Chapter 398 Locked

"Our porcelain restoration here is the most famous..."

Lao Yi didn't notice that Zhang Yang's expression changed somewhat after coming out of the bronze workshop.

He was walking in front of the two of them, bragging about how awesome his studio was.

"When I was planning to build this studio, it was Master Wang who helped me find someone. The person I finally found was Mr. Lin, a veteran in the porcelain restoration field, an expert group of the Chinese Cultural Relics Restoration Committee and an expert in ceramic restoration."

In the porcelain studio, an old lady who was immersed in her work raised her head when she heard this.

She said with a smile from the corner of her eyes: "Old Yi, why are you talking about the past again? There is no such thing as Teacher Lin, I am just a bad old lady now."

"Hahaha. Director Zhang, this is Teacher Lin." Lao Yi introduced with a smile.

"Hello, Teacher Lin."

Zhang Yang politely walked forward to say hello, but when he saw the other person's appearance clearly, he was suddenly startled.

He knew this man.

When he was studying in Yanjing, Zhang Yang met her at an academic seminar.

The host's introduction at that time said that she had been engaged in the restoration of ancient ceramics for 45 years and was an expert in the expert database of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage. Although she retired, she was still an authority in the restoration of cultural relics.

Zhang Yang, an expert in cultural relic restoration, has seen such a person before, so he was very impressed.

Such a character, nestled in this small studio?

Could it be said that she is covering the business of this studio?

The more Zhang Yang thought about it, the more it seemed possible.

Considering the other party's special identity, Zhang Yang did not hide anything and expressed his other identity very honestly:

"Teacher Lin, we met at the Yangshao Ceramics Cultural Exchange Conference in Yanjing. Do you still have any impressions?"

"Huh?" Teacher Lin stood up with a puzzled expression on his face, "Who are you?"

"My name is Zhang Yang. I went with Director Chu Zhenmin and I was sitting next to him."

"Oh, so you are Xiao Zhang." Teacher Lin nodded in realization, "I saw you speaking in the expert group."

" are already the director of a museum at such a young age?"

"This is mainly because my master, Master Wang, takes care of me." Zhang Yang explained habitually, and then asked Teacher Lin, "Are you personally responsible for the ceramics studio here?"


"I'm considered a consultant. The main thing is done by my apprentices."

"Teacher Lin's disciples are all on winter vacation, and she just came to visit them in the past few days." Lao Yi explained.

"That's it..." Zhang Yang nodded and looked at Teacher Lin, "Since you are here, Teacher, I'll just tell you."

"Actually, I just want to understand one thing when I come here...why can our studio make so much money?"

"Huh? Money?" Except for Librarian He, the other two people were stunned.

We are all cultural people, why are we suddenly involved in money?

But there is a reason for Zhang Yang to do this. Teacher Lin's status is similar to that of Master Wang, and even more respected among the officials.

If you can't trust such people, then there's no one left to trust.

So with her here, Zhang Yang doesn't need to slowly study the tricks of the studio by himself, he can just ask for the standard answer.

"Is it a lot of money?" Lao Yi thought for a while and asked.

Zhang Yang did not answer, but glanced at Librarian He.

The latter understood and took out the document with the data directly from the briefcase.

It's just so professional.

"Last year's dividends, for the same shares, the kiln factory received a dividend of 160 million, the silver dollar factory received a dividend of 135 million, and Lao Yi's studio received a dividend of 92..."

"Are we actually the least?" Lao Yi's first reaction was this, but he soon became confused.

"The kilns and silver dollar factories earn much more than me."

"Old He, did you not show this data to the curator?"

"This..." Librarian He glanced at Zhang Yang hesitantly.

He didn't know whether or how to tell the inside story.

"The other two companies have gray income." Zhang Yang explained calmly, "To put it bluntly, both of them are using fake antiques to deceive people."

"Otherwise it would be impossible to make so much money."

"Under normal circumstances, the profit of our own antique store last year was only 300 million." "Is it possible that the business of your antique store is too poor?" Teacher Lin asked doubtfully from the side.

"No, no, that's normal." Lao Yi waved his hand and admitted proactively, "Actually, we also have gray income."

"Ah?" It was Zhang Yang's turn to be shocked.

Even though Zhang Yang was mentally prepared, the other party's frankness still surprised him.

Okay, he is an open-minded person.

But why do you feel so confident?

Zhang Yang crossed his arms and asked, "Master Yi, please explain in detail."

"This is easy to explain..." Lao Yi walked to the wall and pointed to the plastic bag beside the wall.

Zhang Yang came up and took a look. There were express packages in large and small packages.

Lao Yi explained that these were all sent by customers.

Mostly broken pieces of porcelain.

Regardless of whether the items sent are genuine or fake, they will repair them and charge as if they are genuine.

"Even if it's just a small piece of broken porcelain sent over." Old Yi compared it and indicated that it was a broken piece of porcelain half the size of a palm, "We can still make a complete shape for him."

"It's just that the price is a little more expensive, usually 15,000 yuan per piece, no counter-offering."

"What about the cost?" Zhang Yang asked.

"A little over two thousand."

"How did you do it?"

"It's very simple. Customize a high imitation of the same porcelain, then cut off the piece sent by the customer, and then add the customer's own piece..."

"You really made up for it?" Zhang Yang said he had a conscience.

After all this, why not just send a complete piece back? Wouldn’t it make your repair skills more sophisticated?

"Yes, we charge compensation. If we don't make up the money, wouldn't it be a fraud?"

"6." Zhang Yang made a gesture, turned to point to the room where the bronzes were, and asked, "The bronzes in there were also bought as fakes and then made real?"

"No, fake bronzes are too expensive. We usually 3D print out the missing parts and then sand cast them..."

Zhang Yang nodded after hearing this. Bronze was a normal repair method, but porcelain was a little unnatural.

It is probably because of the slogan "You can repair even a broken piece of porcelain" that they can have so much business.

It's easy to cheat money from fools in this world.

"Teacher Lin, you are well-informed. How do you define business experience like Master Yi?" Zhang Yang asked.

If there is a big boss here, of course he will let others make decisions.

"I think it would be better if we don't repair porcelain like this in the future." Teacher Lin blinked and said in a somewhat weak tone, "It's like buying and selling antiques. You agree with me. Lao Yi and the others have indeed put in the effort. Although the charge is a bit more expensive, But now cultural relic restoration is a high-paying industry..."

Zhang Yang nodded after listening.

He understood that this was gray income recognized by Teacher Lin.

But in Zhang Yang's view, this is no different from making up stories to sell fake goods.

Just make less.

They could have cheated directly, instead of using the method of restoring cultural relics.

"Librarian He, take out the share transfer agreement and give it to Teacher Lin."

"Zhang Yang, what are you doing?" Teacher Lin took the folder in confusion.

"I think what Teacher Lin just said makes sense."

"It just so happens that our museum is preparing to tighten its foreign investment, so the shares of Master Yi Studio must be handed over to reliable hands."

"I think you, Teacher Lin, are the most suitable candidate."

Zhang Yang said to himself in his heart: You two must be locked up!

(End of this chapter)

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