Chapter 356 History of Time

"Hello, Master Zhang, hello the host, and hello everyone in the audience."

Yao Zheng greeted everyone very politely, as if he was not there when what just happened happened.

After all, he is the director, so he still has this level of skill.

He skillfully switched to a photo, which showed a set of dressing tables and stools carved from topaz.

The patterns include dragons and phoenixes, and the decorations are complex and complicated, implying that the original owner of the thing had a high status.

It can be vaguely seen from the photo that the surface of the topaz has a very obvious soil Qin, which has the beauty of a newly unearthed cultural relic.

To be honest, if Zhang Yang hadn't known that people in the Han Dynasty usually wore crotchless pants and were accustomed to sitting on their knees, he would have been frightened by the words "Han Dynasty" on the photo and thought it might be some kind of national treasure-level unearthed cultural relic.

He also has to be the director of jade, and the items he chose are very representative. This item is really suitable for introducing the knowledge of making and selling fake jade items.

Zhang Yang was looking forward to what Director Yao was going to say.

Yao Zheng cleared his throat and formally introduced this treasure:

"Many viewers who are just getting involved in the antiques circle or don't know much about jade may not know this thing."

"But as long as you search [2.2 million Han Dynasty jade stools] on the Internet, you will immediately see a large number of reports..."

The director had said so. If Zhang Yang didn't search it, he would feel a little looked down upon.

The official explanation of this matter online is:

Someone spent 180 million yuan on a fake Han Dynasty jade dressing table, which was sold at auction for 2.2 million yuan. He was ridiculed for being suspected of money laundering. Later, the craftsman who made the forgery came forward and admitted the fact of the forgery, but Zhou Nanquan, an expert at the Forbidden City, still insisted that the items were authentic.

From Zhang Yang's current perspective, isn't this the exposure of the National Treasure Gang's fraud?


But in the antique world more than ten years ago, this was a big deal.

In particular, Zhou Nanquan, an expert in treasure appraisal, is no ordinary person. He has many titles such as researcher of the Palace Museum and member of the Standing Committee of the Appraisal Committee of the Chinese Collectors Association.

Master Wang is not as famous as him.

Wait, Zhou Nanquan is from the Collectors Association. Where have you heard the name of this association?

At this time, Yao Zheng also revealed his purpose for participating in this show:

"I came here today to explain the real situation to Mr. Zhou who was appraising it at the time. I will put such a public case in the antique circle in front of everyone and analyze it clearly..."

Zhang Yang suddenly realized.

Yes, isn't this Director Yao from that association?

He is the jade director of the association, and Zhou Nanquan is an expert in jade appraisal. It is reasonable to stand up for others.

Brother, you’re not here to talk about fakes, you’re here to clean them up?

But it's common sense that there were no stools in the Han Dynasty... Zhang Yang was still curious about how the other party wanted to make a comeback.

"If viewers have any questions, please post them directly on the barrage, and I will choose some representative questions to reply."

Yao Zheng's words made Zhang Yang quickly focus on the barrage.

[Are you a member of the National Treasure Gang? Wash the Han Dynasty jade stool here? 】

[If you want to clear up what happened more than ten years ago, I think you want to get rid of that jade dressing table? 】

[Where did the stool come from in the Han Dynasty? I feel like you are a nine-leaved fish]

[What kind of crappy show is this? How come anyone can be on it? 】

Bringing it in, facing the dense questioning and a few occasional greetings to family members, I was sweating profusely when I replaced myself by showing off myself.

But Yao Zheng didn't panic at all because he had a script.

"Could the host please help me pick a few representative questions, and I'll answer them directly."

"Okay." Ou Bei responded happily, then glanced to the side unconsciously.

She was looking at the teleprompter.

Any questions asked are determined in advance.

"First question: Teacher Yao, how did you confirm that this Han Dynasty dressing table and jade stool are authentic?"

"I have read Mr. Zhou's appraisal report." Yao Zheng answered fluently, "For those who are not familiar with Mr. Zhou, he graduated from the History Department of the Chinese University of Science and Technology in the early 60s and has been working in the Forbidden City since then. Famous expert Teacher Zhu Yousheng..."

"After judging the jade quality, color, patina, craftsmanship, decoration and other aspects, it is confirmed that this set of items are artifacts from the Han Dynasty." This was said without saying it, Zhang Yang complained in his heart.

In the face of facts, showing qualifications is meaningless.

Mr. Che also studied under Master Wang and was a fellow disciple of the famous treasure appraisal expert Zhang Yang. What's the use? He's not just serving a sentence in prison.

The host is still asking: "Second question: Some people question that Mr. Zhou, who appraised the goods at the time, received money from the auction company and deliberately regarded the fakes as genuine so that he could participate in the auction and make money. Is this true?"

[This question is on point]

[No money was taken, but gifts were received]

[I didn’t see the barrage asking this question. Did the host make it up himself?]

Someone was very excited when they saw the barrage and felt that the question was right. Zhang Yang just smiled.

Compiling barrages is a basic skill for anchors.

Can this female host ask questions without writing the answers in advance?

Sure enough, Yao Zheng immediately replied: "After the incident, we have conducted a detailed investigation into Mr. Zhou's income. Although he worked as a visiting expert at the auction company, he only received the salary agreed in the contract, 600 per month. block and no other income.”

"We made an explanation to the outside world at the beginning, but the public opinion was so fierce at the time that no one cared about how many bowls of noodles Liu Zi had eaten."

In Zhang Yang's opinion, this answer was equivalent to not saying anything.

More than ten years ago, everyone still used cash. People followed Zhao Dehan's example and hid all the money and started a small association. They were not members of the anti-corruption brigade. How could they find out clearly?

Instead of investigating this, it is better to investigate the craftsman who admitted that he was a fake.

Everyone has admitted it, but you are still being tough here?

Ou Bei seemed to hear Zhang Yang's thoughts. Her third question was to ask the counterfeiter.

"The third question: The counterfeiter came out on his own back then, saying that he did it himself. What do you think of this issue, Mr. Yao?"

"It's very simple. If he really made it, why didn't he make a second set after so many years? One set sold for 2.2 million that year." Yao Zheng replied with a smile.

"I remember very clearly that that person was from Pizhou, and there was indeed maternity jade there. Teacher Zhou and I had gone to Pizhou many times for local research. The local cost makers liked to brag, saying that they could do anything."

"So when such a national treasure-level jade appeared and was questioned as fake, a counterfeiter jumped out and said it was made by him. It's not surprising at all. It's just to earn some reputation."

"If he was really a faker, how come he wasn't caught?"

"And I would like to add that due to cultural relics protection laws, many genuine products will be deliberately labeled as imitations to facilitate trading. This is something that everyone in the industry is well aware of."

[It makes sense]

[What happened more than ten years ago, of course, whatever you say is whatever it is]

[It’s really hard to explain things like this in history books]

[You’d better explain the problem of stools in the Han Dynasty]

Zhang Yang's idea is similar to that of Danmu. If you think about the problem completely according to Yao Zheng's idea, you will definitely fall into the other party's trap.

So next, Director Yao mentioned that the two pieces of jade weighed 340 kilograms. If losses were included, it might take 1000 kilograms of topaz to make them. Topaz of this weight itself is sky-high.

But Zhang Yang was always waiting for the female host to ask the most critical question: What's going on with the stool?

"The last question must be the one that everyone is most concerned about. Many historical experts said that there were no stools in the Han Dynasty, and kneeling was the only etiquette method at that time." Ou Bei said.

"Although there were stool-like beds in the Han Dynasty, they were completely different from this kind of square stool."

"Teacher Yao, what do you think about this?"

"This question is even simpler." Yao Zheng said with a smile, "If there is no record, does it mean it does not exist?"

"Stools are just like beds. They are daily necessities. Doesn't someone have to invent them?"

This explanation was somewhat sophistry. After hearing this, Zhang Yang was completely unconvinced.

But Director Yao changed the subject and continued:

"To be honest, I have been looking for evidence of the existence of chairs and stools in the Han Dynasty for the past few years. Fortunately, I finally found it!"

(End of this chapter)

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