Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 380 Royal Auction House

Chapter 380 Royal Auction House

"Hahaha, okay, I'll note it down." Zhang Yang nodded and said, "There's a point, you really don't have to pay back the money, otherwise you'll have to explain the source of the funds to people if the money is put into your bank card."

“But antique exchange is different.”

"I will return to you something more expensive than this Buddhist scripture when the time comes."

"One piece? This is the emperor's thing. Brother Yang, don't put so much pressure on yourself." Chu Ziqiang advised.

Everyone has no doubt that Zhang Yang can find all the antiques worth 60 million, but the smaller the number, the higher the difficulty.

"It has to be one piece, otherwise how would it be called an exchange?" Zhang Yang said confidently.

"If I gave you six thousand blue and white bowls from the late Qing Dynasty, you wouldn't have room to put them here!"

"Hahaha, that's true." Chu Zhenmin smiled and took the initiative to help Zhang Yang put away his things.

After having dinner at Chu's house, Zhang Yang didn't waste a moment and directly booked the nearest flight back to Linhai.

Thinking of bringing 60 million yuan back to Linhai, he wanted to sew this Buddhist scripture into the lining of his clothes, just like how everyone carried cash when going out more than ten years ago.

However, considering that he had to go through the security check, Zhang Yang finally bought a password box and packed it up.

It was a smooth journey and when we landed at 11pm, Lao He was already waiting outside the airport.

"Director, will you stay in Yanjing for the whole afternoon this time?"

As Librarian He was talking, he wanted to help Zhang Yang put his luggage in the trunk.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yang waved his hand and got into the back row with his luggage.

"There are cultural relics I borrowed inside, please open slowly." Zhang Yang instructed.

"I understand, then should I ask my colleagues on night shift at the museum to prepare for the reception."

Zhang Yang: "..."

"No, no, no, God knows this and earth knows it, you know it and I know it."

"Okay." Librarian He nodded excitedly.

He thought to himself that he could finally share a secret with the curator, and tonight was not in vain.

Back at the museum, Zhang Yang locked the Buddhist scriptures and the box in the display cabinet in his office. This was 100% safe.

Who would have thought that a triangular lock would be used for something worth 60 million yuan.

The next day, he got up early again and walked into the office amidst the greetings of "Hello Director".

He took several high-definition photos of the Buddhist scriptures and sent them to Zhou Baotan in Xiangjiang, asking him to help find a buyer.

[Qianlong's royal-pen Buddhist scriptures, perfect condition, urgent sale for 7500 million, limited to Linhai offline transactions...]

After editing the information, Zhang Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Okay, now it’s time for those who wish to take the bait.

This thing is fatally attractive to those who like to collect Qing Dynasty royal antiques.

Especially some British people, they can spend 20 pounds on a piece of clothing for a Qing Dynasty concubine, which is written by Qianlong.

Is it expensive? Good price!

Moreover, when setting the price, Zhang Yang deliberately left a margin of 1500 million to give the other party room to bargain.

If the other party wants to make it cheaper at that time, this margin can just be used to show his eagerness to sell.


In the afternoon, Zhang Yang started the live broadcast half an hour in advance.

He is very short of money right now, so not only does he have to complete this month's live broadcast and complete Douyin's minimum guarantee task, but he also has to help promote "Huayu Gate" and collect some symbolic things.

Otherwise, I will be embarrassed to ask for payment at that time.

"My treasure friends, let's do something efficient today. For common items, such as jade, copper coins, etc., I will directly quote the price without further explanation."

"Only those things that seem a bit difficult or appear in our live broadcast room for the first time, let's have a good chat about it."

[It should have been like this a long time ago. I always felt that the anchor was in the water for the duration of the live broadcast]

[Don’t quote the price, the anchor next door was banned for quoting the price]

[Yes, yes, just tell me how much the garden is worth]

"It's okay, our live broadcast room is not subject to these restrictions, and the prices quoted are all RMB."

"Stop sending barrages and connect to me quickly."

Under Zhang Yang's urging, the first treasure friend to win the game came late.

On his lap lay a large black stone, the size of a cantaloupe.

The appearance is shiny and shiny, with the luster of jade.

"Teacher, guess what this is?"

"Isn't it heavy to put on your lap?" Zhang Yang asked.

"It's not heavy, it's very light." Baoyou picked up the black stone with one hand as easily as picking up a piece of plastic.

"It could be something so light, coal essence." Zhang Yang quickly came to a conclusion and asked Baoyou, "Did you pick it up yourself or did you find someone to buy it?"

"I picked it up from the coal mine in Fushun when I was a kid."

Baoyou turned over the large piece of coal stone in his hand, pointed to the section above and said, "There was originally a raised piece here. It was taken away by my cousin when I was a child. I heard it was made into bracelets and sold. Gave it to a passing businessman and sold it for fifty thousand."

“Only fifty thousand?

"That businessman passing by was a bit poor." Zhang Yang said with emotion.

"What do you mean?" Baoyou asked confusedly.

"It's all robbing anyway. How much you can sell depends on how much money you have with you, doesn't it?"

[Hahaha, coal essence bracelets from a certain treasure cost 50 yuan]

[There are a lot of these in Fushun]

[Baoyou actually believed his cousin’s bragging after hearing it]

[The essence of coal spirit is carbon, and there is no explanation for wearing it]

"Oh, teacher, what you mean is that this thing is actually worthless." Baoyou suddenly realized after reading the barrage.

It is estimated that without the barrage reminder, he would not be able to react today.

"Although it's true that it's not valuable when made into a bracelet, it doesn't mean that a big piece like yours isn't valuable."

"It's such a big piece. If you carve a horse, a dragon, or something like that, if the carving skills are better, it won't be a problem to sell it for 100 yuan per gram."

"If it's one hundred yuan per gram..." Baoyou weighed the stone in his hand and found that it was a bit light. He said frustratedly, "Then this big piece only costs a few thousand yuan, less than ten thousand yuan." .”

"Remember, it must be hand-carved by a master with good carving skills. Machine-carved ones can only be sold for 60 yuan per gram." Zhang Yang reminded.

"Okay, thank you, teacher. Teacher, please leave me your address in a private message, and I will send you a string of coal bracelets."

Baoyou is so enthusiastic, how dare Zhang Yang refuse.

Of course he agreed immediately and sent the museum’s address.

There are special security guards at the Hailin Museum to collect express delivery. All newly arrived express delivery must go through security inspection before being unpacked. There is no need to worry about treasure friends sending souvenirs.


The next few treasure friends all came to appraise silver coins, and there was nothing eye-catching.

The barrage was so boring that no one posted it except those who grabbed the lucky bags.

It wasn't until a treasure friend took out a piece of purple porcelain that the audience in the barrage came alive again.

[Jun kiln rose purple? False at first glance]

[Come, come, the same model from the Forbidden City is here] [This brother is not a national treasure, please help me cut something]

[I found it. The same type of porcelain was sold at Christie’s last year for 528 million yuan]

The information on the barrage seemed a bit problematic to Zhang Yang.

Because he had seen the one auctioned by Christie's with his own eyes.

Although it has the same name as Baoyou's, "Jun Kiln Rose Purple Glaze Three-legged Narcissus Basin with Drum Nails", the glaze color is completely different.

The side of the narcissus basin at Christie's is full of purple glaze, which was usually done in the late Yuan or early Ming dynasties.

The rim of Baoyou's basin is the cyan color of the Jun kiln, which gradually turns purple downwards, which is closer to the characteristics of the kiln's glaze, and is a typical Northern Song Dynasty style.

"Teacher, this is a Jun kiln piece with rose purple glaze from the late Yuan Dynasty. Can you help me find out its approximate value?"

Late Yuan Dynasty? Zhang Yang is incredible.

He asked curiously: "Friend Bao, where did you come to this conclusion in the late Yuan Dynasty?"

When dividing Jun kilns, the Yuan and early Ming dynasties are generally connected together, because Jun kilns in the Ming Dynasty were basically fired by craftsmen in the late Yuan Dynasty, and the characteristics of the shape and quality of the vessels are all the same.

"Expert identification."

"Oh? Which expert?" Zhang Yang immediately sat up straight.

It's been a long time since I met a treasure friend who brings experts to the stage, and Zhang Yang is looking forward to it.

[Expert, danger! 】

[If I were an expert, I would definitely tell people who are looking for my appraisal not to come to Master Zhang]

[Watch carefully, the anchor is ready to make a move]

[Half a second of feeling sorry for the expert]

"It's the expert team from Harpers Auction Company's ceramics auction."

"Who are they specifically?" Zhang Yang asked.

"I don't know, it's just the result given by the auction company."

Zhang Yang didn't expect such an answer, and was a little disappointed.

He was just thinking about how to ask a question. Baoyou was very familiar with him and had already begun to introduce everything to Zhang Yang and the audience in the live broadcast room:

"Harbours Auction Company, behind it is the prestigious Harbours family in Europe, a wealthy family inherited from the 19th century..."

"The anchor should know about the three major auction companies in the world, right?" Baoyou asked.

"The big three? Aren't they usually the two major auction companies?" Zhang Yang scratched his head and said, "Sotheby's, Christie's, and the other one is the Harpers you mentioned, right?"

"Yes." Baoyou replied loudly.

He explained: "Harbours Auction Company is not well-known in China because it has always served the mid-to-high-end market in Europe and is deeply trusted by European royal families. It was not until 2018 that it entered the domestic market and entered Asia..."

"Did you make up these commentaries yourself, or did you search them on the Internet?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

Talking about specifically serving the European royal family and nobles, it sounded like a clear stupidity.

It’s 2024, and there are still people advertising using the names of European royal families?

Advertisements selling "Olive Oil Exclusively for the Spanish Royal Family" and advertisements for "Aquatic Nobles" have been on CCTV for many years. Normal people have long been immune to "European Royal Nobles".

And why did they only enter the domestic market in 2018? China obviously joined the WTO in 2001.

Did this auction house not want to make money, so it deliberately waited until the cultural relics auction policy was tightened before entering the Asian market?

It’s so full of loopholes that it’s so funny.

Zhang Yang even suspected that Baoyou was a staff member of this company and came to advertise.

However, Baoyou immediately gave up Zhang Yang’s idea.

He told everyone: "These are all written by the official website of Harpers Auction Company. The information written on the official website should be accurate."

"Oh I got it."

Zhang Yang nodded, thinking that this must be another leather bag company that defrauded appraisal fees, so he casually asked: "Friend Bao, how much appraisal fees did you pay them?"

"The price is 500 yuan each, and I have appraised four of them. But this Jun kiln from the Yuan Dynasty is authentic, and the other three are all fake."

"Did you pay the appraisal fee of two thousand yuan? You are very capable."

"Actually, the appraisal fee is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that they accept auctions from us ordinary collectors, and the handling fee is very low."

“In the past few years, I have been looking for many auction companies to send my collection.” Baoyou shared his experience earnestly, “Either Christie’s, which does not accept submissions from non-members, or some small domestic companies, which seem to be irregular. .”

"Among the big international auction houses, only Harpers is decent."

[I’m afraid that if I didn’t send something over, it would be gone]

[This Hapos seems to be real, I searched it on the Internet]

[There is a live video of its auction online]

[Is it true if there is a live video? Can't we hire an actor? 】

[At least it proves that this is not a pheasant company, there are foreigners in the video]

【More foreign actors】

There were different opinions in the barrage, but Zhang Yang ignored them and told Baoyou:

"Friend Bao, according to what I have seen in the video, this should be a modern, imitation of the Northern Song Dynasty rose purple glaze Jun kiln."

"This kind of narcissus basin is a very classic type of Jun porcelain. You can go to major museums such as the Forbidden City and compare it yourself. After comparing, you will know that it is either from the Northern Song Dynasty or modern."

"Of course, I think it is a modern imitation. Because it does not have the special graininess of the Jun kiln glaze of the Song Dynasty, and the color changes also lack the randomness of the kiln glaze."

After hearing Zhang Yang's answer, Baoyou didn't react too fiercely, but laughed twice: "Haha, teacher, it's normal for you to have different opinions."

"The estimate given to me by Harpers Auction House for auctioning this thing is 800 million. If I can sell it for 800 million if I send it over, can you admit, teacher, that my thing is real? Did you read it wrong? "

This is the first time Zhang Yang has seen this kind of leverage.

It's quite novel, but it still doesn't make sense.

"Of course I don't admit it." Zhang Yang shook his head and told Baoyou, "There are a lot of fakes sold at high prices at auctions, and there are a lot of them online..."

"Teacher, it's boring for you to talk about those special cases."

"Forget it, I won't force you. I'll come back to you after my auction is completed in two months."

"Okay, okay." Zhang Yang smiled and nodded, "We'll wait for you."

Zhang Yang originally thought that this matter would be over.

Unexpectedly, another treasure friend came soon. He said that the things he brought were also going to be auctioned at Harpers Auction House.

At the same time as my friend just now.

His is a [green land plain three-color double phoenix with peony pattern and phoenix tail statue] from the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty.

The things are real, authentic Kangxi plain three-color paintings, and they are in good condition.

This thing looks familiar to Zhang Yang, because there are not many plain three-color Phoenix tail statues, and most of them are bowls and plates.

I checked online and found that a similar one had been auctioned.

The shape, decoration, and designation of the vessel are very similar to those of Baoyou, a bit like a pair.

That piece was sold at Christie's three years ago for 70.

The estimated starting price given by Harpers Auction House is 200 million.

In three years, it tripled?

This is somewhat exaggerated.

"Friend Bao, does the starting price have any impact on you?"

"Yes, we charge a handling fee of 1.25%. The higher the starting price, the more money you pay." Baoyou replied, "But as long as the transaction is completed, the handling fee will be calculated on the buyer."

After hearing this, Zhang Yang slapped his thigh and said in his heart: Why didn't I expect such an easy way to make money at my own auction?

(End of this chapter)

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