Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 393 Congratulations, Deputy Director Yang

Chapter 393 Congratulations, Deputy Director Yang

While Zhang Yang was helping his friends to identify the treasures, Deputy Director Yang was also very busy.

For the first time, he gave up his nap time. At this time, he was in the treasure room of his villa, selecting antiques that would be appraised by Zhang Yang later.

"The collection worth more than 100,000 yuan must not be less than ten pieces, one worth one million yuan or one piece of second-class cultural relics or above...Who set the standard for this?" Deputy Director Yang looked at the secretary sent to him. Collection requirements, couldn't help but mutter.

Noble people tend to forget things, and he has forgotten that it was the standard set by him and Zhang Yang in the meeting a week ago.

The requirement of "second-level cultural relics" was specially put forward by him. The reason he used was that "collection should not be purely based on money, but should reflect correct values."

In Deputy Director Yang's home, there are many antiques that are "money-oriented" and "high cultural relic value", and most of them are gifts from others.

As the leader of the TV station, he usually has meals with sponsors, keeps in touch with each other, etc. That is his responsibility.

Sometimes friends have a happy chat and exchange gifts, which is normal.

The gifts Deputy Director Yang usually prepares are Afghan jade ornaments wholesaled from the Internet for fifty yuan a piece. They look like mutton-fat jade worth hundreds of thousands, and are very respectable.

And the gift he received was now a room full of antiques.

"Antiques worth millions must not be taken out casually. With the mentality of those viewers who hate the rich, they will definitely say: I suggest you check it out."

"Although it is anonymous online, there are no employees who know about it internally and will take the opportunity to cause trouble."

Although Deputy Director Yang has little experience in public appearances on stage, he has rich experience in internal fighting and knows what kind of behavior is likely to cause problems.

He looked at the large and small porcelain and bronzes on his antique shelf and shook his head.

Everything is too good, but none of this works.

Turning his eyes, Deputy Director Yang saw the bookcase containing paintings and calligraphy in the corner. His eyes lit up when he thought of the contents of that big cabinet.

Something worth one hundred thousand yuan...don't the works of some famous domestic painters just fit the bill?

It’s not a treasure, and it’s normal for S-level collectors to collect a few pieces.

As for the requirement for "Class II cultural relics and above", he thought about it and settled it with a set of worthless rare cultural relics.

After selecting these things, he did not rush to connect the wheat, but first decorated his study room and put away all the things with status symbols on the desk.

Then he moved the table to an angle to ensure that it was pointed at the white wall of the room when connecting microphones.

Finally, after making all preparations, he sent a message to the enchanting female host, reminding her: "I'm going to the live broadcast room to fill the cup, remember to pick me six six six in the barrage. "

The other party quickly replied: "Master, fly with peace of mind, Beibei will always be with you."

"It's very, very beautiful." Deputy Director Yang touched his belly with satisfaction, as if he had already seen the wonderful night that followed.

He clicked on Zhang Yang's live broadcast room, waited for the current treasure friend to complete the appraisal, and immediately initiated the application for wheat connection.


"Friend Bao, your grandfather's collection is not very good." Zhang Yang looked at the large and small cricket jars on the table in front of him and touched his chin.

"The cricket jars made of purple sand and clear mud are all from the mid-Qing Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty."

"I looked at it. It should be something used by the stubborn masters in Yanjing back then."

"It's just the toys made by street gangsters from the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty. They were probably quite popular at the time, but now except for some old men, who would play with crickets?"

"So this thing is usually sold for the price of high-quality pottery, and it only costs about a thousand dollars to break the sky."

"How much is Xiaoqian?" Baoyou asked doubtfully.

"You can count it as one thousand and five, it's not more than three thousand anyway."

"Except for these clay ones, that blue and white porcelain cricket jar, did you just say it was from Xuande of the Ming Dynasty?"

"Yes." Baoyou nodded and introduced his grandfather, "My grandfather bought this from a very famous local collector. It cost 300,000."

"That price doesn't sound right." Zhang Yang shook his head and told Baoyou, "Take a cricket pot as an example. Three hundred thousand is the price of Wanli blue and white porcelain. Xuande's price would be three times that."

"It is impossible for serious collectors not to understand the difference. They must have been deceived. Please call the police directly."

"This is a handicraft produced in Jingdi Town in recent years. The quality is very low. I suspect it was purchased directly online."

[Well said, call the police directly]

[Dare to defraud the elderly of their money? I'm used to him]

[As soon as I heard about a famous local collector, I felt something was wrong]

[Xuande’s blue and white porcelain is basically only found at auctions]

"Can we call the police?" Baoyou's grandfather asked quietly from the side.

"Yes, it's already 300,000 yuan. Let's call the police first and let the police help investigate. Fraud of 300,000 yuan is a big case and you will be jailed."

"Okay, I understand." Baoyou nodded, and after saying thank you to Zhang Yang, he came back and asked him, "Teacher, what level can my grandfather's collection be rated at?"

"I showed him the items in the window of "Huayu Gate", and he was quite interested in one of the blue and white bowls with Yunlong bead pattern from Kangxi. I wanted to use the coupons to buy it for him as a birthday gift. "

"Oh? Are you really planning to buy it?" Zhang Yang was a little surprised.

This is the first treasure friend to propose a purchase during the grading process.

"If I really want to buy it, I have all the money ready."

"You have said so... Then I will use the highest ability within my authority to give you a B-level." Zhang Yang thought for a while and said.

In fact, you have the right to give A-level and S-level publicity, but if you really give it, the rating will change. The strength of the treasure friends must be taken into consideration, otherwise the level system will easily collapse in the later period.

“Hope you enjoy your shopping!”

"Thank you, no, thank you Master Zhang." Baoyou responded sincerely.

"You're welcome, then our Lianmai will be here first today."

Zhang Yang's happiest moment every day was this moment. Baoyou would not only beg him to buy something from him, but would also keep thanking him.

This is the highest level of selling goods, and it cannot be compared to the kind of "family members, please help me".

"Why don't I give him an S-level rating to fulfill his grandpa's wish?"

Zhang Yang saw a strange barrage and read it out loud.

"Um, user 76232, the anchor is not Santa Claus, and I am not the one who will fulfill your wishes."

"Why don't you order an S-class one? I'll use all your S-class coupons to fulfill other people's wishes. Do you think that's okay?"

[Hahaha, so annoying]

[It is the most outrageous thing to be generous to others]

[Who doesn’t have an old man in his family, and who doesn’t have a wish? 】

[There is no S-level, the highest level now is A-level]

[In order to make money, the anchors will not set an S level]

"Who said I won't be rated S-level? Haven't I laid out the definition of S-level for you?"

Zhang Yang pointed to the upper right corner of the screen, where the requirements formulated by Zhang Yang and Deputy Director Yang were written in big red characters.

"On the contrary, you have some treasure friends. Stop hiding them and quickly bring out the good things to calm down the scene."

"Come on, come on, next one!"

Of course, Zhang Yang didn't say these words out of boredom. He was actually preparing for the appearance of Deputy Director Yang.

In the headset, Xu Jie had already reminded him that there was news from the TV station, and it would be the time for Deputy Director Yang to appear later.

Although there is still half an hour before the agreed time, since he is the leader, he will probably come as soon as he wakes up, so the others can only accommodate themselves.

Zhang Yang searched for a while in the list of applications for continuous wheat, and finally found the "three-no account with a jingle cat avatar" that Xu Jie said.

He thought to himself: Deputy Director Yang is quite cautious. He even has to re-apply for a trumpet account online.

Accept Lianmai!

When the video was connected, Zhang Yang almost laughed out loud when he saw Deputy Director Yang's square, somewhat old-fashioned face wearing black-rimmed glasses.

Wow, Sanwu account directly showed his face, what does this mean? Abstract performance art?

Of course, this should be the fault of the station manager’s mobile phone, which automatically switches to the front camera when making videos. This has happened many times in the live broadcast room before.

But for Deputy Director Yang who wanted to hide his identity, it seemed a little bit funny.

He didn't seem to know the key yet, and was still asking Zhang Yang:

"Hey, can you see?"

"I saw it." Zhang Yang nodded, "Brother, your black-rimmed glasses are nice. They remind me of an elder."

"Huh?" Deputy Director Yang was stunned. He immediately realized that there was something wrong with the camera and quickly flipped the lens.

"What now? Can you see my desk?"

"OK OK."

"Are you trying to appraise calligraphy and paintings?" Zhang Yang said, looking at a pile of rolled scrolls on the mahogany desk.

To be honest, this mahogany table alone already costs 50,000 yuan in the furniture market. It can be seen that Deputy Director Yang is very powerful.

However, Zhang Yang was not from the Anti-Corruption Bureau, so he naturally didn't say much.

"You can just pick one for everyone to enjoy. We will have fun reading calligraphy and painting in this live broadcast room."

"I don't know the level of the audience. Anyway, I am only half-full, so I can tell whether it is true or false."

"Okay, let's take a look first." Deputy Director Yang opened one at random and spread it on the desk.

It's a calligraphy couplet.

When an expert appreciates calligraphy, it depends on the strength of the pen;

But for a layman like Zhang Yang, of course, first look at the signature.

The signature is "Mr. Pu Chu's letter to Qi Gong", and there are two seals, one is "The Seal of Qi Gong" and the other is "Yuan Bai".

oh? Just use the word "Qi Gong" as soon as you come up?

Deputy Director Yang's collection is indeed very good.

This couplet was framed together and it said: "Teach others diligently and discipline yourself strictly."

Combined with the signature, Zhang Yang could barely tell that this couplet was written by Qi Gong to praise a person named "Mr. Pu Chu".

As for whether calligraphy is good or not, Zhang Yang cannot comment.

Anyway, Zhang Yang heard Shen Shuyu say that Qi Gong had too many social works in his later years, which led to vulgarity. This one looks very much like a social work.

But even so, among modern calligraphers, Qi Gong's works are still among the top ones, and the chairman of the Calligraphers Association still retains his reputation.

"Friend Bao, this thing of yours looks good. Where did it come from?" Zhang Yang asked casually like he did with every Bao Friend.

But Deputy Director Yang didn’t take this very seriously and asked Zhang Yang directly:

"You're a treasure appraiser, why are you asking so many questions? Can't you just tell me whether this thing is good or not and how much it's worth?"

[Fuck, crazy! 】

[Okay, okay, fight Master Zhang fiercely]

[This middle-aged man is so boring, how can the anchor stay in the spotlight without talking about his origins]


"Um, brother, you are a bit too sensitive." Zhang Yang wiped the cold sweat from his head, "This is the rule in our live broadcast room. Of course, you can not abide by the rules if you want."

"No, no, no, no, let's follow the rules." Deputy Director Yang suddenly remembered his original intention of keeping a low profile and changed his face at the speed of light.

"Actually, this thing was given to me by a good friend. I exchanged it for a small piece of mutton-fat jade. That piece of mutton-fat jade is worth half a million!"

"Five million?"

"Although this calligraphy of "Qi Gong" is authentic, it doesn't look like a square foot, and it's only worth 150,000 at most." Zhang Yang pretended to be surprised and said, "Brother, you've suffered a big loss."

"It's okay, it's okay, isn't it just 150,000? It's just right to make friends."

Deputy Director Yang smiled crookedly when he heard that this piece of calligraphy was worth 150,000 yuan.

He said in his heart: Look at my level. I said I wanted a collection of more than 100,000 yuan, but what I took out was exactly 150,000 yuan, no more, no less.

He said to Zhang Yang: "Remember, this is already one thing, let's continue."

[Is this person going to challenge S-level? 】

[According to his tone, yes, now 1/10]

[There are still a lot of paintings and calligraphy on the desktop, I feel like I have a chance]

"Okay, the progress is eleventh, let's continue." Zhang Yang made a gesture of invitation.

The second collection displayed by Deputy Director Yang was a painting.

The painting is of narcissus.

As one of the top ten traditional Chinese flowers, narcissus has always been a symbol of otherworldliness among literati. In order to express this, this picture of narcissus is specially inscribed with the sentence "Looking at the bright moon on the river, it is suspected that it is a beautiful woman."

Very elegant.

The signature is: In 1966, the peach tree opened, Pan Tianshou.

The author's name seemed a bit familiar to Zhang Yang.

I seem to have seen it somewhere.

His hands quickly operated on the keyboard, and he quickly found the source of this familiar feeling. This teacher Pan Tianshou Pan was on the "List of Famous Artists Restricted from Export of Eight Categories of Works Restricted from the Export of Deceased Paintings and Calligraphy After 1911".

Potential stock?

However, it is a blue chip stock!

As early as 2015, his masterpiece had been auctioned at Guardian for a sky-high price of 2.43 million yuan, which averages out to about million per square foot.

Although this narcissus is definitely not a masterpiece, the price is definitely rising now.

"Friend Bao, how long have you had this work by Teacher Pan Tianshou?"

"A friend gave it to me four or five years ago." Deputy Director Yang responded cooperatively and prepared to put the painting away.

"Don't worry." Zhang Yang called out to him.

In Zhang Yang's opinion, this should be the painting worth more than one million prepared by Deputy Director Yang in order to preach. Of course, such an important thing must be explained clearly to the audience.

"Brothers, pay attention. This is the work of teacher Pan Tianshou. He was once the vice chairman of the Artists Association and the president of the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts."

"Just last year, he was included in the "List of Famous Artists Who Restricted the Export of Eight Categories of Works of Deceased Paintings and Calligraphy After 1911". All his works are not allowed to be exported and are treated the same as first-class cultural relics."

"So this authentic painting, although it is a bit small, I estimate it at 300 million, and everyone should have no doubts about it, right?"

[No problem, very reasonable]

[How come I haven’t heard of this list mentioned by the anchor]

[First-class cultural relics level calligraphy and painting, 300 million is really not expensive]

[Okay, now we are just short of 9 collections worth more than 10 yuan]

"How much?" Deputy Director Yang scratched his head.

He understood it, but he seemed not to understand it. How come a painting that was worth 20 yuan four or five years ago suddenly became 300 million yuan?

Is Director Zhang trying to add value to his bribery case?

But there is a good thing about this. Deputy Director Yang feels that there is probably no need to take out the second-level cultural relic prepared.

It's just a coincidence that after appraising all the paintings on the desk, including "Narcissus Pictures", only ten of them were worth more than 10.

Deputy Director Yang thought for a while and decided not to waste time. He still had to go on a date with someone, so he said to Zhang Yang: "Anchor, that Pan Tianshou painting costs more than 100,000 yuan. I'll get another one." Something with the level of a second-level cultural relic comes out.”

As he spoke, he took out a rectangular wooden box.

"Anchor, take a look, what do you think of this?"

Zhang Yang took a look at the things inside and nodded: "Execution, very punishment!"

(End of this chapter)

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