Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 355 Don’t be nervous, it’ll be okay

Chapter 355 Don’t be nervous, it’ll be okay

Time goes back to two minutes ago.

Ou Bei, the female host of "Huayu Gate", while listening to Ms. Zhou's introduction, recalled the previous instructions given to her by her boss.

The guest at this event, Master Zhang, is a rising star in the domestic antique circle. His master is Master Wang, an expert in miscellaneous appraisals, and his fiancée is said to be the granddaughter of an old expert from the National Museum of China.

Inviting him today is because the program team wants to capitalize on his popularity in Douyin. When the program is really launched in the future, there will be many opportunities for cooperation between the two parties.

So "Xiao Ou, you must not offend others."

After the leader said this, he also introduced Teacher Zhou Suzhen.

Everyone at the TV station is very familiar with this woman. She is the kind of expert who takes the academic path and gets promoted by writing papers.

She was willing to participate in the show solely because of the tasks assigned by her superiors.

"So, Ms. Zhou, is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

"When you asked like this, I remembered that she is an academic expert and looks down upon those practical practitioners who have become monks halfway."

"Xiao Ou, this Master Zhang is from the practical school. Hehe, you think it's a coincidence or not."

When Ou Beigang heard this sentence, she didn't feel anything at all. She didn't know what the old man was laughing at.

But when Zhou Suzhen refused to communicate with the barrage as required by the script and insisted on asking Zhang Yang, she realized something was wrong.

This is to make Master Zhang look embarrassed!

She nervously looked at Zhang Yang's video.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Zhang Yang making excuses to express his unwillingness to express his opinion.

After all, he is a big anchor, and he has a good handle on emotional intelligence.

As for this Zhou Suzhen, please stop asking!

Alas, you still ask.

Why are you so shameless?

Master Zhang, please bear with me a little longer...

Damn it, stolen goods? !

Zhang Yang's words made Ou Bei so excited that she almost screamed.

Four big words suddenly popped into her mind:

Live broadcast of accidents.

Of course, the director of the program team also discovered this situation and quickly communicated with her: "Xiao Ou, change the topic quickly and don't let them continue talking."

Ou Bei quickly said: "Teacher Zhou, I found a problem in the painting. Can you show it to me again?"

She thought very well. As long as Zhou Suzhen still had brains, she would go down the steps.

Later, when you look at the painting for the second time, you can chat for a while, ask some slightly idiotic questions, let the commentators scold you for being unprofessional, and the topic just now will be transferred.

As for whether it's stolen goods, let's wait until the show is over.

However, she did not expect that Zhang Yang would follow his words and say:

"You can really take another look. If you are sure it is stolen property, my suggestion is to call the police first."

"Such stolen goods can appear on the market openly. Buyers, sellers, middlemen and even supervisory agencies have problems. Maybe a criminal gang can be uprooted."

ah? Master Zhang, you...

Ms. Zhou, please tell me something. You said there was nothing wrong with this thing of yours, but he was wrong!

Under Ou Bei's almost pleading eyes, Zhou Suzhen said with some difficulty: "You, don't talk nonsense. What basis do you have for saying that I am a stolen property?"

"It's baseless, I can sue you for defamation!"

Yes, that’s it, be tough!

Ou Bei feels that as long as Master Zhang relents and says that he didn't see clearly, the matter will be solved perfectly.

Maybe the only question is, why should Zhang Yang give in?

Something is wrong, Master Zhang smiled.    …

Of course Zhang Yang had to laugh.

Because the tone of the middle-aged woman opposite him when she responded to him was really too weak.

Auntie, how about we admit it?

It’s not a shameful thing, and it can even make headlines.

In the domestic antique circle, there have been only three relatively famous cases of "stealing under surveillance":

One is Li Hetao, a cultural relic thief in Chengde in the 1990s;

The second is Xiao Yuan, director of the library of Yangcheng Academy of Fine Arts, who was arrested in 2014;

Third, stolen goods appeared at auctions last year, including the theft of cultural relics from the Sichuan Provincial Library.

The aunt named Zhou had the second item on her stall.

Judging from the look on her face, she was probably feeling guilty.

After Zhang Yang was happy, of course he had to reply to the other party: "Of course I am sure of this kind of thing."

"As for Mr. Zhou's previous question, let me help the audience in the live broadcast room answer it. Even if one is revealed three times, as long as the original work is authentic, the unveiling of the painting will not change the antique or cultural relic properties of the calligraphy and painting itself. "

"Of course, the economic value will definitely be damaged."

"If you make two copies and sell them separately and say there is only one, that may also involve the crime of fraud..."

[Master Zhang is awesome, give me the standard answer directly]

[This is my first time watching a treasure appraisal live broadcast on Douyin. Is this Master Zhang also an appraisal expert of the Huayu Gate?]

[This is our own treasure appraisal expert Douyin]

[A standing director is in trouble, Master Zhang is still the curator]

[To educate new viewers, Master Zhang sends one in every month on average. It should be safe after this month]

"Wow." The female host exclaimed in exaggeration, "Thank you Master Zhang for your professional answers. I have benefited a lot."

"Thank you also to Director Zhou for bringing us the painting display. Then the first session about calligraphy and painting will start here."

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhou Suzhen's video suddenly went dark.

Kind of like a disconnect.

When Ou Bei heard the director's words in the earphones, she knew that her own people had cut off the video stream over there, and she felt relieved.

She quickly pretended to be surprised: "Director Zhou, your screen is black. Is there something wrong with the equipment?"

Then he covered his headset and said apologetically to the audience: "I'm very sorry. I received news from the background that due to the signal from the front, Ms. Zhou's side is temporarily unable to continue the live broadcast."

"But our program will not stop, and now we will enter the second part."

"Let us give a round of applause to welcome Mr. Yao Zheng, director of the Jade Committee of the Chinese Collectors Association."

Her words made the audience focus on the small box in the video that said "Teacher Yao Zheng".

In the video, Yao Zheng is wearing black-rimmed glasses and sitting in front of a window full of books, looking like a scholar.

But in fact, he started out in real estate, and later got involved in the antique industry. It was through accumulation step by step that he gained a foothold in the jade industry.

In the words of leader Ou Bei, Yao Zheng is also an expert in the practical school.

But "Zhou Suzhen didn't dare to criticize Yao Zheng, because Yao Zheng is not ordinary rich, he is very rich, and he is also the financial backer behind the sponsor of our show."

Now Ou Bei is not worried about Zhou Suzhen at all, because she has been forcibly carried down.

The question is: Will Yao Zheng offend Master Zhang?

Ou Bei has already noticed that Zhang Yang is not as honest as he appears.

If a fight really breaks out, which side should you take?

She took a look at the barrage. Master Zhang's fans basically occupied the live broadcast room, and the popularity among passersby continued to rise visibly to the naked eye.

I can only hope that the donor will not be as dizzy as a middle-aged woman.

(End of this chapter)

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