Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 379 He really believes in Buddhism too much

Chapter 379 He really believes in Buddhism too much

One hundred million, one hundred million, you can't spend it all in a lifetime.

Zhang Yang was lying on the bed, Master Wang's words echoing in his ears:

"Although one hundred million sounds like a lot, Zhang Yang, you are familiar with every plant and tree in the Hailin Museum. You should know that this is definitely not a high price, and it is even sold at a low price."

"If you can't come up with so much money at once, you can actually partner with someone, as long as you can guarantee the right to speak."

"As a major shareholder, I will always support you."

Master Wang had already talked about this, and Zhang Yang had to agree to give it a try even though he was unsure.

After all, he had poured his efforts into the museum for several months, and he really couldn't give up.

Isn’t it just 100 million?

Let's try to get it together.

If you really can't get it together, think of a way to get out.

Zhang Yang first looked at his bank card balance. The four cards totaled more than 41 million.

More than half of it was the hard-earned money he earned from holding auctions. In just a few months, he flew all over the country, and the live broadcast almost never stopped, and he didn't take much time off.

The rest was fished from foreign exchange porcelain and jade.

Fortunately, he was not in a hurry to buy a big villa and finally saved some money.

Sixty million is left...

Zhang Yang looked at the collections in his room. The most valuable treasure, which was worth hundreds of thousands of foreign exchange-earning porcelain, was displayed for eye-catching purposes.

Things that have a price but no market can't be sold at any price if it's not a special auction.

The remaining precious treasures are all stored in the Hailin Museum, including the million-dollar porcelain plate painting.

But even if those are taken into account, for the remaining 60 million large holes, it is impossible to plug them with a small stone.

Are you going to borrow money?

Zhang Yang inevitably thought of this method.

There is only half a month left before the Chinese New Year. Besides robbing banks, borrowing money is the fastest and most effective way.

Who can I borrow from?

Chen Yanguang was Zhang Yang's first choice. The rich image of the top brother is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he has the gold content of the top rich second generation.

But it was quickly ruled out.

First of all, Chen Yanguang is no longer Father Chen's boss. His younger brother is now completely in charge of his family's business.

Secondly, Chen Yanguang and Cheng Shihui are now one, and Zhang Yang is the one who sent the old man of the Cheng family to prison after all.

No matter how much Mr. Cheng and his daughter don't mind, Zhang Yang and them are still only suitable for being friends and doing business, not talking directly.

Unless he ends up looking for a partner, Zhang Yang will not consider Chen Yanguang.

He thought about it for a long time and finally chose to talk to Chu Zhenmin.

Because the little Chu family is really rich, when Director Chu was accumulating original capital, even a later big boss like Ma Weidu was still at the kid's table.

Moreover, the Chu family knew Zhang Yang thoroughly and had basic trust there.

"How much to borrow?"

"What? Sixty million?"

When Director Chu heard Zhang Yang's words on the phone, he was so frightened that he lost his grip on the mahjong in his hand and trembled and dropped it directly on the mahjong table.

"Lao Chu, are you betting fifty thousand?" Gambling partner A asked in disbelief.

"No, no, I made the wrong call."

"Hey, you have no regrets about your move." Player B picked up the 50,000 yuan on the table and slapped it in front of him, "Catch all the top five players, eight times."

"I'll give you eight hundred yuan!"

"Cough, cough, cough." Chu Zhenmin coughed violently.

Zhang Yang didn't expect such a big reaction from the other party. It seemed that the landlord's family didn't have any surplus food.

"Director Chu, are you okay? If it's inconvenient, forget it."

"What do you mean forget it? Isn't it 60 million and 800 yuan?" Chu Zhenmin counted the 800 yuan he just lost on Zhang Yang.

"Borrow, must borrow!"

"But Xiao Zhang, I really don't have that much cash on hand. How about I lend you an antique and you sell it?"

"This... is a bit difficult to realize now." Zhang Yang was a little embarrassed.

It stands to reason that as a borrower, he really has no room for bargaining.

But this time of year in January is so special.

The autumn auction in December has just ended, and the spring auction in March is still far away, just stuck in the middle.

"Then I can't control so much. How about I discuss it with Master Wang and the others, and you can talk about the museum transaction when spring comes tomorrow."

"I can still talk to Lao Wang."

"You come to my place first and take the things away." Chu Zhenmin suggested.

Zhang Yang thought about it and thought it would work.

Let’s look at things first.

If it is really a good thing, there is no need to wait for the spring auction. Contact Zhou Baotan of Christie's directly and ask him to ask in the Christie's member group to see if anyone is interested in antique collection and trade it directly offline in Linhai.

This is good, as it can also send Shen Shuyu back to Yanjing.

Kill two birds with one stone.

"Okay, then I will come to Yanjing to see you in a few days."

"Okay, okay, tell me in advance when you arrive, and I'll ask Xiao Chu to pick you up. I'm playing mahjong now, so I won't chat with you."

After saying that, Chu Zhenmin hung up Zhang Yang's call directly.

Then he raised his head and looked at the three poker players and asked: "Which one of you just cheated on my 50,000 yuan?"


Four days later, Zhang Yang and Shen Shuyu landed at Daxing Airport.

Teacher Ma and Chu Ziqiang both came to pick them up, and the couple could only separate at the airport in advance.

"Brother Yang, why did you come to Yanjing all of a sudden? You didn't come here just to see your girlfriend off, right?" Chu Ziqiang asked around while driving.

"Didn't your second uncle tell you why I came?"

"No, I just got home in the morning, and he told me that you would be arriving in the afternoon and asked me to pick you up at the airport as soon as possible."

"Do you think he is a little wicked? If I had told him otherwise, I would not have gone back. Why don't I just wait for you at the airport?" Chu Ziqiang complained.

"Hey, your second uncle must have his reasons for doing this."

"As juniors, we don't want to gossip behind our backs." Zhang Yang secretly defended a wave of his future creditors.

"Brother Yang, why are you not real at all? Has love changed you?"

"Okay, don't be poor. Speaking of which, why did you and Xiaoyue go to the ravine? It took you so long to come back."

"I couldn't reach you when I called you before."

"Hi, I went to Bashu." Chu Ziqiang explained.

"Bo (two sounds of bo) is a hanging coffin, you know? We just went to find the hanging coffin."

"Oh, it's over in Yibin, right?"

Of course Zhang Yang knew that the Bo people's hanging coffin was a national key cultural relic protection unit. As a cultural preservation expert, he must know.

"Brother Yang, have you been there too?"

"I want to come, are there any problems there?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

In his impression, the cliffs with hanging coffins should have been protected, and they were equipped with standing cameras. As long as there was no power outage, there would be no problem.

"This is quite outrageous to say..."

While waiting for the traffic light, Xiao Chu briefly explained what happened.

Half a month ago, a researcher from the local county cultural relics bureau bought a slightly damaged blue and white bowl at the farmer's market. It was identified as blue and white porcelain from the early Ming Dynasty. Being able to buy a complete Ming Dynasty blue and white porcelain at the farmer's market in 2024 can basically be equated with the "discovery of tomb robbing cases".

Soon, they found the old man selling blue and white porcelain.

The information obtained after questioning was that the old man found it in a wooden coffin in a mountain cave.

This is easily reminiscent of the hanging coffins of the Bo people.

Although the name is "hanging coffin", some Bo people's coffins are actually placed in caves and buried under grass. They are very hidden and difficult to find.

Moreover, when the Bo people developed most powerfully, it was during the Ming Dynasty. At its peak, there were hundreds of mountain villages (they were destroyed during the Wanli period).

According to the unexpected discovery made by the cultural relics department during the previous maintenance of the hanging coffin, the main funerary objects in the hanging coffin were blue and white porcelain from the Ming Dynasty, and occasionally some iron knives, silk and linen fabrics, and the like.

"What's the most outrageous thing, Brother Yang, do you know?"

"A few of us were ordered to assist in the investigation, and then the local staff told us that the old man selling blue and white porcelain was lost."

"Four or five young people followed an old man into the mountains to find a hanging coffin, but they were immediately dumped."

"The locals took us to the old man's house to look for him. Unexpectedly, he was a widower and lived alone. The front door was covered with spider webs and he never went back."

"In the end, several of our archaeological team members and the local search and rescue team worked in vain for a week in the mountains and found nothing."

"If it hadn't been for the snow, we wouldn't have known when we would have found him."

"Where's the blue and white porcelain?" Zhang Yang asked.

Of course he was interested in such a bizarre story.

As long as he could see the blue and white porcelain bowl, Zhang Yang would be confident to confirm whether it was really taken out of the hanging coffin.

Maybe the old man was just lying to Xiao Chu and the others.

"I don't know. I told you at the time that I should look for you."

"But the people in the local cultural relics bureau are too proud. When they heard that I wanted to see experts from the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, they said that what I did was not in compliance with the procedures. If I wanted to go higher up, I would have to go to experts from the province." Chu Ziqiang was depressed. said.

"I know why. They must have confused the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the National Museum, thinking they are the same."

"Brother Yang, if you say that, I understand." Xiao Chu nodded in realization, "Then I really don't blame them."


When we arrived at Chu's house, Director Chu was playing mahjong again.

This kind of happy and relaxed retirement life makes Zhang Yang envious.

"Can Xiao Zhang know it?" Director Chu's poker friend asked Zhang Yang.

"I can't play mahjong in Yanjing. I usually play in the Lezi field. The whiteboard can be used as all the cards."

"I'm going? Isn't that too perverted?" Chu Zhenmin thought for a while and said with a shocked look on his face.

"It's very perverted, but for young people, the more perverted it is, the more exciting it is." Xiao Chu replied with understanding.

Zhang Yang watched from the side as Chu Zhenmin was taken advantage of by three card buddies. He thought Lao Chu was playing cards with his leader and looked at the other three people on the card table in surprise.

It wasn't until Chu Zhenmin lost all the money in front of him that he realized that he was the real deal.

"Okay, Zhang Yang, you owe me sixty million and two thousand and three now."

"Huh? The loss in the mahjong game just now counts."

"No, I can't be the loser." Chu Zhenmin said confidently.

Only then did Chu Ziqiang realize that they were going to his second uncle's study to get "money" for Zhang Yang.

He guessed and asked: "Sixty million, Brother Yang, do you want to buy a wedding house in Yanjing?"

"Who are you looking down on for a 60-million-dollar wedding house?" Chu Zhenmin knocked on Xiao Chu's head and reminded him, "The huanghuali furniture that your Grandpa Ma's granddaughter will be getting married to will probably cost hundreds of millions." , can you afford the house for 60 million?"

These words made Zhang Yang sweat.

He thought that Teacher Ma's family was rich, but he never thought that he would be so rich.

I could only hope in my heart that Chu Zhenmin was teasing him. His words must have been exaggerated.

"That's right." Chu Ziqiang nodded, "In the past, the entire Forbidden City was managed by the elders of Mr. Ma's family. They must have plenty of money."

"Brother Yang, please don't forget each other if you want to be rich and noble."

"Haha." Zhang Yang wiped the sweat from his head and smiled perfunctorily.

I’ve said it in my heart, I’ll have to find ways to make money after the New Year, otherwise I’ll really be a freeloader.

The three of them quickly arrived at Chu Zhenmin's study.

Zhang Yang has been here several times. He has seen the calligraphy and paintings on the walls, the Four Treasures of the Study on the table, and even the furniture in the room.

The total price must be far more than 60 million.

But from what Lao Chu said, it seemed that he could get rid of the big hole by just borrowing one thing from Zhang Yang.

"Where's the baby, where's the baby, second uncle."

"Why are you in a hurry? Help me clean up the table first."

"Okay!" Chu Zi quickly started doing the chores, not even letting Zhang Yang interfere.

After all the tables were cleared, Lao Chu also took out the rare treasure from the safe in the compartment.

The things were packed in a mahogany box, with the three characters "Zhiyan Jing" in regular script embossed on the box.

The full name of the Zhiyan Sutra should be "The Zhiyan Sutra that Delivers the Realm of All Buddhas", which is a sutra of Mahayana Buddhism.

Opening the box, there was indeed a book of scripture inside.

It's a bit like the forty-two chapters in "The Deer and the Cauldron", in the form of a booklet, only thicker.

In the middle of the front, five large characters of "Yu Shu Zhi Yan Sutra" are written in gold and gold.

Other parts of the cover are decorated with brocade embroidered with dragon patterns in five colors: white, blue, yellow, red and green.

At first glance, this thing is a Buddhist scripture copied by the emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

Considering that there are more than 2,000 scriptures written by emperors of the Qing Dynasty collected in the Imperial Palace, and Lao Chu said that his Buddhist scriptures could sell for 60 million, it must be the handwriting of one of the three grandsons.

Kangxi? Yongzheng? Or Qianlong?

Seeing the seal of "obtaining great freedom" behind the words "The Sutra of Wisdom and Emancipation that Delivers the Realm of All Buddhas" at the beginning, the identity of the author is already evident.

It’s you, Qianlong!

"The entire Buddhist scripture contains more than 5,000 words, all of which were copied word by word by Qianlong."

"When I copied this Buddhist scripture..." Chu Zhenmin pointed to the inscribed text [Qianlong Yimao Yubi] and explained, "In 1796, Qianlong was already eighty-five years old, and he gave this to himself when he was eighty-five years old. Gift."

"And this year, he gave the Zen throne to Jiaqing, so this is probably the last Buddhist scripture he wrote as emperor."

"Is it precious enough?"

"Indeed." Zhang Yang nodded, "And this painting of Sakyamuni preaching in white is also good. It should be the handiwork of a palace painter."

In the painting, Sakyamuni is sitting on a lotus platform and preaching sutras. Manjusri Bodhisattva kneels in front of him and listens attentively to the sutras. What he listens to is the Zhiyan Sutra.

"Can this thing be sold for 60 million?" Chu Ziqiang first questioned, "There are a lot of these scriptures in the Forbidden City. I remember that Qianlong liked to copy Buddhist scriptures. There should be dozens of copies."

"It's because everything else is in the Forbidden City that it seems so precious to be living outside." Chu Zhenmin smiled and asked Xiao Chu, "Is it okay to lend this thing to Zhang Yang?"

"No problem." Chu Ziqiang replied without thinking.

"That's good." Chu Zhenmin nodded.

"What's good? Second uncle, there is something in your words."

"This Buddhist scripture was originally intended to be given to you as a gift when you get a wife. Now that you agree, I will lend it to Zhang Yang."

"Ah?" Xiao Chu frowned at first, but immediately realized that the second uncle said this because he was a retired cadre, "Okay, you want to use me as an excuse, right?"

Chu Ziqiang stepped forward and put his arm around Zhang Yang's shoulders and said, "Brother Yang, since this book belongs to me, you can use the money as you wish and there is no need to pay it back."

 I recommend a book called Seedlings, which is a daily flow of lawyer literature. If you are interested, you can read it.


(End of this chapter)

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