Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 367: Experience Han Dynasty Tombs

Chapter 367: Experience Han Dynasty Tombs

After the secret operation, Zhang Yang walked to the Han Dynasty Tomb Experience Hall with the first prize redemption ticket in the envious eyes of tourists.

Don’t mention it, it feels really good to win a lottery due to unspoken rules.

And you don’t have to wear a headgear like the director who collects prizes, and the feeling of pleasure is even doubled.

As a man-made lucky man, Zhang Yang entered the preparation area of ​​the Han Tomb Experience Hall as he wished.

There were people in front of him who were experiencing the experience and had to wait for five minutes. This time was not long. Zhang Yang wore a VR helmet and watched a few minutes of the 3D introduction video, and it was his turn.

"I'm telling you, it's really cozy in here." The tourists who came out sighed to their friends who were still queuing.

"Really?" Zhang Yang asked in his mind.

He wanted to hear the man's thoughts again, so he saw the staff making a sign to come in.

It's ready to receive him inside.

After opening the thick door curtain, what appeared in front of Zhang Yang were two thick stone doors. The door handles were embossed with two sitting lions, which were very heavy.

The door was ajar, and the gap in the middle was only big enough for a person to bend down. Standing outside the door, all he could see was darkness inside.

Zhang Yang lowered his head and walked inside. As soon as he got through the door, maybe he detected someone entering, and the light in the tomb came on.

But the lighting is very dim, similar to the lighting used for a candlelight dinner.

The ancients could just light candles in tombs. Using torches would quickly lead to a lack of oxygen.

The atmosphere is quite realistic.

Then it’s time for free exploration.

There is an arched door at the entrance, and there are two small arched doors on the walls on both sides. There seems to be a cave inside the small door.

Anyone who often robs tombs of the Eastern Han Dynasty knows that this kind of small door leads to the ear chamber, which is called the "east (west) ear chamber".

It is used to store the burial objects of the tomb owner.

What is placed is often large items that cannot fit into the coffin and are not suitable for placement in the main tomb chamber.

Zhang Yang had enough time to experience it, so of course he wanted to go in and take a look, but before entering the east ear room, he noticed the tomb bricks on the wall.

According to Lin Yupan, this tomb was built based on archaeological data and Teacher Miao's personal experience. Except for the quality of the funerary objects, it was almost 100% restored.

Among them are these tomb bricks.

The horizontal tomb bricks are printed with a five-baht coin pattern with a circle on the outside and a square on the inside, which is indeed the tomb brick specification of the Han Dynasty.

On the vertical wall tiles, there are four characters "Wealth and Prosperity for Eternity" printed in seal script, which is also in line with the characteristics of Eastern Han Dynasty tomb tiles.

This kind of tomb brick is called "Jiyu brick", which is unique from the Han Dynasty to the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. Bricks with similar patterns on the walls, if Zhang Yang remembers correctly, should often appear in ancient tombs in the Soochow region.

"It seems that the prototype of this tomb should be a large tomb from the Wu Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms period."

Entering the east ear room, the first thing that catches the eye is a bronze carriage with three models of war horses, which are made very carefully.

To be honest, Zhang Yang was a little surprised when he saw this thing. This kind of antique handicraft is not cheap.

It seems that Lin Yupan has indeed spent a lot of money.

Moreover, if the carriage is realistically placed, it would vaguely indicate that the identity of the owner of the tomb is unusual.

Because Soochow's carriages are very precious, horses are not produced in the Jiangdong area, and the climate and terrain are not suitable for raising horses. The horses are purchased from the Central Plains area.

What kind of status do you need to be buried with a troika?

There are also some gilt bronze wares in the East Er Room. In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, only those with a certain status could use them.

The funerary objects in the Xi'er Room are relatively simple, with more pottery and some human figurines.

Zhang Yang tried to see how many pottery figurines there were, but there were so many that he couldn't even count them all.

It is estimated that the people who built this ancient tomb at that time were also cruel. Since they were not allowed to bury living people, they would try their best to bury pottery figurines inside to form a burial group of a hundred people.

This configuration is, to say the least, royal. Come out of the West Room and return to the arched door. Directly in front is the long and narrow "front room".

There is a saying that the front room of the tomb is equivalent to the living room of the house.

In many tomb robbery movies in the past, the passage into the main tomb chamber was full of traps, which were actually the traps in the front room.

A place specially used to welcome uninvited guests, it can barely be considered a living room.

But in reality, the front room is more like a slightly wider passage.

There are many relief figures on both sides of the passage, most of which are soldiers holding swords and axes.

The carved images are relatively simple, but they are large in area and have many characters. It should have been a big project in ancient times.

A little further forward from the front room is a large horizontal room, some called "middle room" and some called "horizontal room".

The middle room is a place dedicated to sculptures.

Two large platforms were built with auspicious bricks on the ground on both sides. On the platforms were placed a pottery and stone sculpture about one meter high.

Compared with the human figurines buried in sacrifices, the craftsmanship of this kind of sculpture is more exquisite, and the characters also have identities. It is obvious that they are literati, generals, housekeepers, servants, maids, etc.

"It seems that the identity of the owner of this tomb is indeed a royal family. The staffing is obviously arranged according to the internal staff of the Eastern Han Dynasty palace."

A little further inside the middle room is the final stop of this journey - the back room.

Also called the main tomb.

The main tomb chamber is about the same size as the front chamber, only twice as wide as the corridor leading in.

On the floor of the tomb, a platform was paved with three layers of auspicious bricks, and a big red coffin was placed in the center of the platform.

The lid of the coffin was lifted and half of it fell to the ground.

Zhang Yang went up and tried it, and found that the lid was fixed, and it said "If you want to experience coffin sealing, please contact the staff."

What a thoughtful reminder, but Zhang Yang chose to refuse.

What if after the letter is posted, the staff goes off work to have lunch?

This coffin is made of cypress wood. Although it is not heavy, it is still a bit difficult to figure out if it is sealed in the coffin.

Okay, now it’s time to experience what Qiao Shan said about “wanting to die in a coffin”.

The coffin is covered with colorful brocade cloth. Considering the historical background, it should be the famous "Sichuan brocade" used at that time.

The head pillow is a celadon, which must have come from the Yue kiln.

After Zhang Yang lay down, his first reaction was to feel a little panicked.

It's okay to use porcelain pillows for dead people, but it's really a bit anti-human to use them for living people.

Moreover, in the narrow coffin, I couldn't move my hands and feet at all. It was worse than a hard sleeper in a train. How could it be so comfortable?

Thinking of the words of Qiao Shan and the tourist in front of him, Zhang Yang patiently lay down for a few more minutes. He waited until his neck felt a little sore before he quickly got up.

There are no surprises at all.

Bad, cheated.

Zhang Yang walked out a little depressed.

When I walked to the door, I happened to see Xu Jie queuing up here.

"Boss, have you finished the experience?" Xu Jie looked at Zhang Yang enviously.

"I heard you can lie in the coffin inside. Is it comfortable?"

"Comfortable." Zhang Yang nodded, took back the hand rubbing his neck, and responded, "It's very comfortable. I don't want to get up when I lie down!"

(End of this chapter)

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