Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 357 Chess in the Han Dynasty

Chapter 357 Chess in the Han Dynasty

Are there really chairs from the Han Dynasty?

The earliest historical records about chairs or stools come from the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty", which records the story of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty building an imperial bed (similar to the current folding stool).

However, the Hu bed is at best a horse trap used by fishermen, and is still a bit different from a square stool.

It is generally believed that the official appearance of chairs and stools did not occur until the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

But Zhang Yang didn't look like Yao Zheng was telling lies.

Then stop talking nonsense, and quickly take out what you found and show it, whether it is a mule or a horse, take it out for a walk.

Yao Zheng spent a long time introducing it before focusing the camera on a rectangular wooden box.

Seeing the things inside, Zhang Yang first frowned in confusion.

Wait until the other party takes out the things completely...

He quickly reached out and pretended to touch his nose, but actually covered his mouth to prevent others from seeing him laughing wildly.

Hahaha, this Yao Zheng is so funny.

He said the evidence he was looking for was a three-dimensional jade chess set from the Han Dynasty.

The overall specifications are similar to the current chess, with sixteen chess pieces on one side, but the chess pieces are represented by three-dimensional carvings. For example, the "elephant" inside is actually an elephant carved from jade.

The "general" and "handsome" in chess are both sitting on chairs.

This is how the chairs of the Han Dynasty came about.

But the question is: Is this really the chess of the Han Dynasty?

Zhang Yang remembered that the seniors in the high school chess club had popularized science. Even this kind of primitive upright chess only existed in the Tang Dynasty.

In the Han Dynasty, there was only the rudiment of chess: Sai Xi.

Even if it is because Director Yao has the view that "the absence of historical records does not mean that it does not exist", regardless of historical facts, this jade chess board + chess pieces are also very strange.

They are almost made of the same material as the set of dressing tables and stools from the Han Dynasty - green yellow jade, and even the carvings and signs of distressing are similar.

Zhang Yang has never seen the actual 2.2 million dresser + stool set, but after video appraisal of the set Yao Zheng took out, he is % sure that it is a modern handicraft.

Maybe it was a chess piece carved from scraps from a dressing table.

"How's it going? Do you still have any questions?"

Yao Zheng held the "handsome" chess piece and pointed at the chair below and said proudly.

Zhang Yang was hesitating whether to question or not when the female host spoke first.

The program team seems to have really prepared a question and acted it out in full.

"Teacher Yao, is this chess piece of yours really from the Han Dynasty? Since we are not experts in this field, we have some doubts."

"Of course, since I took them back from private collectors, they have been displayed at the China-Tibet Association in Yanjing and have been viewed by many experts. There are no problems at all."

[Then let Master Zhang take a look]

[Yes, I believe in Master Zhang]

[There are ready-made experts here, let people express their opinions]

[I am a professional collector of chess, and this thing can only be evaluated with the word "ridiculous"]

[Master Zhang, if you are kidnapped, just blink]

Zhang Yang blinked.

He vaguely felt that both the host and Director Yao glanced at him.

But they all remained silent in tacit agreement.

Director Yao is afraid that it is because he has something evil in his heart. Why is this host also colluding with him?

"Thank you Teacher Yao for your answer. If there are no more questions in the barrage..."

Ou Bei ignored the barrage of "Let Master Zhang come" that filled the screen. She didn't care, the progress of the program was important.

"That's it for today's discussion on Han Dynasty jades..."    "Wait!" Zhang Yang interrupted her.

The National Treasure Gang are all pissed off, and they still want to escape?

If Zhang Yang doesn't expose him, he will be sorry for the Cheng family and his son who are in jail.

He said word by word: "I still have a question."

"Master Zhang, we..."

Ou Bei hurriedly tried to block Zhang Yang back, but she really couldn't think of a suitable reason.

All I can do is pull the show’s banner: “There are guests waiting later.”

"It's okay, let him wait first."

Zhang Yangxin said, isn't it just that Yangzi wants to use Dzi beads to cut leeks? I guess the TV station can also get a share of it? Anyway, there is no reason to be anxious about such a trivial matter.

What he wants to discuss now is a serious academic issue, no laughing and joking.

"Host, what I want to discuss is the origin of chess. For such an important matter, the commercial arrangements of the program team should be able to tolerate it."

"The origin of chess?" Yao Zheng touched his chin, having no idea for a moment. He didn't know what Zhang Yang wanted to say.

"Teacher Yao, do you think this is an upright chess from the Han Dynasty?"

"Well, that's right." Yao Zheng answered confidently.

"That's great." Zhang Yang slapped his thigh and said excitedly, "Teacher Yao's discovery directly pushed the emergence of complete chess in our country from the Tang Dynasty to the Han Dynasty, which is more than four hundred years ahead of time!"

"Over the years, some people in the West, in order to pin the origin of chess on India, have tried their best and made up various ancient books and myths, but they only dared to push it back to the second century AD."

"Maybe it's not as good as your Han Dynasty chess!"

"Not to mention that what India found was only the so-called four-corner chess, which is far from the real chess. It is impossible to compete with your traditional chess piece."

"Teacher Yao, awesome!"

At the other end of the video, Yao Zheng was already sweating on his forehead.

He knows how much public opinion attaches to this culture-related "origin" issue now.

If it is taken seriously and used as an argument for the origin of chess... it will definitely be exposed by other experts in public and become a joke.

As a falsifier, unless he changes his name and starts over, he will basically die socially.

Yao Zheng hurriedly spoke: "Master Zhang, what you are talking about is an academic matter, I don't understand it. I am just an ordinary person who collects, and I don't dare to get involved in such a big thing."

"You don't understand?" Zhang Yang tilted his head and asked.

After seeing the other party nodding in response, he continued to ask: "Is it because I didn't understand it because what I just said was not clear enough?"

"Then let me put it simply. If your thing is real, it will definitely be published in the newspaper. As a cultural relic protection expert of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, it is my duty to protect your upright chess set from the Han Dynasty."

"It's a very important matter. Just tonight, I'll contact the experts from the National Palace Museum and the National Museum of China to review it together."

"Host, you can also follow up on this matter and report it. After all, it is a treasure that was introduced through our program."

"Okay." Oubei nodded.

If it is true as Zhang Yang said, then the effect of her program today will be 100 points.

Compared with major archaeological discoveries, Ms. Zhou’s live broadcast accident just now is not a problem at all.

As a host with a strong sense of social responsibility, Ou Bei even took the initiative to help Zhang Yang and persuade Yao Zheng:

"Teacher Yao, I think we should take the opportunity of our program to publicize such an important matter."

"Promote traditional culture."

"Miss Xiao Ou is right!" Zhang Yang gave a thumbs up.

He smiled mysteriously at the camera.

Doesn’t Director Yao like to make comebacks? Can this situation be reversed?

(End of this chapter)

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