Chapter 354 Stolen Goods

After completing the day's appraisal task, Zhang Yang notified the brothers in the live broadcast room in advance of the arrangements for tomorrow's live broadcast.

"I will come later tomorrow and participate in the online program of "Huayu Gate" at ten o'clock in the evening."

"If there is anything you are eager to identify, just leave a message and send me a picture in the background. Those who read palms, don't come here, don't expect to get a good word from me."

[What program can we attend? 】

[Anchor is here for business? It seems you are going to be popular]

[Can you please give me the room number of "Huayu Gate"?

Zhang Yang briefly replied to the barrage question. It was impossible to give out the room number. You can just watch it in this live broadcast room tomorrow.

It's Lianmai, it's not like going to someone else's live broadcast room to do a show.

After the broadcast, Zhang Yang explained to the studio employees about the evening shift tomorrow, and then returned to the museum.

As the end of the year approaches, there are still a lot of things waiting for him to make decisions in the museum:

The employees' year-end bonuses need to be determined, the Spring Festival holiday time needs to be determined, next year's salary increase needs to be confirmed, and the closing notice during the Spring Festival needs to be sent out...

Also be prepared to visit retired employees of the museum.

This is the first time that Zhang Yang, as deputy director, has met these old employees. Many of them are Master Wang’s friends and his elders.

Therefore, the order of visits and the gifts to be brought must be carefully discussed with Librarian He.

There were really a lot of things to do. When Zhang Yang was busy, he forgot about reading the program information.

It wasn't until he started putting on makeup at nine o'clock in the evening that he remembered that there was still information he had not read.

I had no choice but to let Xu Jie read the PDF document emotionally while putting on makeup.

"Hello, respected Master Zhang, we are very honored to invite you..."

"jump over."

"This event is divided into three sessions. The first session is to discuss traditional calligraphy and painting techniques..."

"jump over."

Zhang Yang recalled it and asked Xu Jie: "There should be no need to identify the collection in this part. I remember that there are no photos of paintings and calligraphy on it."

Xu Jie: "There are indeed no photos."

"At that time, someone will directly show the real thing."

Zhang Yang nodded: "Then you can just talk about things related to the collection. As for the academic stuff, I can get through it by saying, 'Yeah, yeah, yeah'."

"Okay, I have a two-piece set of a blue and yellow jade dragon and phoenix patterned dresser and stool from the Han Dynasty. I want to identify the authenticity."

"There's no picture of this one either. It's said to be very famous."

"The famous Han Dynasty sitting stool?" Zhang Yang frowned, wondering why there was something wrong with this matter.

There should be no stools in the Han Dynasty, right?

At that time, people would sit cross-legged on mats.

Zhang Yang has identified many "Xi Zhen" and he is sure of this.

The TV station should not make such a stupid mistake.

The purpose of bringing this thing out should be to discuss the issue of fraud.

This "Huayu Gate" is still a bit in-depth.

"What's next?"

"It's a double-line nine-eye peace dzi bead from the Tang Dynasty."

"I have an impression of this. Can you help me find out what this Dzi Bead is for?"

Zhang Yang was deeply impressed by the picture of this dzi bead.

No way, I have seen so many dzi beads this year that I think they are fake when I see them.

"It's said that the boss of Yangzi is coming to connect and tell me the secret of collecting Dzi beads."

"He's coming? Then I'll just turn off the mic then." Zhang Yang smiled self-deprecatingly.

The ancestor of Tianzhu who cut leeks arrived, and everyone else got out of the way.

Otherwise, be careful with the lawyer's letter.

"Okay, let's move on to the next thing."


With Xu Jie's help, Zhang Yang felt that he was well prepared.

I will definitely be able to successfully complete the task of "being a babysitter" later.

Zhang Yang was originally very interested in TV stations, but after this cooperation, he found that it was all scripts.

That would be meaningless. The first time we cooperate, let’s treat it as the last time.

The broadcast started at 5:, and Zhang Yang distributed some lucky bags to the viewers who were waiting in the live broadcast room on time. It turned out that maybe because there were too many funny coins stuffed into them, the number of people watching suddenly increased to more than .

Old viewers are all asking if he is a "shady soldier".

"Don't worry, brothers, it should be normal when the connection is connected later."

At ten o'clock in the evening, Zhang Yang received the invitation from the official account of "Huayu Gate" on time.

Connect online and enter a live broadcast room where multiple people are connecting to the microphone.

Zhang Yang was the last to join, in the lower right corner of the screen.

"Hello, Master Zhang."

The beautiful host said hello to Zhang Yang first.

"Hello host, hello teachers, I'm Zhang Yang."

Zhang Yang also briefly expressed to the camera that in addition to the scene of the female host, the other two people on the stage were "Teacher Yao Zheng" and "Zhou Suzhen".

They should be the guests in this first session.

Zhang Yang remembers that there are still many guests on the list, and they will probably come on the mic one after another.

"Okay, welcome Master Zhang." The hostess smiled and nodded, "Dear viewers, our special premiere event today will begin immediately."

"First of all, let us give a round of applause to Ms. Zhou Suzhen, the permanent director of the National Association of Calligraphy and Painting, to show you a problematic work."

Zhang Yang knew that this was about to discuss the techniques of traditional calligraphy and painting.

This is his weakness, but this Ms. Zhou is a permanent director and should be a master.

Listen to what she said. When the time comes, use it as a repeater and repeat her words concisely. You will definitely be able to get past it.

"I'm very happy to be invited to participate in the special program of "The Gate of Huayu". What I brought today is a vertical scroll of "Perching Birds" by Shen Zhou of the Ming Dynasty that I collected..." Ms. Zhou said eloquently.

"Let me show it to everyone first."

At the other end of the video, Ms. Zhou's camera movements were very professional, and she vividly displayed this ancient painting depicting sparrows perched on a peach blossom tree.

Some people in the barrage are already guessing what the problem is with this thing:

[The color is too light, like a copy]

[If you say it’s fake, then it’s fake. Auntie, do you think I’m good or not? 】

[Don’t pretend to be pretentious, it’s fake at first glance, everyone understands]

Zhang Yang looked at the paintings in the video and was a little confused.

This painting is indeed strange.

The color is very light, but only in the painting itself.

The inscription on the painting is very clear, and the writing is so white that someone without any writing power would really be unable to write it.

Fortunately, this painting did not require his appraisal. Ms. Zhou took the initiative to introduce it and said:

"This painting was obtained from the unveiling of paintings. It changed from one painting to two paintings. The so-called unveiling of paintings is the layer of propaganda often seen in movies and TV dramas..."

[Can’t one leaflet reveal three layers? Which picture is this?]

[Strictly speaking, it cannot be considered a fake, it is considered half authentic]

[Where are the other paintings that are exactly the same? 】

"I bought this painting at an online video auction a few years ago. Only when I received the actual object did I realize that the words on it were added later..."

“The purpose of showing you this painting today is to show you the traditional craft of unveiling paintings, and at the same time, I want to discuss with you, aside from the words in the title above, whether the paintings uncovered in this way should be It’s considered genuine…”

After Ms. Zhou finished speaking, the host asked her to communicate directly with the audience in the live broadcast room.

For live streaming, what you need is to use barrage to shorten the distance.

But Zhou Suzhen thought about it, suddenly smiled crookedly and said:

"How about we start from the inside first."

"Master Zhang, I heard that you are an expert in identifying antiques here in Douyin. What do you think of this painting?"

"I'm not sure about the painting." Zhang Yang replied modestly.

"Eh? This is obviously an excuse. After all, you are the most popular expert on Douyin. It's quite easy to read a painting, right?"

Zhang Yang vaguely felt that the other party's words were thorny, as if he was an enemy.

But he didn't know the other person.

Colleagues look down upon each other?

But since everyone has come to the door to call for battle, I still have to answer:

"I remember this painting. It should be the stolen property from the previous corruption case of the library director of Yangcheng Academy of Fine Arts. How come it was split into two and one of them returned to your hands, Ms. Zhou?"

(End of this chapter)

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