Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 399 Librarian He’s Spiritual Journey

Chapter 399 Librarian He’s Spiritual Journey

On the way back to the museum, whenever there was a traffic light along the way, Librarian He would look back at Zhang Yang, as if he was hesitant to speak.

It seemed like there were a lot of things that he was holding back and couldn't say, and it made Zhang Yang feel bad for him.

"Lao He, you have looked at me sixteen times. If you have anything to say, just say it." Zhang Yang said with a smile, "Don't wait until the Chinese New Year to say it to ruin everyone's mood."

"Director, I have no other meaning, I just feel..."

"...I feel that sometimes, there is no need to be so serious about things that just turn a blind eye and pass by, right?"

"Which one?" Zhang Yang asked, "Is it like a kiln factory or a restoration studio?"

"It's almost the same." Librarian He said with some confusion, "Actually, even if what they did comes to light in the end, we are only jointly and severally responsible."

"You don't even have to pay a fine, you just need to cooperate with the investigation."

"What's more, they are still in the gray area and are not necessarily illegal."

"I understand what you mean." Zhang Yang nodded.

"But this is just looking at the problem from the perspective of yourself or the museum. If you think about it from the perspective of those collectors, or even consider the entire environment, it will be completely different."

This thing is just like a game environment. If a game is full of boosters, cheaters, actors, etc., although some high-end players will not be affected, but in the end the game will be cool, are you fighting against yourself? ?

Zhang Yang thought for a while and felt that he couldn't explain it clearly, so he asked:

"Old He, do you have time after the new year? How about going to Handong Province with me at the end of February?"

"Are you on a business trip?" Librarian He asked.

"Forget it, but the main thing is to improve your mood." Zhang Yang smiled slightly, his smile was quite mysterious, "I feel like you have been working in the museum for too long, and you don't understand the situation of ordinary collectors now, and you are a bit floating in the air. , a little far from the ground.”

“It’s time to go live and experience it.”

"Okay." Librarian He nodded in understanding and agreed.


The Spring Festival holiday flies by.

At the end of February, everyone from Yangming Studio, including Librarian He and his team, gathered together in Handong Province.

[Light of Hailin] Treasure Appraisal Auction Handong Station is officially launched.

On the day of the event, the work team around Zhang Yang was stronger than ever.

Sister Gao is responsible for maintaining order on site, Xu Jie is responsible for live broadcasting, Xiao Tang is responsible for registering collections, and Librarian He, Zhang Yang gave him a very difficult task:

After Zhang Yang has appraised the collection, he is responsible for interviewing treasure friends who were deceived and recording the source and detailed information of their collection.

Before the official start, Zhang Yang also reminded Librarian He:

"I am in charge of miscellaneous appraisals, so the sources of fakes are more than all the other experts combined. If you are too tired, Lao He, you can ask Sister Gao for help."

"It's okay." Curator He nodded confidently, "Mr. Curator, don't worry. I used to go to the countryside with Teacher Wang to collect goods. I have research on these things and have strong communication skills."

"That's good." Zhang Yang secretly encouraged Librarian He.

Soon, the appraisal began.

The first treasure friend who came up was a big man.

There are a lot of big and tall people in Handong Province, and standing in front of the appraisal table feels quite oppressive.

But as soon as Zhang Yang saw his collection, he instantly became happy.

A piece of jade.

The shape is like a jade jade with three teeth, and it also looks like a blade in a cutting machine. It is often called a "tooth jade" by collectors.

This kind of thing should have been a tool used by ancient people to weave rope, and later gradually developed into a ritual instrument.

The earliest discovery of jade xuanji was in the Dawenkou Culture five thousand years ago, and the main sites of the Dawenkou Culture are in Handong Province.

Seeing jade jades during treasure appraisal in Handong Province is equivalent to seeing Buddha statues in Jin Province, bronzes from the Shang and Zhou dynasties in Central Plains Province, and yellow mantles of Eight Banners disciples in Yanjing. They are all local specialties. Fake antiques.

Unfortunately, for this treasure appraisal event, Zhang Yang cooperated with a team of experts from Qingzhou Museum and Handong Provincial Museum. Teacher Bai, who was responsible for appraising ancient jades, was not here, so it was not easy to directly refer this person to the jade appraisal expert next door.

You still have to show off yourself.

"Friend Bao, is this jade jade handed down from ancestors or excavated now?"

"It's passed down from our ancestors." Baoyou answered quickly, obviously he had already thought of the answer.

"How many years has it been passed down?"

"Thirty-seven years."

"Oh? That's a big problem." Zhang Yang touched his chin and said with a smile, "This piece of yours seems to be a modern machine carving craft. It is conservatively estimated to be a handicraft made within the past ten years."

"Did a thief secretly change it when I kept it at home..."

"Really?" Baoyou was a little hesitant at first, but his tone quickly changed, "No, how can I be machine-carved?"

"Look, there are obvious traces of machine processing here." Zhang Yang explained, pointing to the cutting lines on the toothpaste.

"It doesn't look like it. Teacher, can you take another look?"


When Zhang Yang was appraising the jade, Librarian He not only listened carefully, but also observed the expression of the friend who came to appraise the jade.

Baoyou was very confident at first;

I felt a little wilted when I heard that it was a handicraft;

But after taking a look at the jade on the table, his expression became firm again.

But in the end I was convinced and bowed down before Zhang Yang's profound knowledge.

When Zhang Yang persuaded this precious friend to leave, Librarian He hurriedly greeted him.

"Hello collector, I am the staff member responsible for registering collection information, and I have a few more pieces of information that I would like to know."

Librarian He greeted the other party very politely.

In his hand, he held the form he had made after returning to the hotel last night. He was very professional.

However, Baoyou, who had just been rejected by Zhang Yang, sounded very irritated:

"Don't all your experts say there's something wrong with my stuff? What else is there to say?"

"Friend Bao, don't worry."

"The conclusion just now is only Master Zhang's personal opinion and does not represent the views of the event organizer." Librarian He deceived according to the words given by Zhang Yang in advance, "Besides, I think it is fake now, and it is likely to be based on academic standards. It hasn’t developed to that point yet.”

"Perhaps in a few years, our archaeologists will unearth jade pieces processed by machine assembly lines in other ancient tombs. This treasure of yours will have archaeological evidence!"

"Is it...?" Baoyou's brows wrinkled.

Librarian He's unintentional words sounded reasonable to him.

Who said there were no mechanical processing lines five thousand years ago?

Doesn’t it mean that the origin of human civilization is likely to be extraterrestrial civilization? It’s normal for aliens to be able to machine jade jade.

Maybe we can even dig out a lathe from five thousand years ago!

"But why are you registering my information?"

"Of course, when the situation changes in the future, I can notify you in time." Librarian He said with a smile.

What he said was really not a bluff. If Zhang Yang was really mistaken, then it wouldn't be impossible to call and change the appraisal results again.

However, considering that Zhang Yang’s identification mainly relies on plug-ins, this is actually just a show.

"Okay, give me the watch."

Baoyou cooperated and took the folder from Librarian He's hand, and spent three minutes filling out the forms inside.

After he left, Librarian He opened the form and took a look.

[The true source of the collection]: Online shopping in Douyin Live Broadcast Room.

[Purchase fee (converted into RMB)]: 20000.

"You bought this thing for 20,000 yuan?" Librarian He felt something was wrong.

He seemed to have understood Zhang Yang's meaning, but not fully.

At this time, the second treasure friend also completed the appraisal.

But their stuff is real.

He probably saw what happened to the first treasure friend just now to register with Librarian He. After the second treasure friend finished the appraisal, he also walked in the direction of Librarian He.

But Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to stop him.

Then he pointed to Xiao Tang’s position and signaled to the other party: Register the genuine product with a beautiful woman.

Another hidden meaning is: fakes only have to be registered by bad old men.


The third treasure friend took out a "crown".

It is the hat worn by ancient emperors with a large board and jade beads hanging from the front and back.

"This thing is a bit interesting..."

It was the first time for Zhang Yang to see a treasure like Guan Mian, and it was also the first time for many viewers in the live broadcast room to see it.

The material is gilt copper, with wire workmanship in some places.

The big board on the top of the hat is called [Mianqi] in scientific name. The Mianqi of Baoyou is not only double-layered hollow, but also has stamen-like protrusions on the upper surface, with gems inlaid inside.

At first glance, it looks noble.

But when I looked at the two rows of small beads at the front and back of Mianxi... the whole section collapsed.

These two rows of bead curtain-like things are called crowns, and they are the essence of the crown.

Not only are the beads on each rope required to be one inch apart from each other, but the number of beads is also very particular.

Generally speaking, when worshiping heaven, the crown worn by the emperor has a string of 12 beads;

When offering sacrifices to ancestors, the number drops to 9;

When offering sacrifices to the Three Mountains and Five Mountains, the number becomes 7;

When offering sacrifices to Sheji, there are only 5...

Baoyou, this one is very clever. There are only 6 beads in each string, neither up nor down.

"This is the crown used by the emperor during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty." Baoyou took the initiative to introduce it.

The word crown shows that Baoyou really doesn’t understand anything.

A real crown, such as the hat made of pure gold worn by the emperor in the TV series, only one has been unearthed from the Wanli period, and it is still a famous item.

Only used for funerals.

The highest level of hat in ancient Chinese daily life was the crown.

However, Zhang Yang does not intend to refute Baoyou from historical knowledge, there is no need.

"You said this belongs to Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty?"

"Yes, it must be Qianlong. Of course, teacher, if you say it is from Kangxi, I can accept it." Baoyou smiled optimistically.

Zhang Yang was infected by this smile and smiled with him.

"Teacher, why are you laughing?"

Baoyou's smile disappeared.

"Oh, it's a good thing you're looking at the Qing Dynasty." Zhang Yang explained, "Each one of yours has six beads. There were no crowns of this size in the Qing Dynasty."

"If you have to bring it back, you have to say it was the Warring States Period."

"During the Eastern and Western Zhou Dynasties, nobles at the Qing level could use six-bead crowns."

"The Qing Dynasty, or even the Ming Dynasty, did not have such specifications." Zhang Yang smiled again and told Baoyou, "This is a pure fabrication."

After some explanation, Baoyou was convinced and walked towards Librarian He very consciously.

However, he also had the same doubts as the first treasure friend:

"Don't I need to register something that obviously goes against history?"

"Hey, friend, you are wrong," Librarian He said with familiarity, "History can be rewritten. What if there is a chance to excavate the imperial mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty in the future and a six-bead crown is found inside? "

"Then there's no hope that your project will come true?"

"You mean, I have to keep things until the day when Qianlong's grave is dug up?" Baoyou asked in a different direction.

"That's pretty much what it means." Librarian He scratched his head.

What he said seemed a bit outrageous even to himself, but that was the way Zhang Yang taught him, and now he couldn't think of any other better explanation.

"If you say so..." Baoyou nodded heavily, "Then I must keep this crown."

"I want to leave it to my grandson's grandson. If Qianlong's grave is dug up, burn this hat to me so that I can enjoy myself underground."

Librarian He: "...As long as you are happy, my dear friend."

After the radical "Emperor Han" treasure friend finished filling in the information, Librarian He quickly took a look.

[Authentic source of the collection]: Purchased live at Douyin Auction.

[Purchase fee (converted into RMB)]: 7500.

Another item purchased online?

"It's only 7,500 yuan to buy a hat worn by the emperor. Baoyou should also know that it may be fake, right?" Librarian He muttered in his heart.

He looked at Baoyou's leaving figure and shook his head slightly.

The next two treasure friends in a row brought out real things.

Although it is not valuable, there is no need to register with any librarian.

This alone makes the treasure lovers very happy. Now the treasure friends in the queue feel that it is a very unlucky thing to go to the librarian after the appraisal.

But no matter how unlucky it is, if the thing is fake, Baoyou still has to go.

"You are Sun Xiaotou cast in sand." Zhang Yang excitedly told this treasure friend in front of him.

"Did you buy it online, or was it passed down from your ancestors? Or did you buy it at a street stall outside?"

"No, it was transferred to me at a low price by a senior collector." Baoyou explained, "I don't do collections originally."

"But after watching a lot of treasure appraisal videos on Douyin, I felt that I was good at it, so I looked for resources online."

"I just happened to meet a big man who collects silver coins and is transferring his treasure..."

"OK, that's right, the other party must be cheating you with fake goods."

Zhang Yang quickly explained that the difference between old silver coins and new silver coins cast by sand casting is actually the difference between natural wear and artificial aging.

If you really don’t believe it, you can also do a silver test.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yang pointed in the direction of Librarian He: "Friend Bao, please register with him. There will be a surprise."

"Surprise? What surprise?"

"Maybe we can reimburse you for the entire cost of buying this fake silver dollar." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

He was originally planning to boil a frog in warm water, and let Librarian He feel the atmosphere of the treasure appraisal site bit by bit, understand the powerlessness of ordinary collectors when faced with high imitation antiques, and then understand the impact of counterfeiting on the entire antique market, and even cultural museums. Industry hit.

It would be best to bring in two more brothers who have spent all their money buying fake goods to see if Librarian He can empathize with them.

Unexpectedly, by such a coincidence, Mr. Luo’s victim came forward to speak out.

When Baoyou walked towards Librarian He uncomfortably, Zhang Yang specially reminded him:

"Old He, this is a cute new collector."

"Please find out more about the situation. Maybe we can help him."

(End of this chapter)

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