Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 402 The old man scavenging

Chapter 402 The old man scavenging

Zhang Yang felt that what the barrage said was very reasonable, and Baoyou's advertisements were indeed a bit too harsh.

It's obviously the other way around.

It’s too exaggerated to pay ten for every fake antique sold. Even if the National Museum official came to do this business, they would lose all the coffins.

After all, the person in the world who dares to say that he will never hit someone should be the only one in the world.

No matter where the experts come from, there will always be times when they are not sure. Sometimes it may even take years to investigate the origin of an antique.

"Okay, okay, let's continue to look at the rest. We've wasted a lot of time, and there are still people waiting behind us."

Zhang Yang waved to Baoyou and told him to get down to business and stop fooling around.

Baoyou smiled inexplicably, his expression somewhat awkward.

"Teacher, you are laughing. In fact, that Hexin Auction Company is run by a beast, specializing in selling fakes. What I said just now is ironic."

"I know, I heard it." Zhang Yang pointed to the mobile phone next to him that was broadcasting live. There were dense barrage on it, and no one believed Baoyou's words. "No one should be fooled by the barrage. Don't feel pressured."

"Okay, but let me say it again, please don't give money to this auction company!"

[Okay, Baoyou is quite particular about it]

[There is too much drama, I order you to show your collection quickly]

[We are all poor guys and can’t afford the treasures you mentioned]

"Teacher, the treasures I collect are actually antiques related to the Beiyang Navy. I used to be a sailor and wanted to be a navy, but I was a little short of height and not qualified."

"No wonder your collection is so targeted. I thought it was a researcher from some museum who tried it on me!" Zhang Yang said pretending to be surprised.

"Hahaha, thank you for your praise, teacher. In fact, what I am most satisfied with is this collection."

Baoyou took out a wooden box with a carved shell from the bag. Its appearance was in sharp contrast to the original wooden boxes and paper boxes.

Such an exquisite box really looks like it contains a treasure.

After opening it, there was a plate with a metallic luster inside, but the shape was rather strange. On the bottom of the plate, there were decorations with very complex structures and patterns.

It's quite rare for a dinner plate to be so fancy.

Zhang Yang picked up the plate and showed it to the audience in the live broadcast room.

In the center of the back is a huge anchor. There are prismatic metal blocks on both sides of the anchor. Combined with the dragon pattern embossed on it, it can be determined that the dragon flag carved on it should be the dragon flag of the Beiyang Navy.

As Baoyou said, this plate has a close relationship with the Beiyang Navy.

The front of the plate is relatively ordinary, not much different from ordinary oxidized silverware. The only thing worthy of praise is that there are no traces of use.

"This is a silver reward plate from the Beiyang Navy in the Qing Dynasty." Zhang Yang introduced. "It seems that it was placed at home by a big shot in the Qing government at that time for viewing."

"Isn't it used on warships?" Baoyou asked.

Because he also had a dinner plate from the Zhiyuan ship just now, he had a bit of an inertia in his thinking.

"Of course not." Zhang Yang put the plate up, "Look, if it is served on a triangular stand, it will be a high-end decoration that is low-key and meaningful."

"Silver plates are basically for appreciation and are rarely used directly."

"I guess this thing may have come from the Navy Yamen. Generally, people who are not connected with the Navy cannot appreciate such a complicated reward."

The basis for Zhang Yang's speculation is, of course, the special relationship between Handong Province and the Beiyang Navy.

The naval office of the Beiyang Navy at that time is still relatively intact on Liugong Island in Handong Province. In the Qing Dynasty, it was the national naval headquarters.

Ancient buildings can be preserved to this day, and it is normal for some treasures to be passed down.

"Teacher, do you know all this?" Baoyou looked at Zhang Yang in surprise, "I bought this from the descendants of the navy admiral."

If Baoyou hadn't emphasized the accent on the word "Navy Admiral", Zhang Yang might have really believed it.

But he said this deliberately... Zhang Yang smiled and asked, "Is that person's surname Chang, Chang Chang?"

"Yes, yes, that's Chang." Baoyou responded repeatedly.

"You big-headed guy, you think everyone has never seen the movie and doesn't know Chang Wei, the son of the navy admiral?"

"Stop talking nonsense, are there any valuable treasures left?"

"It seems..." Baoyou opened the bag and prepared to rummage through it.

At this time, the old man behind him patted him on the shoulder: "Young man, how long do you want it for? My stuff is simple, how about I do it first?"

"Hey, uncle, come in order, don't rush." ​​Zhang Yang waved his hand to persuade. This treasure appraisal activity did not say that each person can only identify one piece.

So the uncle's behavior is a bit bad.

"Forget it, I don't have anything expensive left." Baoyou was pressured by the uncle, so he gave in and started to collect the things on the table.

"Thank you, Master Zhang. In fact, as early as when you held the Linhai Station event, I was looking forward to the day when you would come to Handong."

"Although our land has experienced many natural and man-made disasters, and the preservation of cultural relics is not as good as that of Yanjing, the heritage is here, and the people still have a lot of antiques in their hands."

"I've already felt it." Zhang Yang responded with a smile.

There are many collectors with the mentality of this treasure friend in the audience of the live broadcast room.

People often clamor for Zhang Yang to go to their hometown to appraise treasures, saying that there are many more antiques there than in Yanjing, Shenghai, or Yangcheng.

In fact, it is still difficult to compare with Yanjing, because the current circulation environment for antiques is so good that collectors from all over the country can buy them everywhere. In the end, people in developed areas spend more money to buy genuine items.

Of course, except for Chang'an, where there are cultural relics as soon as you hoe down, and new tombs are discovered anytime and anywhere.

"Expert Zhang, he is indeed not lying. We Handong folk collectors have a lot of stuff in our hands."

The old man stepped forward at the right moment and echoed.

Then he picked up a white and red striped woven bag of the same style as Baoyou.

Judging from the degree of the bag falling in the air, he didn't bring much at all.

In front of the appraisal table, the two men looked at each other and smiled.

The two seemed to want to personally prove that "there are many folk antiques in the East of the Han Dynasty".

Zhang Yang signaled the uncle to take out the collection by himself, and he wanted to take some time to drink some water and relax.

There was a long queue behind us. If everyone was carrying a bag, it would be a bit sweaty.


The new man's way of collecting things is even more brutal than that of my treasure friend just now.

Baoyou just now carefully prepared the box. Even if the box was of poor quality, at least there was stuffing inside to ensure that things would not shake.

But the uncle's collection was different. It was wrapped directly in waste newspapers, and then put a plastic bag outside the newspapers to pretend to protect it.

The first thing was wrapped like a rolling pin.

When the newspaper slowly unfolded and Zhang Yang saw what was inside, his right eyelid twitched twice in an instant.

ah? Does this kind of thing also need to be appraised?

Wrapped in the newspaper were three extremely large, rusty nails.

The nail cap is half the size of a palm, and the nail body is also a whole palm long. You can feel the weight in your hand. "Uncle, these are mushroom nails."

The shape of this kind of nail is like a wild mushroom, with a tall pole and a big umbrella.

The nail head is so big that it can be smashed directly with an eighty-yuan sledgehammer.

"Yes, mushroom nails." The uncle nodded and said, "It does look like mushrooms."

"Right... right?" Zhang Yang scratched his head, feeling that the uncle didn't know how to pretend to understand, "Mushroom nails were used to nail coffins in the Song Dynasty. Generally, mushroom nails with such strong rust can only be found at tomb robbing sites. Nails excavated by archeology They are all well preserved.”

"Is this something you dug up by robbing a tomb?"

"Tomb robbing? No, no, you, a teacher, don't talk nonsense."

"Even experts can't talk nonsense." The uncle looked at Zhang Yang angrily, feeling that his innocence had been insulted.

"It's not a tomb robbery, so where did you get these nails?"

"I picked it up. I picked it up on the mountain."

"Oh, do you remember that when you picked it up, there was a pit or a sunken hole next to it?" Zhang Yang asked suggestively.

Judging from the rust on these mushroom nails, it seems they have been pried out of the coffin for some time, and have been exposed to the air for at least two or three months.

So Zhang Yang felt that the uncle's statement about picking it up made some sense.

"Then who remembers... I picked up too many things." The uncle pointed at his bag and said, "I basically picked up everything in it."

"Are there any mushroom nails like this in there?"

"That's gone. I've packed all the same things together."

"Expert Zhang, is something like this valuable?"

"How much does a pound of scrap metal cost now?"

"Two yuan a pound." The uncle answered quickly and well, and it seemed that he had life experience.

"Then you go back and weigh it. Just count it as scrap metal." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

[The anchor is wrong, cultural relics from the Song Dynasty cannot be bought and sold]

[Is this considered a cultural relic? Unbelievable]

[I feel like it can still be considered a cultural relic, but it’s okay to be used as scrap metal]

[If you take this nail and hand it in, the person from the cultural relics bureau will slap you in the face]

"This...isn't this a nail from the Song Dynasty? It should be very valuable from the Song Dynasty, right? Teacher, why don't you take a look at it again?"

"Uncle, you reminded me, the Song Dynasty did not allow trading."

Zhang Yang quickly corrected his remarks, almost forgetting that there were Internet police in the live broadcast room, and the age of cultural relics trading must be kept in mind.

Seeing that Zhang Yang had no intention of continuing to look at the nails, the uncle directly wrapped up the things on the table and took out another package from the bag.

The thing I took out this time was much smaller, a bit like a scalpel used by doctors, but shorter and the blade was thicker.

The same thing is that there is thick rust on them, mixed with the same soil, resulting in a color similar to the mushroom nails just now.

Zhang Yang knew as soon as he saw the rust color that it must have come from a pit.

"Uncle, do you still remember where you picked up these scissors?"

"Scissors? Where are the scissors? Aren't these two knives?"

"Two knives, if you put them together like this, wouldn't they become scissors?" Zhang Yang demonstrated.

"Is this still possible?" The uncle was as surprised as if he had discovered a new world. He pointed to the drilled hole in the blade and said, "When I asked why there was a hole in the knife, I thought it was hung on a rope around the neck."

Zhang Yang: "..."

It can be seen that the uncle is really not pretending.

Pretending to be stupid can't bring out this natural feeling of stupidity.

It means that he really picked up this thing. People who often rob graves know that things that are not valuable at first sight, such as scissors and nails, are just like tomb bricks. They don’t feel bad if they are thrown around.

"Do you remember where you found the scissors?" Zhang Yang repeated the question just now.

Behind the scissors and mushroom nails is a tomb from the Song Dynasty that had been stolen. It must have been stolen for only a few months, so there is still room for rescue.

"I seem to remember that these two knives were on the mountain behind Shuangliankeng Village. I went to herd sheep there and picked them up on the roadside."

"Understood, this information is very important." Zhang Yang nodded and motioned to Xiao Tang to record the confession.

With an accurate address, this Song Dynasty tomb can basically be found.

The rest is just a question of whether the local cultural relics department is willing to spend the energy to find it.

"Did you pick up anything else in that place?"

"How is it possible? It's just these two blades." The uncle smiled, so much that Zhang Yang almost thought he had asked a very stupid question.

"Okay, is there anything else you need to identify?"

"There are many, many more."

"Then let's take it out together." Zhang Yang thought for a while and said. He felt that the uncle was a bit like a scavenger, but while others picked it up in the city, he picked it up in the mountains.

With the help of Zhang Yang and Xiao Tang, the remaining items in the uncle's woven bag were quickly unfolded and placed on the appraisal table.

The scene was like a police display of confiscated stolen goods.

There are more than a dozen copper coins of various types from the Qing Dynasty. Judging from the rust color, they must have been picked up in three different places;

Some of the fragments of porcelain, many of which were produced by local kilns in Handong Province, are from various dynasties from the Northern Song Dynasty to modern times;

There are also some scraps of iron, because they are so badly rusted that even Zhang Yang can hardly distinguish their original shapes, so naturally they are of little value.

"Uncle, what are you talking about?" Zhang Yang asked as he picked up a metal tool.

"I don't know. I found this on an abandoned construction site."

"Are you sure it's an abandoned construction site?"

"It must be a construction site, a construction site where earth is being excavated. I saw they were transporting things with a muck truck."

"The time, last month?" Xiao Tang raised his head to confirm the time of the incident.

"Yes, we just finished digging last month. If they didn't finish digging and left, how could I dare to pick up things?"

"Xiao Tang, go and call Officer Huang."

Zhang Yang arranged this most important thing first, and then told the uncle the reason:

"The scientific name of this tool is Luoyang shovel. It is used by tomb robbers. It is also used by archaeological teams, but their Luoyang shovel will not be thrown around or picked up."

"So, either you remembered it wrong, uncle, or a tomb was stolen just now."

Covering up tomb robbing in the name of digging? It's indeed a good idea.

(End of this chapter)

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