Chapter 368 Similar Tombs

In addition to the experience of Han tombs, there are also many strange cultural relics in the "Dayin Museum", all of which have something in common.

Many of them have never been seen by Zhang Yang.

I have to admire Lin Yupan's perseverance and perseverance. He collected such unpopular things and actually assembled several exhibition halls for him.

The only regret is that their tomb robbing experience park is still under construction and is not expected to be completed until next year. Zhang Yang cannot experience it today and personally rob a tomb for the first time in his life.

After the visit, Lin Yupan organized a brief unveiling and ribbon-cutting ceremony at 12 noon.

The reason why it was not chosen in the morning is said to be to open the museum at the time of the day when the yang energy is the strongest, so as to balance the yin energy in the entire museum.

It's full of details.

After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Zhang Yang stood in the crowd and grabbed the white-haired chief expert of the museum, Teacher Miao.

He was still thinking about the Han Tomb.

"Teacher Miao, whose tomb is that?"

"I think the standards are quite high. The identity of the owner of the tomb is definitely not as simple as an ordinary Wu noble."

"Oh? Director Zhang saw that it was a tomb of a Soochow noble?"

Teacher Miao was stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes, his expression a bit exciting.

He seemed to think Zhang Yang was a fool.

But there was nothing he could do. He was an old man, so Zhang Yang had to explain to him how he could see it.

The most important evidence is of course the Jiyu Brick.

In fact, it is the layout of the entire tomb.

Finally, there are the funerary objects.

After listening to Zhang Yang's words, Teacher Miao nodded solemnly.

"To be honest, when Director Lin asked me about the design of this ancient tomb, he asked me about it with a hammer in the east and a stick in the west. I also answered based on my feelings."

"Listening to your summary, I suddenly felt like an ancient tomb."

"Which one?" Zhang Yang asked.

If what Teacher Miao said is true, then this tomb must have impressed him deeply.

Just like some people whose first love is unforgettable, they will look for partners based on their first love in the future.

Only Teacher Miao accidentally revealed the tomb.

"This tomb seems to have been excavated by me in Jiangsu and Zhejiang more than 20 years ago. At that time, the tomb was severely damaged and had just been stolen." Teacher Miao recalled.

"Yes, I remember very clearly that the tomb was just discovered. Because the robber's cave was in the grass, the sheep fell in when the villagers were herding sheep. He went down to look for the sheep, and ended up going directly into the main tomb through the robber's cave."

"Everything in the main tomb was stolen, leaving only an empty red coffin."

"The most interesting thing is that the two east and west chambers for storing funerary objects are blocked by huge sealing stones. It seems that the tomb robbers did not move them away, and the funerary objects are all there."

"Are you touching Colonel Jin?" Qiao Shan, who was listening in, interrupted and asked.

"Captain Touch Jin had just finished stealing the things in the main tomb, and suddenly the candle went out. He had no choice but to run away."

"And isn't it the custom of Captain Touch Jin to rob tombs but not to rob the dead?"

"No one knows this." Teacher Miao shook his head and continued, "In the end, more than a hundred precious cultural relics were unearthed."

"However, because all the burial objects and the body were missing from the coffin of the tomb owner, and the tomb was immediately backfilled under the land just purchased by the real estate developer, so the identity of the tomb owner is still a mystery."

Still a mystery?

After listening to this, Zhang Yang was filled with question marks.

Where did this Teacher Miao come from? Why was the archaeological team he was in so good?

More than a hundred cultural relics have been excavated but the identity of the tomb owner cannot be determined?

To an archaeological expert, this is simply unbelievable.

Master Wang is older than Teacher Miao, and has definitely participated in the excavation of more ancient tombs than Teacher Miao. I have never heard him tell such a outrageous experience. But since Teacher Miao had no clue, it was hard for Zhang Yang to ask any further questions.

However, he did not give up on the matter directly.

Because the other party mentioned a very interesting point:

In the main tomb chamber, the corpses in the coffins were not spared by the tomb robbers, but the things in the ear chamber were not touched.

Because the stone seal is too heavy?

If Zhang Yang hadn't seen the seals from Han Dynasty tombs, he would have believed it.

It's not heavy at all and can be moved by two people.

Otherwise, how could "nine of the ten Han tombs be empty" come about?

It's because the anti-theft technology is so poor.

Besides, if that doesn't work, you can also dig a hole from the ground into the ear chamber. If a tomb robber can accurately drill the hole right above the tomb chamber, he must be a master.

When an expert sees the contents of the tomb owner's coffin, can't he realize that this is a big tomb?

A layman like Zhang Yang could tell just by looking at the size of the tomb.

As for Qiao Shan's speculation on the sidelines, it is completely unreliable.

I have never seen anyone who touched Colonel Jin and took away the body. It would be better to say that there was a big rice dumpling inside and he jumped out on his own.

"The characteristics of the tombs of the Soochow royal family are as follows."

"Attached: Plan of the tomb."

"Additional explanation: The tomb robbers only robbed the main tomb chamber and never touched the ear chamber, and more than a hundred treasures were unearthed in the ear chamber..."

Zhang Yang posted this key information to the expert group.

Ask if anyone knows which tomb this is.

After a while, an expert from Zhejiang Province replied.

"Zhang Yang, I seem to have heard of the ancient tomb you mentioned, but it was an [accidental tomb] and there weren't that many cultural relics unearthed."

Failure means losing archaeological value.

Generally, only large tombs that are very old and are still exposed after being stolen, and all the things that can be taken inside are taken away, will be called mistested tombs.

"Do you have any information about that tomb?"

"Yes, we went to the site when we were counting cultural relics the year before last and took some photos, but we need to look for them."

"Thank you, Mr. Li, for helping me. The information about this ancient tomb is very important to me."

About two hours later, Zhang Yang was about to leave for Linhai when Teacher Li in the group suddenly applied to add him as a friend.

After adding a friend, the other party immediately shared a scanned version of the file.

Inside was a picture of the missing tomb he mentioned.

I have never seen the tomb door;

The arch gate is a bit like the one in the museum, but the shape is the same in the Han Dynasty;

Tomb bricks are also auspicious bricks, but they are not exactly the same;

The ear chambers are all empty, so nothing can be seen;

The most critical main tomb chamber, although the coffin is also on a platform made of bricks, why is the coffin gray?

Just when Zhang Yang felt a little disappointed, the photo on the next page suddenly gave a close-up view.

There is red paint on the outside of the coffin, but it has been covered up due to time and dust. It is actually a bright red coffin!

What a coincidence.

"Boss, boss?"

Xiao Tang's voice in his ear pulled Zhang Yang out of his thoughts.

"what happened?"

"Xu Jie asked, should we go back to the company directly, or send everyone home in turn."

"Just plan the route. I'll be the last one to go back." Xu Jie added.

"Anything is fine." Zhang Yang opened the car door, "You go back first, I have more important things to do."

Teacher Miao, I have a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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