Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 366 The opening of the new museum

Chapter 366 The opening of the new museum

Baoyou's question is quite simple for Zhang Yang.

Because he has someone above him and has contributed to the society, the people in charge believe that he, Master Zhang, will not have any bad intentions towards the ancient tomb.

But Baoyou is hard to tell.

Who knows whether he is actually doing some evil things secretly in the name of tourism development?

When the time comes, it will be surrounded by blue iron plates, and no one will know that the tomb has been emptied.

Therefore, sometimes the inaction of the cultural and tourism departments cannot simply be interpreted as irresponsibility.

People just believe that the wisdom of future generations will definitely be able to handle this situation perfectly.

"Your idea of ​​claiming ancestral graves is really ridiculous." Zhang Yang told the truth, letting Baoyou recognize the reality as soon as possible, "The best way for this kind of thing is to set up a tourism company and then use the name of attracting investment to find local Department cooperation.”

"If you want to contract an ancient tomb, you are overthinking it."

"Ah? Isn't the cost too high?" Baoyou felt a little uncomfortable.

It was as if I was already bending down to pick up money, and suddenly I found a ghost coin falling on the ground.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Regarding ancient tombs, whether it's tourism or archeology, the current policy is to try not to develop new ones."

"Protection comes first."

"I have a friend who sold a house worth several million just to open a small ancient tomb museum. It must be crazy if you want to make money without investing."

The "friend" in Zhang Yang's words is naturally Lin Yupan, who is committed to opening the "Museum of the Underworld".

Tomorrow is the opening ceremony of his museum.

After today's live broadcast, Zhang Yang will go to the museum's ribbon-cutting ceremony tomorrow morning.

"Selling the house? My mortgage hasn't been paid off yet..."

After listening to the example given by Zhang Yang, Baoyou already gave up.

He finally asked: "Teacher, is it illegal to remove the stone statues outside the ancient tomb?"

"I see that many people have moved. If it is illegal, I will go and persuade them."

When asked, the abacus dropped directly onto Zhang Yang's face.

It's obviously your kid who wants to move, right?

"The stone statue's goal is too big, and it's really worthless. I've proven this through experiments."

To transport the stone statues from Weijiacun to Sanchuan City cost thousands in labor and transportation costs alone.

At this price, you can buy several new stone sculptures.

Moreover, Lin Yupan later reported that the space of the new museum was very limited, and this behemoth could not be placed indoors at all, but could only be placed in the square in front of the door.

In short, you spend money to buy lessons.

"I'd better advise you not to try it yourself. Baoyou, your IP should have been locked by now." Zhang Yang suggested lightly.

"Okay then." Baoyou's words sounded very unwilling.

[Master Zhang is a veteran, so just learn from his experience]

[What are you afraid of? Isn’t it just going to jail? 】

[As long as you don’t get caught, you will be the next Hu Bayi]

[Don’t listen to the anchor, you are welcome to join my team]

Zhang Yang didn't bother to correct the barrage of jokes.

If someone is really fooled, their IQ can basically say goodbye to the Internet.


The next day, Sanchuan City.

Standing in the square in front of the door, Zhang Yang looked at the five large lacquered gold characters "Dayin Museum" on the museum door and fell into deep thought.

As for the Museum of the Underworld, the name was changed without notifying me. How did this name pass the review now?

Falling asleep during review?

But having said that, the meaning of the word "yin" is still correct. It is inexplicably a bit dark humorous, and combined with the stone statue in front of the gate, it has a twisted sense of art.

The only regret is that the flower basket at the entrance of the museum was not replaced with a wreath.

Now the red and green flower baskets look a bit like the opening of a new braised chicken store, which immediately dilutes the weirdness of the museum's name.

The design is still not good, Zhang Yang sighed in his heart.

The other three employees of the studio who followed to watch the excitement have left Zhang Yang and walked to the entrance of the museum, and are now queuing up at a place that looks like a sign-in desk.

Zhang Yang quickly followed.

As one of the shareholders of the museum, he naturally had no need to queue and walked directly to the front of the queue.

There is a QR code placed next to the table. If you scan the code to join the meeting, you can receive a miniature Luoyang shovel ornament. In addition, you can also win prizes.

In addition to thanking you for participating, the worst prize is a gold-touching charm pendant.

The best thing is the first prize, a free half-hour experience at the Eastern Han Dynasty tombs.

"Whose tomb is this Eastern Han Dynasty tomb that you are replicating?" Zhang Yang asked the staff in charge of the lottery at the check-in desk.

"Sorry, I don't understand very detailed things, but you can consult the experts in our museum."

Zhang Yang looked in the direction of the staff's finger and saw a man in a suit standing in the front hall of the museum, as if explaining something to the tourists.

Qiao Shan? Why is he here too?

"Is that big man your expert?" Zhang Yang asked the staff again worriedly.

"No, it's the white-haired teacher next to me."

Oh, the co-author is an expert explaining to Qiao Shan.

Sister Gao and the others were just hitching a ride to support them, and were no different from tourists, so Zhang Yang ignored them and walked towards Qiao Shan on his own.

"Brother Qiao."

"Eh? Zhang Yang, why are you here?"

Qiao Shan was also surprised to see Zhang Yang. The two hadn't seen each other for a while.

"I still want to ask you this question. I am a shareholder of this museum."

"Shareholder?" Qiao Shan looked at the old man next to him in confusion, "Teacher Miao, didn't you tell me that there is a shareholder named Zhang?"

"This must be Director Zhang from Linhai." The white-haired old man surnamed Miao took the initiative to introduce himself as if he knew Zhang Yang, "I heard about you from Director Lin. You are Director Lin's noble person."

"No, no, no, that's because Director Lin is too polite."

After the three introduced each other, they finally figured out the origin.

This teacher Miao was once a member of the Hunan Provincial Archaeological Team. He was the "ancestor" who Lin Yupan invited out of the mountain to take charge of the museum after visiting the thatched cottage three times.

And Qiao Shan, who has always used money to gain the best of others, also spent money to become a disciple of Teacher Miao.

"Zhang Yang, the design of your museum is so interesting, especially the Han Dynasty Tomb. I lay there and wanted to die."

"No wonder the ancients built the tombs so well. This is something I don't usually experience when robbing tombs."

Zhang Yang could only hear Qiao Shan's words as a compliment, and couldn't think about the rest at all.

"To be honest, I just heard Director Lin introduce the idea of ​​​​the construction. I really don't know what the specifics are."

"Then you must try it." Qiao Shan said enthusiastically.

His attitude successfully made Zhang Yang feel itchy.

Just call Lin Yupan, Director of Lin University, and try to make arrangements.

Lin Yupan on the other end of the phone agreed immediately.

However, there are many people queuing in the museum now. In order to jump in line more reasonably, Lin Yupan suggested that Zhang Yang go to the door to draw a prize again.

Arrange for him to win the first prize once, so that the hidden rules can be established openly.

(End of this chapter)

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