Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 394 This sword can open the prison door

Chapter 394 This sword can open the prison door

"If that's okay, host, just announce it directly."

Deputy Director Yang breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself, he didn't expect that being a sitter for a treasure appraisal anchor is quite particular.

There must have been at least twenty paintings he took out. Unexpectedly, more than half of them did not meet the requirements.

The most annoying ones were the paintings and calligraphy whose valuation was stuck at 90,000 by Zhang Yang, which drove Deputy Director Yang crazy several times.

He kept saying: Anchor, can't you count 10,000 yuan more?

Zhang Yang always responded with a smile: If someone comes up with exactly the same one, will you give me the extra money?

Fortunately, it's finally over now.

Deputy Director Yang smiled and asked Zhang Yang: "I should be the only S-class now, right? Hahahaha."

"Don't worry, wait a moment." Zhang Yang gestured to the camera to stop.

He explained to Deputy Director Yang: "Although this thing is indeed a treasure of Class II cultural relics or above, we still have to analyze it."

"Our leaders have said that the process of determining S-level must be completely transparent and make every treasure friend speechless."

"...Okay, come on, let's analyze it."

Deputy Director Yang did not realize the seriousness of the problem at this time. He was full of confidence and seemed to listen attentively to what he said.

"There are four pieces of jade in this box..." Zhang Yang pointed to the items in the video and introduced them one by one to the audience, "We generally call it [Four-piece Set of Western Han Sword Ornaments]."

"They are jade sword head, jade sword grid, jade sword jade (zhi four tones) and jade sword jade (bi four tones)."

The sword head is a round pancake-shaped jade device installed at the end of the sword hilt.

The sword head in Deputy Director Yang's collection has a relatively simple decoration, which is a combination of the common breast pattern and hooked cloud pattern. There is nothing special about it.

In comparison, the sword grid (the part between the hilt and the blade used to protect the hand) is much more exquisite.

The remaining part of the iron sword can be ignored. Just look at the decoration on the sword grid. There is a nose-like pattern protruding in the middle, and animal facial patterns with thick eyebrows, round eyes, and open noses extend to both sides. There are symmetrical animal facial patterns on both sides. Hook-and-loop moiré patterns and curling moiré patterns.

This kind of decoration can be seen from the Western Han Dynasty at a glance.

The long strip of sword on the side has a pattern similar to that of a sword. Both ends are symmetrical animal mask patterns, and the centers of the eyebrows, eyes, and nose of the animal mask form a line.

This type of utensil can be regarded as a hook on the scabbard. After inserting the scabbard into the sword, the hook on it can be used to hang it on the wearer.

What really makes Zhang Yang feel guilty is the sword in this set of sword accessories.

The sword quill is usually installed at the bottom of the scabbard, protecting the tip of the sword. It is often the most exquisitely carved part in the four-piece set and has the most special meaning.

In the Han Dynasty, jade sword ornaments were only worn by nobles, but nobles were also divided into three, six, and nine grades.

Different levels have different grades of sword decorations.

Jianju is used to distinguish grades.

The length of Deputy Director Yang's sword is an astonishing nine centimeters, and its huge size is very rare among similar vessels.

At least there is none in the Hailin Museum.

The former owner of this jade sword must have been at least a prince-level noble.

"Name: Western Han Dynasty Jade Sword Ornament"

"Production date: 182 BC"

"Detailed information: These four jade sword ornaments are the jade parts left after corrosion from the sword of Liu Jiao, King of Chu Yuan in the Western Han Dynasty. Liu Jiao's tomb was built at Lion Mountain in Xuzhou. These four jade objects are burial artifacts unearthed by archaeologists. "

"If I read it correctly, this should be a cultural relic unearthed during the excavation of the Chu King's Tomb in Beidongshan, Xuzhou in 86." Zhang Yang introduced to the audience. As a history student, I have heard of the name Zhang Yang of the th generation King of Chu in the Western Han Dynasty. Naturally, I also know about the excavation of the tomb of King Chu in Xuzhou.

"Some people may not know much about Liu Jiao, King of the Chu Yuan Dynasty. He is Liu Bang's younger brother, but he has no reputation. In fact, I only need to tell you a little about it to understand its value. In this Chu King's tomb, the archaeological team members A complete jade garment with gold threads was found..."

[Fuck, big tomb! 】

[I am from Xuzhou, and the tomb of King Chu is the most complex Han tomb discovered so far]

[I went there once when I was traveling, and the ticket was only 8 yuan]

[Trivia, this tomb was stolen before it was excavated]

Deputy Director Yang's face darkened after hearing Zhang Yang's words.

The tomb of Liu Bang's younger brother was unearthed?

His first reaction was that it was untrue. He was just a treasure appraisal anchor. It was almost enough to identify it as an ancient jade from the Western Han Dynasty. It was directly accurate to which tomb it was unearthed. Isn't it a bit too outrageous?

"Zhang... anchor, you are too ridiculous." Deputy Director Yang chose to tell the truth and said what was in his heart.

"There is not only one tomb of the King of Chu in the Han Dynasty. Besides, whether these jades are from the Western Han Dynasty is only your own appraisal result. It is just a family opinion. Other experts are not sure yet."

"No need to go to such trouble." Zhang Yang smiled and shook his head, "Friend Bao, just tell me the origin of these things."

"If I guess correctly, this four-piece set should have been a collection of cultural relics in the local museum. Some insider must have swapped the genuine items. Otherwise, this kind of first-class cultural relics should not appear in the hands of ordinary collectors."

"Swap the package?"

At this time, Deputy Director Yang's face did not turn black, but his whole face became gloomy.

He said to Zhang Yang in a very low tone:

"Anchor, I would like to advise you that the Internet is not a place outside the law. Please be careful in your words and deeds. These pieces of jade were given to me by my friend. With his identity, I can guarantee that there is nothing wrong with this item."

"Haha, okay then." Zhang Yang had an ambiguous smile on his face and shrugged helplessly.

The audience could hear these harsh words, and Deputy Director Yang's knees were already a little weak.

Zhang Yang knew that there were Internet police watching the live broadcast room, otherwise he would not have understood the source of the things so clearly.

When it comes to the loss of state-owned cultural relics, I believe someone will follow up later.

As an anchor, he doesn't need to push too hard.

So Zhang Yang's tone suddenly softened, and he changed the subject and said: "I would like to congratulate you, Baoyou, for becoming the first top collector rated S in this live broadcast room."

"Come on, brothers, give Big Brother a wave of 666..."

"The staff will also follow up and register this big brother's personal information."


At the same time, in a small rental house in downtown Zhongyuan.

Ou Bei, the host of "Huayu Gate", was typing "666" on the keyboard while dialing the number of another deputy director.

"Director, I have some serious dirt on Deputy Director Yang."

"To what extent? Let me tell you this, if he is convinced, he can be sent to jail directly, let alone compete with you for the position of director."

"My request is actually very simple. I hope that I can speak for myself in the program "Huayu Gate" in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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