Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 401 Tell the truth, did you salvage the sunken ship?

Chapter 401 To be honest, did you salvage the sunken ship?

The third treasure probably has some skills. This can be seen from the way the treasure friend takes out the things.

Like holding a newly hatched chick, he gently and slowly took out the collection and placed it in front of Zhang Yang.

"The third item is here, teacher, please take a look." Baoyou made a gesture of invitation.

A black pottery goblet.

The cup can obviously be divided into three parts. The top is the cup body, which is like an iron bell, and is very thin; the bottom is the olive-shaped cup handle with hollow patterns; the base is an unpretentious round base.

"You do have the feel of Longshan culture."

Zhang Yang nodded with satisfaction. Finally, Baoyou took out a less tricky treasure.

The scientific name of this kind of thing should be called [Longshan Culture Eggshell Black Pottery High-Handed Cup], which is considered the most representative cultural relic of Longshan Culture.

While other cultures of the same period were still using simple red pottery cups, the Longshan Culture had already developed to such an amazing level of pottery making.

The cup body is as thin as an eggshell, and the thinnest part at the mouth edge is only 0.2 mm, which is almost a level that can only be achieved by modern machine drawing;

The oil-black appearance adopts a "carburization" process that is beyond the level of the times. It requires superb kiln firing skills and the success rate is very low;

As for the characteristics of fine texture and no impurities, pottery from other cultures of the same period has been compared, but the eggshell black pottery cup can only be regarded as the icing on the cake.

"How about it, punishment or not?" Baoyou asked expectantly.

"It's a bit of a punishment. You probably won't be able to leave the venue this morning." Zhang Yang said with a thumbs up. Unexpectedly, Baoyou was really good at it.

"Ouch!" The onlookers shouted in surprise.

The meaning of Zhang Yang's words was obviously that Baoyou's stuff was true.

[Oh my god, is it really a national treasure? 】

[The most exciting episode, it won’t involve a big case]

[Hey guys, there really are treasures from the Neolithic Age]

[Drip, drip, drip, drip, dirty, drip, drip (sound of police car)]

"Is it really true?" Baoyou himself was so frightened that he jumped up.

"You're just talking tongue twisters here. Don't you even know whether your own things are true or false?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile on his face.

"I don't know. If I knew, why would I ask the teacher for an appraisal?"

"Quick, quick, teacher, I have two more items here, can you help me take a look?"

"Okay." Zhang Yang nodded and looked directly into the box.

Eggshell black pottery cups have appeared. According to Baoyou, the remaining two items should be more related to Longshan culture. What level must they be?

But after seeing the two things inside, Zhang Yang was instantly disappointed.

A sapphire human-faced pendant and a black jade three-hole knife. These two treasures were indeed unearthed in the Longshan Culture. However, Baoyou's collection was wrong, and the traces of artificial aging were too obvious.

"Is something wrong?" Baoyou saw the change in Zhang Yang's expression.

"This... let's forget it. Let's talk about this eggshell cup."

"Baoyou, where did you get it from?" Zhang Yang asked tentatively.

"I inherited them all from my second grandfather. He used to be a high-ranking official in GMD. After the defeat, he went to Bay Province. A few years ago, he suddenly came back to recognize his relatives and passed this box of things to me. What can I say about the current domestic environment? Save these cultural relics..."

What Baoyou said sounded quite like that, and Zhang Yang believed it easily.

Because this eggshell cup was really unearthed in modern times and is not in the collection of any museum in China.

The ruins of the Longshan Culture were discovered as early as 1928, and large-scale excavations were conducted in the following years. According to records, the artifacts unearthed at that time were mainly black pottery.

Baoyou said that the things were collected by his second grandfather in Bay Province, which is very reasonable. Although there are official statistics on the total number of cultural relics flowing to Bay Province, they are all from museums that have been moved away. How many treasures have been lost among the people have not been counted. There is no way to count people.

"Okay, if it's a cultural relic coming back from there, it should be registered at the customs."

"My dear friend, your first priority... is to prepare a shock-absorbing box for this black pottery cup. The sponge in your box is too hard, and the eggshell cup may break if you drop it."

[Indeed, the other garbage in the box can be thrown away]

[Black pottery cup: What kind of grade am I to put together with these things? 】

[The second grandpa from Bay Province, what kind of antique version of Wang Duoyu]

[The auction price of this kind of cup last year was only 200,000 yuan. It is not considered a first-class cultural relic, right? 】

"This must be considered a first-class cultural relic." Zhang Yang explained to the barrage, "What you are looking at should be an ordinary Longshan Culture black pottery cup, not an eggshell cup."

"The thickness of the two cups is too different, and the difficulty of manufacturing will definitely increase exponentially."

"There is a treasure that is better than this one. It is now one of the top ten treasures of the Handong Provincial Museum. You can experience its value for yourself..."

"I understand, I understand." Baoyou carefully took the eggshell black pottery cup back into the box, and just as the barrage said, he took out all the other fakes in the box and put them into his pocket. .

When he was taken away by the cultural relics department at the event for investigation, he muttered: "When I go back tonight, I will burn more paper for my second grandfather."


During the lunch break, I heard that Zhang Yang had identified black pottery from the Longshan Culture, and other experts came to congratulate him.

This is a big event that can make the news. It has unearthed a treasure that has been living among the people. Everyone involved is proud of it.

After dealing with other experts, Zhang Yang did not forget the key person in the morning - Librarian He.

When he went to find Lao He, Librarian He was standing alone in the corner, blushing and looking very excited.

Zhang Yang quietly walked over and found that he was on the phone, and he was arguing fiercely with the person on the other end of the phone.

"It's unconscionable for you to make this kind of money!"

"The person you deceived is standing in front of me, can I pretend that I can't see him?"

"What can you do if you just return the money to others? Does your grandson need this ill-gotten wealth to go to college?"

"Don't you still know why the museum wants to withdraw its shares? Let me tell you, Director Zhang knows all about the bad things you have done. He is saving face for you."

"Okay, okay, let's see!"


"Director." Librarian He hung up the phone and turned around to see Zhang Yang. He wanted to crawl into the cracks in the ground in embarrassment, "When did you come here?"

"I just got here, who are you arguing with so much on the phone?"

"I'm talking to...a relative from my hometown who is a bit ignorant and can't reason with me." Curator He smiled coquettishly and asked Zhang Yang, "Mr. Curator, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Of course." Zhang Yang replied with a smile without exposing Librarian He, "I want to ask you, how do you feel this morning? Do you have any insights?"

The smile on Librarian He's face faltered, then quickly subsided, and he let out a long sigh:

"It's very touching."

"If you hadn't arranged for me to come here, the curator, I'm afraid I would still be stuck in the quagmire without realizing it..."

"Stop, stop, I'm not here to ask you for your thoughts." Zhang Yang looked at Lao He and knew that he had figured it all out. The strong medicine in the morning was indeed very effective.

"I just want to ask you if you want to continue doing this work this afternoon."

"If you get tired of it, just tell me and don't force it."

"Not tired, not tired." Librarian He waved his hands and said, "To be honest, I even enjoyed it a little. It's been a long time since I stayed somewhere other than Linhai. Everything feels fresh."

"As long as you like it."

Zhang Yang smiled and nodded. He was very satisfied with Lao He's mentality. No one is naturally stubborn after getting older. This is why he is willing to reuse Librarian He.

... The first treasure friend who came up in the afternoon came up carrying a red and white woven bag.

Those who didn’t know better thought they were here to catch the Spring Festival travel rush.

After opening the bag, there are boxes of different sizes inside. Judging from the way treasure friends treat these things, the treasures in the boxes are probably very durable.

"Teacher, should we start with the biggest or the smallest?"

"Is there a certain order?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile.

"Yes, there must be rules." Baoyou said solemnly.

Zhang Yangxin said, is this the province of examination preparation? Such rules.

"Then let's go from small to large." Zhang Yang said without thinking, "Let's not get entangled and hurry up and serve the main course."

"Okay, let's take a look at this first."

Baoyou handed over a small palm-sized paper box. After opening it, there was a metal medal inside.

At first glance, it looks like a leaf-shaped hanging ornament, but if you hold it in your hand and look closely, you will notice a circular seal-shaped ornament in the center.

The pattern in the center of the medal is badly worn and nothing can be seen, except for the vaguely round seal script characters.

But it’s not important in the first place. What’s important is the circle of text around the central pattern.

It says on the top: [CHIH YUAN]

It says at the bottom: [THE IMPERIAL CHINESE NAVY]

"How far, the Royal Navy..."

Zhang Yang didn't realize what it meant in English at first, but his instinct for learning history was still there.

The Royal Navy with the word "yuan" in history must be: "Zhiyuan, the Royal Navy of China!"

Zhang Yang was in awe. As long as he didn't sleep in junior high school history class, he should know the tragic story of the Zhiyuan Ship.

This Baoyou medal is the medal awarded to those serving in the navy when the Beiyang Navy's Zhiyuan Ship was established. It is also called the "Commemorative Medal of the Founding of the Army."

The medal was made of pure silver, which was a currency in circulation at that time, which shows the special status of the Zhiyuan ship in the Beiyang Navy.

"It's a good thing. The commemorative medal of the formation of the Zhiyuan ship in the late Qing Dynasty. The current market price should be around 10,000, and the price is very easy to sell."

"Friend Bao, do you mind if I show it to the audience?"

"Of course I don't mind." Baoyou replied.

He already knew it by looking at Zhang Yang's expression just now.

When he was lining up in the morning, he had been paying attention to Zhang Yang's reaction. Only the genuine products and the ridiculously wrong treasures had the opportunity to be shown to the audience.

This is "Master Zhang's approval."

"Brothers, please remember the pattern of the medal in the middle. This is the logo of the Zhiyuan ship of the Qing Dynasty..."

After Zhang Yang finished his presentation, Baoyou asked a question:

"Teacher, I know this is from the Zhiyuan ship, but why is the pinyin of [Zhiyuan] above [CHIH YUAN]?"

"This is also called Pinyin, but it is Waituma Pinyin. It was invented by a British man named Waituma during the Qing Dynasty. He used Latin letters to notate Chinese phonetic notation. This pinyin was basically used before 58, and was later abolished."

"It is still used in some places. For example, when it comes to Tai Chi abroad, it is called TAI-CHI, which is the pinyin of Waituma."

[I remember the English word for kung fu too]

[Foreigners now basically use this pinyin for Chinese names of people and places]

[In the antique live broadcast room, are you talking about Pinyin here? are you crazy】

[This is an academic live broadcast room, you can discuss anything academically related]

"The barrage is right. Ours is an academic live broadcast room. Isn't the charm of antiques just because they carry all kinds of knowledge?"

"Criminal law is also an academic issue, so don't argue."

"To put it bluntly, studying antiques means studying this knowledge... Damn it, friend Bao, have you fished out the Zhiyuan Ship?"

Zhang Yang was talking nonsense with the barrage, but he was shocked when he saw the new thing Baoyou took out.

It's nothing to have a medal from the Zhiyuan ship. Medals are inherently collectibles and will be collected by others. It's not surprising that they will be passed down. But there are even spoons, forks, and dinner plates used on the ship. What's the situation?

The handles of the spoons and forks, and the center of the dinner plate, all have the Zhiyuan ship's logo, which is exactly the same as the circular pattern on the medal.

Secretly fished out the sunken ship?

But there are no traces of seawater corrosion on the things, and the sea area where the Zhiyuan ship sank has been inspected and protected by the cultural relics department for a long time, right?

Reminiscing about the silver dollar factory using British machines to build foreign-made silver coins, Zhang Yang had another guess.

"Or have you found the British company that manufactured all kinds of daily necessities on the Zhiyuan ship?"

"No, no." Baoyou denied, "I bought them all in an antique shop, and I still have the invoice!"

"Teacher, is this thing real?"

"There are traces of repair on the fork, but everything else is genuine." Zhang Yang lamented Yu Baoyou's luck. He was able to buy a complete set. He is indeed quite capable.

"What's the value?" Baoyou asked.

"This set of tableware costs about fifteen thousand. It's not too expensive. It's basically based on the price given on the Zhiyuan ship's logo."

"Is there anything else?" Zhang Yang asked, looking at the other boxes in the woven bag.

There is a long one, which looks a bit like a firecracker. It may also be used by the Beiyang Navy.

"Yes, yes, there is one more thing."

Baoyou stretched out his hand, just to pick up the long box that Zhang Yang was looking at.

After opening it, the long rod-shaped metal object looks a bit like a firecracker.

But when I picked it up, I found that this was not the case. The box contained a telescope, which was also used on the Zhiyuan ship.

The lens cap is still there, it seems that it has not been used much, but it is still usable.

Zhang Yang picked it up and tried it, and saw Sister Gao quarreling with someone at the end of the line...

"Yes, this was also something used by the navy at that time, a maritime telescope."

"Although there are very few traces of use, there is too much rust on it and it is poorly preserved. It should probably be sold for about three thousand yuan now."

"Three thousand is enough." Baoyou nodded with satisfaction, pointed at the boxes that had been opened and said, "These only cost three thousand in total."

"Ah? Bought for three thousand? Where did you find so many leaks?"

Zhang Yang regretted asking this question and wished he could give himself a slap in the face.

Because Baoyou climbed up the ladder: "At the Internet auction of Hexin Auction Company..."

"Stop, stop, stop." Zhang Yang quickly stopped Baoyou, "Brother, you're here to advertise, right?"

"Hey, let me help promote my friend's website. I will compensate you ten if it is fake. You can buy it with confidence."

【Really old six】

[Brothers, go directly and report that website, let’s spoil him]

[Is it possible that he just wants that website to die? 】

(End of this chapter)

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