Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 395 Taking over the Hailin Museum industry

Chapter 395 Taking over the Hailin Museum industry

At five o'clock in the afternoon, after the treasure appraisal program ended, Zhang Yang immediately called Deputy Director Yang.

Because an hour ago, Xu Jie said to Zhang Yang on the microphone:

The staff from the TV station came with news and said, "Vice Director Yang is very angry, the consequences will be serious, and he is very disappointed with Zhang Yang."

To put it bluntly, it's like filming an idol drama.

The other party demanded that Zhang Yang give them an explanation as soon as possible, otherwise the cooperation between the two parties would be terminated.

The problem is, the cooperation was originally proposed by "Huayu Gate" itself?

Zhang Yang consulted with many partners and only selected them with the best conditions given by Deputy Director Yang.

Only Zhang Yang has the contact information of Indonesian boss Li, which means that the source of goods is in Zhang Yang's hands.

If he didn't want to make money quickly and pay off the 60 million foreign debt, Zhang Yang would not continue to cooperate with the TV station.

However, considering that everyone had a pleasant cooperation before, Zhang Yang still made the call.

I thought that I could simply say sorry, or I could persuade Deputy Director Yang to take the initiative to explain his problems to his superiors.

There is no use in escaping. This first-class cultural relic appeared on the Internet, and it was shown in front of nearly 100,000 netizens. Live broadcast slices are destined to fly all over the sky, and it will definitely be investigated in the end. Even Jesus will not be able to keep him.

But when Zhang Yang called, the voice of a strange man answered the phone.

"Hello Director Zhang, are you looking for Deputy Director Yang Shulin?"

"I am indeed looking for someone named Yang. Who are you? Why do you know that my surname is Zhang and that I am the curator of the museum?"

Zhang Yang remembered that Deputy Director Yang's secretary was a girl with a very sweet voice. Could it be that she had changed her taste?

"There is an incoming call reminder on the phone..." The man on the other end of the phone cleared his throat and said, "Director Zhang, you came just in time."

"We just have a few questions, and we would like to ask Director Zhang a preliminary question. Is it convenient for you now?"

"I would like to state in advance that in order to ensure the quality of the call, I need to record this call. Please think carefully before answering."

This tone... is too familiar to the battle-hardened Zhang Yang.

Either "police" or "discipline".

But no matter which one it is, it means that Deputy Director Yang has already exposed the incident.

Something happened so quickly!


Zhang Yang breathed a long sigh of relief.

Okay, now you don't have to talk to Deputy Director Yang against your will.

Being arrested so quickly proves that Zhang Yang's previous thoughts were correct. Whoever gets involved with this first-class cultural relic is indeed unlucky.

"Ahem, okay, you ask."

"I will tell you everything I know," Zhang Yang promised.

"Okay, first question: Curator Zhang, when you appraised the antiques collected by Yang Shulin today, did you communicate with him in advance about the status of each antique? Did you know in advance that there would be precious cultural relics?"

"There was absolutely no communication in advance." Zhang Yang replied firmly, "God knows for what purpose he had to bring out a few strange things."

"I have reason to suspect that he is showing off his wealth."

"Well... Now comes the second question: Director Zhang, can you be responsible for the antique appraisal results you gave during the live broadcast? Especially the appraisal conclusion of the Western Han Dynasty jade."

"Absolutely not." Zhang Yang replied quickly.

"Video treasure identification is inherently error-prone. I am just telling what I saw. Any similarity is purely coincidental."

This is a problem that no matter how confident Zhang Yang is, he will never admit it.

Let them, those who arrest people, find experts to study and identify again.

Anyway, if people from Zhongyuan City apply for experts, the task will definitely not fall on Linhai's Zhang Yang. "Understood, then the third question: Is there any interest relationship between Director Zhang and other people in the TV station, especially the leadership? Is there any conflict of interest with Yang Shulin before?"

"Please think carefully before answering this question. We will definitely conduct a targeted investigation in the future." the man reminded.

"In fact, there is a relationship of interest." Zhang Yang thought for a while and replied, "I just want people like the TV station to work hard and sell all the backlog of goods for me."

"You understand, nigger? I'm doing a triangular trade with the TV station leaders."

"I want the TV station staff to help me with all the procedures, receiving and delivering goods, responding to customer inquiries and comments, etc..."

"Director Zhang, you... are really quick to talk." The reviewer said in a complicated tone, and then told Zhang Yang that the questions were over.

"That's it?" Zhang Yang was a little unfinished.

"If I have any questions later, I will contact you again to understand the situation. Thank you for your cooperation."

"you are welcome."

The other party stopped asking questions, so of course Zhang Yang had no objection, as long as he was not allowed to fly over to take notes.

I heard that it will snow heavily across the country soon. If I go to take notes, it will be uncomfortable if I am stuck in a different place for the New Year.


Early the next morning, because the studio employees were on vacation and the live broadcast equipment was moved to the museum, Zhang Yang could determine the time of the live broadcast completely based on his own work plan.

Today, he changed the live broadcast to evening.

Because in the afternoon, he and Librarian He wanted to continue visiting the elderly people who had "graduated" from the Hailin Museum before New Year's Eve.

The difference from last time is that this time, he is in the capacity of curator.

Zhengerbajing inherited the great unity of the curator.

Zhang Yang’s main visitors are the two companies that pay the largest dividends at the end of each year among the museum’s external investments:

Silver dollar factory, and antique restoration studio.

Each one sounds problematic.

"To be honest, if you hadn't told me, I would never have imagined that there would be so many [talents] among the old people working in the Hailin Museum."

On the way to the silver dollar factory, Zhang Yang couldn't help but complain while looking at the information about the owner of the silver dollar factory.

The owner of the silver dollar factory is called Luo Yicai, and he is sixty-eight today.

He used to be an expert in charge of collecting and organizing ancient coins in the museum. Unexpectedly, after retirement, he actually made ill-gotten wealth as his name suggests.

Luo Yicai bought a machine from France that was used to stamp silver coins. After repairing it, he could directly mass-produce silver coins.

At first, it could only produce 50-cent "Oceans" (French Indian trade silver coins, with the Statue of Liberty on the front), because the old machine was originally the machine that produced the Ocelots in Paris.

Now, they can produce all the silver coins on the market, and even have a special aging workshop. They can be regarded as the infant version of Hedong Group in the silver dollar circle.

"Director, Mr. Luo's silver dollar factory is very formal. They sell the products at the price of handicrafts and earn hard-earned money." Curator He explained.

"I saw your note. One piece costs 27 grams, the silver material is 5 yuan per gram, and the cost is 135 yuan. He sells it as a handicraft for 200 yuan a piece, right?"

"Yes, yes." Librarian He nodded repeatedly. He was afraid that Zhang Yang would be angry and sent the old museum employees in. "The normal market price of Zuoyang is 300 to 400. His price is definitely the price of handicrafts. ."

"You are right, but... is there a possibility that the price he quoted to you is the price of the handicraft?" Zhang Yang asked rhetorically.

(End of this chapter)

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