Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 343 A different kind of undercover

Chapter 343 A different kind of undercover

"Are you OK?"

Zhang Yang looked towards the camera a little worried.

It felt like Uncle Shen was numb.

Although Zhang Yang and the other party are not relatives yet, Uncle Shen is still a good person, should we say it or not.

He called himself brother and sister, and he didn't have any airs. He was also enthusiastic about building a bridge between him and Shen Shuyu.

Zhang Yang should also take care of him.

"It's not a big problem. I'll see if I can go back."

"Maybe Zhang Yang can see if you can make this bracelet worth only 20,000 yuan..."

A bracelet worth 200,000 yuan becomes only worth 20,000 yuan?

Then I might have to change the way this bracelet was grown. Zhang Yang thought, if he had the ability, he would live directly in the mining area of ​​Myanmar.

He could only think that Uncle Shen didn't know what he was doing and he just brainstormed this idea casually.

Unexpectedly, the other party said next:

"I heard that if the bracelet is broken, it can be glued back with nanomaterials. It doesn't look much different on the outside, but because there are internal cracks, the price will be much cheaper."

"Do you know anyone who can get that kind of material?"

What a strange idea, break the bracelet into several pieces and then glue them back together.

"There is no such thing. It seems to you that this is fake knowledge learned in Baijiahao."

Zhang Yang explained to Uncle Shen dumbfounded.

"I have encountered the kind of bracelet you mentioned when I was offline before, but when I actually looked at it, I found that it was just ordinary glue. But the color of the glue was similar to that of jade, so the effect was better. ."

"That's it..." Uncle Shen nodded disappointedly, feeling as if he had been splashed with cold water.

"Thank you for your hard work, Zhang Yang."

"You're welcome, no more questions?"

"No, no, I have to get rid of this bracelet quickly. Next time I have a chance, I'll thank you in person."


After hanging up Uncle Shen's video, several new messages popped up on Zhang Yang's phone screen.

They were all sent by Captain Liu of the Municipal Bureau.

He seemed in a hurry.

But the person who kept saying "Are you there, are you there" didn't say anything and didn't know what it meant.

Zhang Yang responded helplessly: "What's wrong? If you have something to say, tell me!"

Captain Liu: "I can't send a message saying, is it convenient for you to answer the phone?"

Zhang Yang: "It's convenient, you can just fight."

Two seconds later, the phone rang.

So fast? Just wait for my reply, right?


"Zhang Yang, there is no one else around you, and the phone is not turned on, right?"

"No, no, it's very safe. I'm very professional."

"Okay, let me get straight to the point." Captain Liu spoke very quickly and urgently, "Last night, my colleagues from the anti-pornography team conducted a routine year-end cleaning and caught a treasure appraisal expert."

"The guy was young and timid. When I asked him if there was anything he didn't want to explain, he immediately revealed all the bad things he had done with the fraud group and the tomb robbers."

Some words are false as soon as they are heard.

For example, Captain Liu said that the treasure appraisal expert exposed his crime because he was young, which is very false.

It is very likely that some means were used.

But this has nothing to do with Zhang Yang. He is just curious: "Can I help with this kind of thing? Does that person have any valuable cultural relics in his hand?"

"There are indeed cultural relics, but don't worry, we have already found rusty bronzes in his rental house. There is a lot of criminal evidence."

"The current situation is that there was no plan in advance for this arrest, and the harvest was purely accidental. If this person never shows up after being arrested, his network may be cut off immediately, and those who are in contact with him may The suspect will definitely run away."

Captain Liu briefly introduced the case. Behind a low-level treasure appraisal anchor, there was actually a series of major cases involving the theft and sale of cultural relics worth tens of millions of dollars.

Later, he told the reason for calling Zhang Yang:

"The only way is to pretend to be an expert and contact his superiors and subordinates."

"They usually leave messages and meet in the live broadcast room, and then sell authentic and fake cultural relics and antiques to offline sellers through this anchor."

"I can think of an expert who is capable and familiar with live broadcasting, and it is none other than you."


Zhang Yang didn't expect that this would happen to him, so he subconsciously wanted to refuse.

"I don't know martial arts and I haven't received any training. I can't do this kind of thing as an undercover agent."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, and I don't know martial arts... Besides, we will assist you in the whole process." Captain Liu pleaded, "It's the end of the year, and we finally have a big case. Please help me, Director Zhang. "

"You said you would assist me throughout the whole process. What do you want me to do?"

If it's not troublesome, Zhang Yang doesn't mind doing this little favor.

"You only need one person. If you need to speak, someone will write a script and a teleprompter for you. You will have a professional makeup artist to do the makeup. We also provide the equipment, and we will also provide you with a certain amount of remuneration."

Captain Liu added an accent to the word "reward".

Of course Zhang Yang heard it. The problem is that he is not short of money.

"What you are saying is that I am in need of your three melons and two dates?"

I don’t know if Captain Liu is pretending to be stupid or is really stupid for worrying about such trivial things.

"Let's do this. After the case is concluded, how about writing me, the external expert, in your report, and bringing me along with you when you commend him?"

"What's the use of your name on the commendation notice?" Captain Liu thought about it carefully and couldn't figure it out.

Didn't you Zhang Yang ask for money before, not even a certificate?

How come I specifically applied for a subsidy for you, but you look like you have no interest in money anymore?

It becomes too fast.

"My fault, I forgot to show you the letter of appointment as an archaeological expert from the archaeological team under the State Administration of Cultural Heritage. Anyway, I'm here to help you. It's official business and I can get some credit."

"Then you really need to bring the letter of appointment. It just so happens that our deputy bureau is also looking at this case. If you have any requirements, tell me and I will mention it to him directly on the spot."

Captain Liu agreed very readily.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Yangxin said, it's okay to be idle, he might as well go to the city bureau to help.

Today I'll help you catch criminals, and tomorrow you'll help me get rid of them. There's a return.

"Okay, then when will your undercover operation start?"

"Just tonight, the sooner the better."

"So urgent?" Zhang Yang was not prepared yet.

"That kid, the live broadcast starts at 8pm every night. After you come to our place, you are not allowed to eat or put on makeup. Are you ready?"

"Okay, okay, then you order takeout and I'll drive here myself."

Zhang Yang is not shy. It's normal for the police to be a little anxious when handling cases.

Don't look at Zhang Yang and Captain Liu who are worried now. In fact, there is probably a large team of people at the city bureau waiting for them to take their positions.

When we arrived at the scene, it was exactly what Zhang Yang thought.

On Christmas Eve, everyone celebrated the Western holidays, but the city bureau was still busy.

Captain Liu and the others had vacated the studio of the publicity department, and the mobile phone live broadcast equipment of the same model as the suspect had been debugged, waiting for him, the anchor, to arrive. But before we start, we have to go through a formality.

After reading Zhang Yang's letter of appointment, Deputy Director Peng grabbed his hand:

"Director Zhang, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that we have a hidden giant Buddha like you near the sea."

"Director Peng, you are too polite. I am just dedicating myself to the country's cultural relic protection." Zhang Yang replied modestly.

"Listen to Director Zhang's awakening..."

Deputy Director Peng took Zhang Yang's hand and praised him vigorously.

It's like putting eye drops on other people's eyes.

Praise to kill, pure praise to kill.

It made Zhang Yang a little doubtful whether he had any grudge against him.

After the other party left, Captain Liu sheepishly explained to Zhang Yang:

"Thanks to you, I've been in the limelight recently, and everyone is saying that I'm going to be promoted... You should understand what I mean, right?"

"I understand, he is suppressing you." Zhang Yang nodded softly, and then asked, "Can you tolerate this? Why don't you quit and come to our museum to be the security captain, with a monthly salary of three thousand including room and board."

"Hahaha, thank you. If I can't survive, I will definitely come to you and ask for a meal."

"Okay, then we can make it a deal."


Looking at the live broadcast conditions alone, except for the level of makeup, the conditions at the city bureau are simply not comparable to Zhang Yang's own studio.

But the furnishings in this room basically simulate the environment at the suspect's home, which is more realistic.

Especially the mobile phone used for live broadcast. I heard that the entire police station was mobilized to find the same model of such a suspect.

Before starting the live broadcast, Captain Liu asked Zhang Yang to look in the mirror and introduce him to the suspect's basic situation so that he could quickly get into the zone.

"Name, Yuan Tiangang, male, Han nationality, from Sanchuan, 23 years old this year. He has been making a living in society after graduating from technical secondary school."

"I was discovered by a brokerage company because of my good looks, and later became an emotional anchor, with the online name Ape God."

"Later, the company closed down due to poor management, and Yuan Shen transformed into a goods anchor. He was corrupted by criminal groups with money, and began to use treasure appraisal as a cover to cover criminals for illegal transactions..."

As Zhang Yang listened, he seemed to hear another version of himself in the world.

"How are you feeling?" Captain Liu asked him.

Zhang Yang nodded: "It's okay. I think this guy's appearance is pretty good. Your makeup artist just made me a little bit uglier, but I'm almost the same as him."

Captain Liu: "..."

"Ready, let's start the live broadcast?"

"You can start anytime."

"Okay, all departments are ready." Captain Liu used the walkie-talkie in his hand to inform the technician responsible for tracking the account in the background, "Three, two, one, start!"

Ape God's live broadcast room is online.

Because the suspect's facial features are not as three-dimensional as the publicity, in order to strive for realism, the lights at the scene were turned on very dimly and the pixels were also adjusted very low.

Looking in the live broadcast room, Zhang Yang's body was hidden in the darkness, and his unshaven face was illuminated by the light of the screen.

"Look at your phone and pretend to text them."

Captain Liu's voice came from the earphones.

Zhang Yang felt as if he had returned to a few months ago, when the director directed him in the same way.

But it's so much easier now.

Because there is no one in this live broadcast room.

The treasure appraisal live broadcast room with 0 viewers is too abstract.

While waiting for buyers and sellers to enter the live broadcast room, Zhang Yang even had time to browse on his phone.

After about ten minutes, I finally got the first prompt:

[Welcome Old Time 123 to the live broadcast room]

These people who deal in cultural relics are very cautious. They always change their accounts to enter the live broadcast room, so no one knows who this "Brother Time" is.

Captain Liu told Zhang Yang not to worry about it. When the transaction started, they would put forward the requirements in the barrage themselves.

After another five minutes, two more people came in:

[Welcome Battery Man to the live broadcast room]

[Welcome the most handsome person who only takes three seconds to enter the live broadcast room]

Battery Man: [Anchor, start a paid live broadcast, we are all here]

Zhang Yang: "Wait a moment, I'll do it."

The most handsome moment lasts only three seconds: [Ape God, why is your voice so hoarse]

Zhang Yang started the paid live broadcast mode while responding to their questions in a deliberately hoarse voice: "You have a cold, don't talk to me, be careful to infect you along the network cable."

Old Time 123: [Spicy as needle-dropped cowhide]

Battery Man: [Okay, if you can't speak, don't speak. I'll show you the goods first.]

No need to speak?

Of course Zhang Yang didn't have any problem with it, he skillfully operated Lianmai.

On the other side of the screen, looking at the layout of the room, it seems to be in a prefabricated room on a construction site.

The camera turned to focus on the table, where a dark red object like a stone was placed.

Zhang Yang didn't recognize what it was for a while.

"The place we went to today was a bit unlucky. A dead smoker from the Qing Dynasty was buried." The person at the end of the video who was suspected of being a tomb robber introduced the origin of this thing, "The coffin looks good, but the burial object inside is just a stick. A big smoker is really unlucky."

Old Times 123: [What else can you expect from a smoker’s grave? Your family’s wealth has been drained long ago]

"Who says it's not the case? I hate smokers the most. I grew up smoking second-hand smoke since I was a child. The big smoking gun was broken by him."

"I originally wanted to take off the white jade cigarette holder, but the color is really disgusting."

"In the whole coffin, this treasure was found. Our leader said that this thing is called Blood Ganoderma and it can cure cancer."

Old Time 123: [Holy shit, there is such a thing? 】

The most handsome thing only lasts three seconds: [Okay, this thing grew out of the smoker's corpse]

Ganoderma grows on corpses?

You’ve seen too many ghost blowing lights, right?

Of course Zhang Yang didn't believe the tomb robber's lies.

The mythical tomb robbing legends in the market are basically made up by tomb robbers. Firstly, they make themselves mysterious and pretend to be in comparison, and secondly, they make the goods in their hands appear more precious.

But after he finished identifying the dark red stone, his expression immediately changed.

It’s really the coffin fungus (blood ganoderma).

A complex of rare fungi buried underground, absorbing nutrients from coffins and corpses, and growing slowly for decades.

As for what the tomb robber and the two people who were looking at the goods said, the blood Ganoderma lucidum can cure cancer, but it was not mentioned in the item information.

There is a high probability that it is spreading rumors.

"This thing isn't big. I weighed it and it's only 65 grams. Can you guys tell me what's the appropriate bid?"

Old Time 123: [Ape God, stop playing with your phone, the boss is asking you something]

"Me?" Yuan Hua pointed at himself in disbelief. Should he know how much this kind of thing is worth?

However, he reacted quickly, gestured OK to the camera, and started searching.

Yes, one piece was sold at the Malaysian auction two years ago. The average price per gram was... 7? !

(End of this chapter)

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