Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 406 The expedition team takes action

Chapter 406 The expedition team takes action

"Don't go too far? I am a cadre after all..."

Of course Director Rao was unwilling to listen to Old Man Jiang's command, but just as he was about to have a fit, Xiao Chu persuaded him to stop.

Xiao Chu speaks really well and knows how to kidnap people: "Director Rao, we are here for the Chinese New Year. We have to take care of the overall situation. Director Rao, you are still a cadre. In short, you should aggrieve yourself."

"This..." Director Rao couldn't think of a reason to refuse.

If you say "no" again, you are not aware.

Facing the village chief's mobile phone camera, Director Rao finished recording the video with difficulty.

Old Man Jiang finally let go.

He promised to take everyone to find the place where the coffin was found.

However, Zhang Yang still has a question at this time:
Old Man Jiang’s grandson even sold the iron shuttle mark that was buried with him. Will he also go to the place where the hanging coffin was found to look for other antiques?
Anyway, if it were Zhang Yang himself, he would definitely go.

But for this question, Old Man Jiang didn't know anything about it.

He also kept changing the topic and urging everyone to set off.

Chu Ziqiang also noticed something was wrong with the old man, so he came over and asked Zhang Yang: "Are we still going now? Will the things there have been evacuated long ago?"

"Go, you must go." Zhang Yang responded in a low voice, "The burial objects of the Bo people, to put it bluntly, that's it."

"When I was at the county cultural relics bureau, I saw the photo of the blue and white porcelain bowl that was buried with it before. It seemed that it was from a folk kiln at that time and was not valuable."

"That's all the funerary objects of the Bo people are, nothing valuable, at least no national treasures. Our main task now is to figure out the hanging coffin."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Xiao Chu nodded and took the lead and walked in front.

At the urging of the village chief, Old Man Jiang followed closely and helped guide the way.

The group first returned to the Crab Creek, which was surrounded by cliffs. Then they walked back half a mile and crossed the bridge to the other side of the river bank.

Then, he plunged into the deep mountains and old forests.

They followed Old Man Jiang for more than half an hour. They climbed from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, and then all the way down to the valley. They even reached the end of the trail before finally reaching their destination.

"That's it."

The place that Old Man Jiang pointed to was a place in the valley where ferns were very lush. It could be seen that the ground was sinking downwards, but there was no trace of a cave.

"Hey, hey, don't worry, Director Rao." The village chief stopped Director Rao, who was about to step forward to check, and pointed at Old Man Jiang, "Here, you lead the way."

"If there is a sinkhole or something, don't make the director fall down."

(Tiankeng was originally the name of the people in Bashu, but was later officially proposed as the name of a certain karst landform)
"Is there a sinkhole here?" Director Rao's footsteps stagnated and he broke into a cold sweat.

The tiankeng here in Bashu is very scary. There may only be a hole wide enough for a person on the ground, but underneath there may be a large cave 100 meters deep that leads directly to the underground river.

If you fall, even if you are lucky enough to survive, you will still be crippled.

"Don't panic, there is a small platform under here." Old Man Jiang said while pulling away the grass.

Sure enough, there was a dark hole.

"How deep is it?" Xiao Chu asked curiously.

This was his first time seeing this kind of thing, and he had only learned about it in textbooks before.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it all." Old Man Jiang shook his head.

"Isn't this simple?" Director Rao stepped forward, picked up a stone from the ground next to him, and threw it directly into the hole.

Boom, boom, boom...

There were more than a dozen sounds of stones hitting the wall in succession, and the sounds became smaller and smaller, but until the end, no muffled sound of stones hitting the ground was heard.

"How deep?" Xiao Chu asked Director Rao.

Director Rao scratched his head and said awkwardly: "It's very deep...Hey, old man, the hanging coffin you mentioned is not at the bottom, right?"

"It's down there."

"Ah? It's so deep. How did you get down there and bring the coffin board up?" Director Rao had a look of distrust on his face.

He also tried to pick up those nanmu coffin boards. Although one piece was not heavy, it was unrealistic to move many pieces together from the sinkhole with Old Man Jiang's old arms and legs.

And it’s also very strange. After all, it was brought back to be used as firewood. If you can’t cut firewood anywhere, do you have to go to this sinkhole to move the coffin?
However, Old Man Jiang quickly answered Director Rao's doubts.

"You watch from above. I'll go down with the flashlight. Look at the place where I shine the light. The place where the coffin is placed is easy to find."

"Okay, then please pay attention to safety." Zhang Yang reminded, "If there is any problem, just shout for help."

"It's okay, it's okay." Old Man Jiang waved his hand confidently.

He went down into the sinkhole very carefully. He put his back against the edge of the sinkhole and slowly slid down.

Just when everyone thought he would bring a flashlight and crawl down bit by bit, suddenly, he completely disappeared from the ground.

"Fuck!" Xiao Chu cried out in surprise.

However, the sound coming from very close to the cave quickly dispelled everyone's doubts. In fact, Old Man Jiang fell about 5 meters.

Zhang Yang could follow the light of his flashlight and see the floor of a small raised platform in the cave.

"This is where I found the coffin."

Old Man Jiang pointed to the ground in front of him. It was quite spacious, as if it could hold a coffin.

"What should we do now?" Xiao Chu's question led everyone to look at Zhang Yang.

There were only two people from Yanjing. When Xiao Chu asked this question, it was clear that he wanted Zhang Yang to make the decision.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, shouted into the sinkhole and asked:

"Uncle, what was the state of the coffin when you found it?"

"Status?" Old Man Jiang didn't understand what Zhang Yang meant.

"Was the coffin placed on the stone very upright at that time, or was it crooked?"

Zhang Yang noticed that the boss was uneven. If a coffin was to be placed, some small stones must be stuffed under the coffin, otherwise it would not be stable.

The coffin used for the deceased's resting place is not stable, and it is taboo to place it anywhere.

But there is not a single stone on the raised platform where Old Man Jiang is now.

It can't be that this person even picked out stones, right? That's too busy.

"It seems to be crooked here." The uncle gestured at the position.

Zhang Yang looked at his gestures and combined with the terrain, he deduced that the coffin at that time should be like an "upside down onion", inserted diagonally on the boss.

One side rests against the inner wall of the cave, forming a stable triangle.

It’s a bit strange!

Zhang Yang didn't have time to think about it and continued to ask:

"Uncle, the coffin is there, how did you move it up?"

This situation is like leading a suspect to a crime scene.

If the other party dares to make up lies, everyone can basically tell it by comparing the situation at the scene.

"Lock it with a rope and pull it out."

"Alone?" Zhang Yang asked. "Of course not, there are my grandson and his classmates."

"Okay." Zhang Yang nodded and whispered to the people around him, "Director Rao and the village chief, please take note and pay attention to the people involved when recovering cultural relics later."

Then he said to the old man in the cave: "Well, old man, please come up first. We will discuss it later."


All the people present were men, so it was quite easy to pull out an old man weighing more than 100 pounds.

But after Old Man Jiang came out, everyone was embarrassed.

They all looked at Zhang Yang again, waiting for him to make up his mind.

"Brother Yang, do you want to go down and take a look." Xiao Chu suggested.

"No rush." ​​Zhang Yang shook his head. He was not an experienced villager like Old Man Jiang. He would go into the sinkhole without any protective measures. If he fell down, he would be paralyzed.

"Go to the city to find a professional caving team or fire brigade. I think it's not just as simple as going down to see the address of the hanging coffin. It's best to go down to the depths of the sinkhole to have a look."

Although folklore says that sinkholes are bottomless pits, in fact most of them are no more than a hundred meters deep.

Zhang Yang has watched many videos of exploring caves on the Internet. Such expedition teams can usually be found in the city.

As for the reason for finding a professional team to go down to the depths of the cave, the geographical location of this sinkhole is a bit special.

The feng shui of this valley is very bad.

It was so bad that Zhang Yang felt that if someone were buried here, their ghost might really be alive.

Although it is also a natural cave, it is completely different from the caves where hanging coffins were found on both sides of Crab Creek.

The cave there is on the cliff, and the cave here is underground.

When you sit on a mountain and look at the water, you don't mean to look at the underground river, right?

The only explanation Zhang Yang could think of was that the coffin that appeared inside was not in the form of a hanging coffin, but was thrown directly in like a stone.

But the person who threw the coffin probably didn't expect that there was such a platform underneath.

When Director Rao contacted the fire brigade, Zhang Yang verified his guess with the village chief.

"Village Chief, I remember you said before coming here that the coffins have been falling naturally for so many years, right?"

"Yes." The village chief nodded and introduced, "Many hanging coffins are fixed with wooden piles. They have been fixed for hundreds of years. As time goes by, the wood will weather and fall down."

"For example, it is said that there were originally seven coffins at Baihu Rock, but then they fell one after another, and now only three are left."

"Didn't the cultural relics department carry out reinforcement processing?" Xiao Chu interjected and asked.

It seemed like he was asking about the situation, but in fact he was blaming Director Rao.

"It has been reinforced. The reinforcement work started in 02. There was no awareness of this before, but now we basically send people to check it every year..." Director Rao explained quickly.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about these things." Zhang Yang stopped the two of them and motioned to the village chief to continue.

However, the village chief was so interrupted that he didn't know what to say and looked at everyone in confusion.

"Village Chief, what I want to ask is, what happened to those fallen hanging coffins?"

"Did it go to the museum or was it carried up again?" Zhang Yang asked.

"I was not the village chief at that time, so I don't remember." The village chief shook his head at first, indicating that he was not sure, but he soon remembered something again, "But I remember that there used to be a legend in our village."

"Legend has it that there were a lot of gold, silver and jewelry in the coffin that fell."

"Some people who are greedy for money will grab those precious funerary objects, but no matter who it is, as soon as they get the funerary objects in their hands, those treasures will pierce their eyes and make them burst into tears, like a blind man. .”

"But as soon as you throw the thing away, the eye pain goes away and you're back to normal immediately."

"Then what?" Zhang Yang felt that he was close to the truth.

"As a result, no one dared to take those treasures, and finally the old people in the village threw them into the deep mountains and forests."

"Hahaha, this is too funny." Xiao Chu laughed out loud after hearing this, "Even if he would become blind if he took those treasures, they wouldn't just let a blind man get the treasures and share the money with everyone. ?"

"Yes, that's the truth." Director Rao rarely agreed with Xiao Chu's statement.

The village chief felt a little uncomfortable after hearing this. After all, he claimed to be a descendant of the Bo people. Chu Ziqiang's statement was equivalent to saying that his ancestors were stupid.

He could only change the subject and ask Zhang Yang: "Teacher Zhang, why are you asking me this?"

"Here." Zhang Yang pointed to the sinkhole in front of him, "I was thinking, if I want to get rid of something, there must be no further trouble."

"Then throwing it into the sinkhole is best."

"Brother Yang, what do you mean?" Xiao Chu immediately understood what Zhang Yang meant, and asked with bright eyes, "You mean, the treasures that fell from the hanging coffins back then are in this sinkhole?"

"No, that's a legend."

"In reality, how could someone become blind after picking up burial objects?"

Zhang Yang originally wanted to say that the idea of ​​becoming blind was probably told by the powerful people in the clan at that time to scare people.

But the matter of throwing funerary objects is probably not a legend like Zhang Xianzhong Shen Yin.

It just wasn't discovered.

But Zhang Yang then thought about it, why bother with these things?

Just wait for the fire brigade and the expedition team to come over and go down to the sinkhole to take a look, wouldn’t you know?
So he changed his mind and said, "It's okay, I'm just guessing."

"Anyway, we are looking for a hanging coffin. We must go down and take a look at this sinkhole. Then we will just see if there is anything inside."


After waiting at the entrance of the cave for about three hours, the people from the expedition team that Director Rao was looking for finally arrived.

He really couldn't mobilize the people from the fire brigade. If the situation was urgent, he could only spend his own money to hire a professional third-party expedition agency.

Of course, the money spent by the expedition agency can be reimbursed. Director Rao also showed his sincerity in front of Zhang Yang and Chu Ziqiang, which is equivalent to spending public money and using his own relationships.

Therefore, the expedition team invited by Director Rao has very high standards.

There is a professional team of 16 people and a female coach who teaches Zhang Yang how to put on a life jacket and how to enter the hole.

According to the expedition leader, the sinkhole is at least a hundred meters deep.

I tested it and found that there is oxygen underneath, so I can put it down.

However, Zhang Yang didn't join in the fun and went down. His goal was just the ledge where Old Man Jiang stayed.

He wanted to go up there and see if there were any details that he hadn't noticed on the ground.

After all the expedition members went deeper into the sinkhole, Zhang Yang was the last one to go down.

Protected by a safety rope, we reached the ledge casually.

The ground was bumpy and a bit damp. Zhang Yang used a flashlight and checked bit by bit, and sure enough he made new discoveries.

Zhang Yang found some fragments of silk fabric in the cracks of the stone wall next to the boss.

The era is the mid-Ming Dynasty.

In addition, there is a copper coin from the Ming Dynasty on the floor of the raised platform, with the four characters "Yongle Tongbao" written on it.

Can copper coins from the Ming Dynasty be found in such caves?
Zhang Yang felt that he had come to the right place.

(End of this chapter)

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