Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 407 1 permanent meal ticket

Chapter 407 A permanent meal ticket

Zhang Yang searched for a while on the ledge in the cave and found no other antiques.

Considering that Old Man Jiang has been to this place several times, it is not ruled out that he may have taken everything away.

However, Zhang Yang was not in a hurry to go up. He searched for a while on the ledge, hoping to find something else.

My calves were shaking when I came down. It would be a waste to go straight up.

"Brother Yang, what's going on?" Xiao Chu stretched out his head at the entrance of the cave and asked.

"wait a minute……"

Zhang Yang responded perfunctorily, and his eyes noticed a strange area.

That area, located on the edge of the boss, reflected a pale golden light under the illumination of the flashlight.

The flashlight was white light, so there must be something golden.

"Is this true?" Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly widened.

He tugged on the safety rope behind him and found it to be quite secure, so he took a few steps forward bravely.

He reached out and touched the area that glowed with golden light.

It actually has a metallic feel.

"Chu Ziqiang, ask if the expedition team brought metal detectors?" Zhang Yang shouted up without looking back.

"Metal detector..." Xiao Chu frowned and turned around and asked the expedition team behind him, "Do you have such a thing with you?"

"Is this okay?" the expedition team members on the ground asked.

"Damn, I have all of these, you're so professional." Xiao Chu nodded, "Hurry up, hurry up and arrange it for me, Brother Yang."

Soon, a small plastic basket swayed down, and Zhang Yang quickly reached out to pick it up.

"Hey, isn't this for train security inspection?"

"Is this thing accurate?"

Zhang Yang doubtfully held the black stick and slowly shook it on the edge of the boss.

"Drip drip drip..."

The metal detector was beeping like crazy.

"What treasure did you find? Brother Yang?" Xiao Chu also heard the news.

"It's nothing, just a little gold dust. The gold should have fallen below."

It seems that when someone threw the gold down, it hit the ledge.

Zhang Yang put the Yongle copper coin into his pocket and shouted outside the cave entrance: "Pull me up."


"Is there gold? How big is the gold?" Xiao Chu was the first to come over to catch Zhang Yang who had just come out of the cave, and asked hurriedly.

"I really don't know this. I have to ask the person who picked up the gold."

When Zhang Yang spoke, he deliberately raised his voice an octave and at the same time took a deep look at Old Man Jiang who was resting in the distance.

But the latter's eyes were confused, as if he didn't understand the implication of Zhang Yang's words.

That appearance, Zhang Yang confirmed repeatedly, was indeed not fake.

It seems that this old man is not so lucky to pick up the gold that others dropped.

Several people waited by the pit for a long time, and the pioneer of the expedition finally sent back the news.

They went down to the pit.

"Teacher Zhang, look at this."

The reserve member of the expedition handed over a tablet.

The images seen by the advance team below were transmitted in real time above, but it was still pitch black.

"Hey, hey, can you turn on the lights?" asked the other end of the video.

"Okay, just tell Teacher Zhang whatever you see."

"Okay, let's take a look at this first." The advance team pointed the light at the object in front of the camera. What appeared in the camera was a very thick piece of wood. The color was dark and a bit like carbon, but the texture was still that of a tree. .

"Is this the gloomy wood?"

"It's about seven or eight meters up. If it is, you will make a fortune." The expedition member said happily.

When people around him heard this, they couldn't help but be happy for him.

But... get rich?
Zhang Yang laughed in his heart.

If it were really a dark wood, Director Rao next to him would have called someone right now. Such a big dark wood could be used as a natural cultural relic exhibition.

"No, it's just ordinary wood. It's at least ten thousand years away from the dark wood." Zhang Yang analyzed while suppressing a smile.

"Hahahaha." Xiao Chu simply couldn't help laughing.

"Look at the ground. Is there anything else, unnatural?" Zhang Yang commanded.

The expedition members had an occupational disease. It was normal to stare at the treasures in the cave that could be sold for money, but Zhang Yang had no time to waste time with them.

"Yes, yes, I saw this as soon as I came up."

The camera turned and focused on a dusty statue placed on a stone platform. There was a small incense burner directly in front of the statue.

Seeing that the team member was about to reach out and touch these two old things, Zhang Yang was startled and quickly called out to the team member:

"Don't touch, stop!"

"What's wrong?" Except for Xiao Chu, everyone else looked a little confused.

"This thing is quite old. If you touch it directly, it will probably break." Zhang Yang explained very seriously.

These expedition members are professionally equipped, but their work is still a bit rough.

There is a kind of beauty like a folk archaeological team.

It's normal to take it directly and break off the arms and legs of the statue.

"Then let me wipe off the dust on it?" the expedition team member asked eagerly.

"No, no, no." Zhang Yang continued to stop the other party.

"It's such a thick layer of gray that we can't move or touch it, so why don't we just watch here? What can we tell?" There was a bit of resentment in the tone of the expedition team member, who obviously had his own thoughts on Zhang Yang's command. .

"What are you in a hurry for?" Chu Ziqiang sneered and shook his head disdainfully, "Just follow my brother Yang's command."

"Okay, okay, follow the command. Teacher Zhang, please give the command."

Zhang Yang ignored the noise, but after confirming the item information, he slowly said:

"Director Rao, take note of this."

"Teacher Zhang, please tell me." Director Rao quickly opened the notepad.

"A piece of land statue in the late Northern Song Dynasty, folklore category, second-level cultural relic;"

"A bronze incense burner from the late Northern Song Dynasty, a metal statue, a third-level cultural relic."

"This should have been used for worship by the Bo people back then. How did you get down into such a deep pit... It may be similar to the principle of the hanging coffin. The height is more than a hundred meters, and it is nothing more than the difference between upward and downward."

"Ah?" Director Rao was stunned for a moment.

There were just two gray lumps. If the expedition team hadn't blown a few breaths just now, they wouldn't have been able to recognize what they were.

In such a short time, you have determined the age and level of cultural relics?

"Learn, brother, Brother Yang is a real expert." Xiao Chu patted Director Rao on the shoulder and said sincerely.

Zhang Yang knew when he saw Xiao Chu like this that he finally got the chance to show off his superiority. He felt so happy that he naturally tacitly agreed not to say anything more.

"Let's continue." Zhang Yang directed the other end of the video. "Try to look at the ground and see if there's any wood, or some metal pieces or something."

Zhang Yang suspected that there were gold ingots on the ground and now needed evidence.

"Yes, yes, a piece of metal." Xiao Chu picked up the metal detector just now and waved it in front of the camera. "Do you have this? If so, just scan it and you'll know."

"Oh, right, I almost forgot."

Xiao Chu's words really served as a reminder, and the expedition member quickly took out the metal detector from his pocket.

However, after scanning for a long time, I didn't find any metal. Instead, I found the remains of a nanmu coffin.

The information displayed on this coffin is more obvious. It was obviously dropped from a high place, and every part was spread out on the ground, completely falling apart.

"Why is there still firewood chopped by someone?" Director Rao asked.

"Huh?" Zhang Yang turned to look at him, suspecting that he was possessed by Old Man Jiang, "This is obviously a coffin board."

"It was also made by Bo people back then."

"Bo people? Master Zhang?" The village chief who had just walked over lost his composure when he heard these words. He pushed the expedition team and Xiao Chu away and came closer, "There are still my ancestors under this sinkhole. The coffin?"

"Yes, take a look." Zhang Yang shared the picture of the tablet in his hand with him.

Looking at the broken coffin like a pile of firewood, the village chief was stunned for a moment, his eyes a little confused.

This is my ancestor? Isn't this a pile of firewood?

However, he was relatively reserved and did not speak out his thoughts, otherwise he and Director Rao would definitely become close friends in life.

"This is the hanging coffin that used to be. It was pushed in and broke into pieces."

"When you weren't here just now, we also saw the statue of the Earth God worshiped by the Bo people in the Song Dynasty." After Zhang Yang explained, he asked, "Don't you know about the statues worshiped in this cave?"

"I don't know." The village chief was even more confused now.

"I've never heard of it at all."

"Didn't you say that the gold and silver treasures in the hanging coffin that fell down were thrown into the deep mountains and canyons?" Zhang Yang asked.

"That's just a legend. Who really believes it?" The village chief shook his head.

"Why don't you ask the old man named Jiang?" Xiao Chu suggested.

"No need, there is nothing in this village that I don't know about." The village chief stopped Xiao Chu directly. This was his self-esteem as the head of the village and he could not tolerate others trampling on him.

Zhang Yang thought for a while and realized that this problem could only be blamed on Zhang Juzheng.

It was with his support that the local governor followed the policy of "reforming the land and returning it to local people" to kill the Bo people and other minority people.

Even if there are Bo people who are lucky enough to survive, they will keep their names anonymous for fear of being discovered. It is reasonable for such places of worship in ravines to be forgotten.

"You guys gently remove the coffin board and see if there's anything inside." Zhang Yang directed the expedition members on the other side of the video.

Although the other party was confused, he still did it.

Several vanguard troops who descended to the bottom of the pit worked together to gradually clear the broken coffin, revealing the contents inside.

"Bleach, there's a dead person inside!"

One of the expedition team members cursed secretly. He was the first to catch a glimpse of the bones hidden in the broken wood.

Those who work in their profession are most afraid of seeing human bones when they go down into a cave. Regardless of whether there is danger or not, the sign is not good.

But this time it was obviously a fuss out of a molehill. If the coffin contained not human bones, what else could it be?

Zhang Yang wanted to see more: "Take out the bones."

"Huh?" Everyone except Xiao Chu was shocked again.

Teacher Zhang, do you know how to do forensic work?
"Don't get me wrong, I'm just looking at the number of remaining bones. If it's a corpse from a thousand years ago, there should be some fragments left, but if there are still complete bones, it should be from not long ago."

After Zhang Yang explained, the expedition team member holding the camera thought it made sense and actively urged the people next to him to help.

Soon, the coffin was moved away, and a smashed human skeleton appeared in front of everyone.

It was indeed very broken, but the human form could still be seen.

"These are not human bones from thousands of years ago. They have reached their peaks several hundred years ago." The village chief analyzed from the side.

"It's not just a matter of integrity. Just imagine, if this coffin fell into a sinkhole, it would already contain bones. If it fell and the coffin was shattered, would the bones inside still maintain their approximate human shape? "

"Brother Yang, do you mean that when the coffin fell, the person was still alive?"

Xiao Chu seemed to understand Zhang Yang's words and showed a thoughtful expression.

But it’s just a pretense, and in the end it’s up to Zhang Yang’s conclusion.

"It may not necessarily be alive, it may be that he has just died. Anyway, the fabric on the person's body must still be there, otherwise it must be in a pile."

Zhang Yang actually saw the skeleton's information, but he couldn't tell it, otherwise it would be too scary.

He has been able to outline what exactly happened that year based on the available information.

The owner of this hanging coffin died before the Bo people were exterminated. His status was not low, and he should be the owner of the village. Therefore, when the Bo people were close to being exterminated, the people at the time were still thinking of dealing with him. coffin.

The one who pushes down the coffin must be the Bo people themselves.

If it were the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, they would just take away the valuable items in the coffin and leave the rest alone. They could even use the coffin to fish and arrest the escaping Bo people.

The situation at that time was most likely very critical, and there was no good time to dispose of the coffin.

Finally, the Bo people thought of this sinkhole where sacrifices had been made...

"Director Rao, please make arrangements and continue the search."

"You must be very careful about the cultural relics here. I feel that there may be a first-class cultural relic."

Zhang Yang was ready to leave after making arrangements.

The situation has almost been analyzed. Now this sinkhole is like a huge, natural tomb. It is definitely not possible to rely on the expedition team in front of us. Director Rao must arrange an archaeological team to conduct systematic excavations.

There are difficulties. Conducting archaeological excavations in a 100-meter-deep pit is probably as difficult as salvaging Zhang Xianzhong's sunken silver.

But Zhang Yang saw Director Rao's eagerness for quick success and Xiao Chu's eagerness to go down and see for himself. He believed that no matter how big the difficulty was, they would find a way to overcome it.

"Master Zhang, are they gone today?" The village chief still had some unfinished thoughts, "Will there be many treasures in here?"

"Even if there is a treasure, it doesn't matter to you, right?" Director Rao said in an unhappy tone.

Zhang Yang was obviously talking to him, but the village chief stepped in and deprived him of the chance to show his loyalty.

He also wants to have connections with Yanjing!

"The cultural relics found here can be sent to the city museum, provincial museum, or even the national museum. Anyway, they must be handed over through my hands."

"Director, you can't say that." The village chief was not deterred at all and responded, "Our village originally had a Bo people cultural center, and I am a descendant of the Bo people. It is reasonable to find my ancestors' things and enshrine them in the cultural center. ?”

"Descendants of the Bo people? Tsk~" Director Rao sneered, and was about to retaliate when he suddenly found that Zhang Yang's eyes were back on the tablet, and his expression was a little excited.

"Slow down, slow down." Zhang Yang said repeatedly to the video.

He didn't expect that when the expedition team was about to leave, they made an unexpected discovery.

The exquisiteness of the things made him even consciously hold his breath while speaking.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Chu leaned over.

Zhang Yang had no time to respond to him, all his eyes were on the hands of the expedition team members.

"Move another piece..."

"Okay, okay, don't move, you don't have to move anymore."

"This is..." Xiao Chu stood up in shock, "Is this a golden mask?"

"Yes." Zhang Yang swallowed and nodded with difficulty.

"Xiao Chu, please contact your second uncle. This golden mask may be our archaeological team's eternal meal ticket!"

(End of this chapter)

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