Captain Liu, and the other is Uncle Shen who is far away in Jinmen.

For the multiple-choice question, Zhang Yang would of course reply to his uncle's news first.

"Zhang Yang, the book says that you are very good at identifying jade. Can you help me look at something?"

"Okay, uncle, are you off work?"

Uncle Shen replied instantly: "I just got home. Can I make a video call?"

Zhang Yang: "OK."

After the video was connected, three people from Uncle Shen's side crowded in front of the camera.

"Hi, uncle, this my niece?"

"Brother Zhang Yang!" The little girl on the other end of the video was cheerful. She was missing a few front teeth and looked very happy.

"Hey, hello, sister." Zhang Yang smiled and waved to greet the other party.

"Okay, okay, you take her to do her homework."

Uncle Shen still has a great family status. After giving instructions, Aunt Shen took the child away directly.

After he confirmed that the two of them had entered the room, he turned around and looked at Zhang Yang.

The smile on his face has disappeared, and his expression is very serious: "Zhang Yang, we are our own people, so I won't hide it from you."

"I encountered a very difficult thing today."

"Someone sold your aunt a bracelet. Just this thing, they said it cost 20,000 yuan."

Uncle Shen took out a green jade bracelet.

It's not as green as a beer bottle. You can clearly see the natural changes in the green shades inside the jadeite.

Zhang Yang frowned unconsciously.

The stuff is good stuff, but if it costs 20,000 yuan, it’s a big problem.

"Uncle, bring a flashlight over here and let me have a look."

"Is it okay to use the flash on your phone?"

"Okay." Zhang Yang directed Uncle Shen to operate carefully, for fear of missing some details.

He has never been so serious in his career.

With Uncle Shen's wisdom, he must have known that this thing was far more than 20,000.

Now let’s see how big the handle is and how much room there is for saving.

"It's okay. There's cotton inside. The current market price is around 200,000."

"Two hundred thousand?"

Only a plop was heard, and Uncle Shen sat down on the stool.

(End of this chapter)

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